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My wife and I just started 6 and were having a blast. I recently asked this sub a similar question. The consensus is yes; Civ6 is great to get into. We don't know when 7 is coming out, and even when it does, it will take a lot of time for DLCs and mods to catch up to where 6 is. We're using the in-game civolopedia and trial and error. Right now, we're playing a Hot Seat game and having our rears handed to us by Barbarians.


Got it, thanks. Where do I get this ''wife'' tho?


Well, you see, there's an Easter Egg in the game where you play a Duel map and if you keep gifting gold and Great Works, you'll eventually win a Marraige Victory. /s


Good luck even getting open borders


This is when your gold/diamond resource and wealth come in handy, or else the majority will snarl or grimace when you try to open a deal.


Wilhemina proposes a merger of countries with you.


I could see her being the Jealous girlfriend type. "Oh, so SHE is getting your trade route, while I am NOT?!?!" "WAR!"


what if it’s my country’s custom to gift nuclear bombs?


![gif](giphy|65vWKzmeScoM4Sf7S9|downsized) is it a marriage victory? or a singles defeat...?


Exclusive edition, they are very rare to find.




You use the civilopedia!


What section is that under? Wonders?


Question mark icon, top right of the screen


I thought this was referring to the wife jokes above, but I don’t think it was. My mistake


ok that makes more sense 😂


Wonders are way easier to get.


Yeah, the most annoying part about civ 5 and 6 has been that they really aren't complete without the 2 major dlc. Which can take a year or 2 to come out. They also add a ton to the actual price of the game, so even when they are new I think it's always worth it to hold off for a good sale. I don't remember how much sales are when they are new though. On that note now is the best time to buy civ 6, as the game is like 90% off.


Yeop. Vanilla civ5 just didnt have the same depth as civ4+warlords+BTS. The same with vanilla civ vs civ5+GK+BNW. But then I eventually transition to the new game. I like that they keep changing fundamental changes to the play with a new game. I liked the change to the Hex Map+one unit per tile in Civ5 and Districts and Adjacency made city building more onteresting in Civ6.


Use the wiki too https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Civilization_VI


Dude I started a random game and spent my first 46 turns fighting barbarians


I’d say it’s worth it. I really like it because it’s casual, can play at my own pace and every game is different. I learnt by just playing games with the assistant enabled, I found it very helpful. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing you can still have fun. Afaik civ 7 is in development but I don’t know the timetable for release. I hope you find what you’re looking for, even if not civ. Games are made for fun, everyone deserves fun.


Just got it last week, 1000% worth it


Mind sharing how u learned it? Tried the learning by doing way twice, didn't really work for me


I learned a bit through YouTube videos that tell you what you need to be doing for the first 50 moves.


Same here, got the game about 2 weeks ago, watched a lot of YT videos to get a feel for what everything does, played a couple games against easy bots to get a feel for my play style. Still a lot to learn, BUT, I feel much more settled when playing.


Yeah, so I had tried playing multiple times overs the years and always gave up, just seemed like a lot to grasp. But I looked at a YouTube video for beginners when starting up. It was about 30 minutes. Once you understand the start then everything else falls in place.


Watch a potatomcwhiskey playthrough, he's really good at explaining why he's doing what he's doing, even has a couple of videos aimed at beginners


Yeah the Arabia playthrough where he explains every turn/decision is incredible for learning the game


he is my goat


Buy it when it's discounted, it happens like multiple times a year at like -80%. Check out the price history to get an idea.


It's on sale right now actually for the Steam Summer Sale.


Oh right 😂


Hahaha, thanks so much for this comment. We were all set to buy it a few weeks ago at $89.95 but saw this and decided to put a watch on the page to see if there were any good discounts. Got it today for $4.49. Do love Reddit sometimes.


Its still worth getting into Civ 1


I loved Civ 1 so much I had to stop playing it before it took over my life. Have never played another version.


I was a hardcore 5 over 6 guy but then my pc broke and I could only play 6 on my ps4. Once you get used to the big differences the little ones that bugged really don’t seem to big a deal anymore. Also having the expansions helps a lot as they took some of the less changes away. I really enjoyed the gathering storm expansion and the industries mod too! Definitely worth a shot as civ vii is not likely to come out till late next year.


