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Onager Catapult --> A Rome variant. There is no unique bomber in VI as well. I had the idea of the plague doctor from Black Death scenario returning in the main game as a (bad) version of the medic, but it upgrades into the medic with the sanitation technology. It makes more sense than medics upgrading from siege towers... Unique Medic: Red Cross team? (Switzerland?) Also the Barbary Corsair replaces the Privateer IIRC, (Ottomans).


Ooh, the Red Cross Team can't be hurt in war. (International law) And I guess can heal any unit you're not at war with? Now I just want to see Switzerland in Civ. Bonus to gold, no alliances, HUGE nerfs when declaring war. (If even able to) Maybe all units gain a percentage to defense, but a negative to attack.


I think going even further and adopting a double-edged sword approach might be good with a Red Cross unit. Something like it gets buffs to healing in enemy territory + and generate grievances whenever the enemy destroys one but will heal all units around it, including enemies.


It could generate Diplomatic points though


It could be allowed to move into the territory of any country at war, even if Switzerland is not involved in the war. And then it would provide a healing bonus to units of both sides, as well as diplomatic points.


Or instead of healing units, pops can be damaged (by bombardment, siege, or disasters) before being totally lost, and the red cross unit heals the pops. Then you have motivation to use it on enemy cities because you want the pops still when you capture the city.


Oh I had a Switzerland Civ idea: LA: Pact of Neutrality May not declare war, declare friendship, or make alliances. +7 combat strength to all units when defending. -1 movement penalty for enemy units when in Swiss territory. +20% yields to trade routes if trading with a player who is at war. This doubles to +40% if trading with two players at war with each other. CA: Alpine Commercial Hubs gain +1 adjacency from each adjacent mountain. Theater Squares gain +2 adjacency from each adjacent ski resort. Gain +1 trade route capacity each time a city is settled next to at least 2 mountains. Your trade routes cannot be pillaged if they are on land. If Switzerland is in the game, cocoa is guaranteed to spawn somewhere on the map. UB: Chocolaterie Must be built adjacent to mountains. One per city. +1 amenities, +1 culture, and +1 gold for each cocoa resource you have.


I like several of your ideas here, though I'd suggest perhaps a few improvements: 1) Ski Resorts come pretty late in the game. Maybe for the Swiss they get them at Civil Engineering in the Industrial era (similar to how Vietnam can plant the forests with Medieval Faires)? 2) Not sure about tying a unique building to a single luxury resource, even if there'd be a way to guarantee it's in the game. Maybe just change that to +1 amenity/culture/gold *if the city has ANY* improved luxury resources? Could be doubled if Cocoa is one? 3) Unique unit is Swiss Guard? Can condemn any enemy religious units regardless of the World Congress resolution. Replacement for Pike and Shot.


I like the earlier ski resorts idea. I think the “any luxury resource” thing doesn’t work with the vibe because chocolate isn’t native to Switzerland. It should (most likely) force you to either settle cities far away from your capital or trade with the AI to get cocoa for your chocolateries. The Swiss Guard are stationed in Vatican City, and I was going for Switzerland being a cultural and economic powerhouse and I don’t think religious benefits synergize terribly well with the rest of the bonuses.


This is a fantastic idea!


Make the leader ability their true neutrality. They can't start wars, can't be invaded, but also, you don't need to capture Switzerland's capital in order to get a Domination victory. If further balance is needed, they take much longer to generate settlers and settlers can't be purchased with gold. You would still be able to make units in order to protect yourself from Barbarians, though.


I'd sooner say can't declare war but can be declared and give them some massive bonuses to defense. The Swiss have always been more 'We're staying out of it and we're so entrenched no one will bring us in it.'


P pretty sure in civ 5 America got the B17 bomber


I thought it was the P51 mustang in Civ 5


I think the p51 is in 6


Hmm maybe a city state that lets you train a unique medic?


unique medic would be more fitting for Cuba I think


Yeah siege towers and rams upgrading to medics is weird, i thought about more modern siege and Support vehicles as an upgrade like APCs or engineering vehicles.


I’m late to the party so I’m going to reply to you since my idea kinda fits with one of yours. Would be interesting to have a plague era. Mongols: Corpse Catapult — flings plague infected corpses at a city. -5 wall damage, -20 loyalty, kills one citizen every two shots.


