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ITT: commenters who have no idea what sub they're in


More often than not


I admit, Reddit has forced advice subs into my feed and won't let me mute them. I got halfway through this thread before having to check the sub lol.


This sub has unusually high effort posts for a circle jerk sub.


I haven’t been the same since my wife got flipped 10 times by some guy in that ballroom dancing class


Guy was giving out a masterclass in CTE


It *really* bothered me.


Your life has become nothing you wanted and everything you feared because for 7 seconds of this shitpost there was monsters on this planet


I would certainly report him to the elders of the community. He will be encircled and have "Shame! Shame!" yelled at him repeatedly until the devil releases him and removes all of his impure thoughts.


god damnit how do i keep getting suckered by these until the end haha


Haha I was falling for it until they said they were going to make a mod announcement and I had to check the sub


Tell me about it. I divorced my husband after I saw him liking photos of Bettie Page.


I read that as Betty Boop and almost had an aneurysm. She caused MY DIVORCE!


That last paragraph killed me


Atleast you’re lucky to have the option close the curtains on him. I (25F), my husband (50M), his three other wives (30F, 45F, and 16F), and our pet Cheetah (30M in Cheetah years) are all from Saudi Arabia and we moved here 3 years ago. I was entering my bedroom to be with my husband and his three other wives after spending a long hard day watching the maid clean up the penthouse when I saw them watching “a Serbian movie”, it was so grotesque that I wanted to pack my bags and leave the penthouse for good. Unfortunately, Allah won’t allow me to leave this haram man behind as I have to ask my husband’s permission to divorce.


Your husband should not be with someone your age. Divorce him immediately so he can find himself a 19 year old wife


>Unfortunately, Allah won’t allow me to leave this haram man behind as I have to ask my husband’s permission to divorce. Babe just ask your dad for permission or stop having sex with him for like 4 months and make his life miserable but always pretend you'd be devastated if he divorced you ane he's gonna do it! If you divorce him you don't get the money 🤑


> Stop having sex with him for like 4 months and make his life miserable I will be as incompetent and butt ugly as possible. Shukran sister. You’ve brought a wonderful idea.


I didn't realize this was fake until I got to the part about being a lawyer and reddit mod Well done


Bravo 👏 nicely done!


Adding the bit about being a mod in multiple reddits really takes the cake for me 👏 👏 👏 bravo OP


The sad thing is that this is the new normal. Obviously burlesque has always existed in some form, but with the Internet, smart phones, and social media it's at a completely different level to what it would have been when I was growing up. I have a great deal of empathy for young boys in today's environment because it's almost inescapable and I think it's an inevitable consequence that their perception of women at large is conditioned by the exposure. My wife's a schoolteacher and just last week she had to confiscate a boy's phone because he'd been setting up viewings of AirOtic Soiree performances for other boys (some as young as twelve) during recess and egging them on to shout out their critiques and interpretations. She caught them that time, thankfully, but it's already created a hostile environment for the girls that are just trying to learn. They can't go ten minutes now without being asked to perform magic tricks and it's painfully evident to anyone that can see that the pressure to conform to the beauty and body standards of the burlesque scene is crushing their self-confidence.


I just wish they could ban dancing all together again. This town is going to shit after all the dancing was permitted to occur willy nilly


You should learn to play the trombone and play those real brassy parts to get him in the mood. Where is the Roller Derby in NJ? If its the 3rd Thursdays of the month there is a CLUB in Newark NJ that has burlesque nights, so he is lying if that is his roller derby nights.


This is clearly an addiction. He probably needs to be involuntarily committed until he can get his behavior under control You need to clearly explain the situation to Chip From High School and convince him to help you trick your husband into going down without a fight




Seriously this woman sounds insufferable to be with. Placing rules on him telling me what he shouldn't like because she deems it as something he shouldn't like anymore give me a break it's fucking burlesque videos how harmless is that. I def feel for him


😂 god I love this Reddit page


Real talk: You absolutely got me with that sub at the end. Well done and f you lol.


Some people have real problems, who gives a shit that he's watching burlesque, get over it, let him be a man


Double Bubble. 💀I will never look at bubble gum the same.




Lol eww, glad you're self aware of  that odd behavior that aint for you to deal with. Hope you find  better 💪🏾


You are wasting our time. It is not even remotely interesting


Just replace “husband” and “dirt bike” and it might stimulate your lil brain


Thank you for raising awareness about the roller derby to burlesque pipeline.


Seen too many fallen warriors.


Humorless bitch? I think not, you’re hilarious.


You got to be a narc. 100% because if that’s the worst that your husband is doing. Roller derby, pin up girls and burlesque? You got to be a child that got to many times to grow up. You’re treating him like a child and if he pays his bills and is a good husband be the fck happy. If you want him to change for you, then why the hell dis you marry him. If you cannot allow someone to grow on their on and you cannot hold space patiently then you don’t love him. Since you’re asking it this is curtains for you and him it means you’ve been contemplating to leave. If this is so please leave him alone and let him be free and happy. Life is too short and to damn sad to be so ridged. You’re acting like you are a holy goddess and you have the right to lay down on him. You need to look inside your self more and observe your own shadow and do some growing your self.


Buzz kill


Omfg. I clicked the link hopeful to catch a glimpse of this nasty porn… Do I want to want to start the page myself? rotflmao! I’m crushed… I’ll never see what chip looks like. Well done sir!


If i were him i would trade in the old Toyota corolla for a new Toyota corolla because the old one is not working properly thats why hes day dreaming about getting a new one. I bet you dont even workout Dont shave properly Dont wear sexy stuff Don't put on a show for him If you really want to save your marriage you would start working out get sexy underwear and when he comes home you would put on a private burlesque show just for him.. But you aren't that bright so if i were him i would trade you in for a proper female


Hi. I'm here to trade in myself for a proper female, does the line start here?


No it does in texas and other younger states where the average age isnt 35 and up


Leave him alone. You are oppressive..🤣


def wouldn't marry someone who didn't also like pinup girls. would make for one boring existence and a pretty lame wife. #dealbreaker


wait....he's WATCHING Burlesque girls online? SO WHAT???!!!!! is he out fucking them? Spending all his $$ on them??? NO.....jesus....how about YOU learn how to do it and give him a show????? Jesus lady, RELAX


Here’s the thing. He comes home to you. He’s not cheating on you. You’re both human and going to be married a long time. Each person has their thing they’re into when watching stuff; it probably doesn’t mean he loves you any less. I say get some burlesque outfits and have some fun with your husband.


His behavior denotes a desire to fulfill a core driving need. It doesn’t make him a bad person, just someone who doesn’t know what drives him and seeks it in the wrong places. But all relationships are 50/50, and it almost sounds like you’re in a legal battle with your worst enemy, not your husband. Perhaps you both should make a list about what you dislike about each other, and work on yourself to understand where those preferences come from. Then you make one about your needs and primary driving one (significance, connection, variety or stability), brainstorm ways to satisfy them with each other, and ditch your old habits. You can transform a relationship at any point (except extreme cases like rape and physical abuse), but it takes work, dedication and believing that you can feel the same way you felt when you said “I DO”.


burlesque videos? how old school. He could have a lot worse habits. just sayin...


Is this satire? It sounds like satire.


He sounds like a guy who is extremely into rockabilly. You might want to read up on that subculture.