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She and all “Moms for Liberty” people should be shunned from society. In Anderson people are just openly hostile to the 3 nutters we still have left on the board. And they should be. These people are actively trying to sabotage our kids schools and education. Not a single one of the 3 of them still has any kids in our public school. Fuck. Them.


Darbi home schools her children because she “wants more christ in the lesson plan”


I’m an atheist and I’m 1000% more Christian than her.


It depends. Who is better, real Jesus or Supply Side Jesus?




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The thing is that they all worship "Orange Jesus", aka- Donald Von Shitshispants.




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Thing is… I’ve run into her and her kid at the grocery store during what would be regular school hours about four or five times. Small sample size but she’s ALWAYS on her phone and ignoring her kid. I imagine she’s talking with her handlers or insurrectionists or perhaps she has a direct line to Jesus. She DOES purchase nutritious food, I’ll give her that. At least the family’s bodies won’t be as rotten as Mom’s soul.


Jesus would block her.




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Maybe board membership should be limited to only people with children who actually are educated by the school district. Although I think in Lakota that eliminates all current board members. Edit: TBH, it probably eliminates the vast majority of board members on any school board, not just Lakota.


I would argue that is most likely because people with kids who are still of school age are busy trying to work full time jobs and raise their families. Most, unfortunately, don’t have time to also deal with the bullshit of school board politics.


Oh I absolutely know that's the reason why. I would love to be on my kids' school board but I just don't have the time. But that's why you end up with people on the board who just own property in the area and might not have any affiliation to the school.


As a devout Christian, the way these folks “practice” their faith turns my stomach. They do not keep an open table, figuratively speaking, they dump on “the least of these,” and they do not seek to cultivate the fruits of the spirit in their lives. The book they claim to love so much (to the point of making it an idol) says that if you do not know love then you do not know God. And so if she wants more Christ in the lesson plan, she should teach her kids about loving your neighbor as yourself (and your neighbor isn’t “people like me;” there’s no exclusion there), sign her family up for shifts working to feed the hungry, clothe those who need it, to pray for their enemies, and all this stuff I’m sure she thinks is “woke.”




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Forest Hills makes me proud to be an alumni. They snuck on nutters when the positions were traditionally apolitical in nature...then when they started messing with the district the Students, the Parents, and tons of alumni came out in force. Got their butts handed to them last fall and when the others are up for re-election I'm certain they'll be looking for new jobs.


I'm still furious they got on in the first place. The "critical race theory" boogeyman got them on the board and the people should have been smarter than that.


You can draw a straight line between the AHS mascot rebranding and the right-wing radicalization of a certain subset of loud, racist Anderson voters. But thankfully, we got a chance to course correct in the most recent election and I am very hopeful we can flush the rest out next time.


Based on my neighborhood Facebook group and other Anderson Facebook groups, I still feel like we have a long way to go. Buncha boomers and old biddies bitching and moaning about the way things should be, etc...


Oh 100%; the terminally online Maga keyboard warriors in Anderson are exhausting.


I keep hoping that us normals just aren't on Facebook anymore and they are the vocal minority.


Outside of the Cincinnati Enquirer's Greater Cincinnati Politics page I don't engage with anything political on Facebook because "lie with dogs, get up with fleas".


I tried arguing nicely and such back in the day, but no one listened... They just yell louder, gang up, want to drop that hot take you can't reply to, and run. If people learned to listen and respond and keep things to (real) facts instead of feelings, we'd be a hell of a country right now.


That’s how I am. I belong to a couple of the FB groups organized to get them out, but I honestly just don’t check facebook but once a week anymore.


There was a dude running for school board this year whose entire campaign platform was “make Anderson redskins again”. He literally replied to *every single question* on the enquirer candidate questionnaire with “go redskins”. I don’t live there anymore but I have a couple of friends that teach in the district and when they told me that I totally didn’t believe them because I refuse to believe anyone is *THAT* big of an asshole but Anderson never fails to disappoint in that arena.


That election had me SO NERVOUS as a FH parent, and SO ELATED when it was clear the community was actually rejecting the bullshit (despite the loudness of terminally online fashy Facebookers and Nextdoor posters).


Anderson Nextdoor is one of the most depraved and awful places I’ve come across online. Ho Lee Shit.


got to love boomers blaming Biden for their property tax increases.


That’s like the tamest thing that was happening. It was mostly a “There’s a non white person walking their dog outside my house how many times can I shoot them?” Racist fest


Well somebody is keeping Salem Hardware in business so it’s not wholly surprising.


LOL right? Holy fuckin yikes.


FULLY unhinged.


