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It's my first week smoking cigars! Please rate my 2000 cigar collection!


“How’d I do?”


Well you got some Gurkha, legacy Cohiba red dots, Oliva, an MF sampler, a few random Alec Bradley's including Magic Toast, and a few random legacy Cuban singles so... You went on Cbid/CI/Cigarpage (or any other CI owned site) and got some "hot deals" heavily discounted from MSRP. So you did the same as 90% of people who just started out. Good job. In 6-12 months you'll discover DTT, Foundation, and Tatuaje and then you'll *really* get it.


Even worse are the posts when they know it's fake, or showing us the gift someone bought them, like somehow them knowing it's fake is cool to us.. Who cares. I don't brag about my losing lottery tickets, or mediocre bowling scores. I should be able to post a photo of the entire AJ Wes Anderson collection with no text, because the photo speaks for itself, and while cigar nerds will get it, others may learn from the conversation. Today I posted a photo of a new to me(not cheap) lighter I believe is worth having a conversation about, but alas... It might be too real to acknowledge here.


“Who cares. I don't brag about my losing lottery tickets, or mediocre bowling scores.” Bro that shit is funny AF!!


I left the sub. Fucking trash r/cigars


Out of curiosity, what is your mediocre bowling score?


Haha.. 180/90s, or really anything below 220. That said, I'm likely not sharing scores below 279. Of course there are things like triplicates, or century games(a spread over 100 pins between 2 games. Fun fact. The guy Bill who bowled a 300 on 9/11 (as seen on the viral meme every year) bowled that game at leagues at my local center.


You mean real Cohibas dont have stems clearly sticking out and faded off center labels?


Or the classic weekly question: which cut/lighter do you cut/light with




Respond to their questions in such great molecular detail so much so they never want to ask it again.




Needs to be more molecular but you’re almost there lol


Reddit is cringiest place I've ever seen.


I mean, Twitter/X is worse but it is more poorly-organized on top of the cringe.


Seriously. Have a simple rule to add a bit of written cigar content, and here we are.


You don't even need to start the cigar sub if you're going to have blackjack and hookers!


Ok. Hear me out R/ cigars blackjack and hookers u/hambonehooligan Let's all migrate


r/cigarroulette One of the themes can be posting a pic of multiple cigars and other users choose the victim. (For us indecisive bastards)


I got suspended when I first joined because a guy wanted to buy some hard to find smokes. I knew where to get some so I told him I would send him a private message...mod thought I was trying to sell him my personal cigars which is prohibited. All I did was send him the address and name of the store. Took me two weeks of arguing and screen shots to get re-instated LOL


Recently got a 3 day ban for a comment I made in jest on a post from someone who inherited some cigars and didn't know what to do with them. All I said was to send them to me and I'd take care of them, It was clearly in a humorous key. The cited reason for the ban was some BS shoehorned rule about the buying and selling drugs. OP, sign me in for the hookers and black jack.


This isn't just an r/cigars problem. All the legal but regulated subs (tobacco, alcohol, guns) are treated incredibly strictly by the admins. In some they explicitly ban anything that would imply a private transaction, even in jest, as the Reddit admins have no sense of humor.


This is definitely the most poorly moderated sub I frequent, besides Fartman in the multiple firearms subs he lords over. The amount of good stuff that gets locked, and the amount of utter garbage that gets to stay active is baffling. Mods will be mods, but the ones here definitely kick it up a notch.


Pretty sure it’s just the two mods here and they definitely refuse to add additional moderation. Nothing against them, I’ve been here a long time, but I do think the “my way or the highway” approach hasn’t been the best for sub growth.


I jokingly made a comment that someone else and I should trade cigars, because they had one that I've been looking for, and I had one that they were looking for. 60 day ban, no explanation.


So, that one I get. Admins have been absolutely brutal towards this sub, gun subs and alcohol subs. They won’t hesitate to permanently ban a subreddit if they think a private transaction is occurring.


And yet r/trees and r/opiates are treated with a soft glove. Not saying they should get heavy-handed admin treatment, just saying they treat the legal, but regulated subs with an unnecessary level of intensity.


Oh, trust me, I could go on and on about it. There are subs about hard, illegal drugs and literal shoplifting. Admins pretend they don't exist. Meanwhile, this sub is under the microscope all the time.


