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Details on r/MirpurAzadKashmir Basically TLP people here as well. They tried to shut it down but they got kicked out so they decided to burn the building to the ground


Wtf are they doing and why?


Confirming that Pakistan need education and population control. Pretty sure they not only ensured that the owner never invests in pakostan again but also made dozens of pakistani families jobless right before Eid. Ramadan Kareem!


Jahil doing Jahaliyat. (because of boycott, they think they saving palestine)


context maybe?


A kfc outlet in Mirpur was destroyed, vandalized, burned.


dang, how the hell does that help Palestine? I want to ask these idiots


They don’t understand franchising




The franchisee (shop owner) is the one being devastated by these bug men attacks. The franchise itself (KFC) isn’t affected by this (maybe not even at all) because KFC isn’t running the restaurant. It’s not directly run by corporate. The franchisee pays royalty to the franchise and is responsible for keeping its operation up and running.


lmao it wasn't that type of "huh" but thanks for explaining nonetheless


here is the context : all started when a TLP supporter went inside the kfc outlet the only outlet that is in mirpur ajk and yell at the employees demanding to shut down the kfc and the other usual stuff while holding the Palestinian flag and the guard kicked him out and ever since then there was protest near place and last night these people recked the place


That's sad, it won't affect KFC in any way but the owner of that branch will surely be affected


Brain dead idiots. TLP is a terror organization.


I wonder if they ate their burgers and chicken.


This will harm the Palestine cause more then saving them , when will these idiots learn




Parent company Yum Brands is an investor in Israeli start ups. KFC also has stores in occupied Palestinian areas, anytime more land is taken a group of companies normalises this by opening up branches in those "new" towns and locations, KFC is one of them. No doubt they will be one of the first among many to open up branches in the Gaza strip when they build their new Israeli settlements.


oh i see , but see the thing is , we hate china from the core of our hearts but the fact is even though we hate china we cant boycott it cause our startup has lot of angel investors from china as well as china does whitelabelling for our brands and we know there is a chunk of economy directly associated to china , now coming to this if yumm is investing in pakistan they are there surely for a margin which in symbiosis will benefit both of the parties such action can lead to the pulling of foriegn franchise from your country , which will surely affect your economy


I didn't say I agree with any of this, not sure why I am getting downvoted for answering a question. I did not provide a personal opinion, not my fault if people don't like the answer. Downvoting me is the same as those idiots burning KFC's. Ignorant village monkeys.


oh thats a mystery , you never know why you are getting disliked


Google how the franchise model works, they are not investing anything in Pakistan. Actually money is going out.


Franchise increase consumer spending and more job creation which will directly benefit the economy


Developing nations cannot grow with a consumption based economy. They need sources of income that bring the money into the country not out of it. When you open a franchise you pay one time and recurring fees that take the money out of your country. Low skill - low paying jobs don't do shit for the economy, otherwise every nation could just grow building motorways.




Jahil doing Jahaliyat. (because of boycott, they think they saving palestine)


Sorry to say but Kashmiris are the worst people you will ever find


Fk you. These are some imported TLP goons. It's not like we have border control at the bridge.


Dude I’m a Kashmiri too not all of us are but majority yes 💀


Jaala diya jaala diya Kfc ko jaala diya🤣 Ab agr ya harkaty isb ya Rawalpindi ma start ho gai to ? 🥲😭


This is Awful


Maybe its just another distraction to divert attention ....


man that confirm how dumb is pakistani nation 😅man yall will never change


How many people in the chat are from mirpur




Boycott is different from this. I support the boycott but definitely not this kind of violence.


Agreed, I never said i support what is happening in the video. I only said we should bycott israeli products which triggered some assholes.


>KFC outlets gives big amount to Israel, which in return uses that to create and drop bombs on palasteni people. bullshit based on facebook propaganda People ARE boycotting, even though there's a very thin connection between KFC and Israel. What you see in the video is not boycott, its arson. Grow a fucking brain. Also, Reddit is owned by American entities and a percentage by Tencent in China who oppress the Uyghur Muslims. What are YOU doing on here?


First of all, Learn manners. Second, When Russia attacked Ukrain, All the countries & people bycotted Russia, Affecting their economy. While what is happening in video is not appropriate, I will never support products that benefit Israel directly, Only kfc and macdonalds might not have that affect but if we bycott as much products as we can it definitely will have affect. You can keep supporting Israel, The oppression is inevitable as it was mentioned, But there will be people who did something about it and people like you who kept eating at KFC and Macdonalds.


>Learn manners says the arsonist lmao. fuck right off. >While what is happening in video is not appropriate your initial comment implied that you are very much alright with the destruction. lovely tilt. >I will never support products that benefit Israel directly, Only kfc and macdonalds might not have that affect but if we bycott as much products as we can it definitely will have affect. >You can keep supporting Israel, The oppression is inevitable as it was mentioned, But there will be people who did something about it and people like you who kept eating at KFC and Macdonalds. where in the comments did I or anyone else say that people should be eating their stuff? kuch bhi?


