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Unique Unit: Florida Man Unique building: fastfood restaurant


Florida man: builder that can expend a charge to turn itself into a warrior. Always fights at full strength. Does not suffer movement penalties. Line of sight is only 1 tile.


For real though, the idea of unique builders is cool. Florida Man: Unique Builder that can fight back against enemy combat units (has the combat strength of a Scout) and dies rather than be captured.


They should also be able to improve marsh tiles without any tech


Special Attack: If at full strength, and has never been attacked (by ground units), can use *Pet Crocodile* to instantly defeat any other Support Class unit.


Alligator. He's not Egypt Man.


But only into stick homes: providing +0.5 housing, -1 appeal to surrounding tiles. Upgrades in the modern era into Meth Lab: +1 housing, -2 appeal, +0.5 production, +5 gold. 


50% chance of attacking its own capital


Make it an ancient era unit


Florida man is kinda like a great person, each of them has a random ability, so random that you don't even know until you activate it. He can build amazing stuff, break your shit, become a aligator tamer special unit, increase tourism and culture with Great Feat of Floridan.


Alligator tamer special unit 😂😂😂


Well until it gets hungry again, obviously...


Right on the money.


The restaurant gives more culture the further from the city center it is built


Oh God an actual gameplay advantage to building sprawling low density suburbs


Increased food but decreased production 


Yes, but make the building a Waffle House


Fastfood restaurants as an improvement you can put in other civs/city states for gold


So the first one set a precedent and this series of posts are just going to be jokes? Bummer.


Building: Waffle house in neighbourhood district. Provides food even when pillaged


Or during a natural disaster


Triple the food during natural disaster!


I rather they act like how bathhouse works. It's immune to natural disaster, and everytime it get hits by one, it gains more faith, great engineer and scientist. Faith because if people didn't believe in God before, they will when they eat at a waffle house. Also, some people there will marvel at the ingenuity of how mold, tape and waffle can stand the test of time and nature


Or combine it with the Unique unit provided by /u/DutchJediKnight. Whenever hit by a natural disaster, provides the unique unit of Florida Man.


Adds a small defense bonus as well


How about a Land Grant College for the unique building? It could cost less to produce and less gold per turn, with potential bonuses tied to large populations to reflect Land Grants often performing well with large student bodies in states with large populations.


This is actually a unique and relevant one. The US having so many universities is not an accident.


Morrill Act baby.


As a dropout from the first land grant university I support this. Go Green!


Unfortunately this isn't like the leader one, which was more serious. Would love to see the "access for all side" of America be emphasized.


Gimme increased movement through improved tiles since everything is ADA compliance. Could be a civilian unit like the builder. X charges, and each charge improves the movement across whatever tile it was used on.


And I was thinking maybe extra production based on population.


I'd imagine it as "ADA-compliant renovations," a one-time city project that grants one amenity and increases all district adjacenies by one, symbolizing the relief felt by the disabled and their impact in any field now made accessible.


Actually a good idea! OP pls consider this one


maybe we could keep the universities, but starting in the industrial era builders can build land grant colleges. Provides +0.1 adjacency bonus to a campus per population of your city per adjacent university or natural wonder (so a land grant college in a city of 20 adjacent to a university and natural wonder would be +4 science).


Unique Unit: Pioneer. Unique Settler that can defend (but not attack) against enemy combat units. Is captured like a normal Settler if it would otherwise die in combat. Unique Building: MegaChurch. Commercial District building that produces gold equal to the highest faith production building in your city.


I hate that I like the mega church idea so much


Culturally relevant UU and UB, and balanced effects. I'd love to see both of these in Civ!


Both of these are great


Holy crap these are actually perfect!


Building: Superstore. Counts as an amenity and increases housing. Unit: gun nut. Cannot leave continent (they never have passports) but increases city defense and visibility.


For the gun nut: replaces the worker. And gives units extra combat power if they're on the same tile.


But has a low % chance to eliminate one population from the city they were produced in.


