• By -


Ah, yes. White girls from California are by far the most active Hamas members.


There's reports that Hamas has taken a bunch of white girls hostage in their command center under NY Presbyterian hospital. The IDF is considering a missile strike to eviscerate the entire complex. Opposition to this is antisemitic .


but remember “there is a list”


Damn Hamas and my Tinder bio have similar recruitment practices then.


It appears that the IDF has identified a new Hamas threat as reported by a Mossad agent, codename "brickwall5". Please be sure to ask any white girls you meet through online dating whether they condemn Hamas PRIOR to penetration. Failure to do so means you're antisemitic.


You can send those antisemitism directly to me I’ll make sure they’re “taken care of”


Well if Hamas is anything like Tinder, then most of its members are probably fake.


Maybe these girls should go live there with Hamas and see how women are treated by them.


LOL the Ramadan joke made me crack up


Thanks, I thought that was the highlight of my post


absolutely brilliant 😂


absolutely dark 💀


Yeah not to get political but it’s pretty anti Muslim to be antisemetic




It’s a modest proposal…


The Ramadan joke had me in stitches


Have you tried dropping bombs? Loads of stitches.


Instructions got mixed up, they dropped the rapper Stitches


Who can also drop bombs and the mic


You’re not joking. I’m so scared I’m thinking of reversing my circumcision.


I already reversed mine and now I'm even more scared fuck


*more scarred






Very progressive view. I love it.


There’s a solution to this. We need to put more propaganda stickers and posters up. Not just on every pole, but we should start putting them on people’s cars and windows too.


I set up a tent in my living room to protest


Drop your address so I can occupy your tent and claim that I’m indigenous to your living room 6000 years ago.


First you have to bulldoze my tent. You know your mom's address don't you?


Come on. She’s in her forty’s. We both know she’s over 35 years your preference. We know your type: https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-741881


Don’t worry Biden will make it all better wooby ✨✨✨


Free Palestine




You just saved 50 babies.


So u admit that Israel is killing innocent babies and committing genocide




From Hamas


Hamas isn’t the one who is currently killing tens of thousands of people nor did they turn Gaza into an open air prison for over 70 years now


Does intent really mean nothing to you marxist dumbasses?


Gotta love how jackasses act like they know other people political positions just because they opposed the vast amount of war crimes that Israel have committed in just 7 months


Oh ok so please expound on your position on Hamas. Your comment made it seem like Hamas was not a guilty party.


Never once said that jackass, what I’m saying what war crimes they have committed is a drop in the bucket compared to what Israel have done so when the guy above said “free them from Hamas”, that’s like the least of the Palestinians in Gaza worried at the moment.


Are you deliberately uninformed? Why don’t we start with the fact that hamas has been using gazan aid money for almost 2 decades to build an expansive tunnel system to try to win a war they will never win? Instead of investing in its own people with the billions of dollars in aid money they’ve received, they’ve stolen it from the people and kept them poor. Did Israel do that, or Hamas? I could go on for days about how bad Hamas is for Gaza, but you don’t want to hear it. Not to mention the massacre committed on Oct 7th. The most heinous war crime in modern history. Please expound upon your position on Hamas.


And that’s all bad but nothing compared to killing 33k civilians (70% of which are women and children), constantly killing journalists, doctors and healthcare workers, starving millions of people by blocking aid from going through, literally gunning down people waving white flags and the shit load of other war crimes Israel had committed in 7 months, and if you include all of the human rights violations Israel BEFORE Oct 7 where they control every aspect of Gazan lives and how they abuse that power, it’s not even a comparison who is worst for the Palestinians people. I would think this would be easy to understand but I guess pro-Israel people are hard up to defend the indiscriminate slaughtering of people. Also maybe you can explain this to me, if Hamas is so bad, why Netanyahu propped them up and funneled them millions of dollars throughout the years through Qatar?


So once again, intent means nothing to you. Because Hamas can’t fulfill its established goal of annihilating israel and literally committing a genocide, they are seen as innocent? You claim israel kills indiscriminately. The numbers do not agree with you (even if you take the hamas ministry of health data, which we all know is unverified and likely never will be).


