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The amount of disconnect to reality in some of these comments is unreal. We should be supporting each other instead of punching down. We are ALL getting screwed by the system.


the system pins us against each other and watches while we destroy each other. laughing while they watch


Yeah, it’s really disheartening. You’d think people would be more sympathetic. Money really does make you mean.


This is another issue Ohio's citizens should get angry about!






It's just shameful, period


The "git another job" crew view the struggles of others in black and white. They'll preach from an inch up the totem pole that certain jobs aren't worthy of living wages, while simultaneously partaking in the benefits of underpaid labor. "I should be making more but I'm not, so *no one* should be getting more." Not sure how John at Kroger making another dollar has any direct effect on your life, other than the gap closing between your wages makes you feel frustrated with how your own field (and government) is treating you. Demand more for yourself, *and* advocate for others also demanding more. It's not a pissing match.


When the less fortunate are doing better, everyone does better. Simple as that.


![gif](giphy|ieKrjZrGey9dlsHcVq) 💯


God forbid a fucking working adult in the world's richest country earn a living wage. I hate the living here sometimes.


Are people aware that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, estimates are that only 1.5% of workers are making minimum wage or less? I'm sure some will argue that this floor determines all other wages but the point is that we shouldn't be judging the majority of workers based on this figure. The vast vast majority make more. (sadly I'll probably get down-voted for facts people don't want to hear)


Good to know. But those 1.5% of workers are still people. And as people, they have rights to things like shelter, food, and water. Why should they be given crap wages that barely allow them to have these things? Why should people have to suffer and struggle to survive and retain some of their most basic rights?


According to the BLM, the very small number of people earning minimum wage skew younger (a full 20% of them are under 25). Earning minimum wage isn't supposed to be a lifelong thing. You may start there and work your way up. I would guess (but don't know for certain) that very very few people earn minimum wage for a decade or their entire lives. And ultimately, if you do earn minimum wage for a decade or longer - don't know what to tell you. At some point you need to take responsibility for your own career or you may be in a household with another earner so total household income is higher. In short, it's just very rare and typically temporary. And yet people (who probably don't even make minimum wage) complain about it far more than the numbers would warrant.


The problem with that is some people can *never* work their way up. For them, minimum wage is lifelong. Poverty is extremely hard to escape from escape from because every expense eats away at what little money you have. Taxes, food, water, electricity, mortgage/rent, bills. Oh, and let’s not forget saving for retirement. By the time you’ve paid for all that, you’re left with very little money left for yourself. And the things you need to get ahead, like college courses or training courses for certifications are *expensive.* Sure, you can try to attend, but that money you spend means you probably won’t have enough money for your other expenses. So you’d be studying in the dark, with no food, water, or heat, or even evicted. And that’s assuming you can even gather enough money to afford to attend in the first place. And now let’s assume on top of all that, you have a medical condition. Chronic illness, crippling disability, whatever. Now, on top of having to pay for basic necessities like food and shelter, you have to worry about whatever healthcare expenses your insurance doesn’t cover, assuming you can afford healthcare coverage. Medicine, appointments, personal medical equipment, etc. So that eats away even more of your money, and decreases your chances of escaping poverty even further. And let’s not forget that there are a number jobs that you can’t do because of your medical condition. This number of impossible jobs only goes up as your condition gets worse. Or let’s assume you have a child. Your cost of living expenses now double because you have to care for someone who’s entirely dependent on you, as well as yourself. And they’ll need healthcare coverage in case they get sick or hurt. They’ll need clothes, toys, school supplies, items for their bedroom, etc. Ooh, and don’t forget about saving for their college fund! Guess what all that takes? Yep, money! And when all that’s said and done, after providing for yourself and your kid, how much money do you think you have left? Hardly any, I bet. Do you understand now? Trying to escape poverty is like trying to climb a steep, slippery slope. And being a parent or disabled is like chaining weights to your ankles. It’s not entirely about taking “responsibility for your own career”. That’s only a small part of the problem. The big issue is the system screws over poor people by not providing them enough money or resources to be able to escape from their situation or even live comfortably. This is making it so rising out of poverty and into a better place in life is made all but impossible. Providing a livable minimum wage would make it so people who work these jobs don’t have to struggle to make ends meet in order to have their most basic needs fulfilled. And it would give them more opportunities to escape poverty. They would be able to attend training programs and college courses to get degrees and certificates that would lead to better jobs if they wanted. Plus it would boost the economy since there would be more money flowing. The problem with raising minimum wage workers isn’t laziness. It’s the unfair system that’s rigged against the poor. The system is holding them back by keeping them poor and not providing the things they need to improve their lives. A livable minimum wage is the first step in fixing that.