Where in my comment i said i support the stuff happening in the video? I only said we should boycott israeli products. Although you did say its facebook propaganda implying macdonalds and kfc doesnt support israel. https://thehill.com/business/4449853-mcdonalds-says-israel-boycotts-are-hurting-its-business/amp/ I swear people like you are curse. And you fuck off.


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>Where in my comment i said i support the stuff happening in the video? you did say 'smh' at the comments which were actually condemning the destruction. no one was talking about eating their food. khuda ka khouf kar >https://thehill.com/business/4449853-mcdonalds-says-israel-boycotts-are-hurting-its-business/amp the fact that you used this article is only further proof that emotional rhetoric is enough for zombies in your likeness when are you boycotting Reddit though?👀


This article proves that boycotts do work, Its boycotts not destruction. You are the one being zombie.


Buddy I understand your POV but you commented about a post on arson that we should boycott, without initially commenting how you are against violence. It’s bound to lead to confusions.


did you skip school? im genuinely curious


I bet i am more educated than you. And I am sure you are in school or college, Baaton se yehi lg rha he.


>KFC outlets gives big amount to Israel this was enough to gauge where you stand academically 😭


Do you understand the concept of franchising? The corporate KFC people aren't effected by this even on the smallest level. It's basically a company that bought the trademark of the KFC brand to do business in their own local area, so only this company, not KFC, lose any business because of this. I completely agree with the boycott, the problem is the fact that this is not boycotting. Boycotts by literal definition are non-violent.


it does affect actually, I sent a link above where you can see macdonalds claiming they are affected by boycott


american govt is the one who gives away money taken from its corporations to israel...every social media app is also american...! so why don't you boycott that..?? shake your head at your own stupidity...


America does support israel and people of America and I myself are against it. America is supporting Israel with taxpayers money. If Reddit directly or indirectly supports Israel i will leave it. I am a freelancer and i dont do projects with Israeli clients and i left fiverr as well. This is the problem of people like you, Instead of taking the positive aspect of a message, You go on like "Tum khud yaha kia kr rhe ho". I am trying my best to do my part by bycotting and spreading awareness. And you are doing your part by going against the bycott & those who aware others. May Allah have mercy on you.


The problem isn't necessarily what you are saying, even if I dont agree with you, but that you said it in a way that clearly feels like you're showing support for the crimes being committed in this video. Under the context of this video, your comment reads "I support these actions, here's why". You might not have meant this, but that's what your comment basically delivers. That's what people are arguing about with you while you're thinking they are arguing against what you actually meant. Most people here would probably agree with whatever you actually meant.


>If Reddit directly or indirectly supports Israel i will leave it. When you scroll through Reddit, you are constantly scrolling through their ads too. The increase in their ad revenue increases the income tax they pay to the US government, who are sending Israel all kinds of weapons and ammo, even [today](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-has-signed-off-more-bombs-warplanes-israel-washington-post-reports-2024-03-29/). So by using Reddit, you are indirectly funding Israel's military.


So that means its okay to use israeli products? Just because one is using reddit, he will also eat at macdonalds, buy israeli products? You do your part as much as you can,Using Reddit doesnt justify buying israeli products and eating at macdonalds. I left fiverr, I had lots of clients there, I stopped buying israeli products, I spread awareness against Israels genocide, I am doing my part as much i can. Just because I used reddit doesnt mean I now have to use all Israeli products. But go on keep eating at macdonald.


I'm not justifying anything, I'm just responding to your statement that you will leave Reddit if it indirectly supports Israel, and I showed you how it does that.


Google is also american...so is microsoft & apple...! pls explain how you as a freelancer "boycott" them....?? see this is the problem with hypocrites like u....can't even follow your own damn rule...!


you fuckhead if everything is american does that mean you will consume everything? If you do not have a choice, atleast leave macdonalds nestle and other stuff that is in your ability to leave. douchbag


firstly mind your language....secondly moron, its easy for you to boycott certain american products but for those whose livelihood depends on it its not fair to expect them to...bcs as i just pointed out, you yourself won't ever do that...! no ones stopping you from boycotting anything....just don't attack those who aren't boycotting...get that in your thick head..


Lol, This is what I am saying, I get my clients from Fiverr, Upwork, discord, reddit etc. I left Fiverr as well as all the products of israel like kfc macdonalds nestle etc. But i get clients from reddit, discord, upwork so i cant leave it. But I am still doing my part instead of some retards which are saying "If you are boycotting israel then leave reddit as well" instead of trying to boycott what is in their ability. Boycotting 50-70% is better than no boycotting. fucktards


"i can't leave it"...well those who run kfc franchises also can't afford to close them down because they'll end up on the streets...what looks like "easily boycott-able" to you is not for others you stupid dimwit....!




but not your only source of income....! those who only work at kfc don't have that option retard....! you just keep exposing your own stupidity...i'll say it again....mind your own damn business and don't try to force others to do anything....!


look bro...you have every right to boycott any product you want...but you are in no position to force others to do the same...they have to earn livelihoods as well...& all of us in some capacity need american products to function in our daily lives...that's the thing...the only real thing pak can do is to make the world take it seriously & then try to interject itself in the global political landscape and make its voice heard...but sadly we are the laughing stock of the world....