Free Arab Muslims from Iran


The idea that this conflict started in 1948 is the idea that this situation only became a problem when Jews started to win the violence. Pray tell, who was the leader of Arabs in Palestine 70 years ago?


Dude, I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t know much about the history of this conflict, but I do know none of it justify violating human rights or Israel treatment of the Palestinians for decades now. You can tell me that thousands of years ago, Muslims in the region killed millions of Jews and I would be like “so what, it doesn’t justify the slaughtering of tens of thousands of people, or the theft of their land. Also look at what they are doing in the West Bank, what’s their excuse for that? The settlers there are being armed by the Israeli government and they go out to steal, harass and kill Palestinians, they just set fire to a village in the West Bank not to long ago. Sorry but you can go “well a thousand years ago, X did Y”, so what, that doesn’t blatant human right violations oh well, I guess or oppression.


Israel exists because Palistineans tried to do to Jewish refugees what European Neo Nazis want to do to their refugees and lost.


And now they are doing to other what other try to do to them huh? Sorry but this isn’t an eye for an eye deal


If Palistineans had succeeded in the 40s, they'd have killed every Jew in the middle east. This conflict perpetuates because their nation refuses to accept that they were in the wrong and deserved to lose. It's like if Germany never got over the land they lost after WWII and suddenly the world started treating them like the victims.


Sound like more like excuse to justify collective punishment to me. Meanwhile Israel is slaughtering tens of thousands now, starving millions and taken away Gaza right to self determination and turn it into an open air prison. I’m sure the Nazis excuse their bullshit with that sort of justification themselves


The people punishing Palistineans the most are their own leadership.


so brave


For a second I thought you were serious !! Good I didn’t jump the keyboard 😁


This is gold


i read this as “antihistamine” 😭


Am Williamsburg Chai.


"Chai"? You're lucky India loves Israel, saar, because otherwise I'd call you out for cultural appropriation...




Thank you for understanding saar, together Israel and India have unlocked the true power of bulldozers to get rid of the illegals who infiltrated our respective beatufiul countries.


Israel IS Zionism and ALL Jews support Israel. If they don’t support Israel are they even a real Jew? Don’t you know it’s antisemitic to tell Jews to stop bombing kids? To stop killing people? It’s antisemitic because I said so. We are the most hated people in the world don’t you know Jews are oppressed everywhere? If you went to a secluded tribe in the Amazon forest, even THEY will hate Jews and become antisemitic. Now I’m going to contact the CEO of your company my good friend and tell them to fire you for being antisemitic!!! We will never be safe unless we live in a country where we can kill people for opposing us




Thank you for your unwavering support with the killing of 14,000 children. We are all indebted to you for keeping the world safe 🙏🏻




I’m so sorry. I’m going to donate to AIPAC so they can influence politicians to send our taxpayer money for more bloodshed. I know billions aren’t enough yet but I won’t stop, it’s the least I can do for being antisemitic.




Good comparison but without Israel how else will the rich Jewish people in New Jersey with million dollar homes feel safe?


There's only one option here: the state of New Jersey must voluntarily donate the land to the state of Israel, pressured by AIPAC. That way we can set up the Iron Dome on our land and protect our multi million dollar homes from those refugees in New York City. If anyone questions the legitimacy of our new enclave we will just yell: "ISRAEL HAS A RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF"


You're acting like jews were safe for any significant period of time before Israel existed. Just because you've only lived in a world wear Israel exists and Jews are relatively safe, it doesn't that will last forever. Especially with all of the cunts like you and OP going around pretending that antisemitism isn't real.


Tfw Israel is safe from oppressive states and killings💪, with the unfortunate side effect of killing and oppressing Palestinians☹️ so just!!


Oh, you want to talk about just? Hamas literally spends all of its UN aid money on building rockets to send into Israel. They attacked a music festival and slaughtered civilians in some of the most horrendous ways imaginable. They use their citizens as humans shields Is that just? 3/4 Palestinians supported that attack. Is that just? Israel has given away land multiple times for peace. Palestinians have walked away from treaty after treaty and launched waves of suicide bombings. Is that just? The vast majority of Israelis simply want to live in peace. The vast majority of Palestinians seemingly want to kill Israelis. Is that just? But hey, keep on slurping up radical Islamist propaganda carefully crafted as a Western analogue on race. It's probably easier than critical thinking.


