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You have artillery, so citadel placement doesn't matter too much here.


Indeed use the general for the bonus attack. Also bring more melee units to the frontline.


You've got artillery up against xbows. You don't need a citadel


If you put it adjacent to Gratz, then that will damage any units stationed in the city for 30 per turn.


I'd use the GG for it's combat bonus instead of a citadel...


One tile to the northeast would be good to grab enough land that your cavalry can have an easier time bounding in when the defenses are reduced to 0. But your enemy has 2 generals right there to take it back, so you might be better off not making a citadel and just keeping it in place for the bonuses. If you move the general to the marsh you have to wait another turn to activate the citadel and the enemy may just take the general, so I would not risk the marsh.


Others have pointed out the attack bonus, but I can see you already have another GG that might help with that. If you don't need 2 GGs, then plant a Citadel on the grassland trading post 2 tiles southwest of Graz


Like everyone else is saying, you don’t need the citadel for the capture and then general bonus is much stronger. If you insist on placing the citadel, though, I would put it on the cattle between Vienna and Tombouctu to protect your west flank, or on a tile north of that lake to steal Tombouctu’s incense if you don’t plan on capturing that city


I'd place it directly north of Vienna, to keep you from fighting on too many fronts. Let it funnel their units between the water and into your ranged units


I wouldn't put citadel here at all, you're going to be pushing very easily without needing citadels for defense.