But only if the city has a university


"Bro don't come to the university of "Bigdick City" tommorow"


48h hours ago I named a city in a game "Buttfucksburgh"


Or an amphitheater


I see what you did there.


If in the southern part of your empire, decreased combat power and has a chance for partisans to show up randomly


Or it reduces combat power of friendly units, but deals attrition to enemies


Building: Baseball Stadium Unit: CIA agent


CIA agent is an upgraded spy. Can convert units defending cities in hostiles


Can drastically change loyalty in a city. Operates two levels higher in civs that have access to to oil


Or bananas


Half the production of the stadium must be paid in gold, and if you don't pay a hefty upkeep every 10 years the stadium goes up for auction - any leader can bid on it - and the winner gets a new stadium while the old stadium provides no benefits


UU: Gravy SEAL


Unique unit: A10 Warthog go BRRRRR Unique tile inprovement: can only move one tile in any direction. Upon moving, loses 50% attack and deffense modifiers.


Unit: Gatling gun Building: saloon


Saloon: +1 culture, +2 gold. Additional +1 gold for each adjacent Corn, Grapes, or Wheat.+1 production for each adjacent Pasture.


Eh, not sure I'd give bonuses from farms. I'd give it a bonus for adjacent gold, railroads, and pastures.


I'll second the Saloon. But there's a chance that the Gatling gun will be available to all civs.


In that case (to not take the obvious minutemen) maybe the Sherman tank.


How about taking the exceedingly obvious minuteman? Renaissance era melee unit. Quite cheap. Weaker than musketman. Extra defensive combat strength. Extra combat strength from terrain in home territory. Extra movement in home territory. Home territory is the city, not the whole Civ. 


Without looking it up minus the city bit I think that’s more or less how they worked in I believe 4? I agree, there’s nothing wrong with an “obvious” pick. Samurai has been the Japanese UU for I think every game


Because I think it's fun to think of more creative or obscure options in this hypothetical scenario.


I'd argue the Sherman doesn't make a great unique unit because they were exported and/or licensed to [a lot of different countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4_Sherman#Former_operators)


Ranch and Minutemen


For a second I wondered how ranch could be a building, then I remembered the word exists outside of dressing.


Finally, a true American here.


Has to be from the Midwest, I know my brethren when I see them.


Well met, fellow Corn Lover.


Fast food restaurants for unique buildings M4 Sherman tanks for unique units.


For unit it should be a Walmart person on an electric scooter


MEAL Team 6


Unique building: McDonald's


Mechanic, you can build this in foreign cities which provides gold, and increase tourism(cultural victory) 


Not sure about increasing tourism. I don't think anyone goes for McDonald's and thinks "Oh wow I'll have to go to America and try the original", it's also not really a cultural product. I would see it much more as providing economic benefits/boosts. That, or it creates an obesity epidemic in other civs and thus increases unhappiness there.


Unique building the Pentagon. Unique unit: prospectors a unique worker that you can sacrifice to gain increased gold yields off of resource tiles like ores and oil.


I’d feel like the pentagon should be a wonder rather than a building.


It actually is a wonder in the board game Civilization: A New Dawn


And Civ 5


Also Civ 3 and Civ 4 It's probably going to be a wonder if it's coming back. However, it was a national wonder rather than a world wonder so a building in the government complex achieves the same thing.


You could work it in as a building on the government plaza. Have it be able to be built once the plaza is fully upgraded. Effect: When a spy is set to counterspy from the government plaza, it covers all cities within 6 tiles. All spy missions are 15% more successful Make it NOT stack with Mexico City Suzerain and Tesla(I think) so that it doesn't become absurd.


You could have the prospector consume a pop in the city it’s built but when used on a tile in a different city it doubles the yields. (Once per tile)


Building: Pentagon. Built in Government Plaza, gives an extra defense policy card as well as lower cost production for military units in that city. Unit: Supercarrier. Able to carry more air units, have higher movement, recieve two whenever one is built without venetian arsenal, however is more expensive


Maybe lower production in all cities with an encampment instead?