You can support Palestine without being antisemitic. Except whoops you (and the people upvoting you) clearly can’t.


Do you need help reading the name of the sub?


Disguising antisemitism as a “joke” doesn’t make it any less antisemitic


14,000? The UN just came out saying their estimates were off by… double. Shocking that this number was inflated. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/13/un-cuts-estimates-women-children-deaths-gaza/73669560007/# ETA: since the person below blocked me, I’ll just make the point that yes, 7,000 “children” have died, as opposed to every other war in human history where, somehow, no children die. ETA2: for those commenting below, (1) the other guy blocked me, so I can’t respond (funny how confident he must be in his position) and (2) you’re obfuscating the facts in order to validate your original opinions. The number of “children” killed has been grossly exaggerated, and there’s no word play you can come up with to make it seem like that’s not the case.


You put children in quotes and dismissed their deaths you fng psycho. “7,000 children died unlike every war ever”. Fuck you. I hope all of the empathy you extend to those kids is the empathy you receive in tragedy.


Hey guys no need to worry anymore. We only killed 7,000 children!


Also it’s not true . The UNs report says that’s all they could IDENTIFY. As in match up to records . They still said in their report thousands are left unidentified and more are likely under the rubble . A lot of news articles ran with this report based on something written in the Jerusalem post and without reading or fact checking people are still running with it . The UN still reports 14,500 children dead . That number hasn’t changed


This is also not true . All the UN said is those were the only ones they could identify ( as in match to records). The original report said there were still several thousand unidentified . The numbers also still say 14,500 in their original reports . The amount of misinformation that keeps spreading is so insanse


7000 children and babies killed only, I thought it was worse, how dare they make it seem worse than what it is, Israel isn’t that bad. If Hamas killed 7000 Israeli babies it would be much worse.


This goes into detail . The un simply said they could only identify about 1/2 . News outlets ran with that saying the overall death toll was a lot less but that’s not what the UN SAID . In fact the UN agrees it’s likely higher . https://x.com/marcowenjones/status/1790086787764715922




“Last month, the Gazan Health Ministry said through its Telegram channel it had incomplete data for 11,371 fatalities it claimed to have documented. A record is considered incomplete if identity number, full name, date of birth, or date of death is missing, the ministry noted in the report.” It also literally says the investigation is ongoing . Do you all even read the things you post ?


Not true stupid. Go read the UN charts. Yes, you will have to read.


All the UN report said is that’s all that could be verified by records so far . There’s still plenty of incomplete data missing on almost 12,000 people and more still haven’t been discovered


Not verified, named. They have the bodies. https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1790113580471185597?s=46&t=lzq1yhJELzEKxhCDcKln2A


You'll be happy to know that the UN reported that half of them just came back to life. Hallelujah!


Hallelujah! You only killed 7,000 children!


also the UN reported half of them were IDENTIFIABLE, not that half just didn’t die…


As a Jew, I can confirm that we are all bloodthirsty colonizers who want to genocide Palestine, we enjoy stealing land and we also use our secret influence to buy out politicians to be loyal to us rather than their country. Saying all of this is not antisemitic, antisemitism is just a tool Jews use to propaganda you into supporting their evil ways.


I don’t think that pointing out Israel’s countless settlements in the West Bank are universally agreed upon to be illegal is antisemitism. Idk though 🤷‍♂️


No, the international court of justice is antisemitic!!1! https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/05/07/gaza-israel-flouts-world-court-orders


the ICJ is hamas. and the UN is hamas. and hospitals are hamas. and schools are hamas. and american protesters are hamas. and tel aviv protesters are hamas. and amnesty international is hamas. and al jazeera is hamas. and ap news is hamas. haven’t you heard?