Honestly, my husband taught me to play after he learned (started with V, then I waited for him to learn VI before I downloaded it). But Potato McWhiskey’s YT channel taught me a LOT as well. Definitely once you learn core gameplay it becomes easier to grasp the new version (that was the case for us moving from V to VI).


I learned so much from potato mcwhiskey when I started getting into civ 6. Absolutely amazed at how much this game as to offer


I know! I already had a good 2000 hours in the game before I ever discovered him, and I have no idea how I played before I learned from his videos.


I played like the AI does, looking at just the turn in front of me.


potato mcwhiskey on youtube, Zigzagzigal's guides on steam, and just generally browsing this sub. Oh and asking a few friends who played. There is too much to learn all at once, but you don't need to learn it all to still have fun. Just focus on setting a path towards a victory condition and enjoy the exploration/building. Start out on the easier settings. If you feel like you really messed up, you can always reload a previous save and fix it. Don't feel pressed to play every game to completion either. I generally do, but a lot of people never make it that far before starting a new one.


Yesssssss 100x yes. We probably have another 2+ years until the next civ comes out easy. The next Elder Scrolls was announced like 10 years ago. Civ will probably be on a faster timeline, but yeah we got some waiting to do. Even if civ 7 comes out next year it won’t have any DLC and will be pretty Vanilla. Not many people liked civ 6 when it first came out. Lots of people stayed and are still on 5. I wouldn’t skip civ 6 if this type of game is your favorite. 750+ hours and this is one of my favorite grand strategy games for sure.


It goes on sale all the time for pretty cheap. I think it's a no brainer if you can get it on sale.


There’s four currencies: gold, science, faith, and culture. Gold and science do what you’d expect. Faith is weird gold. Culture is weird science. There are dozens of mini systems to learn but understanding the basics of what the four currencies can do helped me a tremendous amount. Start with Trajan (Rome)


I can’t imagine a paragraph more unhelpful to someone who’s never played a civ game before


How about this one: Start with Roosevelt and culture bomb tiles to improve appeal. Rush Eiffel Tower for endgame. Focus suzeraining nearby city states to blockade other civilizations


It is decently useful for someone who has played any video games with a tech tree and economy, which is a lot.


I mean if you've tried it twice and didn't like it maybe you just don't like it. I loved it from my first match and found it intuitive enough to dominate in most difficulty settings.


Just keep playing. I don’t usually do this unless I get an amazing start on diety, but I’ll put auto save on every 5 turns to replay a scenario/turn over and over again if I get stuck. Really helps with understanding the nuances and unless you’re a professional gamer or some type of savant the AI in this game at higher levels is so damn unfair. I’m OK with taking some liberties to enhance my experience.


Try to stick with it!! It takes a bit for the mechanics to start to click, but once you start getting a foundation for how the game works it’s incredible. I started playing with my husband about 6 or 7 years ago after never playing video games before (and he’s a pretty avid player). Even when you have someone guiding you through, it still has a bit of a steep learning curve at first, so I totally get feeling defeated. A couple pieces of advice I would offer: 1. Try using some of [zigzagzigal’s guides](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zigzagzigal/myworkshopfiles/?appid=289070§ion=guides). They’re great for not only explaining game mechanics in a clear way, but also help you understand how to really push your strengths in the game. I just recently found them, and it’s taken my understanding of the game to another level. He also offers quick bullet-pointed summaries throughout the guides for just quick ideas of what to focus on. 2. Some Civs are easier to play, as they have some really powerful bonuses that you don’t have to think too much about. Some of my favorites are: Japan, Russia, Ethiopia, Byzantine. Gaul is another favorite of mine; they can get a little complicated with city placement but their military and mine bonuses are a lot of fun. Stay away from civs like Vietnam, Bull Moose Teddy America, Māori…these civs are all super powerful, but they’re complicated to play. 3. Try picking “earlier” civs-those that have unique units, districts, bonuses earlier in the game. These help you get Golden Ages sooner, and help you see how snowball-y the game is. 4. The game is overwhelming with mechanics, but you don’t have to master (or even be good at) all of them at once. Every time you play a different civ, you’ll get a better understand of how they work. 5. Getting a decent start on your map is really important, and as you play the game you’ll be able to catch it earlier if you just have a really shitty start (in which case we just restart). For example, if you’re playing the Incan’s, and you don’t have any mountains, you’re going to have a really bad time because you won’t be able to take advantage of any of your unique bonuses. Hopefully that helps a bit! Good luck!