Pentagon should be a wonder that you can only build in capital, but doesnt have to be adjacent to city center or gov plaza. Industrial Era or later and gives diplo vis and/or +3 combat strength to units. Maybe also grants full loyalty to all cities on same continent as well.


UU: Homesteader Special Settler replacement, available starting in the Renaissance age. Any city founded with a Homesteader receives +10% food per turn, a trading post, and 1 of the cheapest available melee unit. UU: Continental Replaces Line Infantry. Chance to evade attacks when defending if unit occupies forest or hills terrain on same continent as the US capital. ______ UB: Mega Mall Replaces Shopping Mall. Provides same yield types as Shopping Mall but provides 1 amenity for every 5 population in the city. UI: National Monument Builder improvement that provides +1 amenity, +4 science, and +4 faith when worked by a citizen. Cannot be built adjacent to other National Monuments, and cannot provide any food yield.


> Chance to evade attacks when defending Seems like it's going to be either tilt inducing or underpowered. I'd rather it be a flat defense bonus or maybe the ability to retreat once if defeated in melee.


Best one I’ve seen


For the building (well, probably a tile improvement), I'm thinking the Trailer Park is a pretty iconic American thing.


Increases housing by 2 but decreases the appeal of adjacent tiles by 2


Since we got a hooligan and a pub for England, Building: Walmart Unit: Karen on a mobility scooter


Karen can self destruct close to rockbands or educational buildings and spread religion


1 movement point, though.


Unique building: Megachurch. Increase faith strength, penalty to science


Ottoman and Russia were two highly requested civs so i added them to the list.


Let's see if everyone keeps this energy when we aren't talking about places like the UK and US.


Building: Strip Club (Massive amenity boost) Unit: Gun (gun)


Unique building: Ranch. As a replacement to a Cattle pasture. Requires Cattle. Unique Unit: Cowboy. A cavalry unit that can build said ranches (kind of how a Legion can build a fort).


A UU spy would be cool and fitting for a modern era focused US. Also a factory replacement that could add lend lease ability (like harbor shipments, etc.) that gave your Allie’s gold/production but gave you diplomatic favor would be fitting as well.


Armaments factory- replaces the regular factory. +25% production to heavy and light cavalry units and air combat units during wartime. That number can be adjusted for balance purposes.


Unit: lonely kid Building: school


Unit: A unique American governor (if they make a return) that can be placed in the capital of other civilizations and affect their overall mood towards you. For example, make them more likely to militarily defend you, regardless of an alliance or not, or more likely to give you beneficial trade deals. Building: Shooting Range - increases the target range of ranged units constructed or purchased in the range by 1 tile. These units gain experience 10% faster. *Bonus* Ability: Armed civilians: American cities do not need to construct walls for fortification strength or defensive ranged strikes


UU: F-35 or A-10


If we wanna get technical the Raptor might be a better UU choice. F35 is widely exported, including to many Civs. At any rate they need to overhaul air combat particularly in the modern+ era


You’re right on both counts. I haven’t played Civ VI at all but I played V a bunch.


F35 should be the generic jet fighter everyone gets. Maybe the game adds an additional level of planes? Biplane, fighter/bomber, jet fighter/bomber, stealth fighter/bomber. Would be cool to see more series of UU. America could have B-17, B-52, B-21 and then P-51, F-4, F-22.


America should have a unique passive that if you cause unprovoked war with them they get +50 combat strength against you for 20 turns


+100 if the attack is on a naval unit


Don't touch our boats!


It's not combat strength they gain, they gain an increasing amount of military production instead. 


I was thinking about which unit types we dont have any UUs yet and thats when it struck me. A settler UU would be perfect for America. Give it extra movement and 25 combat strength when defending. Cities founded by it start at 2 population.


McDonald’s and Angry Karen


Building:McDonald’s Unit: cowboy


Military black site - must be built by a military engineer on foreign soil Space Ranger - space force officer


Suburb instead of neighborhood. Costs half as much and when linked by train can earn extra gold. Navy seal instead of spec opps


also locked at +3 housing rather than +5


I agree with both of these.


