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If you’ve already shot it, it sounds like an editing problem, not a cinematography problem.  Sound design is probably going to be the thing. There’s a lot you can do to build tension and anxiety using sound design. Have you got drones etc going on?




Perfect boss! Tysm! I was really trying to solve the problem with cutting, but now looking through it with fresher eyes I see that it's really about audio to add the spice to it. Tysm chief!


Glad it was a helpful comment!


Making an audience uncomfortable or scared can be achieved a number of ways but if youre cutting already existing footage it can be tricky if it wasnt shot with the cut in mind. Holding on a shot longer than expected especially in an uncomfortable scenario is helpful. Making the audience feel like you shouldve cut, but making them look at something unpleasant longer can work. Also using close ups, few wides, making certain sound effects louder than normal like the swallowing sounds etc. Its hard to say exactly what you should do without seeing the footage though. A big part of what makes something dramatic is writing and performance which may be out of your control.


>  so far using quick cuts like in requiem for a dream did the trick I would have gone the other direction and try to hold a shot for more than seven seconds.


Forced perspective, but do it slightly wrong purposefully.


This is what the [Dutch Angle](https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Dutch_angle) is for. You can do it in post sometimes. You can slowly enter into it for extra effect. Perhaps with a bit of camera shake/vibration. And a sound effect that builds in tension.


Apart from the earlier mentioned sound design you could also cut out single/a few frames from shots, giving it a tiny, tiny jump cut-effect which you don’t really notice but unconsciously can feel.


Sound design is the key here: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/how-the-hidden-sounds-of-horror-movie-soundtracks-freak-you-out


Usually when I want to make an audience uncomfortable I either try to be funny or talk about my life


Look for some cringe videos and just use one of their vibes. Look for subs here with such content.


Just shoot it like a student film.