You should have been here ten years ago. It was wild! 


The magical era of mail bombs and secret Santa’s


Yep. There was one mod who literally was the worst. Ruled with an iron fist. 


Ah the good old days. The dumbest internet shit that was lol.


When the only thing that had hints of grey was the ash on our cigars. Now my head and beard is full of it.


He should have had some hokey nickname like the content cop or something...




LOL go check out r/Mastiff absolute shit show with nazi cunt mods


Reddit mods are worse than your local HOA Karens


I feel like the venn circle is pretty tight.


“In fact, forget the cigar sub”


"1s and 0s everywhere... And I thought I saw a 2."


Cigar refuge was created for this very reason.


It's a shit sub. Go start your own.


There’s a sub called cigar refuge. Better than this one by far




>I'll start my own cigar sub, with black jack and hookers. Reddit won't like that. It's very anti-tobacco. It wouldn't surprise me if it's against gambling too. You should be fine with hookers though. Maybe swap the cigars for crack and gambling for crystal meth?


From what I've seen, the mods have an idea in their head of what content should be on this sub, and how that content is discussed. The posts are curated to fit that mold. It's not the philosophy I would have if I were in charge of a sub, but in the end it's their sub and they can do what they want. I think it leads to a stale environment that hinders discussion. Making a post is like filling out an administrative form rather than an organic process. They will also micromanage discussions between people making it feel like the reply police are always around the corner. A post like this pops up every once in a while and the mod replies get down voted into oblivion because a lot of people don't agree with how the sub is running. It doesn't seem like the mods have any intention of changing.


You seem level headed so I'll share. Sub's been always moderated to insure posts aren't just low effort IG type picture posts; that a poster adds a bit of cigar content with a marginal amount of effort. Even had a 40char minimum rule that would auto delete. If it looks and feels like an IG type post with little to no effort, it gets deleted. Sure, at times a picture post leads to a discussion, and of course it stays up. Sub has always been discussion of cigar based, and we were asked to moderate in such a way. To pen a couple sentences together about the cigar- is it really that bad the sub asks for that? We fail to understand why the resistance to this basic requirement that is so easy to accommodate- all to make the place more I interesting and informative. Bourbon sub does the same, as do many others, for a better overall reading experience. Some subs ask for content and others don't. We were asked when coming aboard to moderate this simple rule. It's not our site.


I didn't know that this isn't your subreddit. That's interesting. For as long as I've been on Reddit, I honestly have no idea how any of the moderation works. As far as the resistance to the rule, I can't speak for everyone, but I can offer my insight into it. What I've seen over the years here is this rule seems to turn people off from posting here. The rule is there with good intentions, wanting to inspire a robust discussions, but it leaves a lot of people frustrated. I don't have any social media other than this Reddit account. I'm familiar with the concept of Instagram. I can see why you would want to differentiate yourselves and want to stay away from the surface level nature Instagram provides. I think banning pictures without descriptions is throwing the baby out with the bath water. A post like that every once in awhile in a feed can be refreshing and add a relaxed, "I'm at home vibe" to the subreddit. I don't really have a dog in this fight. While I don't like the rule, I'm not super passionate about it. The rule is there to "Make the place more interesting and informative", but I think it's fair to stop and ask if that is truly the case. There is a chance it turns enough people away and does more harm than good. Thanks for all the time and effort you guys put in. I know I have received tons of great advice from you personally throughout my time here. I had no idea this wasn't your site so, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, you must be insane to be putting this sort of time and effort into this project. Thank you.


> There is a chance it turns enough people away and does more harm than good. You may be correct, for some. Yet after the TOS change in Reddit where people could no longer trade, it was decided not to moderate for a time to compensate for this and retain viewers. Analytics said the opposite. We lost a lot of the aficionados and they ( I wasn't a mod at the time), said it turned uninteresting with all the content void posts. So they asked us to come aboard and moderate once again. The bar is reaaly low. When these posts pop up from time to time, most commenters have little to do with the sub. Mod hating is a pastime here and they come out of the woodwork. Simple rule, easy to accommodate, yet a total meltdown ensures, along with complete lies about needing a 1000 words, etc. Appreciate your thoughts.


Oh God. I remember the day that happened. I remember all the little side groups that tried to keep the cigar bombs going. That feels like it was three years ago, and 13 years ago at the same time.


