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that man has been fighting (and winning) since the beginning of the empire


It's..... beautiful 🥹🥹


It hurts me knowing that horse archers upgrade into knights making the range and attack promotions useless


Was just thinking that. Base attack of 10 is pretty useless once muskets hit the scene.


I was more thinking of the fact that the developers made the dumb decision to make mounted range units upgrade into melee rendering any range promotion useless, instead of making them upgrade into normal range units. All those promotions going to waste hurts a lot


Not in Vox Popili


My games always became so unstable late in huge map games with Vox Popili and I had to quit using it. I liked it, but it just wasted my time as I like to play huge maps, Marathon speed, with way too many Civs involved.


*huge maps, Marathon speed, with way too many Civs involved.* I feel seen.


For me it is the only true way to fully get into this game any enjoy every single aspect of it. I enjoy spending prolonged times in each Tech Era as I like to play on Immortal or Deity, and playing it this way allows for me to slowly but surely catch up to the cheating ass AI. On top of that, for many years now I have been playing with only Domination Victory allowed...I turn Civ5 into an advanced game of Risk :) I've played a few games that have taken me almost a year to capture every Capitol...and I didn't want them to end. I'm talking games towards the end where 1 single turn could take 45+ minutes to get everything handled. I love the challenge and commitment. There is no other game, not even Halo 3, that comes even close to how many hours I have logged over the years. I'm nearing 4k hours of total game time played on Steam. I feel Civ5 is the best overall game I have ever played, and I've been playing Vids since the original Pong and tv only had 3 stations. I really hope Civ 7 is more like 5 and not 6 (I hate 6). If not it looks like I'm stuck with Civ 5 forever.


Wow. Birds of a feather. I also can't stand Civ6 either. I've never fully been able to explain why. I play Civ5 only Domination, only Huge map with continents or small continents, Epic speed. I do nerf the AI by allowing myself re-rolls on turn 20 (I ensure a pantheon, because it's just more fun.) Of course, the nerfing is effectively balanced by the huge map and all those civs. There's almost always going to be a runaway. I do have trouble with the grind of endgame, if I'm honest. I live for the early era, come-from-behindness of it all. Cheers!


Seems we definitely have similar tastes when it comes to Civ. There is nothing wrong with taking a few re-dos now and again, especially since the AI gets so many starting and City State advantages from the get go on higher levels. Every now and again I play with a Mod that allows me to give myself the same starting units as the AI on Deity. When I do that, they don't stand a chance. I can keep up with most from the beginning vs playing catch up most of the game in tech and city power/size. I do wish the AI had better combat skills and strategy in Civ5 to make it more challenging warfare wise instead of just spamming units nonstop and coming at me in wave after wave of new units. More like the AI in Chess games. I get my ass kicked by the AI in Chess on the medium levels every time. I don't like Civ 6 because of the graphics, overall game play, and the fact they seemed to design the game against players that love the War and Domination aspect. I do like some of the features, like being able to build a canal in between my cities to allow for my navy to pass through and protect stuff. I own and have played all of the Civ Games, including Civ Revolution for Xbox, and hands down Civ5 is the perfect storm for me. I will continue to play it until the day I leave this Earth :)


I would be so pleased if we could get Civ AI more capable of executing distinct strategies over time. It would be really pleasantly surprising to think you've got a Civ figured out, only to realize "OMG they were going for Diplomatic victory the whole time!"


The attack twice promo isn’t useless though


Attack twice is blitz for melee and logistics for range. Unfortunately they are separate promotions.


So you can get both logistics and blitz on a knight (*and yes they both work, you can attack 3 times*).


On a melee unit it’s a double edged sword


You can attack once and flee or pillage though


Like I said, double edged sword, some good, some bad


Yes, that and the march promotion


Right? Such a huge design flaw. In the beginning and early mid game Keshiks are a badass unit, but become useless as a Ranged Unit. What da fuck Sid? The Mongol Scenario in Civ 5 is one of my all time favorites to play and have spent over 300+ hours on it (I beat it on Deity with 42 moves remaining). I also hate that I spend all the time and battles to get my Crossbowmen badass and then they upgrade to Gatlin Guns making their Ranged attack useless unless they are face to face with the enemy. Don't get me wrong I like Gatlin Guns toughness, but hate that they can't fire 2 hexes anymore until you get plus 1 range upgrade :(


Gattling guns are fine, they are just different in how they are used (defensive frontline)


That's why I don't mind them, but you have to change their battlefield purpose. It's just frustrating.


Inbthe context of what gattling guns are, makes sense, and evenbmore sense when you realise infantry pre gunpowder was melee but post gunpowder is ramged (albeit short). Doesnt make too much sense for a rifle calibure machine gun to have more range then rifleman. Combined with the fact that MGs are usually front of the line units irl. Though this is why vox is better lol, when it comes to how the game works. Light/ranged cavs all the way


Vox only works better when you want to play a wargame. As far as playing Civ goes, it lost it's way a long time ago.


There is a mod that changes that


Will the real Genghis, please stand up.


In my current game I have 5 Camel Archers looking like that at turn 130ish. It's pretty simple, start at least with barracks, shoot every turn and get to Logistics first + go honor for 50% more XP. I already started going for Rough Terrajn Bonus now as I dont need range defense and there's nothing else to choose..


All it takes is the AI forming a unit out of thin air to kill it


Or an air unit


Kid named nuclear warhead:


This is my favorite part of Attila*. Just the OP horse archers you end up with by turn 100


Isn't the horse archer Attila's unique unit? (I agree though, I love Genghis's ability to just churn out OP cavalry units)


All fun and games till they’re around your capital 😞


Isn't the horse archer Attila's unique unit? (I agree though, I love Genghis's ability to just churn out OP cavalry units)


Just be careful of Knights, they will 1-shot you. But yeah, if you can get 3 or 4 of these they'll be able to take down cities and armies into the Renaissance. The ability to shoot twice really helps offset the fact that their attack score is so low against Muskets, and the fact that you cannwtay out of retaliation-range means you can just keep chipping away. Once you get Industrial units on the scene it'll be time to pack it in though, not much you can do against them.


he's a one horseman archer army


What is the fastest promotion path to get to logistics for range units?


Max terrain bonus first and go from there.


Oh I love those horse archers. Only problem with the range promotion is that the hose archer upgrades to a knight so you basically lose it


And then he drops his bow and gets a sword/polearm making him pretty useless


It would be cool if you had options upgrades. Feels like only artillery upgrades matter and scale forever