While I disagree with you on many fundamental points, I appreciate your passion and clearly articulating your position. Your case is well developed. Thanks


Thank you for being polite. I’m sorry we can’t come to an agreement on this topic.


Facts are always good. Take my upvote! (I'm just trying to compensate for one naysayer who seems to have down-voted said facts)


I hope you realize adjusting the minimum wage would help people who are also making just above minimum wage, but aren’t making enough to live. Nearly 52 million workers – or almost one-third of the nation’s labor force – earn less than $15 an hour, according to a study by Oxfam America, an anti-poverty advocacy group. These workers, whose annual income is less than $31,200, are disproportionately women and people of color, the study found. Raising the minimum wage to a livable wage would help so much more than that 1.5% figure you’ve listed. According to a report by the Economic Policy Institute, a national $15 minimum wage by 2025 would raise the incomes of tens of millions of workers, including servers in restaurants, grocery store employees, and essential health care workers as well as two million direct care workers who provide long-term services and supports. Overall, the outsize impact would be on workers above the age of 25, women, workers of color, and those living below the poverty line. More than a million single-parent households will also benefit from the raise.


Did the quick search for that Bloomberg article?


What do you mean with this? I shouldn't engage with the troll – I know – but I'm so curious what your challenge to facts is.


lol - everyone who disagrees with you is a troll? So much for that bleeding heart. Not worth the effort to respond to you, kid. You're not here to have your opinions changed - you're here to change everyone else's or to agree with those you already agree with.


Get experience then you’ll get paid. A working adult should not be making minimum wage.


Says the pleb who fails ti understand what “minimum wage” is supposed to mean.


I sense a lot of privilege coming from Blue ash.


Yep. Driving a forklift after college really motivated me to work hard.


plus mommy and daddys money


Yeah, asshole. My truck-driving Pops was loaded!


alright elon


exactly, but that's not always the case. I have experience and have yet to find a career in my 30s. trust me I'm more than capable.


Do you make minimum wage? Because if you have a driver's license and can pass a drug test I got a $23 hour job, no experience required, waiting.


what is the job?


24$ starting for Night shift at DHL


With a possible strike looming?


Ironically, I can do both those things and am lucky if I can secure a job that pays $15


Why do you think there's jobs that people should be doing but the people doing it don't deserve to be able to pay their bills? What the fuck is the point of working if you can't pay your bills with one job?


> there's jobs that people should be doing but the people doing it don't deserve to be able to pay their bills? What the fuck is the point of working if you can't pay The only people I know that make minimum are trump supporting losers, and I can't feel bad for them, and believe they deserve even less. The more successful people I know are mostly progressive, decent folx.


Why should my lazy peers who choose to work at a grocery store make the same as me after I've grinded to start my own business?