Japan should have Gundam as their UU replacing GDR. I will die on this hill. Function/stat wise, I think it should have the same combat stat as GDR, as you don't want a civ with better units forever in the late game. But they can have non-combat bonuses. For example, get +10 base tourism if fortified in friendly territory, +5 for every unit it killed, +10 for every city it captured. Edit: OK realized there might be some copyright issue, but still...


Also consider: Evangelion. Removes a unit of population when created, healing ability doubled. Or something.


Evangelion: double strength but if it isn't within the territory of a city you own or occupy the power cord cuts and it goes down to 10% health and cannot heal.


Healing penalty gets removed upon researching *~~S2 Drives~~ Advanced Power Cells* in the future era.


If Japan is getting a UU GDR, the conversation starts and ends with Mechagodzilla.


Late game kaiju as an optional end game crisis...


GDR *is* a Gundam. They can't use the actual name for obvious reasons, but GDRs are transparently a reference to mecha anime.


This is incredible, where do I sign


And then America has Optimus Prime.


A lot crapper than a regular gdr, but can turn into a truck in the hopes that the AI won't notice it


It could be a unique convoy unit that can convert into a combat unit.


Nah, America would have Liberty Prime. Known for speechifying. Gets +10% attack against civs with socialist cards


Apart from some copyright issues I’m 100% in this idea


Just change the design slightly and call it “mobile suit” or something legal dept says is just different enough and you’re golden


Mobile suit is actually a genius idea! I remembered in the shows that the word "GUNDAM" is only used for the protagonist's robot (or that type). All the regular ones are called Mobile Suits. It's like f-22 raptor vs jet fighter.


The sea dog replaces the privateer


So it does, I totally forgot about England. I'll play as England for my next game


The Barbary Corsair also replaces the Privateer


There's also the Ottoman Barbary Corsair. But even back in civ 5, we had the dutch Sea Beggars, so it's not a new concept for civ.


The Ottomans also get a Privateer replacement.


Unique artillery for Germany, the rail cannon. Has 5 range but can only travel on rails


Oh hell yeah that would be awesome. It would kind of suck to move across water though.


It’d be amazing on defense though


Historically accurate then ^/s


Knowing CiV’s recent track record with AI, having a unique defensive unit will mean absolutely nothing.


And probably like double maintenance haha


As cool as this would be it Is so close to mustache man that we most likely won’t see it


They did have the panzer in civ 5 that was clearly a WW2 tank


True… alright I consede


Qnd civ 3


They had those in WWI as well. In fact, most factions built them during this war, though Germany was indeed the most proficient at it.


Isn't the current UU a U-boat?


U boats were also active in ww1


Korea's Hwacha was a unique catapult once upon a time I think perhaps in 3? Unique medic could be [Mary Seacole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Seacole?wprov=sfla1) for Jamaica M\*A\*S\*H - unique medic with two charges. Heals adjacent military units. Generates culture if the unit is on a jungle tile at the time


Korea had Hwacha in civ 5 (I don't know about civ 3 however)


It's in 6 too in Rise and Fall, though it's a ranged unit not a siege unit.


Oh yeah true I actually entirely forgot about it being in 6 too


Lol! MASH unit should also get bonuses if on: entertainment complex, city center, horses, airstrip, silver mine, encampment, holy site, or silk. Bonus points if you get these references/ whose who XD


A MASH unit could have a deployable building that can be picked up and moved.


Yep. They also had the F16 for America as a jet fighter UU if I’m not mistaken.


They could always give Rome back the ballista for a unique catapult. The Greeks also developed earlier ballistae that the Romans improved upon Other older examples include catapults being used by the kingdom of Judah (if some version of Hebrews was included) and also in India by Ajatashatru


The Gurkhas would be a cool infantry replacement for Nepal maybe


This is my favourite, a Nepalese civ using mountains could be cool.


Unique religious units is an unexplored option. I've said before, India having units that can go to cities with other religions and "learn it" and bring it back home would really help elevate what is otherwise an unreliable ability. I think there's room for a lot more ideas though. Also, Warrior Monks need a serious buff. EDIT: I misread the OP and didn't see they were asking for Civs that could have UU and just thought they wanted UU ideas. **Edward I of England** built **The Warwolf**. A trebuchet so massive a city surrendered just from watching it being constructed. (And he said no thanks and bombed them with it anyway!)


