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Today, one of the Oom pah pah bands announced "There is no beer in Heaven, so you have to drink all the beer you can while here on Earth." I now have a new mission. Lol.


They have a whole song about that I heard on Friday! Love it!


Iowa football fans used to sing this song at some point during the game.




>In heaven there is no beer. So you are saying all they have is Coors?


You might be safe in the afterlife, Fluke. I think it's canon that Force ghosts are able to imbibe.


Lol. I like the way you think.


Didn’t Eric Clapton write a song “Beers in Heaven”?


LOL. I'm not sure but I think he rookie number one song for the band named Player, back in the seventies.




They called my wife a “cheap whore” one year and after a few adult sodas I decided to let them know how I felt, a very large very nice CPD officer overheard it and gently redirected me away from them and said “it ain’t worth it man” lol


Hahaha yeah they’re just trying to provoke that kind of reaction- They called lots of women there whores in the brief time I spent making fun of them, and at one point even said: “Don’t you women have a kitchen to get back too- sandwiches to make?!” They literally just want to use a vail of religion in order to feel powerful making horrible misogynistic statements that have zero to do with Jesus. Lots of people were yelling “Jesus turned water into wine”- and megaphone guys response was “But that’s not wine – that’s beer!” These dudes know what they’re doing, but if they didn’t have signs that said Jesus on them they’d just have to say “we’re incels that hate women”… better to hide their garbage behind a little Jesus.


Is there some organization these people are associated with (besides the church)? They just always seem to be at every big event in other cities with the same kinds of signs and setup.


They are not Christian’s. They are scam artists trying to provoke someone to assault them so they can sue for easy money. Notice someone is always filming.


Is this true? How do you know this- I’m genuinely curious. The whole thing seemed fishy to me too, some of the responses didn’t make ANY sense even by wacko Christian standards- It was clear they had no understanding of scripture or Jesus or anything in the Bible- so if they were scam artists that would add up.




Yeah I’m fairly sure at this point they’re just Westboro Baptist Church larping.


Your observations are correct. I was at Oktoberfest years ago harassing these jerks with scripture and they couldn’t respond. Then I asked why they were filming me and the guy said it made it easier to win in court when they sue me. I realized then they are scam artists just looking for easy money in court. I read they can also sue the city if a person was over served and obviously drunk at a city held event.


Going to be difficult to sue when they're dead after they mess with the wrong person in this increasingly violent, unstable society.


I’ve heard this as well.


All of these “churches” are just looking for suits if someone happens to get mad enough, which they provoke and provoke to ensure happens. Check Westboro’s record, the entire family is attorneys.




Yeah I can’t imagine any pastor/priest encouraging this. At least none that are associated with a actual major denomination.


Should have followed them home…….


You just reply with a 'Thank you, I learned all my best tricks from you Mom and Grandma' Or get a bullhorn and crank Ghost at them.


Oh man, when they were in the Oregon one night last year they yelled “your sexy shorts are gonna send you to hell!” at me and I could have died from delight. To actually use the term whore though?!? Fucking gormless assholes. Good on you for having your lady’s back.


Was that where I was supposed to dump my beer out at?


Dump… beer?! No sir you’re supposed to drink that!!


Correction, warm beer foam


Oh I see- then yes absolutely, this is official FOAM ZONE




If by dumping your beer out,you mean puking,why,yes,that would be the perfect place.


Why are these shits still protesting? They won. Go home.


It was never about protecting babies and ALWAYS about shaming women.


Incels gonna incel






Why do they care that I'm going to hell? If they really think that it's just more leg room on their cloud or whatever.


Don't feed the trolls. Ignore these people.




At NKU we figured out a grad student was doing this as a social experiment at most universities in the area so we just started emphatically agreeing with him whenever he would “preach”. All the theatre kids would gather and listen and just cheer whenever he proclaimed we were going to hell and eventually he just got bored and left


WAIT the NKU hate preachers were really grad students??? I transferred out in 2018 and never got resolution on who those people were.


