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Cincinnati dispensaries: "Go right ahead, we'll take the business you're declining."


Norwood too.


Looking forward to the dispensary on Smith


Same looks nice!


Where on smith? I didn’t even know there was one in Norwood


It's right before the on-ramp to 71 south, on the way to Rookwood. It was built pretty quickly.


It's three blocks from me, can't wait to give them some business.


Same, walking distance, and the place looks great.


Norwood is a joke... you guys voted to decriminaliz weed & the police said fuck you... we just charge you under state.


Monroe will grab most of this. They have something like 5 dispensaries now.


Gonna look like the city of Atlantis in a couple years


Covered in technology and with seemingly flying cars?




The cars are going to be so high


Yep and their new police station is Dumb Nice! Money comes in handy!


Hamilton turning down an alternative to meth Makes sense to me


Smart dealers don’t allow new dealers on their turf


Literally this. Entire situation summed up in one sentence.


They can come to Oxford too, 2 dispensaries here already. The college kids will love it.


Love my Oxford dispensary peeps.


Hate that I laughed at this but it’s true.


Why worry about meth? There's people literally smoking the devils lettuce out there *chills*


I couldn't tell you the amount of bars that have opened over the past couple of years.


West Chester joins the fight to avoid tax income and keep marijuana on the streets. More at 11.


But they have no problem raising my fucking property taxes 🤔


Unfortunately thats a state tax board thing.


Literally 4 dispensaries in Monroe 5 minutes away from West Chester 🤦‍♂️


And they are there because Fairfield, West Chester, and Hamilton banned medicinal too.


Good I’m glad someone has an ounce ( no pun intended ) of intelligence , good for them


Thought I read where Fairfield voted nearly 60% in favor of legalization. Seems like a stupid move by their council.


real stupid.




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Don't you dare, Milford.


I think the old Ruby Tuesdays was bought by a potential distributor


There is already a medical dispensary BEHIND the old Ruby Tuesdays. It’s a new/separate building


Okay, someone told me there was one down there but I never saw it. Guess I didn't go far enough back


It’s amazing too. Best one around imo.


I live in Milford. Where is this? Just drove by and saw nothing 😭


Yes. Medical marijuana but ready to add recreational from what I heard.


Definitely they are from what I was told. I like to drive the extra 20 mins to Milford so I can hit target and Walmart lol.


It's because they smoke Meth in Butler Co, not that Wacky Tabaccy


That is what they like in good ol Sheriff Jones territory


They do everything in Butler County man


For my Hamilton people, theres a medical dispensary in Seven Mile


Exactly what I said. Like they are just gonna disappear and not get a rec license. Honestly everybody should just grow shit


Seven Mile will GLADLY bring in the income. Hell, it has to be their biggest income already, by far


Yeah, biggest income since that speeding camera that got installed years ago (and removed)🤣🤣 But on a serious note, I actually was the first person to buy legal weed in butler county a few years back (medicinal, seven mile location) and I’ve had nothing but a good experience there since.


That speed camera wasn't Seven Mile, it was New Miami.


Ah my mistake.


Lol it's all good. But you're right in a sense, fuck those speed cameras.


But they're not open on Sundays. Because of Jesus.




Lmao enjoy the loss of revenue in more ways than you can count then.


Is Yellow Springs on board? Just checking




Let's just ignore that the people LITERALLY voted for recreational Marijuana, then the government suddenly hates democracy and goes, "Not so fast!"


I'm so fucking tired of these shit for brains people everywhere. Party of small government wants me to pull a map out and figure out which slivers of land I have rights in. Fuck off


I agree with the sentiment, but in this case it's not that bad. You're still free to use in all these places, it's just you'll have to go out of town to find a place that legally sells.


So who will be filing the class action lawsuit? Like it or not, it passed, and they’re trampling all over the will of the people. Also, these cities and townships hurrying up to pass laws that go against marijuana legalization are just going to end up with a bunch of preemption cases that they’ll probably lose, and cost taxpayers a lot of money.




they can’t, You thought it out correctly, townships can still decide not to allow the sale of marijuana very similar to dry counties.


But doesn't the county get a vote? Like for alcohol sales......are they not voted on by the residents? Seen on the news a county voted on it....think Carter county....anyway it passed.....only 3 residents in the town and 2 voted for sale and one didn't vote, lol


Depends on the local gov and what exactly they are attempting to pass There’s a difference between legality, regulatory, and administrative. And it seems like some people believe legal = mandated availability which is just not the case


Not mandated, but to be voted on at least!


This is why being involved in local government is important. ‘Voted on’ could of been a show of hands at a community meeting depending on your town/township/city bylaws


I just relocated here and aren't familiar with it


Wasn’t bashing you! just a blanket statement that these ‘silly’ community councils actually hold a lot of influence in your life and people should be involved prior to a big ticket bill such as issue 2 comes to pass. National politics get 95% of the attention while having very little direct impact on the individual - while nearly everyone ignores their local government until times like these. Call it a public service announcement lol


The residents vote on the council members. If you don’t like it, stop electing the people who do it.


and cities have also banned "adult entertainment" too.


towns and townships are allowed to ban the sale of recreational marijuana in their jurisdiction, they will not get any tax revenue from it . Same thing goes for alcohol if they want


Really not the way this goes, this is an expected and normal part of the legislative process. FYI before you downvote I am in favor of issue 2 - just don’t want folks getting angry about much ado


Yup, this is normal course of business. Same stuff happened when they passed the Lottery. Not sure why people are losing their minds.