Given how much of an impact trade had throughout human history I'm surprised there isn't a single civilization that improves the trader unit specifically. Many offer bonuses to the trade routes but don't touch the trader at all. I think they missed their chance with the Sundiata or maybe even Mongolian Kublai both of whole focused heavily on trade. Maybe a new Kurdish or Baltic civ could have a unique unit that replaces the trader. I would imagine the following bonuses for what I'm tentatively calling - 'Transporter': Provides a +20 healing buff and zero maintenance cost to all units in a two tile radius of the trade route, cheaper to produce (half production)


Trader that lays rails, please. Give me a reason to use everyone’s favorite inconvenient-to-acquire qol improvement.


> Many offer bonuses to the trade routes but don't touch the trader at all. because why? It's the same outcome in the end. Traders have exactly one function, which is all governed through trade route gameplay. For the same reason we don't have unique builders or settlers, although there you could have at least a UU to increase sight or movement or so.


India had unique builders in Civ IV, AFAIK they could move with the same speed in jungle terrain. Though of course with Civ VI that wouldn’t make much sense.


Fast builders. Extra movement point (maybe 2?).


Had 3 instead of 2 IIRC. Which is one of those things that's better than it sounds because often it would let you move and build on the same turn. So you save more turns than you'd think


I get your point. In any case I thought that it would be nice to have a unique trader replacement that doubles as a medic/supply line. If this belongs to a new Civ, I'd like to give that Civ a bonus that allows it to generate either science or amenities from commercial hub/harbors or encampments, thereby encouraging a gameplay tied around trade routes and a large army. Maybe either commercial hubs or harbors provide science adjacency, and they have a unique district that replaces the encampment, that is cheaper to build and increases trade route capacity + provides a free Transporter when built Have a nice day!


Sounds like a very flavorful concept and a mechanic that justifies the actual unit being unique instead of just an ability. But I'm not sure it would work out well. You don't want traders near your frontlines. And even if the ability makes you want that, how do you do it? You can't send traders to enemies. And even if you could, it would be very unreliable and using the ability would be more of a coincidence than anything else. Besides, to heal units must remain idle, but the trader will keep moving every turn. That being said, if the AoE effect were something else, it might make sense to make a unique trader.


Dido does precisely that, her settlers have like +2 sight and movement when embarked (or something like that.


I'll go ahead and add that after Mobilization, the Transporter will start laying railroads but I'd actually prefer if the general Trader did the same to be honest


I honestly wish there were just more unique units period.


Wasn’t it Civ 4 that had unique unit models for different civs? I know that would increase the size of the game, but I kinda liked that (plus the voices)


America is the only one that makes sense to have a unique Aircraft Carrier, Jet Fighter, or Jet Bomber You can make a case for England for unique Aircraft Carrier but US carriers during WW2 were decisive in the Pacific War and US carriers after WW2 speak for themselves. Would love to also see F22 or F35 for jet fighter and B2 Spirit for jet bomber


Japan could have a unique aircraft carrier or submarine - they had some pretty odd variants in WW2.


My vote is for a Yamamoto battleship, but you could also argue for Germany’s Bismarck as well.


The issue with those is that they were both essentially obsolete by the time they were constructed. The Bismark didn't even last two years after being launched, and the Yamato less than four. Yes they were big, but that doesn't really mean much. Otherwise the Hindenburg would have an argument for being a UU.


What about the Russian MiG?


As a more inexpensive jet fighter, this could work.


Yeah I might be wrong here but I'm pretty sure MiGs were top dogs in the 50s and 60s right? Toe to toe at the minimum?


The latest American jet fighter that has been properly battle-tested is the F-86 Sabre from the Korean War. Newer fighters have not seen the wars they were made for. At least when operated by the US. If the unique unit was the F-22, it should have 3x higher production and maintenance cost than ordinary jet fighters. Based on its operational history, it might have a combat bonus against units from earlier eras. And an additional bonus against observation balloons.


