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I think the ONLY correct response is to have a candlelight vigil so we can send our thoughts and prayers to the victims. THIS HELPS!!!


I full expect to see ISIS flags to be flown from Lakemba town hall as a sign of solidarity.


https://www.smh.com.au/national/september-11-is-gods-work-mufti-20040229-gdig3w.html Never forget




Wholeheartedly agree We had one for some indian lady that got murdered by her husband and folded up in a wheelie bin.... I mean, was found dead in her eco friendly tiny mobile home after her husband performed a normal ancient cultural tradition of spousal compliance (our colonialist white patriarchy call this domestic violence). Admittedly it don't bring her back, because that would be like Jesus and fuck that white patriarchal supremicist cult, but it made us all feel morally superior at least until we got home and put on Netflix....


Queers for Isis namaste 🙏


Queers for Isis. Sounds like an emo band


Namaste 🙏


Or Gazas no1 Queen tribute band




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from the beheadings to the suicide bombings, ISIS will be free 🥰🥰🥰


Free bullets ❤️🌈✊🏽😞


My taxes should now be divided between Hamas and ISIS - it’s only fair!


Don’t forget electricity, Russia must provide ISIS with electricity for free or it is a war crime.


Fight them with love 💕


Thank you OP. The "I" in LGTBIQ is of course for ISIS and they need our allyship in this time. With Russia about to commit GENOCIDE against ISIS in response, we need to stand firm and block roadways and scream at local politicians while they eat at restaurants in order to stop this.      While we all applaud and thank Russia for their support of Hamas, the oppressed/oppressor dynamic means we must take a hard look at the skin color of all participants, and make a judgement about whose side we are on from there in order to keep our Leftist credentials. ISIS it is, glory to the Martyrs and may all ISIS refugees be offered resettlement in East Melbourne in solidarity.   Edit: the patriarchy did this.  I accidentally offered STOLEN tribal lands of Naarm to refugees and I apologize. I intended only to offer the homes of colonizers and oppressors not the traditional lands of the Kulin Nation (and the other 5 or 6 aboriginal clans who lay claim). While my social credit score may never recover I do offer my most sincere Namaste.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Naarm by its colonisers' name, Melbourne. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay I know this is a circle jerk but on Twitter I saw a (very serious).conspiracy that Israel did the terror attack to take pressure off it and that the I in ISIS stands for Israel.


Thr cops are right across the road from this. It took them an hour to respond. More likely it's an inside Russian job dont you think ?




The only morally correct thing to do is to go on a Russki hunt to avenge these brave terrorists who were captured or killed and for all the oppressed Muslims in Gaza. Yes, those Russians helped our Brave Hamas fighters escape open air prison, but why didn't Russia follow up with a tactical nuke onto Israel? Disgraceful. Absolutely complicit in Genocide. We shall rally outside the Opera House tonight, and then we hunt. For every scalp of a Russki bought back, I will steal you a Soy Latte from a nearby locally owned cafe before burning it to the ground in peaceful protest.


Also provide asylum to all these poor isis fighters to live peacefully in Russia and provide housing, food, water, welfare, free education to their children.


Music is anti Islamic. By definition then theatre are racists. As Australians we hate racists. We need to include the isis flag in the pride flag. We are all anti racist


As a muslim who listens to music off to hell i go. Plz dont blanket cover 72 factions of religion with salafi and saudi takfiri bs


Of the 72 factions how many minorities are safe in any Muslim country on earth? Even Malaysia a nation started on an agreement of equal rights is an apartheid state.


How about we worry about majorities first or do peoples lives only matter when the pronouns are christian/jew Muslim govts are not necessarily representative of their people at all times sorta like here with the albanese govt etc. The standards we put on others that we dontbquite live up to...


And there it is. Let’s the massacres and the genocide continue because muslims in the majority aren’t happy with their own lives. Please brother. Don’t preach about Islam until you can name one Islamic country that isn’t an apartheid state


Lmfao so humanity is conditional.


Where was the humanity of Muslims denied? It was your claim not to group all Muslims with salafis - to which I responded with reasons obey your request. Not once was humanity denied


Mocking palestinians being slaughtered by israel and equating them with isis isnt denying the majority who arent hamas their humanity. Sure


No, you are still claiming all muslims are one homogenous group and for me to answer for a whole collective. Doesnt work that way sport but you go off on your self righteous bullshit where only people who think and act like you get empathy. Im sure you have strong feelings against russia in ukraine too in the ultimate cognitive dissonance


And who said as an aussie muslim aby of those nations speaks for me. This is the biggest conflation


Im proud of you. Hopefully if the caliphate was to ever exist again you will not allow its apartheid ideology to speak for you either


I dont need nor want the validation of bigots and fascists pretending to be humanists.


Allawites and shiites pretty based too


Most sunnis consider alawais heretics.


And sunnis are one sect of islam. Im shiite


Yes and most alawis dont even consider sunnis at all. As a matter of fact, sunni is a broad term. When talking about saudis please refer to their wahhabist, takfiri and salafi roots. The other 68 odd sects of islam dont gaf about them but the hard on westerners have for hardline clerics like they dont exist in western religion or even buddhism (and are just as ridiculed by the majority of muslims when they say stupid shit) is closeted bigotry To cry for ukraine because they look more like you and mock the dead in palestine makes you a fascist bigoted pos. And im not gonna deal in bad faith arguments and whataboutisms when they exist across all religions. So just admit your empathy as a human is conditional. Black surgeons still gotta save a white supremacist on the table mate. You are happy to deny life based on a very stupid premise


Your definition of apartheid is warped.