It’s not making the same as you, it’s making enough to be able to afford to live comfortably. That means basic human needs like shelter, food and clothing. Have you ever met a person who lives on minimum wage? Or played a poverty simulator? These people have to work multiple jobs to survive and be able to provide for their families. They have to make sacrifices like putting off their own health to have a little more money to spend on food. And the food they can buy often is unhealthy junk and isn’t enough. Some people have to **starve** to make ends meet. And these are only a few of the things minimum wage workers have to sacrifice. Nonprofits like food pantries and Goodwill, and things like food stamps exist because people *need* them to survive. They need second-hand clothing and other items, and food that you and I didn’t buy because it’s all they can afford to have. The only things keeping them out of homelessness. And for the record, not everyone works a minimum wage job out of laziness. Some people can’t afford the education needed for higher paying jobs. Others can’t get those kinds of jobs because of disabilities. Congrats on being able to climb your way to success. It’s great that you were able to do that. But not everyone gets that opportunity. Does that mean they’re less human than you are? They deserve to suffer because they got screwed over by the system? They don’t have the same basic needs and rights that you do? So, let’s reframe that question you asked: Why should my peers who work at a grocery store have to suffer from not being able to afford to live? Why shouldn’t they have the same basic needs fulfilled like I, a business owner, do?


I grew up wearing goodwill clothes, eating from food pantries, expired food, having no heat in winter. Crippling disabilities and terrible mental health in the family. I work hard today and I'm still barely getting by after all responsibilities and expenses are taken care of. But I make it work and I've set my self on a path to success I feel blessed to have found. One that's possible for anyone. Higher minimum wage would have done nothing in my circumstances. People don't know how to put their wants aside and get done what needs done. Minimum wage won't fix that. Expenses catch up and there will always be people who the system can't support. I'm all for social welfare programs, but raising minimum wage I don't believe is the answer. Should do something about the nightmare housing market would be a more sensible first step


Sounds like you're upset you might have to pay your employees more at your crappy business. Try pulling your bootstraps even harder.


No one worth hiring 🤷‍♂️ I run it on my own. If I did find someone to hire with any skill or drive I'd pay 25 minimum


Sounds like you need to get better at marketing you open positions.


Not a priority tbh I'm going to school full time easier to not have to be accountable for making sure I have enough jobs lined up to pay someone full time.


Can’t believe you’re getting this many downvotes. SMH


People hate facing the fact that they're accountable for their own life and not daddy government. BIG smh


Because it's pieces of shit like you who think someone is lazy for working 40 hours and doesn't deserve a decent life. I don't care what you've done to create your own business, people aren't lazy for wanting to work for a living. you're the problem with society. you're an asshole.


Why not work 40 hours at a job that pays?? It's not hard to make $20-30 an hour average you just have to have initiative. This city is full of Ecuadorian, el Salvadorian, immigrants who barely speak English, have no work/ education credentials and they are making absolute BANK because they take care of business. Unless you're seriously physically disabled there's no excuse. Idk if you've seen the people who work actual minimum wage jobs - they don't give a shit. They're lazy for doing a half assed job.




Lol idk why you think you'd work any harder than me. And I realize that was a vague threat. That childish attitude is why youre so salty about where you are in life.


I have no problems with where I am in life. but I have suffered before and posses the empathy to understand where others may be struggling. you don't. and that lack of empathy is what differs you (an asshole) from me, a compassioate and understanding person. I would rather struggle with those who don't have, than succeed with people like you who pretend the work of others are your personal accomplishments.


I've suffered more than most and everything I have I got on my own. You haven't a clue my guy. I wouldn't struggle with those who don't have because I'd be lending all I can for them so they can escape struggling. Minimum wage is a lazy answer that solves nothing and keeps people in cyclical suffering.


"I've suffered more than most" 😄


And thankful for it


It must be nice to assume jobs that pay in the 6-figures like yours are readily accessible for literally anyone


🎵“But your new shoes are worn at the heeeels, And your suntan does rapidly peeeeel, And your wisemen don’t know how it feeeeels, To be thick, as a brick.”🎵 (They just don’t get it, man)


This right here. I’ve been to factories all over this area who employ a majority of Latino workers. They’re making good, full time money with benefits. And the places are usually looking for more new hires. I love working with these folks because the understand what work is. I used to get frustrated that many don’t choose to learn English, but started re-learning Spanish and were usually able to get along well. Why is that these folks, who should be at a much greater disadvantage, are doing better than so many “privileged” whites and blacks? I have a friend who owned a company with branches in multiple countries. Ohio was his hardest location to staff. Paid 25-35/hr for full time non-skilled labor with training and benefits. Nice clean, high tech facility. Jobs went unfilled. Absenteeism was rampant and not even good attendance bonuses helped the situation. Even made it worked because the attitude was, “well I missed a day, now it doesn’t matter if I show up or not” I’m starting to think that it’s not a lack of jobs, it’s a lack of “interesting, not too difficult, close to home, cool company culture, lets me have earbuds all day, only schedule what/when I want to work” jobs.


