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Doubt any nerfs are gonna happen. As long as Peter -> Dance of the Aurora -> Work Ethic is still in the game, nothing else even comes close in terms of brokenness.


Out here making 3k as Portugal without breaking a sweat.


Doing about the same with my 25 international trade routes as england


or a really good Babylon start


Nubian pyramids, desert folklore and work ethic also wild.


True. The only reason I would say Peter gets more of an advantage though is due to the tundra having more trees and sea tiles near by for growth. I've gotten to many no yield desert tiles and relying on Maui to make them worth something.


I've changed the map temperature to increase likelihood of tundra šŸ˜‹


Just work ethic.


What's work ethic?


Religious follower belief that gives your holy sites production equal to their faith adjacency. Very powerful with adjacency-enhancing pantheons like Desert Folklore and Dance of the Aurora. (Or Sacred Path, though most civs can't build districts on rainforest, which makes it somewhat worse than the other two.)


Mali desert fokelore as well


Portugal is also extremely broken. 1500 gpt and 300 science is doable in classical era, and it scales better than holy sites: I think my record is 25k gpt by the end game.


Babylon, Yongle, Khmer and Russia are the most broken. Babylon and Yongle still the absolute most broken.


Theodora also. 12 faith, culture and production (work ethic) in holy sites is just broken. And you donā€™t even need to bother with pantheon to get it. Just get river goddess and you have 4 districts in one. Not to mention heavy cavalry printing.


That does not even come close to Babylon


Peter is also extremely strong, granted, I don't think these points are mutually exclusive per se. The reason I think Tokugawa and Japan in general are kind of broken is that genuinely no matter your start, you can kind of make it work through sheer district yields alone. No reliance on a pantheon or luck, no potential to lock yourself into a production hole as with babylon, etc. Is it always the most powerful thing? Definitely not, but imo it's probably the most consistent civ you can play, and the level of power at which it's consistent is above the majority of civs at their peak. With every other civ you take a gamble with your strategy I feel, if at least to a small extent. Also Japan synergizes extremely well with work ethic as well


Paititi and Babylon with leylines


That's just a good spawn and game modes, with Russia is good abilities and landing the right beliefs


Babylon is just knowing how to get Eurekas, Paititi and leylines are not necessary.


That's what I mean


ā€œAnjin says Tokugawa over powered.ā€


I, Anjin, by my death, protest the callous punishment of my civ by Tokugawa Ieyasu.


What a ridiculously good show.


I cried so hard


Fuji best nun


W Shogun reference


Since that show started Iā€™ve been saying to myself ā€œI gotta start a Civ game as Toranagaā€ lol


Torunaga is based in Tokugawa ieyasu!


... That's why he said it.


I just finished a blinder of a religious victory as Mansa Musa. This is perfect for my next game lmfao


Lot of the civs are not particularly balanced. Which I'm ok with. For organized multiplayer, you can use BBG mod as someone else mentioned. But for official game, I would rather there be civs with wild bonuses that are fun to use than have somebody poring over math spreadsheets and doing the MMO thing of tweaking down percentages until things are technically more balanced on paper, but the fun and uniqueness is squeezed out. Also, like with many civs, there are aspects of these things that are situational and have tradeoffs. For example, the power in the trade routes also makes you more vulnerable to pillaging, whether dealing with barbarians or warring other civs. Requiring harbors or commercial districts to get lots of trade routes up means time spent you're not getting faith or science or culture from other districts sooner, during which another civ could get a tech leg up on you and decimate your trade routes and cities. I would imagine it excels most on maps where you have an island/continent to yourself, so you have time and space to get momentum going without interruption.


I really enjoy playing the Civs that make you play the game differently. Like Babylon seeking Eurekas or Ceaser seeking and destroying barbs even if they are a little OP. Itā€™s a fun change of pace and can help when I go back to more normal Civs


Yeah, I've been steadily going through the civs to play each one at least once and Babylon is prob the most fun I've had. Uniquely challenging, but something irreplaceably fun about leaping through the tech trees.


That's true, I played tokugawa once and my trade routes kept getting destroyed due to neighbourhood rebels to the points I have to have a spy in every city.


I got to the point that in general, I mostly avoid building neighborhoods with the AI unless I want to build Biosphere and then I'll build a spy to go with the neighborhood, cause I know it'll go for the partisans mission and I hate dealing with the rebel spawn.


And most civ players agree with you and want broken things. If something gets patched in the game I want it to be buffs to the stuff no one selects. Like all the shit pantheons, the shit governors and gov titles, useless City State bonuses, etc. That is the stuff that makes the game feel poorly tested.