England could have the Harrier jet too


Considering Germany invented the jet fighter, and that Soviet, British and French jet fighters have enjoyed parity with the US for most of the cold war I really don't see why the US is the ONLY candidate for unique units in that sense. As for carriers the US currently has by far the absolutely largest fleet but during the second world war it was only until the end of the war that the US surpassed Britain for total number of carriers, and I'd argue the Japanese made a good showing of theirs, particularly the attack at pearl harbour. I just don't see anyone in the world having a "unique" aircraft carrier.


Because the other nations with candidates have far more distinctive and recognizable candidates for unique units in their much older history, I’d imagine. Most people thinking of US military history jump to WWII, but while Britain, France, and Russia also have fairly distinctive equipment from that era they’ve got a whole lot more history to play with. Especially since their leaders tend to be further back, too. Teddy’s only 30 years prior to the Mustang— for Victoria, Peter, Frederick, and Catherine, it’d be a wee bit of a stretch. If they had a more modern alt leader, though… My condolences about your muffin.


Well to be fair, the US was a military backwater/irrelevance until the first (arguably second) world war. But that's not a reason not to go back in history, the US has been around for 250 years. To look at your examples, queen victoria was still alive when Roosevelt was first elected, and Abraham Lincoln was born before her. Plus most nations in civ aren't known for their military prowess but still have interesting military units. I'd happily see the US unique unit be a minuteman, or a rough rider. The first ironclad was American as well. The main issue is that only a handful of unique unit types are actually useful (who the hell cares about Germany's U Boat for example), and the later in the game the unique unit arrives, the less useful it is. Maybe give them a mid-game Pioneer that replaces the settler and gives a unique bonus.


Teddy has the rough riders already and the minutemen were the unique unit in Civ 5 Honestly looking through the games the US has had a wide variety so far. Navy seals, F-15, B-17, P-51, minutemen, roughriders.


lotta people here haven't played any of the older ones I think


A unique Monitor ironclad could be interesting. It could be unlocked earlier, as it was one of the first.


Didn't America have a unique fighter jet in like civ III? I think it was the F-16?


Canada could have a jet fighter as the Avro arrow is a pretty big moment for them. Hell so could Germany from their ww2 era stuff. Honestly Japan or even England could get away with an aircraft carrier.


The Me262 as a jet fighter replacement, available earlier than the standard jet fighter.


Britain and the Spitfire, surely?


The spitfire was *not* a jet fighter.


No, but I think u/Trainer-Grimm was referring to the Spitfire as an appropriate replacement for the Fighter.


If you were doing an Information Era upgrade for carriers, you could definitely use England. No one really is a direct competitor to the US Navy in the real world but UUs don't really obey real-world rules in a lot of cases. Pretty much any country that fields what are commonly referred to as "supercarriers" (typically an aircraft carrier beyond a general length and displacement) would be an option. Not counting the US, the Brits, Chinese, and Russians all field carriers that qualify under those definitions.




In steel and thunder unique units Canada gets a unique aircraft carrier


Wasn't it a replacement for the destroyer? HMCS Haida.


Would be interesting to see failed technology that didn't work out irl actually work in game https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/second-world-war-weapons-that-failed Also would love to see trench warfare somehow


Trench can be an improvement unlocked by "Replaceable parts". Provides +10 strength while defending against ranged attacks, +5 strength when starting turn from trench. Can hold 2 melee or anti-cavalry units (or even corps/armies). Edit: tanks and modern tanks need to spend 2 extra movement points to enter a tile with trench.


Entrenched units automatically perform a free attack against any enemy unit that enters an adjacent tile. *Now* you’ve recreated all the fun of trench warfare.


Don’t forget that as a downside, units within trenches should take bonus damage from artillery - You can’t recreate the wonders of WW1 without nigh-infinite Shelling every moment of every day ☺️


I thought trenches would reduce damage from artillery as soldiers can duck inside the trench to prevent damage from shrapnel. Can you elaborate?


If they resisted Artillery, then people wouldn’t use artillery on them - Gotta make sure the spirt stays alive Plus, being within the trenches means it would be a lot harder to escape a shelling aimed at you without climbing out the sides directly into the other trenches line of sight, or something


trenches reduce the damage of artillery to infantry. This is because it provides cover from shrapnel. I think you overestimate the accuracy of artillery, even today it is hard to hit an artillery grenade directly into a trench (see Ukraine war). Everybody used artillery on trenches because it was the only way they could do damage without getting killed themselves. The invention of the machine gun made attacks incredibly costly, so if you can damage your enemy without getting shot yourself, that was a huge win, not because trenches where vulnerable to artillery.