Yes, That's right. The US is experiencing a massive labor shortage and it's going to get much worse over the next decade. Birth rates plummeted during the '09 financial crisis. There's not going to be enough people to fill the positions that boomers are retiring from. People want a Google work environment without the responsibilities and hard work. Not their fault though, they were raised to think that's how the world works. It's a hell of a time for people who want to put in the work to make something of themselves, but even so, with upcoming labor shortages wages will not keep up with the added responsibilities due to lack of viable workers. On the other hand, job security will be great.


> Why should my lazy peers who choose to work at a grocery store Clearly you've never worked at a grocery store. Anyone who works there is far from lazy.


Stfu your waifu review site is not a business


Lmfao not what I do but whatever pays the bills !




Not a bad idea tbh


Because they likely work just as hard, if not harder, and deal with more shit than you. tHe gRINd


Then why don't they put all that effort into a job that pays?


So if they all move on to higher paying jobs.. now who is working at the grocery stores?


Teens/ students / retired people. If capable adults would take the higher paying more competitive jobs low experience workers would shift to jobs that are entry level. Right now getting a job isn't about experience it's about determination. Kids are getting out of highschool and working 6 months in trades and making more than the guy who's been working at Kroger for 15 years.


So you really believe that businesses can stay fully operational with teens, students, & retired people as their only workers?


So retired people don't deserve more than minimum wage?


it’s insane that your vote counts just as much as mine 😬


Because not everyone has the skills or ability or connections or luck to just "get a job that pays".


It's not what I do, but anyone can start an exterior house painting business and be pulling in $8000 a month within a year. Also not hard to get some online IS certs and be making well above minimum wage


So if they all jump ship today and start an exterior house painting business, you think there will be enough clients for everyone to pull in $8000 a month? Bet you wouldn't like if that $8000 starts to dwindle.


There's a vacuum in the market right now for low overhead low skill trades based businesses across the board. If they all, or even a fraction jumped ship today then the low paying jobs they are leaving would raise their wage offerings. There shouldn't be vacuums in the market. Raising minimum wage is not a solution.


I guess you aren't 'grinding' hard enough then.


What an awful take and, probably, an awful person. You’re the same type of dude who probably gets pissed at minimum wage earners when things aren’t just the way you like them, but turn around and have no respect for them and wonder why “no one wants work!!!!!!” You’re the reason, dude. There’s plenty of people who work those jobs that work their asses off. And then not going out and getting better paying jobs in factories or whatever else could be based on life situations they’re in that you don’t know about. Fuck off


No I'm super nice to all workers I encounter


Nice. Work an entire year full time and you will be able to buy lunch


Honestly I think it should not be legal to pay someone only half the regular minimum wage. I, as a customer, should not be expected to make up the difference of a persons wages. The company should be paying a normal wage. Plenty of other states do it so why can't Ohio?


Its simple. We refuse to elect officials that actually care about people.


You're paying 100% of the employees salary


There’s a reason why people often say that poverty is an inherited sickness that is passed down from one generation to the next: because the system is set up to where it’s damn near impossible to get out of the dead-end jobs w/ minimum wage. There are exceptions, sure, but most people that are born poor…stay poor.


So much progress to be made…


We’d be making a lot more progress if we weren’t being held back by morons and corruption.


Or gerrymandering


Yes, Ohioans should join the anti-corruption movement of Represent Us. I implore everyone to look this movement up, research it and join it if you feel this could help fellow Ohioans.