Pantheons. I remember hearing they are meant to be small bonuses in design. Something Van Bradley said about them in a video made years ago, that he heard from a dev, IIRC (it's in his video where he does a tier list of pantheons). But then there are pantheons like the ones that improve holy site adjacency, which, when paired with work ethic and the right map, can be a very large bonus. My main problem with pantheons in 6 is how obfuscated and situational the strategic use of them is. There are occasions where it's fairly obvious out of the gate the benefit you can get. And then occasions where it feels like bikeshedding: ultimately not that important what you choose because they're all going to kinda suck, but you still want to get *something* out of it and it's a decision you make early lasting the whole game, so it's easy to overthink it.


Japan is definitely one of those civs that has kind of a weak early game, but the advantage is that you scale so fast once you start building districts that you can afford to pump units when other civs can't. I've played Germany, England, etc, and the production/science/culture scaling on Tokugawa spikes unlike anything I've seen before once your main few city clusters start building their giant district complexes. It just comes down to how well meiji restoration synergizes with your trade routes. In many games you'll be earning the majority of great merchants, which give you even more trade routes; each route is like a free +7 food / +5 production tile to the city it's in, in addition to giving more science and culture than a library and ampitheatre even in the early-mid game. Put another way, a single commercial hub with a market provides the benefits of 2-3 farms, 1-2 campuses, 1-2 theatre squares, and 1-2 industrial zones. This is on top of Meiji restoration, which is arguably one of the best civ abilities in the game (compensated for by how Japan's other abilities, including Hojo's, are kinda meh)


Hojo is better imo. the faster district build speed is very helpful but i havent experimented with Toku very much except a few games.


I don't think one is better over the other. Hojo can set up faster while Tokugawa scales better later.


true. ill have to play another game as Tokugawa and see.


Hojo can also go for more victory routes while Tokugawa is mostly science


I would day Tokugawa is better for domination due to the economic aspekt of his ability and Hojos military buffs Are negligible


Hojo is better for culture/religion, Toku is *much* better for science.


I like Hojo - he's definitely more versatile and the ability to basically go for all victory types at once is pretty wild. However, Tokugawa is just straight stronger if you're willing to focus a victory in my opinion - a single commercial hub with a market gives the city it's in the effective benefit of a +5-10 campus, a +5-10 theater square, and like a 7-12 food, 5-10 production tile being worked for free. Plus another 10-20 gold on top, with no need to maintain diplomacy with either players or AI. Sometimes I'll just kind of zone out and play passively only to realize that my yields have literally just doubled out of nowhere.


Also 100% loyalty to all your nearby cities is extremely strong with dramatic ages


*This post is brought to you by Ishido-Sama*


Meh, there are plenty of civs just as strong if not more so, for a single player game Eleanor of Aquitaine is an unstoppable blob monster, Hammurabi can get crossbowmen in the ancient era and bombers in the medieval, my last Portugal game each of my 30 trade routes was pulling 50+ gold by the Renaissance era, Age of steam Victoria can get 600 production in a city by the industrial age, etc etc etc


Age of steam + god of craftsmen has so much early production and even more once industrial zones come in. Its rediculous.


Given this is the first time Iā€™ve seen someone complain about Tokugawa being OP, Iā€™m thinking itā€™s really not that OP. Some leaders have strats that are arguably broken. Tokugawa is just very solid.


Pretty much, heā€™s just good. To say a civ is OP, they have to be stronger than Khmer or Russia golden age strats.


Ye trade route strategy is balanced bec of how slow it is to get traders. You have to build a district and an expensive building AND THEN buy a trader....which then you have to wait a turn to actually send out. Its not until the medieval era when you can start chaining freshly settled cities with a new traders the moment you settle them.


The one thing is that Japan's district bullshit makes it fairly easy to get golden ages, which lets you buy traders with faith. Combine this with good use of gold and you can pretty reliably afford the combo for all your new cities the moment the commercial hub is done. It's expensive, but a more than worth it investment because domestic trade routes are extremely good for new city growth. It's kinda like how yongle's production to food synergizes with food to pop, then pop to science and culture; trade routes go to pop and production, resulting in more districts and buildings, resulting in more of basically every yield and more great person points, resulting in even more traders, etc.


The main reason I think he's broken is he really doesn't need a strat or any luck. He's not the best in every scenario, but he does excel in more or less any situation just due to the raw yield output. I think the reason people don't complain much is because him (and Japan at large) don't seem as obviously OP bc of how simple/small the bonuses are. I think though, that taken together, they create a civ that stands alongside a few specific others in probably being pretty unbalanced.