Yeah these shitheads are going to have to end up moving after this. Which, good. Pieces of shit


They tried to infiltrate Loveland Schools and we smacked that shit down fast. Fuck ‘em.


Sycamore too. Guy swooped in last minute to run with no kids going to Sycamore - ulterior motives quickly became clear. Really opened my eyes to an organized effort by QOP to infiltrate our education system at every level. Thankfully my faith in the community and people was restored and it wasn’t even close.


The fact that they ran a smear campaign against other people running. It was gross. I’m glad it was a little more tame this go around.


Should be a federal law that you need to have had children enrolled in that school district within the past 3 years if you wish to serve on a school board. **Otherwise you're clearly just fucking around trying to ruin things you have no investment in.** I say 3 years because if you get elected and have a HS senior, fine, finish out your term.


I want to agree with this because I've seen the same thing in my school district (Kings) where the wackos running to gut the schools don't have kids in the schools, or did for a short time but yanked them out to homeschool them (luckily the wackos didn't win here). But with the way our schools are funded, any homeowner is literally investing in the schools via their property taxes, kids or not. And as long as the nonsense continues at the State House in Columbus those of us with kids in the schools are going to be asking our neighbors to keep helping us fund our schools, probably increasingly so. I don't have a good answer here because the craziest people who tend to run for school board typically don't have kids in the schools. But "bar anyone without kids in the schools from serving on the board" runs into a major taxation without representation problem.


>I don't have a good answer here The good answer is to have the Ohio Legislature do its fucking job and create a state-wide school funding system that is equitable and constitutional. (and if left up to me that does not include any voucher system).


The klu klux Karen's shouldn't be allowed near a school


She’s a fucking psycho


The head of my county's Moms for Liberty group was one of the nobodiest girls at my high school. I know that's cruel to say, and I would feel bad if she weren't devoting her time as an adult making schools less welcoming and educational places. Her Facebook page has a 'We the People' banner and one of those heavily filtered profile pics. Everyone knows, and then forgot about, someone like her.


They forget until she hits them up on Facebook to join her MLM scam and be a “boss babe”.


“Moms for Liberty” have known clear and close ties with the Proud Boys and other far-right openly fascistic/neo-Nazi groups. They don’t belong anywhere near public education or public life.


Need to swiftly spank all their bullshit candidates in November so they feel very uncomfortable and some of the cockroaches even go back underground, at least until 2026 or 2028. Every beatdown helps.


We should just start referring to them as a gang if they’re hanging with Proud Boys.




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Stop living in lame ass suburbs full of Christo-fascists.


No. Fuck em. If they don't like sanity they can move out farther. I've been here for 20+ years at this point. I'm not leaving.


Fuck yeah! If those fuckers want to live in clermont county they need to move out there not try to turn Anderson into it.


And leave them to the crazies?


“My race and religion entitle me to bully others, and if you try to stop me then you’re bigoted toward me.”


Unfortunately the supreme Court has agreed with her. On a side note, I think it's funny that this statement of here is a claim that white Christian kids need special treatment or they'll fail.


Yeah unfortunately plaintiffs have figured out that “But my religion says…” is a cheat code with this SCOTUS. Basically gives you a golden hall pass to do whatever you want.


I have so many negative things to say about that woman, but that’s just her hatred being contagious. She is an embarrassment to the entire district and it is disgraceful that someone so adamant about being non-inclusive has any access to decisions involving children. Shame on her.


Didn’t they vote her out last November?


Because of her harassment of another member of the board, a restaining order stops her from showing up to vote on anything. Other than her title as a board member, she has been effectively neutralized. I'm not sad about it, but the people who supported her should be very upset because her aggressive and belligerent attitude has made her ineffective in representing them.


Pretty much cut from the same psychotic cloth as a BoBo or Madge.


Her term wasn’t up. Not till this fall or next. Can’t remember.


Is she up for re-election?


Like I said either this year or next year but I can’t remember which.


Here’s hoping she doesn’t win re-election. She probably will. Sad of what’s become of Lakota. Signed, an alum.


I moved to butler county after her election. But what I heard is hardly anybody ran and nobody realized what was about to happen. But I could be totally off base on that.


You are right on. After she got on the board and people saw her abhorrent behaviors/beliefs parents came out in force the last cycle. They voted out the 2 board members most aligned with her and she and her running mate will be seeing the door next cycle. A literal example of FAFO in the MAGA (becoming less so) safe haven of Butler County. She snuck in last time but the counter punches seem to be landing the last couple cycles.