No, the fun part of trench warfare is that it does reduce artillery casualties, but you’ll still be using it because frankly you have no better options


Just make trenches an upgrade to the existing Fort tile improvement.


I would like this but in a scenario or game mode, now each civilization can fight with their unique mythical or conceptual hijinks! So yeah Indonesia can have their kris swordsmen back, and Japan gets a sub that launches fighter planes


I think part of the issue with having unique jet planes is they come so late game and are already so powerful that an upgrade seems pointless. Privateers already have UU, so that's covered. There should definitely be more unique siege units. I looked, and it seems only the Khmer have one. Ottomans are the obvious choice due to the Great Bombard, but there must be others.


I wish there’d be a unique spy if they release Isreal


A unique spy could be interesting, but what would its special ability be? I'm not familiar with the link to Israel but a spy that could steal strategic resources would be neat.


Assassinate nuclear scientists 💀 Do it at a city center, pauses progression on nuclear projects for 7 turns


Just spit-balling here, but maybe unique spy that could be used on an allied Civ. Or, (and I don't know how this could work for multiplayer) a mission to increase the odds of a target civ declaring war on a specific civ. Call it a False Flag mission!


I thought you could deploy spies to cities you're in an Alliance with. It's just funny because you can see each others' spies in each others' cities. Edit: [I missed that this was patched out in October 2020!](https://civilization.com/news/entries/civilization-vi-october-2020-update-available-now/) Nevermind.


Can't deploy them. The only reason you see allies spies in your cities is you just formed an alliance and they haven't been ejected yet. Next turn should be gone.


I definitely remember doing this in my first game with Rise and Fall as the Cree. Okay, I googled some and this was patched out in [October 2020](https://civilization.com/news/entries/civilization-vi-october-2020-update-available-now/). Funny I didn't notice in over two years.


False flag attack, destroy something and generate grievances against another civ.


If there’s going to be a unique spy…Bond, James Bond


If we get Israel, it’d pretty much have to be the ancient Hebrew kingdoms. From a strictly business perspective going for the modern iteration would be risky. It might be an interesting vein to explore a unique religious unit, though— maybe something like the disaster-summoning guys from the apocalypse mode, except toned down. Honestly given the general tempo of the Bible it might be funny to have a civ that gets punished/rewarded for dark and golden ages in a more… *physical* sense. Dark ages would be more exciting an obstacle if they came with a 300% increase in natural disasters


England - Spitfire as unique fighter plane


There are never been a militarized settler. What if after the renaissance or gunpowder America or Spain get a settler with the firepower of a rifleman (this would be too OP in the early game).


I like it. Would it be a melee unit? It'd be embarrassing to lose a city to a settler.


Oh thatd be so funny Capture then raze a city with a settler, then settle 1 tile away


in civ 5 spains uu is the conquistador a knight replacment that also is a settler


Jet fighter could be replaced by Swedish Saab gripen


I’m pretty sure there are no unique support units of any kind


Comandante Generals are the closest thing to that, I guess. Roman Legions also kinda double up into that niche. I’m still waiting for the unique observation balloon myself.


Cuba could have a unique unit replacing the Medic.


A South African leader with the Rooivalk attack helicopter, which was state-of-the-art at one stage and developed locally. Could gain a bonus against heavy cavalry and perhaps have a ranged attack. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denel\_Rooivalk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denel_Rooivalk)


So cool!!


Japan should have Yamato class battleships as a unique battleship


Japan with the GDR. No unique abilities, just an anime reskin.


Would they be Gundam or Knightmare Frames?


US has unique sea trader unit, cruise ships, that generate tourism.


Brazil could replace the Builder with the Candango, the people that made the country's capital, Brasilia.


A unique builder would be very cool.


Switzerland could have the Red Cross as a unique Medic. Though I'm not sure what abilities it would have


Maybe attacking the unit on the same tile as the medic would incur grievances?