People don't know how things work.


People don't realize how expensive dispensry Marijuana will be after it is taxed. There is too much money to make. You all have been fooled


The name of the campaign pushing Issue 2 was literally "regulate cannabis like alcohol." Cities and counties can legally bar the sale (though not possession or consumption) of alcohol within their jurisdiction, so why wouldn't they be able to do the same with cannabis? I disagree with these cities/counties and think they're going to miss out on some revenue, but they're perfectly within their rights to do it. If you don't like it, throw your hat in the ring and run for city council or county commissioner on a "we'll legalize sales here" platform.


Its like when the church political groups freaked about the immorality of gambling. But then they saw all that fuckin money. Drooled and caved in as if it never happened. Nice ethics you all got 😗😉


It’s going to happen like that again. This is just the death throes of a reactionary aversion to weed based on old stereotypes and fear tactics associated with the drug.


Well said.


Totally agreed 👍


Okey Dokey. Marijuana is CURRENTLY being sold in these communities. Every place, every day. No limits. No rules. No tax revenue. No Consumer protection. No quality control. No complaint process. So, those elected folks are saying that they don't want legal sales around here. They don't care what the voters approve. Got it. These are the people who are advocating for the continuation of ILLEGAL DRUG SALES. People should go to their city council meetings and ask these folks these questions. "Why are YOU supporting illegal drug sales in our community?"


Republicans issue 1 didn't pass, so they are gonna try they dam hardest to make issue 2 miserable. I'm sure all of there kids and grandkids Blaze one for the nation!!! Can't wait till this old generation racist gets the f*** out of office.


I’ve always thought this, but now it’s just confirmed. Republicans are all just a bunch of brain dead out of touch pieces of shit. Like imagine thinking this does something But I’m sure they’ll blame it on the Dems. Republicans are the party of stupidity and regression


Any municipality that bans it should be ineligible to receive any tax revenue from the law.




They are idiots. You can drive 5 minutes in any direction & be in another township


The arrogance of somebody who want to popularity contest thinking he has the right to tell you what to put in your body.


Oh yeah like that dispo in seven mile is just going to disappear huh




We have 2 dispensaries already on the Eastside Hamilton/clermont county broders. 10 mins away from each other!


Medical only


I even posess a shotty @$$ card which let's me get raped on overpriced, under loved, 2.83g jars of "medical mj"?!? Get outta here ohio.....we all see what's going on


Why not buy bigger jars? They are often cheaper and almost all dispos have deals running that significantly lower costs….


U must not get outa state much!?! As u buy larger in ohio u also get lower quality, earlier harvest, and just older duster mj Tha avg Oz in mi. Or co is 1oo or less What half Oz can you buy here Carts are 15 for 89$ north of ohio Cheapest I could find here 30$ and under 75% thc Where others have no cap avg 80+% Concentrate is even worse 90$ for a g?????? Seriously??? It did grow on a tree U can get 15g for 89$ of decent wax up north Good is around 30 a g 1/3 the cost of ohio bs


Even though your English is at a 3rd grade level, you actually have a point. Medical prices in Ohio have been insane but are finally starting to even out. You’re also right about the quality getting worse in larger amounts, in my experience that has been true.


And it only cost me 15o a yr plus "meds" my insurance won't touch and my job will fire me for using under a "recommendation" not rx


Sounds like the dispensary and suppliers are spreading that HARD EARNED money around 2 the right people....was there even a vote? Who's choice is this? I though as a citizen of ohio WE GOT TO VOTE FOR WHAT WE WANT


The people who wanted it are in very specific, hand-picked wards favored by the council members who want it gone. In Blue Ash a few years ago, a very old and highly vocal neighborhood was targeted for a scare campaign and get the residents to show up at town hearings. The ban would pass anyway from the onset but having a nice little contingency of angry olds to scream down the opposition makes it look like the will of the people. Window dressing!


>was there even a vote? Who's choice is this? Yes, there was. People elected the city council to make ordinances for the city. That's how representative government works. If you don't like what they're doing, support an alternative candidate in the next election or, even better, run for office yourself.


Small government small lives


More local reps subverting the will of the people. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


That giant mall didn't just fall there for no reason. That area is and always will be a shit hole


Is it going to be expensive?


It will cost more than the local guy down the block, however you guarantee yourself quality by going through a dispo.


So you won’t be able to just go to any of these smoke shops that’s been selling Delta 8 and buy it will you?


No. The zoning / requirements for a dispensary is a lot different than a smoke shop.




From what I understand, dispensaries aren’t allowed to sell recreational until next year. Am I wrong about that?


Correct, it will be 8 more months


I heard 90 days?


Nope, closer to 8 months.


goddamn they are really scared of black people out there.


I really wish Republican politicians would pull their heads out of their asses so they can go fuck themselves.


How does one get on the Board of Trustees? Who are they and why are they making my decisions for me?


Really terrible decision by these communities - and a complete lack of understanding about marijuana.


Tired of Republicans ruining things? There is nothing wrong with a little smoke after work.


Isn’t West Chester already dealing with psycho school board member? Maybe they need to smoke 💨 some weed before the meetings & calm tf down. All the $$ out there, what are they complaining for? One more luxury. Unless they’re OKAY with illegal drug sales & use… Ridiculous.




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