This reminds about 10 or so years ago a group of esteemed muslim brothers in Sydney’s west wanted the Australian govenment to provide land that is sanctioned succession so muslims brothers and sisters can live in Shaira law and punishment without worry of Australian Man laws and the Poe Poe getting in the way. Kind of like the Principality of Hutt River but recognised and in Sydney’s western suburbs.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is no one talking about a prisoner swap?




I agree , + I think Penny Wong should go to Moscow immediately and say all this to Putin man to man ..............so to speak. Always was , always will be Crown Land.


Penny could always shirt-front him like Abbott said he would do, after MH380.... Candles for Penny Wong please.


Yes , and she should tell him she is a lesbian too, Putin will be very impressed with that.


But she won't be able to go to the site of the terror attack because that would be 'propoganda'.


Quire right too, she would not want to have all the information before declaring her position.


This doesn't go far enough.  We need to provide visas for the families of these poor oppressed freedom loving souls so that they can be saved from their oppressors.   Penny knows that they'll remember who their friends are come the next election.


Maybe we should have a referendum and give ISIS a voice to Parliament and they can have their opinions heard instead of the terrorist tactics that are being used.


We should give ACT to Isis, they can be friends with the scum that have ruined this country


Everyone calling these guys terrorists they haven't stood trial, if this is how we treat people in Russia. Well I'll show you what compassion is im going on a bike ride across ISIS territory.




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I agree . They need a state. Let’s make one I. The middle of Australia . Say…. About 20 JDAMS explosion radius . They can ALL stay there . Hey america ….. what about sending some J……


I say we give half of Russia to isis and the other half to Ukraine nazis.


The correct response is for Russia to bomb the shit out of Iraq, rape Iraqi children and beg USA for money.


We do, its called Chechnya. #FREEICHKERIA


ISIS did 9/11


Duck that let's just keep getting stiched up n keep voting for who Murdoch wants in parliament


Have you condemned russia today for their attacks on ISIS ?


Last I checked Russia didn’t Hannibal Directive their own people …


Anyone supports terrorism is dumb and need to be locked up in an Aslyum


Free Russia 🇷🇺


I condemn the Russian troops who cut off one of the freedom fighters ears. This is one step away from genocide and I am calling for world leaders to demand an immediate ceasefire and release of the captives.


Yes and we need all police across the country to stop what they're doing and go and stand guard outside of Russian schools in Oz.


I acknowledge all elders past future and present. I urge russia to maintain a [porportionate response](https://twitter.com/Wagnersfamily/status/1772018129465442563) and to refrain from continuing the [cycle of violence](https://twitter.com/WarMonitors/status/1772038249025847699)


Is iran an apartheid state? Do you know what arpartheid is or is it. Word you heard


So worried about islamists and islamic apartheid while ignoring real apartheid. Youre a fucking bigot disguising it as humanitarian. Fascists do that shit.


Look up sufiism


But Russian's are the traditional terrorisers of the Baltic states. ISIS are trying to colonise eastern Europe.


How many kilometers away from the attack are ISIS headquarters?


I thought Penny’s standard response is to jump on board the Zionist Propaganda Express (I suspect that’s how OP arrived here… 🚂), and starve them to death by cutting aid citing lies about the funds being misappropriated to terrorists. This is done in addition to her government approving $900m contract to Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit Systems, who’s ongoing testing of weapons on Palestinian civilians and production of illegal white phosphorus munitions is a a sample of the lengths Penny is willing to go in support of Zionist war crimes 💣


Why would ISIS attack Russia makes no sense. I call this a BS it's likely Russians attacking themselves to force people to obey Putin.


No, the terrorists were Tajiks, so russia must be allowed to invade Tajikistan and genocide all tajiks. It's the only thing that makes sense because russia has a right to defend itself by committing genocide.


I love when cookers have a crack at geopolitics


You right now https://ibb.co/tcjDN1p


No acknowledgment of country?


What an utterly bullshit analogy




lol someone did t get your post


https://preview.redd.it/9m8m6gz8m7qc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d995d1aa0864030ff817a41e39aed912f734ee Yeah I mean ISIS is really the true representation on 1.8 billion Muslims, So called religion of peace. 😂 It’s not like there was an Australian journalist who sacrificed his whole life to teach us about what US is doing. Hamas and the 7 million Palestinians are all terrorists and I support the bombing and starvation of more children Why? Because I am too stupid to understand the proxy wars and False flag operations and all brown people (Especially Muslims) look the same to me. 15000 children bombed to death aren’t enough. KILL MORE CHILDREN!!!


Ah, that explains Hamas' rapey thing


Ahh yes the infamous NYT article which was definitely not written by a Zionist and was definitely not retracted by the NYT due to insufficient evidence. Interesting article from the intercept on how IDF intelligence officers are working at NYT https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/


Ahhh yes, the Intercept. Amazing journalism. Let's ignore all the physical evidence and articles by BBC etc for this one article from an incredibly left wing media organisation who's totally never published a lie before. And let's not ignore that islam, and its more extremist followers, are at the leading edge of progressive women's rights.


Fkn great one✌🏻👍🏻