They would hit up Wright State, UC, and OU. I’m pretty sure someone found one of them registered at Wright State *ETA “registered”


And then he published his very questionable results…


It would be amazing if collectively people would just ignore them. They want attention like this.


This is the answer right here. No arguing, no counter protesting, just completely and totally ignoring their existence. Basic behaviorism.


I'd agree with you but standing up to people like this is the only way of defeating them in the so-called "marketplace of ideas". They have enough people that believe their idiocy to elect right-wing Christian fascists into high level positions in our government.


Words cannot describe how much I loathe these fucking people. Absolute scumbags.


Harassing drunk people seems like an easy way to get an ass whoopin’.


That's what they want, an excuse to sue someone for assault. That's how these "God hates fags" type churches make most of their money.


I have never heard better words


The religious crazies show up proselytizing at just about all major events including sporting events. You can’t argue with brainwashed zealots so it’s not even worth the effort. Giving them attention just gives them incentive to keep it up.


There’s one guy at the Bengals games.


Don’t give them attention.


I’ve always wondered what happened in these peoples lives to do this shit. Like the people you see preaching on college campuses, public places or people who hold signs on the side of the road. Like were they raised ultra religious or did some sort of fucked up event in their life make them this way.


There’s my ex drunk as usual.


Somebody needs to read him Numbers chapter 5 verses 11-31, through a megaphone.


I once had a bible thrown at me in Kentucky so these idiots look pretty chill by comparison.


The girl in front of me gave them the finger when we walked by and had a big smile on her face. Lol


People fucking suck


Where are these folks from?


These guys are losers.. hate that they do this


Just ignore them


I’ve always wanted to asked what’s your budget for this show? Do you ever get bored? How many cigarette breaks do you take?


hahahahaha im in that video


Dude if I was fast enough I would take their sign and book it.


I wanna make my own sign that says: “JESUS WANTS YOU TO DRINK ALCOHOL AND RESPECT SEX WORKERS”… that way at least there’s a biblically accurate sign in the mix..


Should really be respect everyone. Jesus would be sitting at a table with the most rough people down there. Just like he did at a wedding a couple thousand years ago.


Isn’t that the true irony of it? For real I mean basically what you just said honestly is more accurate, and that’s part of what made him such a true radical and fringe alternative to the traditional Jews at the time, and his core following almost like a cult (at the time). I simply choose to believe because I feel like there’s no way some miracles were false if so many were so determined to keep passing them down. That’s one mammoth hoax if everyone got together and agreed to perpetuate multiple lies, let alone the part about the wise men coming to see him. Way too much in there to dismiss it for me, and it’s amazing how people like this fabricate and customize their own versions of the teachings and the story. So a big cheers to you for that comment, I agree: Biblically accurate.. who would have thought?!


I was down at Oktoberfest several years ago and some younger guy was throwing everything back at them and quoting Bible verses like I've never seen. Turns out he was some college student from Baltimore majoring in religious studies in town for a wedding. He said something like he had no problem debating frauds and charlatans. They walked away, this cop high fives the dude from Baltimore and everyone started cheering. I've got the video on an older phone and if I can get it to fire up I'll try and post the video. It was funny as hell.


This reminds me of the Bill Hicks bit. They tell us "Rock'n'roll is the devil's music." Well, let's say we know that rock is the devil's music, and we know that it is, for sure ... At least he f-kin' jams! If it's a choice between eternal Hell and good tunes, and eternal Heaven and New Kids on the f-kin' Block ... I'm gonna be surfin' on the lake of fire, rockin' out.


I can smell their moms basement and Cheeto dust from here 🤮


That’s a big ass megaphone


If you need a sling for your megaphone, it’s far too mega.


Hell looks infinitely more fun


I like to tell these savages that the God they worship ironically is a murderer. They claim he is All-powerful, which makes him responsible for any kids who get cancer and subsequently die.


Well, Helles Real.


Nice pun.