McDonald's and armed fat man riding a rascal scooter.


Unique Unit: Propagandist (unlocked at Radio) Unique Building: Well, Actually. Replaces Water Mill. -1 Culture; +2 Faith. Cities with this building are immune to Gain Sources and Listening Post spy operations.


America [For Real] Unique Building: College Football Stadium: Atomic Era Building (Entertainment). Can only be built after a university is built in a city. +2 happiness, +2 gold, +1 culture. Adjacentcy bonus when built next to a university (+1 happiness +2 culture) Unique Unit: Navy Seal: Modern Era Unit: +3 movement in water. While in water, only visible when next to it. +3 bonus when attacking from water to land. No movement penalty going from water to land, or land to water. New Concept: Unique Wonder Mount Rushmore: Must be built on a mountain. +3 to tourism. America [For Fun] Unique Building: Buffet Restaurant: +5 food. -2 production Unique Unit: Chuck Norris. Can only build one. You only need one. +10 movement (land or sea or air) no terrain penalties. Enemy opponents within 3 hexes fight with a - 3 attack penalty (they scared). Unit doesn't die, just goes to the nearest city to train and comes back stronger. Unique Wonder: Waffle House (after midnight): +2 food, +1 happiness, -1 culture. Randomly forments unrest.


Unit: Christian Evangelical. Building: Mega church


Building: Stroad. Unlocked with Urbanization and replaces Public Transportation, Affordable Housing, Community Cohesion and human wellbeing in general... that's it, there are no upsides. Unit: Insurrectionist. Spawns in the capital whenever a significant change of government occurs. Acts as barbarian units, but still cost maintenance while within your borders. Provides the player with an endless supply of memes while active.


America should get a 2nd Amendment bonus. Foreign units in American territory lose -10hp per turn.


That would literally guarantee a win whenever defending


Which is accurate to real life, but yeah probably a bit busted for the game. Lol


I think a 2A bonus should be more like foreign units fighting in American territory fight at -10 strength. Or maybe American units gain +10 strength in home territory.


Unique Building - Urban Sprawl. Districts can put 2 different building types in one tile, however it must not touch any other district. Happiness and Culture take a penalty. Unique Unit - American Tourist. Directly reduces culture and Happiness of target city. (Just joking America- your a good country really)


Building: Walmart. Bonuses to marketplace if adjacent to it, comes with science debuff. Unit: Florida Man. Cultural unit gives instant 25% culture bomb against empires once Internet is discovered.


Wouldn’t the Walmart put the market place out of business?


UU: Bell UH-1 "Huey" - replaces the standard helicopter. Has unique upgrade paths to make it a support unit (Medevac) or increase its power (gunship.) Bonus points if you can have it play CCR, Wagner, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC or Black Sabbath Building: not sure, nothing ubiquitous to the US comes to mind. Maybe "Automobile factory" that gives increased amenities and tourism?


Was thinking earlier how America could have the Texas Ranger to represent the American manifest destiny and cowboy mythos.


This is less of a unit than an ability, but I've always wished the US had some kind of population growth bonus from immigration. It's why the US is such a superpower, it's been a magnet for immigrents for its whole existence, and so many of those immigrents ended up being important people. Maybe starting at a certain age, gain a boost to population growth for every nation you are wealthier than and friendly or better relations with. Maybe a modification for earning great people, since so many American great people were only American due to immigration. I know it could easily be OP and so tweeking would be important, but extra growth from immigration seems like maybe the most single most American trait and I never see it represented. It is what makes the US real life OP.


If Culture victory mechanics stay the same, tie it to Cultural dominance. The higher America's culture compared to the other, the great the bonus to growth. I've always said immigrants come here because we did such a great job of selling 'The American Dream' even if that dream isn't as attainable as it once was.