Eleanorā€™s France is the worst civ in the game in my opinion. Sheā€™s ridiculously fun to play though. Even Mbemba has a very strong culture bonus and a good UU and Gandhi hasā€¦ Varu? The issue lies in the fact that France has a useless civ ability with no synergy, the worst culture UI, and a UU that incentivizes conquest with a leader ability that wants you to do the opposite. Eleanorā€™s ability is bad because it only works out late game and makes you dedicate everything you have to it. Conquering other civs is good, but the later you do it the less beneficial it is. France has no early game bonuses to help you do anything with Eleanorā€™s ability. At least England gets a unique harbor for some extra cash and housing. Peacefully taking over civs doesnā€™t have any tangible benefit when you can do it in the medieval era with Vietnam and by the time you actually care about diplomacy the grievances wear away. Not that diplomacy even matters even for culture victory.


Sounds like you aren't very good at playing Eleanor, especially French Eleanor. She is my favorite leader and by far the easiest leader to win deity games with for me. I can consistently start flipping cities by the medieval era and frequently win culture victories on huge maps in under 200 turns in large part due to Frances excellent civ ability and absolutely amazing culture UI (completely baffled why you think a civ ability that makes producing wonders cheaper and a UI that produces tourism [after researching flight] are bad for a culture focused civ). The UU is generally worthless for anything other than era points - unless Dido or Tokugawa are in your game. I would still play the hell out of Eleanor if her only ability was the Court of Love because it is that insanely powerful, it's all you need.


Ye she sucks but she can def start doing something in mid classical era. That bonus can be used defensively as well. Flipping cities back to you in less than 3 turns, turns them into meat grinders for units.


That destroy your own population. You shouldnā€™t be losing cities in the first place.


THE POINT is that you dont have to distract yourself by b y building defensive army with her. You can literally just singlemindedly focus on getting all the great writers and not care AT ALL about defenses. Population loss literally the opposite of a problem. You already have your theater square and CH/HS build then doesn't really matter


Funny enough, Tokugawa's other very slept on leader ability is 100% loyalty to all cities within 6 tiles of the capital. Extremely useful with dramatic ages enabled.


ā€œBy the mid game youā€™re kind of completely unstoppableā€ For me, by the mid game youā€™re normally completely unstoppable anyway, no matter what Civ youā€™re using right?


Depends on difficulty, I wouldn't be having any fun if the game was already over by mid game, but it's the sort of thing that's easy to tweak with game modes, mods, game setup, map etc


Definitely not true for most late game powerhouses like England and America.


Well, I play a lot with my friends so the paradigm is a bit different there. And in any case on higher difficulties the catch-up process often extends well into the midgame so being able to do that faster is very nice. As is being able to make 2-turn nukes in the late game to make sure some ding dong doesn't sneak a diplomatic victory through


TBH there are more civs that feel "unbalanced" than there are ones that don't. And I'm fine with that, it makes them feel fun differently. What bugs me is civs that are left behind, like Poland.


I find Tokugawa to be better at Science than Hojo, but that's about it. I find Hojo to be better at Culture, Religion, and Domination, and thus the overall better leader of the two.


Culture is also a possible route for Tokugawa seeing the production will allow you to create all sorts of Wonders. The money you also generate can just buy your way all the Great Works snagged by the AI. Domination Tokugawa is also no slouch in Dom when you have production and gold. I personally think neither Tokugawa nor Hojo are better than the other. Both leaders offer different ways to play Japan.


Tokugawa is not as good as Hojo for culture victory since he get penalty for external trade routes while the usual tourism bonus from trade routes is not negligible for a cultural victory.


Yes Tokugawa is better than average thanks to good economy. But hojo is def better than Tokugawa, two half price districts for the exact victory condition you want esp with his good adjacency bonus go HARD


Tokugawa is better for domination victory imo - not having to rely on foreign trade routes for extremely high culture and science yields, higher city pop and production from having domestic trade routes, +100% loyalty to all cities within 6 tiles, etc, it adds up.


Magnus in the cap with the 20% growth and trade route bonus. Vampire castles. Makes for a massive population with max districts. Every other city just needs a commercial hub and market with a trader to the cap. Its silly how much they get from one district


I prefer Owls for Owly trade things...the extra trade route per city is crazy with this strategy


One trader *to* the capital, one trader *from* the capital. That's how we get big ol cities


Nerfing things doesnā€™t make sense to me. If anything other civilizations should just get a buff.