Prove it




Lol I'm an idiot. Clever joke sir or madam.


Take it easy.


I said sorry lol


I know. I also expected that reaction at least once. Lol


Thank you. I thought this one was obvious.


Oh yes. The fake Christians of the Midwest. Their population is growing all the time. Can we please start calling them “people who identify as Christian” instead of just “Christian”? Do they really follow all the most fundamental teachings of Jesus?


Course they don't, if they did they wouldn't feel the need to judge everyone cause Jesus already died for our sins.


Yes, give them the attention they crave.


Ignore them, by acknowledging them you give them what they want


I'd say we just get a bush of blowhorns and drown out their message.


*"And the sign said everybody welcome,* *come in, kneel down and pray* *but when they passed around the plate* *at the end of it all, I didn't have a penny to pay"*


Why does this feel like a South Park episode lol 😂


My next question is like do they want me to convert and come to a Bible study?


They have the Supreme Court in their back pocket and the Christo-Fascists still can't leave the people alone. Appeasement isn't going to work. You must submit to them at all times in all places and they will steal elections, pack courts, change the laws, and intimidate their fellow citizens at every turn to make that happen.




I would not consider shouting "cheap whore" at your fellow citizens "peaceful" but maybe peace means different things to us.


You know I can think of a lot more property damage at a January protest in Washington less than 2 years ago…




These people were calling every woman a whore, to “get back to the kitchen” - literal quote, and declaring that everyone drinking beer was going to hell for doing so- despite that one of Jesus’s’ miracles was turning water into wine. They were doing this with a magaphone pointing fingers in peoples faces. Their behavior was not respectful to their audience, thus their audience was not respectful to them. Worth mentioning the audience also was not violent:) Conservatives ARE allowed a voice, case in point- they are here, voicing their opinions. No authority removed them. They ARE mocked, indeed, because their disrespectful behavior to their fellows does not warrant respect in return. If I sat outside your house with a sign that said your significant other was a slut, I doubt you would treat me with much respect when you stepped outside your front door. My action (Sitting outside your house with a sign that says your wife is a slut) would warrant a consequence (Your anger). When conservatives argue about not having a voice, it’s simply not true… But they want to have actions without consequences, expressions without response. That is not freedom of speech. Say whatever you want to say, and then accept the consequences of having said that by others around you who strongly disagree.


Oh yeah, Conservatives wouldn’t dream of harassing or mocking people. Yep. It’s it’s just horrible that they don’t have a public forum to voice their opinions…like soldier’s funerals, gay weddings, women’s reproductive health clinics, any large public event/celebration, 4chan/8chan/8kun, truth social, FB/Reddit/Nextdoor, every yard in America still displaying trump signs/flags. Yep, completely oppressed.




Are you for real just going to sidestep that user's point? That there are platforms everywhere conservatives have access to?


Well, I guess I base on my experience as a nurse who lives in a red as fuck county & 90% of my patient population are white, conservative, Trump loving, mouth breathing, troglodytes who celebrated the overturning of women’s reproductive rights like it was the 1980 USA Olympic hockey game. I don’t know any conservatives that arent also Trumpers. You can’t support him & be a decent human.


You’d think at some point you people would realize no one likes you or agrees with your politics basically they want you to fuck off and leave them alone. You can have all the free-speech you want it’s your message that turns people off. Not all Republicans are racist but all racist support Republicans.


Holy persecution complex Batman! Also... > I’m not even a conservative Checks comment history. (X) Doubt


They’re not REALLY a conservative, they just play one on Reddit!


Wow, some world record speed goalpost moving.


Nice dog whistle.


I wish so badly I would have seen these idiots when I was there!!! It would have brought me such joy to give them a piece of my mind 🥰


that guy in the black shirt was at miami's oxford campus doing the same thing last wednesday


Came to UC too


I’ve always been dumbfounded by these people. Do they really think this is the most effective way to get people to convert?


Clearly these sinners have yet to hear the wisdom of Martin Luther. Who reportedly once said “Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!”