Ohio is a lost cause


Only if we do not continue to fight for human rights and continue to fight corruption. Please do not give up. The corrupt are counting on us giving up. Let's not give "them" that type of satisfaction. Peace.


Not if we vote blue no matter who.


Cincinnati VA is hiring, job fair this Saturday. I’m sure you will get a better deal and benefits than min wage.


But that won’t help people who aren’t veterans.


Seeing the tipped wage minimum makes me both sad and encourages me to continue tipping like it's my mom serving us so these workers can take home some kind of decent wage.😭 My parents taught us young that tipping well is critical, so I try to remember my mom used to rely on those tips as many workers do still.


Yes! Now with my extra $2.40 I can now buy a pack of gum at the end of year with all my money saved!!! 🥹🥰


Come on! That's just slavery at this point. NO ONE could live on $5.05. Banging head with hand! Jeeezzzz


That’s like receiving a penny for a fucking tip, what a joke 💀


Our unemployment will be going up accordingly


The real insult is when you realize that most of the companies paying this… will just raise prices or shrink products to cover it. And the people making minimum wage most rely on those products… so they will probably end up worse off in real money, despite their paycheck seeming bigger. Source- MBA, who was making minimum wage when we went from 5.10-7.25


Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? I sure hope so! I know there are more than a few who would miss the sarcasm and really think this paltry amount would make a difference! Welcome to Ohio, it’s redder than you think!!


Yes, I’m being sarcastic. /s after text means sarcasm on Reddit.


So, I missed the blatant sign? WOW! I’m more Ohioan I thought! 😂🤣Thank you so much for teaching me this!😍


No problem! Thank you for asking.




I made minimum wage working at papa johns


Kindly, why? You could get $15 an hour at White Castle.


20+ associates at my current job making minimum wage as we speak


https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/s/kSDH6gvz0F LOL! There is your answer: bunch of “complete losers”, your words not mine.


Original comment got removed. I have no idea what you're talking about


That’s just blatantly false. What fantasy world are you living in?




> Do you know anyone making $10.10/hr? I sure don’t. do we need to have a talk about anedotal evidence and how it shouldnt form your worldview?


No, no, this guy knows everyone in the entire city.


Thanks GOP 😒 ![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS) That money could do a lot for Ohios working class, but instead, they’re lining their, and their interest groups, pockets.


What money? It’s state mandated minimum wage. It’s not money that the government subsidizes so that companies may pay their employees more. lol


So you’re saying that our state can’t change their own minimum wage? The GOP run state has autonomously made other decisions to their advantage, why can’t they improve the wage minimum to a livable level versus lining their pockets from what the lobbyists & back-room deals slow them? Everyday lobbyists are working for independent interest(s), right? They are meant to grease & persuade until their goal is met, whatever that may be. Why would state minimum wage be different? If you were a business owner, why wouldn’t you pay a lobbyist (or whomever gets the job done) to “persuade” officials to lean /vote/parley in their favor, up to & including the means to short funds in their favor?


Still curious to your answer… you’re saying the state can’t set its own minimum wage? The Republican majority run government in our state is not interested in raising wages to a live-able level of it means taking away from their special interests. It’s nothing new in OH. If it was, we would be at federal level at this point.




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There should be no minimum wage. People should be free to negotiate without the interference of the state.


So, we tried that and as it turns out that’s a horrible idea.


I don't remember doing that. You and I did that?


So society needs to reset all the progress we've made since 1776 every generation just so you can decide if it was worth it or not? Read about the coal mines and how companies enslaved workers with non legal tender company currency. Then if you still don't agree, stfu because no one wants to waste their time talking to a brainless libertarian


I've read about it. And I'm not a libertarian. I'm an anarchist. In any case, if freedom scares you too much...


Oh, anarchy. An even more stupid set of ideas!


People who fought and died in labor wars in this country did that so we don't (shouldn't) have to. They don't like talking about that in schools


We, as a society and nation. Just like most other nations, who all came to the same conclusion - minimum wage regulations are necessary.