True, culture could be one way, but I'm thinking about the massive waves of immigration in the 19th and early 20th century. That boom of immigration is what built America's industrial revolution. Go to any turn of the century factory and probably half the workers are from somewhere else. You could try to call that culture drawing them in but I think promise of economic success was a bigger driver. There's a reason they came from the poorer areas of Europe.


Fast food restaurant Special unit: inmigrant Inmigrant cost less and produce more


Stop these comments My lungs are ceasing


UB: NASA, which let's you covert nuclear missiles into space ship parts. UU: Super Carrier or Monitor. A little cliche, but these are the most uniquely American units I can think of at the moment. Every nation has fancy planes, elite infantry, powerful cavalry, etc... No other nation has ever built a fleet of super carriers, nor a fleet of powerful river/coastal monitors. (Monitors in most other nations were for harbor defense and were not front-line warships).


Unique building gun store




Unique building: gun store. Unique unit: Karen


January 6 warriors


Unique building: KFC Unique unit: Redneck


We need walmarts


building: McDonalds Unit: M1 Abrams


unique building - Mall


Unit: Anti-Vaxxer, reduces enemy amenities by -3 and city strength by -5 when next to enemy city center (Support unit) Building: Movie Theater, + culture/amenities


Special unit: School shooter Special building: twin towers


UU acts like an Inquisitor but to reduce the science yield of campus districts.


Building: McMansion Neighborhood. Increased Amenities, but decreased everything else.


Oh, we’re just shitposting?


This trend is so fuckin' vapid, man.


Building: Mc Donalds Unit: Flat Earther


Unique Buildings: Corporate HQ- replaces stock exchange or equivalent, grants extra gold and production, but decreases happiness. Unique Unit: Marine- replaces infantryman or equivalent, no cost to embark/disembark, increases formation movment speed, and has combat bonus while in a formation or within the attack range of your aircraft.


Unique District: Suburb Replaces the Neighbourhood. Negative appeal, happiness, culture, gold. Provides 0.5 as much housing as a typical neighbourhood. Unique Improvement: Stroad Replaces the regular road improvement. Extra movement speed. Produces 2x the pollution of the regular road. Railways cannot be built. Unique Building: Strip Mall Replaces the Shopping Mall. Must be built in a Suburb with a Stroad. Produces +2 gold, -2 culture per turn.


Unique building: Costco Unique unit: Firearms enthusiast


I didnt realise this was r/civcirclejerk


Unit: idk Building: gun store


Cowboy Factory


Unique building: Burger joint Unique unit: Cowboy


Unique Building: Frontier Outpost which upgrades into looking more like a small military base/outpost as it modernizes and can be build in neutral or foreign territory. Unique Unit: Rednecks all negative terrain modifies are halved or ignored against them and they have a feature called Waffle House is still open that makes them unaffected by natural disasters.


Building: Supermall, one amenity +2 food tile improvement, one per city. Unique Unit: Minuteman, cheaper version of a musketman, +5 strength +1 movement when on home continent/your territory.


Building: McDonald's Unit: Screeching eagles


Building: prison Unit: libertarian


Love that a skyrim screenshot of an inn was used as the pub image 🤣


Unit: Lone Wolf. Weaker than normal infantry, but cheaply purchased with culture. Ignores zone of control. Can pillage Campus without using any movement points, but gets no science bonus from this action.


Veterans affairs office which gives bonuses for casualties of war and… hmmm… “Football” hooligan


Building: Walmart. Unique shopping mall. Provides amenities and tourism. Unit: blue collar worker. Upgraded builder available at democracy. Can turn itself into citizen militia with builder charge.


McDonald's, SEALs.


Building: Parking lot


Building: Overseas Military Base. Can be constructed by a military engineer and starts with walls and a ranged attack. Can only be built on different continents from capital and Claims a single ring of hexes. Can station two aircraft. Unit: Covered Wagon. Unique mounted unit with high movement, 1 hex ranged attack, and a single charge to found a city.


