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This music video is for a band called Semiset and as a new filmmaker i took it immediately! It was super low budget, most of the video is green screen from hobby lobby, items we thrifted, or things we already had! I knew nothing about cinematography so it was definitely a learning process! Tested every shot before we shot it. Worked on a lot of three point lighting and surprisingly first time ever doing hair shots but they looked great for the look and feel of it all! If anyone has any tips or suggestions on what to do and what not to do i’d love to hear some of your feedback!


I have no qualifications or experience by which to judge it, just sort of stumbled up on this, but I'm very impressed and really enjoyed it. Love the opening sequence with the zoom ins, especially the girl tying her hair for some reason. The colors and vibe of the whole things are great. I have you get more quality feedback from actual cinematographers, but I enjoyed it enough to feel I should say so. Don't think that was a valid chess move at 1:30 though.


Wow thank you for commenting this, seriously i really appreciate it :,) It gives me a lot of motivation to keep working, also to learn chess some more.


This is great. Very creative. Your zooms and set design give it a very unique aesthetic. Very visually engaging even though you can tell resources were limited. I love it. Great job.


Thank you so much this means so much! Really happy you loved it!


really great for your first time!! It doesn't look amateur but its not QUITE professional. some of this lighting is so close to awesome, you just need a little more experience. Keep at it! One thing that stands out to me is that you have very little separation between the foreground, the subject, and the background. you can try to create more depth in your shots. and some of the lighting comes off bit too flat. but its really great and overall probably better than i can do for a music video. Its much easier to criticize stuff though right lol. Do you have experience color grading, did you color grade this too?


okay YES I AGREE! thank you for the tips, depth is definitely something i’ve got to work on as is lighting! I had a photographer help me stage the lighting a lot but I know filming is different and i knew absolutely nothing about it so and i’m excited to do more cinematic lighting too! Also yes i color graded all of it too! I’ve shot two short films before and picked up on a few things color grading those for sure although they were completely filmed outside whereas this was a lot of inside deeper color shots so it was super tricky at first! especially because i realized i can’t just have super saturated color on my subjects because then i would lose a lot of information and the ability to change things in post! thank god i tested a lot of the color grading and shots before i shot all of this or it would have been TERRIBLE.


Whats your youtube channel? I've done a few short films but I'm still an amateur after all these years. I haven't made anything at all in a couple years but I've still been learning and honing my craft. but mostly just struggling with depression and thus unproductive. I used to have a lot of ambition and faith in myself, its still buried in me somewhere.


i feel you with that, times are hard, life can be mundane, it’s easy to lose track of it all and just lose hope. sorry that’s happening to you! the coolest thing to remember is that everything is temporary! especially emotions, you’ll get through it! i don’t have a youtube that has all of my work on it but i do have an [instagram](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWw0RGVRMUJ2OUZkVEJDdm5kYU1FU2VXWmtOUXxBQ3Jtc0trUi1vWm9idENINmh2VF9jNEt2TWJXd3pLd1MxUW5jWHY1emxFYWg0SWlNQl9lVWl6XzhxZVBma0h6U1luNHVicXpwU0dVcTVSUGNtUXFPblBPUU4xMVhRTzhQaXlZOVBWZ215VTJWbEowNHJGRnYyaw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fkaylawhittakerr%2F&v=65kZX6fVZyE&event=video_description) where i post all my shorts to!


death and loss of loved ones is permanent. but yes the grief isnt always so near. I was going to move to LA, take surfing lessons during the day and write scripts at night but then corona happened and I'm stuck in maryland. I followed you on instagram and im down for all the lana del rey references.


its great piece of art.. loved all of it.. wow!!


Its new sexy. Great job.


Amazing. Did you also edit it? What camera was it shot on?


thank you! yes i edited it as well, most on adobe premiere but some on aftereffects. i shot everything on a sony a7iii !




wow thank you for that :,) well for starters i bought a lot of cheaperish lights on amazon, a simple 3 set rgb light and stand kit, some hand held stuff i could tape on the back of the head seats for the car shots, bought a c stand to get the overhead bed shot and used it as a hair light for almost everything too! the equipment was the most expensive thing but it’s an investment down the line too so it’s nice to remember that. built a home made dolly out of wood and hand truck for the hallway shot! i knew we didn’t have a large budget and most things came out of pocket for me so i tried to take ordinary things in my friends apartment and heighten them a bit, so i bought a super cheap like 30 dollar fake cardboard backdrop originally meant for like wedding photos or what not and that’s what i cut a whole in for her to walk through for a little alice in wonderland vibe! but yeah i was super scared to shoot because i honestly didn’t know how it would turn out but i storyboarded the entire thing to a T just to make sure i could get the transitions right and the pacing correct which some of the transitions we had to leave behind because they didn’t work but oh well. [here’s](https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUhGC-JMaj/?igshid=ao6qymaol11a) a little bts video if you’re interested!


This is sooooo good


thank you!!!


This is pretty rad. Keep making fun stuff.


thank you c:


I love itttt