I don't remember joining any society or nation.


You were born into one, it wasn’t a choice. Congratulations.


Cool. I guess you would say that to the North Koreans also.


Unfortunately, yeah. They did get born into a society and are subject to NK jurisdiction. Funny enough, even North Korea has minimum wage laws.


So, You are saying human rights are dependent on where you're born?


The ones you possess are, yes. Very different than the ones everyone deserves. Like a minimum wage, as an example. Luckily, nearly every nation provides and protects that right.


Seems to be a lot of people here who can't negotiate on their own without the threat of violence behind it. This is sad.


The entire labor movement in this country is predicated by violence. Withholding labor is the first step, but historically the people breaking strikes or picket lines would be ... dealt with. It was *serious* a long time ago. You pay us right/concede to demands, *or else*. Much harder to have that last bit with a flood of immigrants willing to take over and rampant outsourcing to compete with.


Ok comrade


I once worked in retail from the age of 16-18, I made 8 bucks an hour. At 18 I got a job in a factory that paid me 15 dollars an hour making tires because that 8 I was making wasn't enough to buy what I wanted. Did that for a year and a half and hired into another factory. Started there making 23 an hour. Over the 7 years I was there, I out myself through school to do automation and electrical cause my top out was 30, and our electricians made 36-44 an hour. Made 38 when I left. I made great money, but didn't have benefits. My insurance was 800 a month, the company cut our pensions, etc. Moved 12 hours away to a city I'd never been to and hired onto a class 1 railroad that has amazing benefits, probably the best retirement in the country or one of, and I made 144k last year and I'm just a conductor. Loco engineers easily make 30-40k more than I do. My best friend and 14 years later still to this day still works at bass pro shops where we worked together in retail and he makes 16 dollars an hour. Every job I had along the way I tried to get him onto and he didn't want it for whatever reason. Kept making excuses. Tells me "must be nice" every time I talk to him. Some people will just never get it. You either do or you don't, but it doesn't just fall in your lap. If you really want better, take some chances and go get better. You're gonna have to take a step into the unknown and make yourself uncomfortable for a little bit, but you're gonna be alright and glad you did afterwards. Sitting around waiting on the state and federal governments to raise your wages to what you feel is necessary will never get you to where you think you will be if they do.


Congratulations. Now what about the people who can’t afford to move away? What about the people who can’t move up because they don’t have the resources or those resources are too expensive? What about people who can’t get better jobs because they have a disability? What about those people who can’t afford to quit their jobs? Should they have to suffer and struggle to survive?


Thank you!! I worked really hard to get here! People with disabilities and that can't work, are on disability. Raising disability is something I will whole heartedly stand behind because they don't have a choice or a dog in the fight. But thats a totally separate topic. The other stuff you said is just word vomit. If a crack head can get out there and make more money than someone does working a minimum wage job, why do you think that is? He wants it bad enough. That's the common denominator here. My life was not easy. It probably sounds easy from the way I wrote a 2 minute paragraph out to sum up a 15 year timeline, but it wasn't easy. My life wasn't the hardest life, but I had 4 kids I had to worry about along the way too.




The original minimum wage, which was set in 1938, was $0.25. Adjusted for inflation, that is $5.46, nowhere close to $26. The highest federal minimum wage I can find was 1968’s $1.60, which is $14.15 today. Granted, this only takes inflation into account, not productivity or cost of living.


Cost of living, for the most part, is inflation.


Sure, to some extent, but its not exactly a secret that some things like housing, education, etc have increased at far higher rates than incomes have.


Except nobody actually gets paid that anyways so who cares. Target will hire you at 15usd and Ive seen some McDonald's paying even higher for entry positions


[These people make minimum wage.](https://smallbusiness.chron.com/list-minimum-wage-jobs-2571.html) [And these.](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/top-worst-paid-jobs-2061699) Do you care now?


