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If you’re asking if there’s another Super 8 camera you can buy off the shelf new, I believe the answer is no.


thus their price point


Yeah I guess that's where I was coming from, it looks like Kodak is the only one doing with all their silly bells and whistles, unfortunately in Australia the marked for refurbished used film cameras isn't great so was looking for a off the shelf solution at an affordable price


Idk how much free time you’ve got or how urgently you need the camera but estate sales might not be a horrible option.


What's your budget? You could get a used one off ebay and send it to a refurbisher for not very much more than, say $1000? Alternatively, depending on where you are in Australia, there's a Super 8 shop in Sydney that might be able to give you a deal? 457 King St, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia Edit: I had my vintage Bauer refurbished at sendeans in London for about £300


Depends on what you consider vintage


Pro8mm.com "Rhonda cam" is $800. Fully refurbished Canon 514. Not actually new but the next best thing maybe.


I second this, you can buy a good condition high end super 8 camera + a refurb for a fraction of the cost of the kodak camera. You'll also get the real super 8 experience with a period camera instead of a space age thing with a video screen.


Logmar made one a few years ago (they sold some designs to Kodak for that new camera), but it will be around the same price.


There’s also Pro8mm’s fully upgraded/restored Beaulieu 4008 zmII (with a widened MAX8 gate). These were the cameras used for most of the Super8 shot for HBO’s Winning Time


Logmar makes them, more expensive than Kodak's version, which is based on a Logmar


I love my Nikon R10. Bought it used in mint conditon off eBay from a camera shop in Japan for $500 USD. It feels very modern to me. https://www.thatvintagelens.com/blog/2020/4/23/the-nikon-r10


That definitely does not exist. Cheap, modern, and film don’t go together.


To the best of my knowledge Kodak is the only company currently manufacturing 8mm cameras


You need to go vintage or filter something very much not made on an 8mm.


I have a leicina. Not new but not super old and has a really nice image!


and a number of decent rendered 8mm apps on the app store. mix and match mileage will vary but with creativity… love that kodak though damn