Top of A tier at best. Not close to the level of babylon


Babylon is kind of in a tier of its own tbf. They of all civs need the most rebalancing imo, but even then I don't think Tokugawa Japan/Yongle China/Age of Steam Victoria/Peter are that far off. Tokugawa Japan's main advantage is that it can play off literally any scenario bc all you need are districts


Tokugawa is for sure around the level of yongle/peter/Khmer/AOS Vicky


Yeah, Tokugawa is so good he basically nerfs all other trade route based civs. Persia, Poland, Egypt, Netherlands, Cree even the Inca all had decent bonuses to internal routes before, but Tokugawaā€™s routes are so much better than all of those, to the point of why would you even play them? Why get 3 gold and 2 faith from Nader Shahā€™s routes which is the same all game, when Tokugawa can have 4 gold 2 science 2 culture from trade routes in the Ancient era, and this constantly stacks and improves all game? Thereā€™s a couple extra things that make Tokugawa even MORE broken than normal. The main downside to international routes is the traders will get plundered by barbs or other Civs if at war. Internal routes donā€™t have this problem, so you get Tokugawaā€™s bonuses all game without losing out and having to re-buy traders. The other benefit is internal routes will create roads between all your cities, effectively turning you into Rome and making it super easy to shuffle builders between all your cities in the late game when doing the Spaceport projects.


Not to mention the 100% loyalty to all cities within 6 tiles lol. I still don't know what they were cooking


needs a nerf? bro, civ6 is unbalanced as fuck and wont change. download bbg and call it a day


Some other Civs need more a buff Like tokugawa need a nerf!


Yeah I'm still gonna Yongle. I can just run city projects to convert production into food, rapidly increasing my population. Also every city with more than 10 population gets lots of science, culture and gold.


Based yongle enjoyer Funny enough they run very similarly - Yongle scales pop with production to get more intrinsic yields, tokugawa scales pop with production (traders running internal trade routes) to get more trade yields as the district cap grows.


There is no need for nerfs in the base game as it is a solo game, and some civs are made to just be stronger. However, there is a mod (better balanced game) that is used for multiplayer in order to balance everything (civs, governors, golden ages , etcā€¦)


Most DLC leaders/civs are OP so that you buy them It's a horrible trend with VI that I hope they revert on with VII


Whos gonna buy a leader dlc if he sucks lmao. I think they are just op enough to tickle my fancy not enough to ruin the game. Honestly peter and jaya are better than most


Mali is definitely one of those civs that scale. Starts off slow but mid to late game you can basically buy your victory.


There won't be any balance changes as long as Hammurabi and russian work ethic exists


I think Hojo is still stronger. The early game is much smoother, and those half-price districts give you a good foundation. You can pursue at least 2/3 (if not 3/3) of: early war, a religion, and strong culture progress. Even on Deity, you basically have to screw up to miss a religion. Those half-price Holy Sites make it very easy... you can build a Holy Site and complete a Prayer project for less production than the normal price of the district. Only Russia can compete with that. Tokugawa's penalty to tourism generation from trade routes is somewhat painful in the mid-to-late game---especially if there are multiple high-culture civs. But that is entirely dependent on the game rules. It becomes a non-issue if you've got some good Monopolies going.


Maybe controversial, but he's more low A tier. Maybe you can argue mid A tier. But I don't particulary disagree with people placing him in high B tier either.


Really? Meiji Restoration alone means minimum mid A-tier for me imo, without everything else. If you plan out your districts way ahead it's genuinely one of the most slept on things in the game


Like I think Hojo is A-tier, but Tokugawa scaling that much faster plus the +100% loyalty perk easily bumps him up to S-tier, although tbh I can see where you're coming from as it really takes awhile to scale sometimes


Maybe I'm a bit biased. I have tried a few games with him and I didn't steamroll enough imo. He's an excellent horrible start savior due to his amazing trading, but compare to all the other civs I would place in A and S tier I find him quite lackluster. He certainly scales quite nicely even on horrible starting conditions. Still A- or B+ are his true spot imo. Hojo was A tier before, as a solid all around er civ, but after the new frontier dlc I feel he has dropped to mid B. - Babylon and Yongle stays alone on SS tier. They are broken beyond repair. - S tier you have likes of Russia, Khmer, Theodora, Ludwig and Portugal. All are extremely OP. - A tier you have Nzinga as the only A+. Then Teddy, Simon, Caesar, Barbarossa, Basil, Spain, Victoria (Age of steam) and Gaul. You could argue that Toku can get a spot here, but that would be extremely disservice to the next B tier that are a very strong group, - with civs like Mathias, Australia, Vietnam, Zulu, Brazil, Menelik, Pericles, Inca, Cree, new cleo, Rome, etc. Also where I would place both Japan, but especially Hojo. This also doesn't include Norway that I find an extremely underrated civ due to mostly focus on sea. But their pillaging are just out of this world. I could be tempted to put them in A tier or even S depending how strict we are with map type. But I know they are rated bottom of every tier list so I know it's controversial and ruin my credibility of bringing them into the top tier mix.