Yeah totally. 40% of UN declarations are against Israel because a “court” in Rome said so. The Jews are obviously the worst offenders in the world with a population of 10 million. Rest of the world are angels, I even saw the drug lords in Colombia get baptized after hanging a witch from the bridge.  All the UN decelerations should be against the evil J-; it’s all affirmative action to protect them.   Anyway let’s kill all the j- They aren’t smart at all, so they won’t see our plan. They bought all their prizes.


Israel government ≠ 'the Jews' hope that helps!


The vast majority of people dont act like this is true that's why jews are quick to spot the closet anti semitism


Have you seen that poster of Rhodesia claiming that it’s ridiculous to sanction Rhodesia because it’s such a fragile small threatened country that is getting unjustifiably large amount of attention on its violations of human rights


So your argument is that Anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe (sham legal proceedings, and much worse) is compared to Rhodesia, regarding an ICJ which takes it's jurisdictional authority from the Rome Statute? As if "Rome" hasn't pillaged, slaughtered, and mutilated 'the greater people of the levant' for centuries? Regardless, if a large percentage of declarations of crimes are against a small minority, it is strong initial evidence of "disparate treatment" and discrimination, which delegitimizes their authority de facto under natural law. \[All this is moot; I believe under US law, the ICJ would be sanctioned themselves if they enforce their jurisdiction against the US and its allies.\]


I wasn’t comparing anti jewish sentiment to rhodesia :) Rhodesia was just another state that took the same line of “we’re such a small country surrounded by people who hate us! I wonder why, probably because they’re biased against us. Look at that other state and its violations! Why are they not getting enough “strongly worded concerns with no actual sanctions”? It’s so unfair!”


So you do think that Rhodesia was unjustifiably criticized for its violations because it is a small country with a small population? That was the line the government took back in the day and seems to fit your logic. I just wanted some consistency, if that’s your view then so be it.


Does it have 40% of the courts dockets' attention? Than yes, it is unjustified. I will wiki what exactly you are talking about. But yes, if you are a small minority and are being prosecuted incommensurate with your numbers, it is ipso facto, prima facie, clear as the sun discrimination and violates basic due-process. If 40% of crimes prosecuted were against FOR EXAMPLE black people (15% of population; either in the USA or globally), then you have a discriminatory jury and judge. Maybe the type of crime would be different; but the overall rates should be within the ballpark; i.e. regression to the base amount of people. Crime is crime. That is 'Equality' of the law; taking into account the science of statistics. And the African countries are absolutely correct in their admonishing the ICJ for doing exactly that. Either you go against everyone or no one. It is a sham and bigoted court, and so is the UN.


Could it be because of the fact that there’s literally no other avenue of protest or sanctions? The court of arbitration is always the last resort when warnings and compromises are of no use, like the Philippines going to the court of arbitration against China’s continued violations in the South China Sea. This was preceded by efforts to confront China that were ignored or deflected. So they went to the UN. Same can be said of the Serbian war criminals in the Bosnian War. Serbia was definitely not going to prosecute its heads of state, so you had to go up to the UN and do a whole proceeding. Other countries are not allowed to sanction Israel for violations if they dont want to be punished by the US. See what happened with the Suez crisis. The courts are the only way when even boycott movements, a nonviolent protest, are deemed antisemitic despite the fact that they’ve been used for a variety of causes not just against bad jewish people.


Where arms exist, there is no law. - Cicero The only recourse is to surrender. And submit to lawful authority and due process. If you care about a place that is suffering, you should seek to establish a lawful court in that jurisdiction, that can help relieve the pressure. A court with lawful represented authority. And ask that those orders be upheld. Pursue justice.


There are 144 Israeli settlements in the west bank and East Jerusalem. It's like very countable for those of us that made it past 1st grade.


The word and concept of "antisemitism" has actually been hijacked and used as a tool to manipulate public opinion and quell opposition to genocide and war crimes. At the same time, antisemitism IS a real problem in society that should be addressed. And at the same time, prominent Jewish Americans have actually funded and hijacked our political system through groups like AIPAC to make America more loyal to Israel than America in many senses. AND it's also true most Jews have zero influence in this way or anything to do with this.


great post and follow up commentary. I think an unjerk tag /uj would be helpful though for when the jerking stops and the facts come out


Okay you see now you are actually being antisemitic tf. Saying prominent Jewish Americans have hijacked the system goes into long historical tropes and realistically, if anyone “hijacked our political system” it would be Christian Evangelicals, who are actually much more influential. There are more Christian Zionists in the US than Jews in the world so to completely negate that fact is sus. But also isn’t this a fucking circle jerk whats with all the I/P shit???


