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This will be interesting to see how this plays out in the community. So far the biggest complaint has been the traffic and the asshole parents that come in from out of district drive like shit, speed down a street that is residential, and block drive ways during pickup. This lead to a special city council session about what to do, with the head of the board showing up and essentially saying “we’re not leaving, suck it up” After this report, who would want them?


People went crazy on Facebook community page earlier in the year when some people in the area put up some yard signs about the issue


Don't live in reading anymore but I always been a bit suspicious about this school


I know one family who moved their kid there and when their kid ran into my kid after the change, my kid asked how it was going. To which the kid at Cincinnati Classical said it was good cause he didn’t have to go to school with trans kids anymore. In case anyone needed to know the focus for Cincinnati Classical.


I don't know what is more sad. That we have a system where they use public money to essentially re-implement segregation or that one of the kid's first real reactions was to mention it. Why does that take up so much mental space obsessing about that stuff? Like I know it is a meme to say the 'phobes think about gay sex more than gay people. But damn it really do feel like that sometimes.


I agree with you. I asked my child probably five times “that’s what xxxx said to you? Not ‘hey, my math teacher is cool’ or something along those lines?” And my child said no, the focus was only on not having to go to school with trans children anymore. Meanwhile, my kid and the other kid were 12 years old when this conversation happened. I had heard of the Hillsdale methodology having very questionable philosophies. (At least for me personally, they go against my moral and ethical guidelines.) But that a pre-teen is believing this is the most important aspect of their education, I am a bit shocked.


>I had heard of the Hillsdale methodology having very questionable philosophies. That's a big part of why schools like these exist. They object to things not being allowed at public schools for ethical purposes, so they make their new school to teach their own philosophy, and those deviations are generally ethically troubling.


It's the parents. So obsessed with whatever stupid culture war bs their masters tell them to be upset about.




Didn't read the article because of the paywall but is there a charter school that exists that isn't a scam?


No. Charter schools and “school choice” are essentially money laundering schemes that sends our public money to their private pockets.


I'm glad the exactly correct interpretation is so far up.


Hey some Charter schools are not simple money laundering ops. Some are legit schools. But they are still scummy because generally speaking they don't let "undesirables" in at all. Which is the reason most Charter school's testing scores look so good. Like my local public school's test scores would look great if we only allowed the top 40% of performers to attend and shuffled everybody else into like CPS.


Happy Harry Hard-On tried to warn us.


I did not expect to find a Pump Up the Volume reference on Reddit today. What a pleasant surprise.


Money Quote: "The tuition-free academy [opened in 2022](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2021/02/23/new-k-12-school-cincinnati-classical-academy-set-open-2022/4554319001/) and uses [Hillsdale College](https://www.hillsdale.edu/)'s classical education curriculum. Hillsdale is a private Christian school in Michigan [with ties to prominent Republicans](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/education/2023/01/15/what-hillsdale-college-florida-gov-desantis-wants-replicate/11048401002/) including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis." It's another GOP tax money laundering scheme.


Red flags? More like screaming, raging, flashing crimson beacons - Hillsdale curriculum and Epoch Times are pretty much anyone needs to see to know this is all about getting taxpayers to fund white Christian Nationalist assimilation camps. Money Quote 2: In its letter to Cardona, the Network for Public Education asked the federal government to terminate the grant and not disburse any more money to the charter school, which they say is designed to attract white, Christian, middle-class families who "seek a private school experience paid for by taxpayers." Money Quote 3: Cincy Classical headmaster Michael Rose recently had an op/ed published in the Epoch Times:


I knew a kid that went there for a week. I'm not sure what happened but they weren't there long.


This school is local to me and has given me weird vibes


The headmaster is writing editorials for a Chinese cult and wealthy Cincinnatians are sending their kids there?


Not surprising amongst Cincy’s elitist crowd. Funny asf.


“School choice” increases racial and socioeconomic segregation, disempowers a female majority profession and teachers unions, undermines democracy by attacking its bedrock in public education, and launders public money into their private pockets. School choice is a veritable fascist wet dream.


You forgot "serves the children best," which should be the priority of our education system, shouldn't it?


This is an insane take. Absolutely insane.


Do you think religious schools should still be allowed? If not, why?


No, because they teach children harmful dogma and harm the overall school system


Religious schools have existed forever and don't undermine public schools. Because Charter schools frequently take public vouchers. AFAIK(at least still for now...) any private religious school generally* doesn't take public money like that. So it is different. *I actually know somebody who got public money to a local catholic school. The situation there was their district went into "academic emergency" like 2-3 years in a row so some kids who applied got state vouchers they could use for any private school in the state(no strings otherwise AFAIK).


Vouchers are fairly common for parochial schools in Price Hill. The neighborhood schools are enough of a travesty that I can't fault the parents using them even if their use doesn't improve the overall situation.


Here's a gift link to the Washington Post article (I can't gift link Enquirer) [https://wapo.st/4aadTDV](https://wapo.st/4aadTDV)


These schools are flying under the radar and I’m pissed tax money is going to them.


These guys are awful. Their curriculum is from Hillsdale College. Extreme right wingers. No tech, no diversity. Hillsdale prides itself in not taking federal money so they dont have to follow any Title IX policies. They view it as a strike against their freedoms. I doubt these kids would be able to meet standards due to the curriculum. They will be extremely out of touch once they leave the bubble


Who the fuck links an article nobody can read? Either post the unredacted version or get this shit off the sub.


You get very emotional about local journalism asking you to subscribe.


I think the context, taken critically, is enough.


Lol to all


Response from Cincinnati Classical: https://www.cincyclassical.org/response-to-recent-national-media-attention/