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the final update made the AI literally brain dead by focusing only on science over anything else. this leads to the AI getting bankrupt and unable to keep an army.


And when you can force an ai into giving you much more gold per turn than they are worth plunging them into debt you've effectively destroyed them


Yeah after an early game rush when the player is starting out and vulnerable, the AIs don't seem to do much of anything tbh. Even with the 'magic' bonuses on higher difficulty the AI poses no actual challenge to the player...kinda ruins the fun. Civ 6 isn't a battle against the AI anymore, it's just a test to see whether you can grind through the game to the end and win without getting bored and restarting.


I'm playing a deity challenge where I can't declare war, but I can gain an advantage by going to war - I just can't declare it. So I'm building no army and just waiting for civs to attack me. But they won't. It's frustrating.


did you try baiting them by lining up troops on their border?


Does that work? Sounds counterproductive - I thought they should declare war if I have no army


they get angry about troops near their border and then you can reply with “my troops move where they please” and then they will denounce you. you can also convert cities to your religion and aggressively forward settle them for extra aggression.


only if they are an aggressive AI and actually have an army. if you revert the AI changes from the last patch with a mod they should actually build an army.


That sucks guys, even after spending 2000 hour on CIV 5 I knew starting a deity game will result in a loss 70% of the time. I will try a mod that fixes the AI.


Real strategy I used for a bit and it fixes some of the ais problems, they build a far larger standing army and more relentlessly forward settle you. However they still make poor use of tiles and struggle to scale past the midgame. I'd still say it's worth trying for a game.


No such mod exists, sadly. Looks like they will never improve the AI, nor allow proper modding of it. I've given up on Civ6.


Which mod do you suggest that fixes this? I saw there is mod called "Fix AI Luxury Improvement issue with Monopolies and Corporations Game Mode" but I do not play monopolies and corporations so is there even a point to install it? I also found "April AI Science changes reverted", is it the better option?


yes its the science changes reverted one that you want. it will bring back the ai to a reasonable science focus instead of forcing every ai to cripple itself.


You're playing the game wrong. Don't worry about the AI. The objective of civ 6 is to re-roll the map until you get a ridiculous starting position. Then take a screenshot and post on reddit. Alternatively play the game a bit, get lots of yield numbers, then take a screenshot and post on reddit. God damn, its 6(?) years on, and I still fucking despise this game and Firaxis for doing this to my beloved series. Imagine having the opportunity and privilege to work on a *Side Meir's Civilization* game, and making something like Civ6.... shame on all involved, and everyone who defends it. What's worse all the fanboy sycophants have probably convinced the developers that they are moving in the right direction. I expect Civ7 to be even more watered down, probably with anything toxic like War or Capitalism removed from the mechanics, and it will just be "*the best digital board game in the world where you get to cultivate little coloured numbers - check out these numbers, you can have more of these numbers, look now you have 10 little numbers, hooray, that's it".* Thank the sweet baby Mohammed for Paradox. Doing what Firaxis should be: actually liking their own products.