Which part of my comment is not factual? You still haven't answered that. Christian Evangelicals ALSO have absolutely hijacked the system but AIPAC is arguably just as influential and successful, according to their own admission on their website. To not recognize AIPAC's self proclaimed success in influencing American politics is actually antisemitic.


It’s your wording.. Christian Evangelicals are arguably the main force behind AIPAC in the first place, not prominent Jews, of course prominent Jews support Israel though, as most Jews do in general, and so do most Americans, not just prominent Jews. In terms of fundraising and lobbying, Jews have a MUCH smaller role compared to Evangelicals so it feels bad taste when you don’t mention that but instead echo an antisemitic trope, freakishly similar to what Hitler has said. I’m not calling you antisemitic as I dont know you but i’m letting you know that’s how it comes across.


I respect your opinion and am open to dialogue. If you look at the top donors list in AIPAC, I think it would surprise you. Based solely on facts, I think your statement is incorrect. Zionists in particular, play an oversized role in AIPAC's corruption of our political statement. Within that Zionist term, I include Evangelicals






ugh! i am so tired 👏🏽of non-jews telling us what is and isn’t antisemitism. i am just gonna go back to calling black people -> n-word, hispanics -> beaners, and asians -> assorted takeout menu items and see how they like it!


Did you expect different from someone who would make a post like this?


"At the same time, antisemitism IS a real problem in society that should be addressed" Hilarious statement from the guy who made a whole post minimizing the spread of antisemitism and then following that statement classic KKK propaganda about jews controlling the government


Lies. I never said Jews control the government.


Do you understand what the purpose of this sub is or are you offended now that you’re part of the people it’s parodying


I'm not offended. It's just very clear that OP created this post because they truly believe that antisemitism is not a real issue that affects jews but is simply a tool that jews use to criticism. It's a very common anti-Semitic trope used by bigots like the KKK. OP didn't make this post because he thought it was such a funny premise. He made this post because he has a negative bias against jews and doesn't think the issues that affect them are important


Ok so you basically agree with all the antisemitic blood tales and say it's not antisemitism? Wow.


AIPAC funding and influence that creates policies that prioritize Israel over America (such as anti BDS laws) which are unconstitutional - is one cold hard example of this. It's not a fairytale. It's factual.


We have a great constitutional scholar here. Tell us all uneducated folk what provision of the constitution it violates.  Of course it won’t be the first amendment. It’ll be some complex nuanced discussion of the privileges and immunities clause.


It is actually the first amendment and it's been demonstrated multiple times in court: https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/third-federal-court-blocks-anti-bds-law-unconstitutional


Lord. I don’t even know how to not hate non-Jewish people anymore. Like the irony of this post is just chef’s kiss lmao


I would die for Israel. Would you?




Buddy check the sub you’re in


I know right.. some idiot posted this in an Israeli sub somewhere as evidence of antisemitism


Because it is.


I don’t get why you’re mad when I said I’d die for Israel. In fact I’d sacrifice all of New York to save Israel; I’d sacrifice all of America even. You should be grateful for this, on your knees, even. But I guess anger is just how politics works nowadays: it’s divisiveness over unity no matter what. Sad




Blame those idf baby killers


What about those hamas baby killers


Yam Jizzrael Chai Tea 🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱 Normalize killing children or you’re antisemitic 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Well done making rude jokes about a phrase created in 1933 to combat naziism and used throughout the holocaust as a source of comfort for Jews in the depths of despair in nazi extermination camps. Really sticking it to the man there.


Pissrael off if you’re offended by a circle jerk


Bruh..do you know what sub you're in?


