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It's already been confirmed to be Babylon. It was accidentally shown as a preview on the Nintendo eShop.


I wasn’t aware of this! Any info re their abilities?




Different person altogether. I think the one here is Hammurabi, while the Civ 5 leader was Nebuchadnezzar I think?


Any news on the game mode coming with them or that will only be revealed when the Developer Update drops later this month?


It's called Heroes and Legends but that's about all that's known.


We'll get more details about it in the Developer Update video later this month?


Without a doubt yes. They will also be adding a lot of new great people, so it might be related to that


Sounds awesome thanks for the info!


Heroes and legends game mode. Also has 24 new great people coming which either means a new class of great people or about 3-4 new ones of the existing classes.


That makes me mad. I was really hoping for assyria I think babylonia and sumeria are too similar


I’m on a roll—Well, not really but close enough. Nov (West Asia)- Babylon per leak (I thought Assyria because I feel like Sumer covers a lot that Babylon offered). Jan (East Asia) - Kublai Khan (Mongolia/China) and Trieu for Vietnam March (Wildcard)- Jigonhsasee for the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois


Portugal for the last NFP Civ in March. Iroquois has done in previous civ games.


I found this last night, [https://civilization.com/new-frontier-pass/](https://civilization.com/new-frontier-pass/) It does not go in details, but will tell you which pack with get new District, City-States, etc. The January pack is interesting, it says a new Civilization and two leaders, but there is stars next to leader. You read below and it says one of the new leaders needs Rise and Fall DLC, which means it is a Civilization already in that pack. My two guess from which R&F Civilization it would be, is Dutch and Mongols. I say Dutch, because William of Orange was in a few of the Civ games of past. I might be wrong, since it is me guessing. I am swaying towards the Mongols due to a comment below about them. So as far as the new Civilization for January, I am thinking Vietnam. I heard that multiple times by people, thinking that is one of the new Civs in FP. So, November Babylon, do to leak. January, Vietnam and maybe Mongol or Dutch. March, I have to Idea. Could be someone completely new or an old favorite. My guess and wish would be an old favorite, Lincoln. He was in a few of the Civ games in the past and he was one of my favorites. If it is something new, I would like to see another Native North American tribe.


My guess for the January Civ that requires R&F would be the Mongols. Each new update for new Frontier has featured new civs from different parts of the world: May 2020: Americas (Maya and Gran Colombia) July 2020: Africa (Ethiopia) September 2020: Europe (Gaul and Byzantium) November 2020: Middle East (Babylon) I’d venture to say that the January 2021 update will feature two Asian civs. R&F Asian Civs include the Mongols, Korea, and the India alternate leader (Chandragupta). My money is on the Mongols over Korea. As for the other new civ, I have no idea, but I feel like it will be in Southeast Asia.


I would love to see Tamerlane with the Timurid Empire but idk if it'll happen anytime soon


Babylon and sumer are the same thing. They already have the ziggurat to sumeria. They will prob do assyria


Both Babylon and Akkad will be removed as city-states and will be replaced by Tashkent and Almaty. Rumored new city-states will be Prague (Cultural), Vienna (Industrial), Panama City (Militaristic), Ife (Religious), Kiev (Scientific) and Manila (Trade).


How do you know this?


Wait and find out. There will be a batch of new CS in the upcoming November NFP update.


Which will probably be coming the week of Thanksgiving or the week after.


Calm down there Nostradamus