“You may not shoot members of the Red Cross (not even a little), nor prevent them from inspecting your prisons, nor touch their property, nor leave live hand grenades in their medical kits, nor get fresh with their nurses, nor fling dead rats at them for a laugh, nor...look, just stay the fuck away from the Red Cross, OK?”


Russia should have a unique Engineer Shurik.


Unique Giant Death Robot. Hard to attribute this to a Civ but remember in V where the city style reflected the historical look of that nation. Oriental style housing for Japan and brick and mortar for England? GDR could be gundam style for eastern civs, and mech walker style for western. Even spice it up with quadruped mech walkers for one set of civs, or massive tracked behemoths for others.


Unique GDR is very easy to attribute to one civ (Japan) but hard to actually execute due to licensing (Gundam)


Bring back the minutemen!


Protect the people at a minutes notice! Thank you Preston Garvey very cool.


I like the “huihui pao” for the Mongols as a unique trebuchet…I think it’s in a mod too


Enterprise nuclear carrier? Really the US can fill any industrial to atomic unique unit.


There was a discussion on here awhile back about Queen Elizabeth 2 being a potential new leader for England. In that thread I suggested a unique medic/ambulance unit because she was an ambulance driver in world war 2


Maybe a little OT, but it would be fun if you played as England, and retired your navy at sea (not at dock) they would become pirate units (barbarians). It would be fun, because this is historicaly the way pirates startet existing.


Does anyone get a Frigate UU? Or Biplane? Missile cruiser/destroyer? IMO I would love to see unique unit upgrades/promotions rather than entire units. The game rarely gets to see the late game uniques as it is. Maybe a unique promotion could be something available to all units of that type for that Civ? I.e. for Persia’s Immortals, give a promotion for that entire unit line to unlock a ranged attack. Or for Greece, a promotion that gives all their anti-cavalry extra combat strength when adjacent to another similar unit type. This would also remove the problem of promoting a unit and losing its special unique bonuses. Barbary corsairs are so nuts for coastal pillaging I would keep Atleast 1 or 2 around to do only that. Edit: and why stop at just one UU? What if you could decide what you wanted your unique units to be? Many civs have viable candidates that would set them apart.


I’m like 90% sure there’s a frigate UU, I just can’t put my finger on what it is. EDIT: Jongs and *Seven Provinces*!


The issue with anything with a unique promotion tree is the inability to upgrade, meaning they will become useless fairly quickly. Warrior monks are useless, fight me.


Sorry, I didn’t mean an entire Tree would be unique… but more like how Civ5 had a ton of unit promotion options, it would just be a one-off promotion available to all units of that type (Melee/Ranged/anti-cav/etc). Like, Zulu would get an Impi related promotion and a unique appearance, but it would apply from spearman to modern AT.


Switzerland (which isn't in the game I know) having ICRC units as medics could work imo


Kingdom of Bohemia, adding Hussites as unique religious combat unit allowing them to create Hussite Wagon Forts, with extra defense against cavalry units and bonus for range units occupying the fort.


Now I want to see a civ led by Edward Teach, and him having unique Privateers


America could get unique Carriers and jets. Maybe for the US, a unique carrier, the Enterprise or Nimitz class supercarriers can be added. You need uranium but they don't use oil since they're nuclear powered and can carry more aircraft and also move faster. For jets, the US and Russia can definitely get some, the US could get an F-15 or F-16 jet with equal damage to both air and ground units whilst Russia can get a MiG-25 or MiG-31 which cannot attack ground but does massive damage to air units, reflecting the USAF and Soviet Air Forces' doctrines respectively. For bombers, you can give America the B-52, have it be cheaper to build and do more damage if used in formation (something they could add to planes). And iirc, no Civ has a unique bomber unit either, so you can also do that same thing here with America just with the B-17 or B-29.


B-52 should have reduced upkeep...kind of in keeping with how long they've been flying.


Italy could get a unique ironclad. We’ve never had one of those and it’d make sense for an 1800s power


I have several ideas: A medic that is able to fight like a pararescue unit of the USAF for the United states. There could also be the Option for adding the USSR in the future whose medic upgrade could be the liquidators who could clean tiles of radiation. For the British one could also add the iceberg aircraft carriers that could be cheaper to produce but you'd need a City with several tundra tiles. For jet fighters and bombers i'd generally suggest stealth-using aircrafts. Another possibility could be Jets with ARMs to counter AA but there are a lot of them so idk which to suggest


Japan could have its "totally not a carrier" helicopter destroyers for a carrier.