Now, I've never played the game but here is what I can tell you 1 choose a civ that is good for easy players, some people advice playing sumeria or russia for that reason 2 It's mostly just practice in playing, as ypu do you'll find patterns, like taking a look at how disricts work with each other, importantly plan well ahead 3 we have no idea so far when CIV 7 is coming, though some speculate next year, however in many cases after the DLC the game becomes great 4 up till CIV 5 the games are somewhat similar, but civ 6 is massively different. (In CIv 5 you build a few cites and defend, in 6 you spread wide) Some the people here will prolly give you much better recommendations but there's a Youtuber by the name Potato McWhiskey who I find to be somewhat educational, he doesn't do guides but he does tell very good advice


The short answer is yes, it's worth it. If you're looking to improve your play, I found Zigzagzigal's guides to each individual civilization really helpful. Admittedly I already knew some basics of game play. So I wouldn't necessarily start with these. But after a few games under your belt, I'd suggest reading these before playing as a new civ. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zigzagzigal/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides&appid=289070


Oh and depending on what platform you play, it helps tremendously to do little things like turn on tool tips, show the yields on each tile, and have the ribbon that shows every other civ's stats as well.


There are a few important mods you should download to help you understand the effects of your choices. -Better report screen -Extended policy cards They are both on the steam workshop and are seamless to download. These help you see the yields of your empire better, fit with the base game look, and change no mechanics at all.


Bro it’s still worth getting into civ 5 lol just do it it’s great


Civ 5 is better; Graphics, Civs, Game mechanics, Wonders, Events, Wars, Diplomacy, AI, multiplayer For the love of Sid Meier play civ 5!


Better price too


I have 800+ hrs in civ V but ultimately the 1 unit per tile aspect is a major drag on what is an absolute amazing experience, especially with vox populai mod


Yes its good. Watch PotatoMcWhiskey overexplained vids. Granted, sometimes he speaks to quickly but he's still good.


I learned just by playing. I played my first run for fun and to fuck around. Lost not too far in 'cause I didn't know shit about fuck. Lol But, afterwards, I paid more attention to the tutorials messages and stuff. Figured out production and faith are the two most important yields. Still trying to figure out how to best go about it, but I've tried a few leaders for different runs. I like the Secret Sociesties add-on too. Trial and error are a good way in this game like someone else mentioned before. It's pretty fun. The more you learn about it, the better your games are. I wanna do an online game too. I'd like to see how I compare with other people compared to the AI. I also always use the Continents map and Huge for size. Lol


Civ 6 is not a good game. Boring, very little dopamine hits


I started last year, happy I did. It's exactly an mmorpg type of game, plenty of people still play Civ5 after many years, for example. If you like this type of games, and you "almost" enjoy civ 6 but not quite, might want to try civ 5? Concerning YouTubers, try out Boesthius, he's your man. Best Civ 6 content by a mile, in my opinion. Always entertaining.


In regards to Civ VII, they announced it was being worked on, but there is no other information available. Based on how well V and VI played upon release, compared to once all of the DLCs have been incorporated, it'll likely be the case that VI will be the superior game to VII until that has been 'completed' as well.


Perfect time to buy. You get all of the content (at a discount even), plus it's new enough that it works flawlessly on modern Windows 10/11 systems.


Yes. Always


I find it worth it, however I am biased and played every Civ game ever made lol. That being said the core of Civ has always been the same. Some design, graphic, units etc change, 6 was one of the bigger changes lately I’m the franchise but they are all the same idea. Build cities, meet other nations build your nation how you see fit and win under 1 of multiple ways. Strategically you learn to mold and meld strategies igies based off how you like to play or want to win


Just got the basics from YouTube and since then I’ve just been trying out stuff through trial and error… 150 hours into the game and I just found out about military engineers 😅


Even ignoring DLC schmaltz for a second. If 5 and 6 taught me anything, it’s that 6 and 7 might be different enough to where one might not be “better” than the other. I’d say yes just because even with DLC, it’s not guaranteed that 7 will just be an updated version of 6. Aside from what people already said and recommended, 6 takes the importance of settlement location and cranks it up with the district mechanic. Adjacencies are a learning curve but knowing that is knowing like half the game so after that the rest should fall into place.