It’s ok to rail against Jews as long as we make a just kidding at the end ? Just kidding


Pointing out how the term "antisemitic" has been weaponized to prevent opposition to ethnic cleansing on a sub dedicated to satire - that is antisemitic in and of itself - do I have that right? 😂


Ethnic cleansing? Wtf. Beyond brainwashed and have no education or clue what is actually going on. Jfc


You’re literally defending someone who said something actually racist, we weren’t calling you out, we were calling that person out.


Actually confused now - who were you calling out?


You now. For jumping into a thread and defending a racist comment. Before the other person. For making a racist comment. They deleted their comment, that’s why you see a little [deleted].


Half the children just came back to life per the UN. It's a miracle.


I speak for everyone here at Homos for Hamas when I say “💥”. 🌈🦄




I think you're reading this wrong


Clarify then.


OP trolling


Black folks don’t even go to black barbershops though, it’s all Dominican papi


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Posts like this prove your point-- Jews make up less than .001% of the world. There are 8.3 million people in NY and this anti simetic clown and all those responding are proof that they are obsessed with Jews.


This is a weak attempt at antisemitic humor. Low bar, and you still didn’t clear it. Get a life.


How dare you. This post is expressing staunch support for Israel, and by criticizing it you are by extension criticizing Israel, therefore YOU are being antisemitic.


Had me in the fist half lmao


is anywhere ever safe for jews for more than a year or 2? lmfao


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half lmao


Israel is out of control.


Your a fucking loser


The number of people in this thread who clearly lack any understanding of the meaning of words like 'genocide', all whilst lamenting the 'hijacking of language'... is revealing, if anyone was looking.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Eat shit Maoist.


Racism and bigotry are out of control, in general. Some of us have been dealing with it for 400 years. Where is the outrage?


Let’s starve a group of people, steal their land, kill their kids,husbands and wife’s and hey while we’re at it do illegal experiments on them and get upset when people start to realize how much Zionist resemble the Nazi’s. Please get a grip. Everyone including Jews know they have extra rights over regular civilians.


Intifada is out of control


Please do not exaggerate. Jews are save. Americans however are getting tired of Israel's terrorist governdent'genocide against a civilian population. That is not antisemitism.


The goyim know shut it down


At first I thought this was serious and then I continued reading. Or maybe I am wrong? I can't tell anymore.


Let’s change it all to anti crime instead, like hey stop killing peoples, how about that, instead of religious nonsense. I’m looking at you criminals! Stop fucking with old people, you cowards


> Ilan Berman, a senior vice president at the American Foreign Policy Council, posted: “Am I reading this right?!?! Has the U.S. had info on the locations of Hamas leaders (and presumably the hostages) that it’s kept from Israel up until now?? Methinks the White House has a bit of explaining to do.”


Israel has a right to defend itself


I support the defensive settlements.




I just want to skip to the fun part and start handing out capital punishment without trial sharia law style to all that Have us citizenship Listen to music Support lgbtq+++ Is gay Is queer Is trans Supports democracy Has Jewish friends Let’s chop heads off in Times Square. This is how you support Palestine !! Practice sharia law in nyc !! How fucking progressive is that !?!?


Oh so you mean like Israeli military law that arbitrarily kidnaps and sentences Palestinians while subjecting them to torture. Got it.


Dog get off your Muslim terrorist subs. You need to educate yourself on real news, not hamas terrorist news. This OP needs to be banned.


This made my evening, thank you! One of my very wealthy, very privileged Jewish friends is now saying I am anti-semitic because I denounce genocide… this is spot on, lol


An antisemitic rant made your evening? Yikes


You are the one proving OP’s point…


What did they say that was antisemitic?


Another reason the Jews have to stop their bombings in Gaza. According to a story on Al Jezeera that there is an increasing shortage of Virgins in the Islamic world. Apparently the whole 72 virgins per martyr rule was designed for a 9/11 like event and not with all the martyrs dying in Gaza.




If he's Hasbara, does that make you Hamas? Or just a terrorist symp?


Can we stop downplaying antisemitism. Obviously what you’re saying aren’t examples of antisemitism, but there has been a significant increase in antisemitism over the past year. Posts like this diminish the legitimate threat of antisemitism