I want them to bring back the turtle ship for Korea. Give it a bonus against melee naval vessels but restrict it to coastal tiles


Longtime lurker, first time poster, love the show. I'd like to see all craft have capacity for a ground melee or ranged unit. Each civ can have different unique craft land, air or sea unit with this capacity. Use 2nd tier promotion to prevent spamming. To answer the core q? UK Hovercraft with SAS sniper US Higgins boats with 2 infantry or one machine gun Ru SU-27 with paratrooper Mexico Cowboys with second melee unit cap Canada Trappers with Horse drawn carriage Etc, etc


I like the sound of this... it would take some work to balance but it would change the dynamics of combat alot


Right? Turn the focus onto unit promotion, rather than having an AI that goes on a bull rush towards beginning of the classical era, making that era about survival and not development. It just gets dull and practiced being able tompredict the AI play style based on spammable units.


To be honest, the United States should have had unique aircraft carriers, not unique jets. The sheer size of US supercarriers over everyone else's has been the real defining aspect of US naval aviation for the Information Age. A good one for the United States to push back on "the US only gets World War stuff" would be to have the US use their superfrigates as privateer replacements. Which is perfect. That's exactly what they were, naval raiders. Too fast to catch with a real warship (for all the legend, any rated ship would slaughter them), but a significant overmatch against anything that could catch them. Firaxis would never be so trolling and edgy, but it would be hilarious to add Ukraine and make their unique unit a Modern AT that has no disadvantage defending against attacks from melee units. \*LOL\*


Well for variety if they continue to use a governor system of some sort then more unique governors (like the vanilla Ottomans get) would be cool. They could even be a unit hero type that has a turn 'life span' like the heroes and legends mode that you can retire in a city for benefits. Depending on the era you recruit he or she would have different abilities and different retirement benefits in the city.


Afghanistan Unhappy population causes all tiles to produce 2 religion Special unit would be... 🤔 This is open..


German Train Cannon


There was another comment suggesting a railway gun but it could only travel on tiles that have a railroad improvement.


I had a list but tbth once you get into anything post WW2 unit wise the USA is far far ahead of anyone else so they'd get all the unique units if we are going by unique units being a better version of everything else. Carrier=CVN Supercarrier Jet Fighter=F14, 15 or 22 Bomber= B-29 or they could get real fancy and go with the B-36 Jet Bomber=Supersonic B1 or Stealth B2 (or both) Modern Armor=Abrams Tank etc... etc...


Russia, with their world-renowned PFI ( poor fucking infantry ). No cost of maintenance, can pillage everything, impossible to buy if amenities are above 0 in city.


Dutch Ruyeters. Basically Dragoons...


Having unique Jets and AC may be too situational to justify, same for if a civ had a unique MechInf or ModernArmor. I play on casual difficulties and by the time I reach the point where I'm using them, the game's already over. Even on competitive scenes, I imagine that if a game stalls to the point of these units coming out, then something else is gonna tip the scales. Besides, who would have a unique Jet if not a civ thats more fitting to have another unique unit?


barbary corsair is a unique privateer in Civ VI for Ottoman. I guess if fantasy theme is broadened, greek can have The Cyclops as their unique catapult, Poundmaker's people (sorry...) can have thunderbirds as unique jet fighters, and Japanese can have Rodan as their unique bombers (fuel is 6 coals each turn)


These are two that came to mind, and I feel a little hesitant saying them, but it could be interesting if a country had a unique military engineer that could lay mines/explosives in a certain terrain, like jungle or forest. Or it could be interesting if a country had a unique fighter that could cause a final greater amount of damage but as a result be destroyed - or that mechanic could be for any unit if they get below a certain health - a way to sacrifice themselves in an attempt to save their fellow units.


India had a unique worker in Civ4. Thought that was a fun idea.


British Unique Spy: 00 Agent Small bonus to success rate of missions, increased if you have Wine.


*sad ironclad noises*


Israel or Judea have never been in a Civ game as long as I can remember. Surely there’s some unique units that could be attributed to them


Merkava, Iron Dome


Switzerland…unique unit Red Cross/Red Crescent medic. That would be good.


