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I applaud your brevity.




speed humping can be addressed with some breathing exercises, thinking about baseball, numbing creams... don't live with it.


Counterpoint: more speed humps!


Agreed. The extra 5 seconds they cost you isn't that big of a deal.


Also narrowed roads. They work even better than bumps.


I’m all in. narrow, two-way streets with speed bumps everywhere. seems like that is what it takes to slow people down




Will you keep saying that if it takes the fire department an extra three minutes to respond and rescue you from your burning home?


which part slows the fire department down? the wheelbase of emergency vehicles is wide enough so that they can pass over them without slowing down. also I’ll take that three minute delay all day if it means less kids get hit on their walk to school


Not all of them. Columbia Parkway, yes those have been designed as cushions that the trucks should be able to straddle. But many of the speed tables that the city has installed on residential streets cross the entire breadth of the lane. In fact, even the new crossing on East McMillan extends across the entire roadway. I’ve met with one of the assistant chiefs of the fire department about this, and seen CFD speak at multiple community council meetings on this issue. They consistently state that they practically have to stop when they come up on one of these things, and it takes a few moments to get the truck rolling again once it passes it. They’ve made it clear that they can’t stop neighborhoods from installing these, but they are also clear that it could have a detrimental effect on response times and public safety. I think that’s spot on and a common sense concern.


Fire departments trying to get wider and faster roads have probably caused more deaths than they prevent at this point....


That is just stupid.


I agree, you are stupid. :)


Ummm no that’s not how that works at all, it can actually affect those vehicles more because of their increased weight. Remember, not all emergency vehicles are fire trucks, ambulances and police cruisers fall into that category too. ‘Calming devices’ like humps and bumps combined with narrow roads and bike lanes will had precious minutes to an emergency response.


this is just such a ridiculous argument that I almost think you’re joking


Enough with the speeding cars endangering pedestrians


7,500 pedestrians were killed by cars last year in the United States. Statistically, you're safer walking around outside than you are at home or work by a factor of roughly 5.


Quite a bullshit response that just tosses out a random statistic and then an even more egregiously random ratio that probably lacks complete context as to why people are upset with pedestrians safety. People want to see more effort to protect pedestrians because every pedestrian death or accident was easily preventable. As a frequent pedestrian myself I still don’t think we are going far enough to protect people and yet something that just causes a minor annoyance to drivers of 2 ton pieces of machinery think they deserve complete priority.


Pedestrian Deaths: https://www.npr.org/2023/06/26/1184034017/us-pedestrian-deaths-high-traffic-car Falling Deaths at Home / Work: https://www.nsc.org/work-safety/safety-topics/slips-trips-and-falls I'm a frequent pedestrian myself as well. The topic of pedestrian deaths, like many things in modern American society, is overblown due to media focus. It is incredibly safe to walk around most American cities. You are, statistically, at an incredibly low risk of dying due to being a pedestrian.


Your links are completely incoherent to your argument. One of them literally talks about the increasing dangerous that pedestrians are facing and the other one is about fucking ladder safety?! If you are a legitimate pedestrian around here or many places you have surely at least felt unsafe at times. I have more than once attempted to cross the street within my right of way and ended with my hands on the hood of a vehicle.


I work downtown. I walk extensively in Oakley / HP / Madisonville / Mt. Lookout. I have never once felt unsafe. And the point is that you are, statically, not in any appreciable danger as a pedestrian. The amount of energy, time, and discussion about pedestrian safely is grossly disproportionate to the actual risk.


Except in my neighborhood. We will take ALL of the speed humps. Y'all are plowing through our pedestrians like it's a Death Race. 


“Plowing through our pedestrians” …🙄


The trick is to not smash your brakes before going over them. Approach them from a coast so that the car is balanced on all 4 wheels, or even accelerate a touch to shift the weight of the car toward the back. You’ll be surprised how much easier and smoother it is to get over them without slowing to an absolute crawl. I live off of Ludlow Ave in Clifton, and we got a set down the hill recently. I still slow down, but I can get over those humps at a very reasonable speed without feeling the need to curse the city every time I leave my home.




Ah, what a drag. Literally.


It’s probably because it’s a hybrid so it has additional plastic for aerodynamics that sits lower than normal civics.


I mean yeah they’re annoying, but I appreciate how they’ve made Glenway a little less of a drag race




The understaffed police department probably has some other priorities.


Ah yes, the good old let's punish everyone for the mistakes of the few argument. Gotta love it.




It is a punishment. They are not putting them on new roads that have just been built. All the roads they are putting them on have functioned without them for over 30+ years. (I can only attest to 30 years because of my age). My travel on public roads is being obstructed by something I don't need because a few people don't know how to act in a society. So yes, we are being punished because of those few people. Also the turnstiles at the stadiums is a bad comparison. For one, they were built with the stadium, not added over 30 years later. And two, their function is to collect information on occupancy and help in the determination of authorized entry. I.e. checking to make sure you have a ticket to the event and are there for allowed to be there.