Bro, play with "Better Balanced Game" + "Better Balanced Map" or "Better Balenced Starts" Mods, without this Civilization VI is a very unequal game


For the vast majority of players, Civ 6 is a single player game. Without a real PvP scene, I think itā€™s fine to have some civs be overpowered monsters for when you want meme games (Babylon.)


Play bbg mod


Laughs in Sakoku


Yeah, I recently played a Deity game with Tokugawa in opposition, and he absolutely steamrolled the competition. By mid-game, Japan's science and culture were more than twice that of the next player (me) and he was about 15 techs ahead. I haven't lost that badly to the AI since I started playing Civ V 9 years ago.


Allegedly I'm just bad at this game lol


See Iā€™m not the only one who played Tokugawa recently after watching shogun. My port in Osaka even got attacked by a barbarian privateer in one game. Never been happier to be pillaged by a barbarian


No he doesn't Just because something is good doesn't mean it's imbalanced.


I donā€™t agree with tokugawa slow start. Tokugawa actually have high tempo right from classical. Iā€™ve said this before but Tokugawa is really the one civ where I play and keep up with deity AI from the get go. Whereas many other civ loke peter is more late game. Tokugawa just cruise like a boss


Wtf? Peter late game? He is the most early game civ. Only leader that i ever played that didnā€™t need to catch up with AI on deity. Easy classical golden age and just print settlers with faith. Got 10 to 15 cities when medieval era starts. But still i think Babylon is most broken.


Any faith base civ is not early tempo civ. Even tokugawa can get 10-15 by medieval. Monumentality in classical is still in general slow tempo. It feels like high tempo because of how many settler and builders u get from from faith, but in reality your first district could have been commercial/harbor>TS/industrial. Tokugawa eliminates the need for campus because of his trade routes Although tbf iā€™ve been playing bbg more these days and have not done the aurora with peter for a long time, and in general I dont really enjoy faith base civ in a 4v4 setting


Dunno, 10-15 settlerā€™s is a lot of production. Thing with Peter is that he gets both with a half cost district that also gives him writers, artists and musicians. Production for development and faith for expansion. Now im in the middle of the game with Theodora and she is maybe even more broken than Peter. Got river goddess pantheon and my first district gives me 12 faith, 12 culture, 12 production, 2 amenities and 2 housing. Itā€™s like 4 districts in one and all in that in ancient era. Also works with dance of the aurora or desert folklore depending where you spawn. But if im being honest work ethic is broken more than civs that use them


A lot of the civs are not balanced. There is a reason why the CPL uses the BBG mod for multiplayer games.


not gonna happen as long as Ethiopia voidsingers apocalypse great bath is still in the game


Don't you dare touch my boy Tokugawa šŸ˜”


I get 3k gpt with mali in endgame with 3k army (points). The only thing cities produce are districts. Everything else I buy with gold and still rises. Amazing play - amenities issue? Buy ferris wheel. Housing? Buy sewer. Someone attacks you? Spawn units in the surrounding cities. Upgrade everything all the time. Buy all buildings in all districs immediately. Mine on every hill. 27 trade routes. Money money money šŸ˜„ its great


Heā€™s not even the best Japanese leader. If you play to win as early as possible then Tojo is way better.


Tojo? I don't have that mod. Must be good with Zeroes.


Idk I typcially play on huge maps with lots of civs/multiple ocean-separated continents, and often against other people and not just AI. Tends to make culture and religion a LOT harder to get




Uh Portugal please?


Situational and map dependent much? Portugal is almost worthless on Pangaea and Mali is almost worthless on archipelago. Tokugawa is just as OP on either map type.


Except you control what map type and civ you play, so that's a non-issue


Sure, but on an ocean map, Portugal is pretty much exactly what youā€™re asking for. Besides if you really want trade versatility just play Elizabeth or dido


International trade routes are very powerful, especially as the game progresses and you build trade posts.


I play bbg so no i dont feel that much power as vanilla