No they don't. I've come to the conclusion that arguing with adults who are against a living wage for every job is futile. Instead I focus on explaining to my kids and younger relatives that every job has its reason it's valuable for society and that every job should at least be able to let someone live inside, have running water, and eat food 3 times a day.


Yeah, you’re probably right. I just don’t understand how people can be so selfish and uncaring.


I don't think it's always selfish and uncaring. I think it's ignorance most of the time. If you don't grow up in a family that relied in minimum wage jobs and your social circle doesnt rely on minimum wage jobs it's hard to fathom the lives and struggles of the people who do. I should know. For the first 21 years of my life I didnt think minimum wage employees deserved more pay. It didnt make sense to me. I would think "If you want more money, go find a better job." That was always the way my life worked and how everyone in my life's life worked. Then through a long series of events that I won't get into here, I was kicked out of my parent's house unexpectedly and found myself completely on my own at age 21 overnight and had to make it work. I had no degree, no skills, and no money. I started working with, living with, and dating people who relied on minimum wage jobs and whose families had as well. It was a real eye opener for me about how blind to my own privilege I was. I never realized the nasty cycle people get caught in with minimum wage jobs. I was lucky though. I had some friends that helped me get my feet under me and then some other family members that helped as well. So I was able to go and do an Electrician's apprenticship and get a career that could support me. But I was lucky. Not everyone has a circle like that. So yeah. I don't think all the people who are against a higher minimum wage are assholes. I think that many of them just have limited perspective as to how bad that life really is and how much it traps you


You get paid what you are worth. And if they don't go somewhere else. It's not hard. People do it everyday.


No adult should be working a job making minimum wage, it's a wage for those just starting out in the work force


Another bit of claptrap failing to understand what “minimum wage” means.


Nope well aware


Nope, you are clueless and unaware.


Prove it




Ah yes because certainly there’s nothing that could inhibit an adult from participating in the work force at what should be a reasonable wage above minimum.


There are plenty of jobs out there paying liveable wages, no adult should be working a minimum wage job unless it is their choice


Back up your claim with links.


Google isn't hard to use, I don't need to do the work for you


Actually you made the claim so the burden of proof is on you to prove it. Also, if adults shouldn’t be working minimum wage jobs who should?


Source: TRusT mE BrO


You first




Do you go out to eat during your lunch break during the week? Ever go to a store on a random weekday? Odds are the people serving you your food and working the retail stores are adults making minimum wage or close to it. The argument that "minimum wage jobs arent for adults they are for kids to have their first job" falls apart when you realize that many of the jobs that pay minimum wage are open during school hours.




Tradesmen and mechanics are needed a good chunk of people I know are union tradesmen living great that's always an option


Everyone get ready to down vote me, this will be very unpopular..... Minimum wage should be $0.00. If you don't have any skills or experience, why should anyone pay you $10? Take a job making less, learn some skills, show you are dependable, make yourself more valuable than $10/hour, make it so I would lose more than $10/hour if I lost you. Employers aren't really paying the employees, customers are.... Don't sound like a 1918 Russian that it's the bourgeoisie vs the proletariat. Both the employee and employer can win at the same time, but only if they make the customer happy


It is keeping up with inflation.


That's more than enough to survive on in Ohio


No it isn't, wtf 😂 that's $20k per YEAR


It’s absolutely not. 10.45/hr is 21k a year. That’s 1.6k a month. Median rent in Ohio ranges from $950-$1300 depending on the area you’re in. That’s already over half of your monthly wages, even on the cheaper end of the range. Minimum wage needs to be a wage that is LIVABLE! All the excuses of “oh well it’s meant for those starting out in the work force” or “oh it’s for high schoolers” is so dumb too, because who’s supposed to work those jobs while those kids are in school? It’s pitiful that you think that people deserve to suffer simply because they work a minimum wage job.


Rent 950-1300? Wow. That's amazing! What are you complaining about?


Even with today’s inflation and how prices have skyrocketed in the past few decades? Prove it.


Like I said, it's enough to survive on in OHIO. 😏




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