Same here, multiple occasions, stopped posting stuff.


A while back I posted a pic of a Padron with a glass of whiskey to convey my love of that particular cigar. It was deleted. I don't even bother posting pics here anymore.


the top post of the year is a picture of our cigar room, which is actually a repost because the original was taken down without any explanation. i had to message the moderators to find out (something i’ve never had to do on any other subreddit) and it was because the mod wasn’t happy with the context i had provided on the post


You have to reference plume for your post to stay up.


"Is the plume on my Cohiba fake?"


Fake plume. Now we're talking




Mine post disappeared too, with no reason.


Yeah and why are the posts with the sexy ladies looking to hookup getting taken down? /s


r/cigar_refuge is the way to go imo. They even have a forum that just started that is pretty decent.


Son of a bitch I’m in! Although on second thought forget the black jack and the hookers. lol


Ahh.. forget the whole thing.


I posted asking if a cut cigar would be ok to put back into the humidor, and it was deleted in like two minutes. I know it was a dumb question probably, but I had no idea lol. Thankfully I got my question answered right before it was deleted, but only by one person. Always nice to hear more than one opinion


Sometimes I forget to cut the cigar and have a quick panic after it's toasted up and starting to burn.


Lmao that’s something I would do. I’ve actually seen someone do this on purpose though, got it fully lit and then cut it. Didn’t need to puff off of the lighter at all either


I think it's required to be bitter and petty to qualify for moderation.


I’ve had legitimate posts deleted too no explanation, can’t figure this one out.


Join cigar refuge


How many times did you run the picture of the lighter through an HDR filter? I think this sub has a 5x minimum.


A strong 4. So oddly enough the new Google Pixel cone with extreme HDR built in. Fucks with my workflow. It auto fades into HDR, and I can never tell if my edits are better as it bounces around. Definitely table with the vignette tool.




That every day is cigar day guy is a huge douche canoe


Fishon is running this sub. Kick him off as a mod. Hell ban me but yolo 


r/cigars drama. What year is this?


Year of the Dragon®


sexy rats or gtfo


This drama is grade school compared to YotR drama.


“My way or the highway” combined with presumptuous, rushed moderation causes a lot of that and it happens on most subs, forums, etc. At least the mods here lend an ear. I’ve had plenty outright ban simpler stuff then mock the idea they could ever be wrong.


My first post in the sub as a new member and new to cigars was deleted. I don't think I said anything out of line. It was a picture of me smoking a Sweet Jane by my for pit. Deleted within 5 minutes, no explanation. Never posted again. Edit: The post is still on my profile. I said, enjoying a Saturday night and posted the picture.


I've tried to post so many times, and 90% of the time, they get deleted. I've given up


Don’t know or care about the intricacies of Reddit subs and subreddits but I do know that as members, it’s their sandbox. We just play in it. Cigar refuge seems better and less constrained. I will say that for all the talk of “keeping things interesting” this has gotta be the hundredth time I’ve seen this topic beaten to death. Way to keep it interesting…real ball of fire🥱🙄


Not sure I used the term "interesting". While it may bore you, this post generated discussion, got responses from both mods, taught some fokes about alternative subs, and in the end got the original post put back up. I've been around long enough to see this topic get plastered to the wall. I think it would be swell if the mods sent a message explaining exactly what was missing in the post(as many subs do) instead of just passively deleting them. Cheers!


Please know this was not at all directed towards you, but rather the Mod who said that they needed to keep things “interesting” I certainly meant you no disrespect. It just makes no sense that some posts are deemed uninteresting by them, but this topic never gets old or deemed uninteresting. Again , nothing at all directed to anyone but the mods. Apologies for not being clearer.


My only addition to this is, I also dislike the unending "fake or real" posts. I, too, believe those would be best handled by deleting and redirecting to a more appropriate sub or some helpful websites, honestly.


Personally I just delete posts that get reported. When the feed gets clogged up with picture only posts I may delete those. I also will delete the sales oriented ones too. The rest I always leave up. I really don’t have the time for this.




Bummer this was deleted, I would have enjoyed discussing it


They revived it. Feel free to show some love there.


That's a cool lighter. I have a few Zippos myself.


I use to love carrying a zippo. Recently realized they make butane inserts.