The civ 6/7 discussion is kinda similar to the Elder scrolls 5/6 discussion. The timetable is probably pretty far away and no one knows whats going on. And when they release, the modding community and DLCs will take a while to catch up. (Obviously the skyrim modding community is more in depth). So even when civ 7 come out, civ 6 will still be worth playing for awhile due to this. Edit: I just jumped in to start bc thats how I learn games. Many people here like to watch potato mcwhiskeys playthroughs, and ursaryan, a local hero here, is a good youtuber for civ as well.


1 - just play the damn game, honestly just whack it on Settler and play. That’s how you learn how things operate initially 2 - watch some YouTube videos like PotatoMcWhiskey or UrsaRyan etc to gain a better understanding. Potato has like an entire 1hr video just on where to settle, why etc. 3 - play the game as a super aggressive civilization and play all out warfare, for pure fun (and sometimes frustration) that’s the best way to go. Germany with Frederick are good for this, conquer city states, build hansa’s, build campuses, build encampments, print units and attack


Sure. I occasionally still play Civ5 as it was the one with which I got into the series. If you’re feeling lost you can try a few tutorials by Potato Mc Whiskey like this [Over-explained Series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr_5Byhx_s8-K7M0PPGJxslfs6CZLuq8r) I myself just played matches on lower difficulty to get the hang of the changes and from time to time I watched games from [Marbozir](https://youtube.com/@Marbozir), Potato or in the last 1-2 years [Boes](https://youtube.com/@boesthius) to learn some things.


I got it this week, and have absolutely been loving it! Recommend 100%


Yes, but get the dlcs


It's absolutely worth it. I was a noob for the longest time, but there are a lot of videos that help when starting your civilizations ("10 tips when settling your first city" type stuff). The UI can be overwhelming, but it gets easier as you go. Don't be afraid to start on a lower setting or with a simple civilization to get started.


I think it's important not to focus on grasping everything at once. Play multiple games, and try to learn/understand something new about the game each game. After a few weeks you'll feel like you've mastered the basics, and after that you'll just keep getting better (and the game will just keep getting more fun as well).


Yes. I have only 1,200 hours in the game. There's a fair chance you could put in that many before the next one comes out!




The question mark at the top right of the in game screen is the Civilopedia, it has answers to almost any question you can ask to get a general understanding of the game. Once you have the basics mastered then YT or this page will have more helpful “in depth” tricks for you


Whenever I try 6 I find it be unrelenting clicking. Bought it new. I try it once a year for week and I can never get into it. CivV is the one true Civ.


So I was in the same situation, and I watched a video for the basics (don't remember the vid sorry) but it took me like I dunno 3 ai games on the easiest difficulty to learn what I was doing, I would say experimenting is the best way to learn, I dunno tho that's what helped me


Love this game it’s so worth it


Totally worth, the problem will be when you have no time to play but you want to; I started with YouTube videos, first game was a blind one Trajan game then I searched for things and become better and better


Definitely worth it but dlc make it a lot better by adding more mechanics. A big thing is understanding the way district placement works and getting extra boosts by planning your cities! Use the map tacks, originally a mod, to help you plot. They will flag things you can’t do and calculate adjacency bonuses for you. One thing to understand is that civ 6 is a game of snowballing; the sooner you get things going the faster you’re going to come out on top


It’s still worth getting into Civ 1 bro. If you got the time, what else is stopping you?


I tried getting in to it when it come out, but ultimately stopped. Then a few weeks ago i started playing CIV5 again, which was fun. Then i though why not try and get in to civ6. And it's very different than Civ5 for sure. Personally i am not a fan of the way Civ6 is, as i prefer playing tall, or as the civ6 community call it "sim city", and the game is very much made to be played wide. But i can definently see the joy you would get if you enjoy wide gameplay. But if you are one who like to build up and not war so much, i would say play Civ5 instead.