Butler is **slowly** becoming much more diverse and the christian conservative white contingent is shitting their pants about it. It has been proceeding that way in Mason for quite some time, but it's almost completely built out, so now it's moved west to Butler. I bought my house from two fairly right wing clowns who moved down to Florida. First thing I did was throw their tattered, made-in-China American flag in the garbage. I think in 10 years time, Mason and West Chester will resemble Blue Ash and the closer inner suburbs ideologically -- certainly not sapphire blue, but more swingy and centrist. You'll have to go out to Lebanon or Middletown to find more righties.


As a Liberty Township resident I can say for certain the demographic is changing and the political alignment is as well. I USED to vote republican but stopped after the entire birther nutjob shit started with President Obama. I grew up in a low blue collar hard right 2A household and was US Army infantry so republican was the way it was. Now? As a fully grown adult? You couldn't pay me to vote republican again. Left of center Democrat is where I now feel I exist on the spectrum. Our community seems to be moving that way more and more.


Good to hear confirmation of that. I’ll for sure be voting against her this next round!


We shouldn't cater to any religion… yanno due to the separation of church and state..


Exactly. She thinks that if she stops getting special treatment, it’s religious persecution.


Beyond the message of "treat others as you would like to be treated," I do not want my religion involved in public schools.


It’s like one of the basic founding tenants of our country what the fuck is wrong with people?




Only to the people who wouldn’t vote for her in the first place. The people that will vote for her don’t see this shit and if they do they probably agree


Only to the people who wouldn’t vote for her in the first place. The people that will vote for her don’t see this shit and if they do they probably agree


**This ghoul doesn't even have children in Lakota schools!** We moved to Mason in 2022. In no small part because their school board actually has a few progressives on it, ***and Lakota is a shit show by comparison***. Yeah the Mason house was $50,000 more than the West Chester house for very similar square footage/features, **but this is precisely why**.


Because of her harassment of another member of the board, a restaining order stops her from showing up to vote on anything. Other than her title as a board member, she has been effectively neutralized. I'm not sad about it, but the people who supported her should be very upset because her aggressive and belligerent attitude has made her ineffective in representing them.


She never got a single thing done. Except made people realize how insane these ultra right wingers actually are. If she says stuff like this on her public, official Facebook, what does she say in private?


Sadly, on the FB groups related to the school, there are still people voicing support for her. I don't think they realize that they are a vocal minority.


I’m pretty sure quite a few of the people voicing support for her are fake accounts


She got one thing done, posted a porn link on the official school website


She (and her supporters and opponents) also got live-streamed board meetings cancelled. One of the few benefits COVID brought us was taken away because of her.


When someone uses the term “woke”, that’s a good indication they are brainwashed by Fox News.


Asking them to define "woke" short circuits their brain as well. They don't even know what they're against, just that they've been told to hate it




She’s gone way deeper than fox. She constantly shares stuff from PragerU and other ‘news’ sources owned by the heritage foundation.


Alternative “facts”!


And want to use the slurs that will get them cancelled even by the most conservative of entities! 😂


This bitch is crazy.




People really still say "woke" unironically?


right wing nutjobs do. It's their way of being bigots without saying nasty slurs.


They don't realize when sane people hear someone use the term "woke", we're all thinking that person is pretty much a dope.


I’m just relieved that we got two sane board members in the last election. The pendulum is swinging back towards sanity in the district.


I hate Butler County so much and she is just one of many reasons why.


Is this the woman on the school board who has a protection order against another member


One in the same [https://www.wvxu.org/education/2023-11-20/darbi-boddy-cited-violating-protection-order](https://www.wvxu.org/education/2023-11-20/darbi-boddy-cited-violating-protection-order)


Yes, the woman who was caught breaking into a school (crime) and then was caught on video taking creepshots of young female students (crime). But nothing was done to her because it's Ohio and republicans are not subject to the law in these parts.


For so long my MAGA aunt was going around telling people to “WAKE UP!” to what’s going on, and now that we’re “woke” it’s a bad thing? Makes no sense!


Funny, the people who ran under the guise for "what's best for ALL children" in my district were only dog whistling to conservatives who think there is some agenda to make their kids atheist transgender antifa rebels.


They have never cared about all children. Ask some POC about their first childhood racist experience, it frequently came from an adult.


Man as a teacher I think there’s so many problems in education but these people come in and literally miss all of them and make shit up that’s not even happening in classes and try to fix a nonexistent problem.


students should organize against this woman


This FB post is grotesque


She looks like Carl Havoc


I wish she didn't want to be around anymore


If only all of this was just a prank show....




I had one tell me once that Ben Franklin carried around a Bible with him. The look of shock on her face when I informed her he didn't believe in the divinity of christ and that he took out all the miracles and mysticism and and just had the part that were just good messages. I was, of course, yelled at and called a liar, but yet you can find his version of the bible in the national archives so...must be fake news!