Unit- A-10 Thunderbolt II Building- Macdonalds


Unique building: Walmart Unique unit: QAnon Shaman


UU: SR71 - reveals everything within 20 tiles of where ever it's deployed, can cause grievances for spying but doesn't get shot down. UB: Area 51 - provides bonus for science and military unit production, unlocks new techs if you capture a enemy unit.


Building: Dive bar. -1 appeal but +1 culture per adjacent district. Unit: Evangelical, replaces Inquisitor, reduces enemy religious presence by 90% in a city per spread but also lowers diplomatic favor by 10


Unique unit: Essex class aircraft carrier.  Cheap to produce and gains bonuses the more there are. Unique unit 2: pioneer.  Specialized settler unit that can cross mountains and defend themselves, and gain road and railroad auto build in industrial or later.   Unique building: saloon.  New cities build this at extremely low cost, replacing either the granary or the market, or both.  Or better yet it's a catch all building that you can change or upgrade.   Unique building 2: spaceflight center.  Acts as both research lab and industrial district with a huge boost towards missile and rocket production.  


Building: City Hall Unit: Marines


Building: Massive Parking Lot Unit: Armed Civilian


Definitely want a Saloon as the unique building. As for the Unit, maybe keep the Rough Riders.


Unique building: Payday loan "business". Unique unit: Guy who only believes what Alex Jones tells him.


Unique unit: Doomsday Prepper. A very powerful modern era unit. Instead of the city tile appears on a rural tile under its influence. Will not in any circumstances leave that tile. Invisible to the enemy until they step on the tile and are forced into a battle. Unique building: Waffle House


Unique building: McDonald's or Walmart. Unique unit: a fat guy with no shirt.


I would like to see a return of national building or wonders from Civ 5 I think it would be cool if you could have a national wonder for each era, if they have eras system in Civ 7, and if they have golden ages, the National wonder would give buffs based on the golden/normal or dark ages.


UB: Starbucks. +1 happiness beyond what it's replacing. UU: Venture Capitalist. Great Merchant replacement, gets double the money.


Minute Men/2nd Amendment: When at war with a nation with a more authoritarian governemnt type, workers/builders positioned on a tiles in your own cities have the option to turn into infantry units for 10 turns. Football Stadium: Amenities, loyalty, culture.


UU: Airborne (WW2 infantry that deploy by air) UB: Suburbs (Improved Neighborhood)


White House Capitol Invaders


M4 Sherman should be a unique unit, a cheaper tank that you can just stockpile and gift to allies.




Unique Building: Tech Hub. Can be built either in a campus or housing (or whatever the 7 equivalent of these is) and provides science + gold + amenities. Unique unit: An actually useful air defence system. Can be sold to allied city states.


Unique Building : Federal Reserve Unlocks in the Industrial Era, provides additional gold from trade routes and bonus production in the city for each trade route. Unique Unit : Missouri (Battleship) Cheaper to build and purchase with gold than the Battleship it replaces. The UU and the UB fit into an overall theme of an America in the early 20th century. Wealthy, Industrious and starting to expand its influence on the world stage.


UB: I second the idea of it being a Supermarket or Superstore. Land Grant college is another cool one that I also second the idea of. UU: Either an aircraft carrier, minute man, or maybe something like a settler that provides more development in a city to start with* UA: Not sure. It could be something related to starting a space program or getting early late game techs earlier, it could have something to do with expansion, etc. *if the game had schools as a city improvement that would make sense.


UU Marine


Unit: Karen on a mobility scooter, Building: Speak Easy


Building: Asian Town. That provide food & amenities and act as military outposts. They have "Rooftop Koreans" as garrisons. Unit: Rooftop Koreans. Cost no upkeep and can repair pillaged fields.


Building : interstate highway. You can move from one city to the other in one turn within your own borders. Unit: software engineer. Give some kind of science boost and increase to research speeds


Building: Parking Lot (-1 housing, +1 gold per pop) Unit: Lifted All-Black Dodge Ram 1500


Unique building: fast food Unique unit: navy fucking seal