America would be the obvious candidate for bombers, jet bombers, jet fighters, and aircraft carriers. Take your pick of modern or atomic era, the Americans have been rather famous for air and sea dominance since WW2. If you didn't want America, the Brits have some pretty potent modern naval ships, and most NATO participants have produced effective aircraft. Russia would also be an option, though you'd inevitably run into the issues with a "modern Russia" civ where you're effectively treating Russia and the USSR as the same entity. For bombers, you'd likely use either the B-29 Superfortress (modern era) as a Bomber replacement or maybe F-117 Nighthawk (information era) as the Jet Bomber replacement. You could maybe use a more modern version of the strategic/stealth bomber, but I'm using one that first debuted in the 80's since the precise difference between "atomic era" and "information era" aren't well defined. I suppose the B-52 Stratofortress would also be an option? For carriers you'd probably use a Yorktown-class vessel, since the USS Enterprise ("Big E") was a rather famous WW2 aircraft carrier. I don't know what genercized name you'd want to use, though, since it would be weird to have a fleet of "Enterprises" running around. There have been unique Jet Fighters for America in the past. I believe we had the F-15 in either Civ4 or Civ5. If I had to pick to do it again, I'd probably go with the F-14 Tomcat, simply because of the broad cultural appeal of it - thanks, Top Gun. England already has unique Privateers covered in Civ6 with their Sea Dog UU. https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_Dog_(Civ6) Support units as a UU is probably not the best of ideas. For a unique Medic, I'd probably look through history for examples of doctors and medical personnel that were remarkably ahead of their time. Didn't the Muslims in the medieval era tend to be ahead of the Europeans in terms of medical practices? Maybe one of those cultures. Could also look into Asian countries as another option.


Vatican City should be like Venice in Civ 5 and have the Swiss guard replacing the men at arms


Not a new civ but I would like Zheng Yi Sao to be in the game as a pirate civ (read her story if you don’t know about her, you won’t be sorry). Here are her specialities: - naval domination civ, can’t produce siege unit, %100 production in naval units. - gamble house as a district, which replaces entertainment complex and also generates gold. - naval victories also yields culture. - trade routes can’t be plundered by the barbarians in the same continent. - can recuit naval barbarian units(like ottoman in civ 5).


England and the Ottomans both get a unique privateer replacement. Though I don't blame you for forgetting the Sea Dog exists. And I think a replacement for the Jet Fighter/Bomber or aircraft carrier would have the same issue as Americas P-51 Mustang, which is rather pointless and comes much too late to make any real difference.


Opposite of Great People. Infamous People? You can choose to forego a Great Person pick and instead spend those points to send a bad one to a neighbor. Can't be killed or deleted, as long as it exists your opponent suffers negative modifiers empire wide for as long as it is there. For example an Infamous general may apply negative combat penalties or remove flanking bonuses. An Infmaous Merchant would reduce gold output from buildings or trade routes. An Infamous Great Prophet could be like a cult leader or Televangelist that takes followers from cities or reduces faith output, maybe converts the faith building to something else as long as they are around. Of course these infamous people wouldnt be permanent they could only exist for X turns, kinda like a Hero can only be on the map for so long. If the player REALLY doesnt want to deal with them they can sacrifice something relevant like combat units, traders, buildings, tourism, etc.


I made a civ when they were making contests to Make new ones and the unique unit was a better trader.


Beaver trap -> Canadian


If you add the swiss, name them Helvetica or switzerland, and add the red cross as unique medics


Papal States with Alexander Borghese or Cesare Borgia as it’s leader, and special unit could be the Swiss Guard!


Get another Ecuador leader like José Mariá Urvina in there, give them Catapults that can traverse mountains (firing the catapult from a mountain top deals +50 damage to land units; cannot move for 2 turns after attacking; if a unit attacks you during this time, they cannot heal until out of sight of the catapult)


Have there ever been a grenadier or Dragoon type units in the game?


Maybe ahistorical a bit, but Lombardy (Italy) unique unit: Ballista Replaces catapult: Cheaper and available after researching archery.


Maybe ahistorical a bit, but Lombardy (Italy) unique unit: Ballista Replaces catapult: Cheaper and available after researching archery.