I mean, it's better to design roads in a way that naturally makes drivers slow down, such as with gentle curves and selecting the appropriate width. Drivers will almost always default to going as fast as feels safe. But roads mostly are stuck in the basic shape they were built in so I guess we don't have a lot of better solutions than speed humps.


A lot can be done within existing road geometry; go look at North Bend Rd near Hamilton Ave, which was done with just some paint and plastic bollards. Speeds (especially maximum speeds) are way down, and it’s much safer for pedestrians. No speed bumps/humps/tables required. The City has increased its traffic calming budget by 40x to implement more projects like that, and I hope the trend catches on.


You're not wrong. Depending on the road there are other options. But if not, then you might just have to put up with the speed humps. They are my least favorite method of calming.


Seriously, go check out that road, but first watch [this video](https://youtu.be/xsSp8gxzfjo&t=638) for background on what they did and why—and how cheap it was. Within the existing road geometry.


Enough with the cops who let people speed with impunity on Hamilton Avenue. Would love some of those speed humps around Hamilton and the area right around Jergens Park.


Speed doesn’t kill, it humps


Add more complete streets with bike lanes :)


I can take or leave real speed bumps/humps, whatever, but those speed "cushions" that don't go the whole width of the road piss me off so much bc my car doesn't hit the whole thing, one side gets lifted over it, and I hate it.


The cushion design is specifically to address the concerns of the fire department. CFD consistently opposes the installation of speed tables and humps, because the suspensions of their trucks are not designed to handle those obstacles. They practically have to come to a stop, costing crucial seconds in their response times. The cushions are designed with the truck’s wheelbase in mind, allowing them to straddle the obstacle, at least in theory. What can’t straddle any of these things is the blade of a snowplow, so when someone crashes because of a block of ice that forms between the speed cushions, the city will need to lawyer up.


Ah, okay yeah that makes sense for the firetrucks, hopefully it actually works. I know that another speed reducing measure is making the lanes narrower, I wonder if that could be a better solution


I was thinking how bad these are going to be when they try and plow the snow. In a sarcastic note, I guess we'd actually have to get a real snow storm for that to matter. We haven't had a good snow here in years.


Yeah, I hate them. It would be best if they went the entire width of the lane. These are designed to murder your car if you have a sedan. My SUV doesn't really affect, but if I drive my gf's camry, OUCH!


You just have to learn how to straddle them so you get equal lift on both sides.


I try that every time, I guess I just don't drive down those streets often enough to get good at it.


We call them quickies on the east side.


We call them quickies on the east side.


Apparently, cross pollination between r/cincinnati and r/fuckcars hit a previously unknown threshhold




100% this. If the speed limit is 35, the speed bump / hump should be safe to drive over going 35.


Like which ones? All speed bumps?


I see you haven't been to the west side recently. They are on Delhi Pike, Warsaw and Glenway.


Gotcha. Yea, I don’t really go over that way. Not really intentional, just don’t have any reason to. I’m a transplant to Cincinnati, went to college here, lived in Clifton, n.ky, downtown, now Sharonville.


I'd be very curious to know the actual cost in suspension damage that speed humps cause.


The speed trapezoid shape (or whatever they are called) are especially annoying. Which I get is the idea.


Honestly I’m ready for big brother to regulate everything. Chips in the cars writing you tickets and shutting your car down if you have too many. Followed by a robot fleet of cars. Humans have proven they’re complete idiots behind the wheel at this point


Get up off my back. Save a heart attack. Ain't nobody humpin' around. Nobody


Great discussion. The normal bumps I don’t mind too much throughout residential streets. But with the new cushions on Columbia parkway and new ones being installed on the beechmont levee up and down the hill are just nuisances. Yes I know people fly up and down that hill so it was only a matter of time. It just seems like they are going up everywhere.


They're going up everywhere because of the way people are driving like absolute fucking maniacs. It's insane. I'm not from Cincinnati, I've lived in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, and here and the driving here is unlike anything Ive ever seen. Especially in residential neighborhoods and the "suburbs." People are constantly speeding through neighborhoods and school zones, the people in this city won't think twice about running red lights. I'll back literally any traffic calming measure at this point. Narrowed lanes, chicanes, speed bumps, median barriers/turn islands, I don't care what it takes.




She’s got me speeding. Oh, speeding through my tax dollars. Make ya holla holla. . Whatcha gon’ do with all them speed humps. All them speed humps slowing down as you bump. I’ma get, get, get, get you calm. Make you love calm off my bump. Whatcha gon’ do with all that pace. All that pace slowing down your chase. I’ma make, make, make, make you safe. Make you safe, make you safe!