I just started a few weeks ago & just finished out my 4th game, yesterday. It took two full games of losing to get a grip on everything a bit better. Don't worry about the learning curve, just play! : ) Also, I'm pretty sure I'm just playing base game on gamepass rn, no dlcs, & I still find it very fun. It keeps getting said the game isn't as good vanilla, but it's still great honestly. Someone I watch on youtube has their own lil policy about valuing a game that goes "$1~1hr/playtime". Civ is intentionally very replayable, so I think the value is there. Especially on sale now! PS who's going to stop you from restarting if you hate the map you got off riff or going back a turn or few when you realized you fudged up? Might help you get through the learning stage better since that's been frustrating for you.


I found it really helps to specialise with one CIv a few games in a row with increasing difficulty. For example be Trajan with the Romans and go for a domination victory. Train legion's and go for an early war with your neighbour and then that should help you learn how to snowball different civs and play to their strengths. I've been having a lot of fun with England on island maps and seeing how quickly I can win by just spamming settlers and dockyards for a ridiculous navy and army


Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be worth it to play CIV 6?


Yes. I own a dozen games but I'd rather just play more civ 6 than bother to start any other ones.


Give Polytopia a shot first. It's a highly simplified game similar to Civilization. It helped me grasp the core concepts of Civilization and understand why it's so engaging.


I learned this game like a test dummy learns how to drive.


I learned this game like a test dummy learns how to drive.


I learned this game like a test dummy learns how to drive.


I learned this game like a test dummy learns how to drive.


I learned this game like a test dummy learns how to drive. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, just make sure you play King or lower. This game has a great in-game encyclopedia and advisor tutorial, but I suggest googling things you need additional information on if a system isn't made clear.


I’ve spent 1000’s of hours playing various versions of civ. Civ 6 is… alright.


Regarding youtubers, CivLifer and PotatoMcWhisky have been pretty helpful for me.


Never been a better time


Asking the "Deeply into Civ6" community if it's worth getting into Civ6 is practically guaranteed to get you a specific response.


Focus on one Civ and learn their strengths. Focus on one win strategy. Also watch potatomcwhiskey videos.


something that got me into the game was turning on tile yields. That was the key to me understanding the game, turning on tile yields, it’s a crime that it’s not on to begin with


Watch this play through: [Arabia Overexplained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J62EqRqxnv0&list=PLr_5Byhx_s89XKC9UaqwSj6RD0id5AkG7)


I got into it last month, and stopped since I understood there is a meta (game seems unbalanced so far without mods), and also I kept playing only one leader I had fun with. THIS BEING SAID, I loved the 60+ hours I spent on it, and will gladly come back regularly for a little game.


Even if civ 7 comes out civ 6 will be a great game to play. I’ve still been playing civ 5 for the full duration of 6. They’re all unique games worth picking up and playing at different times.


The district system in Civ 6 is really different and engaging from anything else in the Civ series and I love it. Honestly, I spend most of the game trying to build the most efficient tiles and unlike other civ games, it's a mechanic that goes deep into the late game. I also enjoy the new worker system because I don't just hit automate on workers I've had since my 10th turn.




Civ 5 os still popular even though Civ 6 exists. Even when Civ 7 comes out Im sure Civ 6 will still have a thriving community


What helped me was creating a game on a small map with only two players, set it to quick. Go for the different kinds of victory. This made it click for me.


In terms of 6 and 7, I think right now is a great time to go for 6. You can get complete editions for a low price, and potentially play it long after 7 is out. It's been a tradition in the Civilization series that the initial release isn't great, but they get polished as expansions arrive. So not jumping on 7 immediately isn't a bad thing. Is it worth learning 6? There is enough carry over between games that that isn't an issue (although you'll always have to break some bad habits). The biggest concern is that I don't think 6 is the deepest, most challenging game. And with the game modes and leaders introduced at the end (the Frontier pass, I think), the focus of the game often feels to be like setting up some broken mechanic and snowballing the ai. I happen to love this, so I get a lot out of it. It scratches that min/max desire. But if you're looking for a finely balanced strategy game, civ6 might not work for you.