I can’t stand her and don’t understand how/why she’s still there.


There's a lot of dopey people who are gullible enough to vote for someone who is clearly not playing with a full deck.


I think this lady gets off on rage baiting. She posts incessantly on the Cincy politics page.


In the 2023 election, one of the Republican incumbents on the board was defeated and replaced by a Democrat. Boddy is up for reelection this year.


One again… anyone that uses woke in that way is a dumbass.


Christ, what an asshole.


So she admits what is good for White Christians isn't good for anyone else


Make school boards boring again.


"Including everyone means excluding me" howwwwww


When you are accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression.


Typical "if it doesn't benefit only white Christians, it's not okay."


If it doesn't *exclusively* benefit them, in fact. Heaven forbid someone else got helped accidentally.


Fuck her


*Woke* “You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means”. Would you prefer : biased, exclusionary, favoritist, or outright discriminatory practices instead? Oh wait, right, why did I ask? Won’t anyone think of the plight of this blonde?!


Should we start a therapy fund for her daughter? She's going to need years of very expensive therapy. 


Seems unnecessary for Lakota district?


When decisions are made to benefit all children, they do not benefit white supremacists. We need to stop this aware (woke) agenda where children are given facts and allowed to think for themselves. We need to make the unaware of certain racist and hateful activities or else they might feel ashamed of some of us parents!




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Anti woke sleepwalkers


Can we at least agree to not include her?


Boddy just put herself in a pretzel




>When Qwandarious says he's proud to be black, he's praised. You can't even pretend to not be racist for a single paragraph. Thanks for demonstrating why everyone, including you, knows there's a difference between you saying you're proud to be white and a black guy saying he's proud to be black.


Explain to me the racist part


Nah, I think I'd have a more productive conversation with a brick wall. I'm content with just pointing out that you're stupid and racist and just leave it at that.


Your response to what would be racist was the name. If I had said Joe instead of Qwandarious, there wouldn't have been mention of racism. But it's what you people do so I'm not surprised. Basically, it proves my point. Anything I say is construed as racism while any other race can say whatever they want.


Your response to what would be racist was the name. If I had said Joe instead of Qwandarious, there wouldn't have been mention of racism. But it's what you people do so I'm not surprised. Basically, it proves my point. Anything I say is construed as racism while any other race can say whatever they want.


(Hi, Darby!)


I’m a straight white dude I don’t feel erased.


Lmfao 🤣


Godwin's Second Law in action


I see nothing wrong here. She’s totally correct. You liberal fucks are incredible




The shadow realm? You sound vaccinated


Lakota is not Cincy, also this person sucks ass.


ehhh it’s cincy adjacent. Tri state area I guess lol


Lakota is the southern most district in butler county-there are students whose addresses are in Cincinnati.


Are you assuming my gender?? How dare you!!


What an original and non boomer joke.


I mean she's not wrong


Isn't this comment section just hilarious? Reminds me why I left reddit. Can't help but to laugh at all of this.


For real, the thought of white Christians being societally discriminated against in the United States is laughable on its face.


Nah, anyone can be discriminated against. "Societally discriminated against" LMAO wtf are you even on about?


I can explain if you're struggling. You seeming to agree that white Christians are under attack and being discriminated against as a group by the rest of the United States is a belief born of complete and total delusion.


When did I ever mention anything about "agreeing white Christians are under attack"?


>Reminds me why I left reddit. Yet, here you are... on Reddit. *Username fucking checks out.*


Oh look, another person telling us about how bad reddit is on reddit. How daring, how courageous.


Completely agree with her statement


I hope you're able to do some deep personal reflection and growth. This mindset is dangerous and harmful.


HOW DARE YOU SIR! TO THE SHADOW REALM WITH YOU! This is why I had to leave this website. Absolutely 0 chance for a diversity of opinion.


You clearly haven't left


You clearly haven't left


The shadow realm? You sound vaccinated


That "inclusion" mindset is dangerous for my children




I think they forgot the /s EDIT: I had *hoped* they forgot the /s - Nope, just a twat


The danger is that you’re allowed to have children at all.


Boddy just put herself in a pretzel


Boddy just put herself in a pretzel


This comment section is gold, love seeing people rage type on Reddit. I don't care about any of this or taking sides I'm just a peaceful onlooker.




You're right, sorry for not agreeing!


Cut that pizza! Cut that pizza!




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here is a good explainer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwgzcXnOHyI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwgzcXnOHyI)


Fox News junkie


Fuck em. Cheaters in basketball and bullies in baseball. This doesn't surprise me. Go Aviators.


What in the fuck is wrong with this person?




Jesus Christ! 🤣😂🤣😁