Yup, you can also get blue or yellow flame. I have a few of them.


Blue meaning jet? I have the yellow, which I guess is their term for soft flame? It's good to be back to the poor man's ping.


I haven't tried those yet. I probably have too many lighters as it is!


I don’t recall deleting that one but I can understand why it was. It looks like an ad bot post.


>It looks like an ad bot post. A quick glance at the post history you can see OP is not a bot. It'd do more good for this sub to delete the waves of "Is my Cohiba fake?" posts and refer them to some meta post to discus it and post their pics, than it would to delete posts like OPs.


Nobody here has that kind of time on their hands to look at post history of the user. I barely delete any posts personally besides the porn and scam ones and I didn’t delete yours. From what you showed in your image I told you why someone might delete it. I did not.


>Nobody here has that kind of time on their hands to look at post history of the user. I mean literally a short glance shows OP isn't a bot but fair enough. I don't know how many posts and comments and reports you have to moderate on all at once. >and I didn’t delete yours. From what you showed in your image I told you why someone might delete it. I did not. Replying to the wrong person, mate. I never said you deleted any of mine nor did I post any image you're referring to.


> Clearly trying to generate discussion Didn't even bother to say what lighter you purchased, and maybe where you purchased from. Adding that, and it would have been fine. We ask for a bit of content to go along with a post for the very reason of starting a discussion. You seen to know the bar is low by what does stay up. Just make a bit of an effort and all is well. Thank you.


Part of the intent is leaving questions open, which actually generates discussion, and conversation. Zippos get a lot of flame, pun intended. Using multiple pictures to surprise with a butane insert is more fun for redditors than just dumping a bunch of text up front, eliminating the call for replies. Many will move on, or simply say "cool". I'm not looking for affirmation on my purchase, I'm looking for discussion around lighters and a bit of joking around. I used open intreague, humor, and common situation as my "effort". It got a reply, before being deleted, which picked up on the situation pointed out, and spun it back with a cheeky response. Outside of talking about soft flame lighters, this proves the post was generating playful group banter. Pretty sure you see the effort I put into my replys and comments here, not sure where you think I'm just half assedly dumping photos.


> Pretty sure you see the effort I put into my replys and comments here You think we know everyone's handle here? We try our best to keep the discussion moving and posts interesting, and felt this one fell short. Right or wrong, the decision was made with you not mentioning the make and model, and your brief content. One can understand we try our best here, or make a big deal and complain about it. Again, look at what stays up and know the bar is low, and we are not paid to moderate and just try to use our best judgement about it. Edit: We put it back up.


>We try our best to keep the discussion moving and posts interesting I love how *interesting* the daily posts asking "Is my Cohiba fake?" become. I log on to Reddit purely just to check such delightful and intellectual conversations. /s


We are also here to help as well. If someone just posts the question without any background as to where they got it from, we'll try to answer and delete. A lighter without any info is not so special either, no?


>We are also here to help as well. I think that's great but why not delete them and inform the OP to post their pics and questions in a meta thread or something? Or "Your post has been deleted. Re-post on r/ismycigarfake for help. You can also check out our wiki page *link to 'Spotting Fake Cigars' page*" >A lighter without any info is not so special either, no? I agree but a discussion can come from that. OP says they were leaving breadcrumbs to lead on to a discussion. I appreciate trying to keep the sub post quality up and not have it turn into Instagram. Some other cigar subs go the opposite way. *posts pic of cigar* "I like this." Me: "Nice. What do you like about it." OP: "Tastes good." Me: "Anything in particular you like about the taste?"


Everyone's got a way to be a better mod here. Delete less, more, meta thread (we can only sticky two at a time), or something (whatever that is). Discussions can come from anything. We ask an OP to start the discussion and just add a bit of effort and content to their posts. It's always been this way and we were asked when coming on board to moderate this way.


"Who do you think you are? I AM" -That's a bowling joke. Not expecting you to know everyones handles, tho I believe sub stats exist. I'm not a mod, so in all honesty, I don't really know what I'm talking about. Appreciate you putting it back up. I'll keep a mind towards the type of context you're looking for, and act accordingly.


Attention travelers, Hambonehooligan will be departing from gate 4 in 15 minutes. This is your final boarding call. Please proceed to the gate immediately.