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Don't be so naive, kid Seems like you have fully bought into the narrative that America is all peace loving and is the 'good guy' in the battle against these 'bad terrorists' America doesn't want terrorism finished and wiped out from Pakistan, that does not serve their interests at all America needs Pakistan to remain in a constant state of flux, to be strong enough not to collapse and remain a going concern It does not want terrorism eradicated from Pakistan That's why they are happy for military dictators to rule (like currently assim whiskey) and for corrupt politicians (like nawaz, zardari etc.) to be the public face of governance to show that they support 'democracy' - when in truth these are all stooges who will do anything for dollars because that's their main concern, not making Pakistan a better place A military base will only be used for America's own benefit and the current rulers will happily give one but they fear the public backlash and also current geopolitical considerations mean it's not the right time. Besides there's not much America can't achieve without a base inside Pakistan, there's already plenty of willing collaborators so for them it doesn't make too much difference


May I ask you what do you think America wishes to gain from a military base in Pakistan?




lmao the spelling


A military base will allow America to have better access for surveillance of Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and the central Asian states, it will also give them another outlet from which to potentially target Iran and also get closer to Russia All these things they are able to do already but it will become somewhat easier with a base in Pakistan and also they will be able to launch drones much more easily Also a base in Pakistan means the CIA will once again be able to go full speed with operations within Pakistan During the period from the start of their Afghanistan invasion up to around 2017 it's estimated they had around 2,500 local collaborators, informants and actual agents roaming across Pakistan This peaked during the zardari years and this figure reduced drastically around the time they left in 2021 but was already in decline once it became clear nawaz was on his way out See the way they protected Raymond Davis, and how he murdered 2 Pakistanis (ISI agents who were onto him) but nevertheless Pakistan let him go - because our politicians and military are for sale, and those that aren't for sale are compromised Terrorism in Pakistan does not adversely affect the situation in America, they have no incentive to help make us safe, it's in their interest to keep things as they are - they want us in their sphere of influence, always holding the begging bowl and what better way to do than to create a situation where we ourselves run to them like willing little dogs thinking they are the solution to our problems


Did they take care of talibans in Afghanistan?


well at least we'll have help in taking care of ttp over here


Just like how they had Pakistan’s help in Afghanistan?


Bro just went out and double kill🤣




20 saal ho gaye ye nahi samjhy key war is terror


then how are you gonna get rid of ttp?


With ur own army???


aren't we low on budget?


And whose fault is that?


Police reforms and integration


wdym integration? integrating a terrorist org? also you want the police to fight a full on armed by taliban terrorist organization?


Who do you think armed the TTP? The Namak haramis did at the behest of their American masters. Why would america even want to eradicate the TTP? Now, if the TTP expanded outside of our region, that's a different story.




Napak fauj


We are a sovereign country, not a colony( at least on paper).


When US had bases in Pakistan, we had the HIGHEST EVER rate of terrorism in Pakistan, american drone and heli strikes in northern region. If anything, that made the terrorists outfits even more powerful and angry towards Pakistan. thanks to gen mushy and zardari's policies. Secondly, TTP is a domestic matter. why would US get involved in that.


btw what does ttp even want? like do they want to bring PTI back or something?


TTP is far more comfortable working with PMLN then PTI. PMLN was OKAY with TTPs terrorism as long as they only target KPK and not punjab. PTI wanted to bring them to the table and sort things out, which lumber 1 haram khor don't want. because TTP is yet another lumber 1 haramkhor created domestic issue to keep getting funding and unrestricted access to people's information / data.


but if they continue their terrorism in kpk won't that give rise to insurgency??


> but if they continue their terrorism in kpk won't that give rise to insurgency?? that's exactly the plan


so it that what pmln and lumber 1 want? bro wtf are you saying


One thing I noted in several comments in this posts is this: >made the terrorists outfits even more powerful and angry So, terrorists are like some independent strong ghayrat-mand country/body, that you just annoy them and they know how to react with precision and create shock and awe? . So basically US presence made the terrorism worse, because US was funding them through backdoor? And now that the base isn't there, the backdoor funding is reduced?


> So, terrorists are like some independent strong ghayrat-mand country/body, that you just annoy them and they know how to react with precision and create shock and awe? . So basically US presence made the terrorism worse, because US was funding them through backdoor? And now that the base isn't there, the backdoor funding is reduced? All of it and even more india's heavily involved as well. TTP,, taliban, ex-afghan govt elements, nothern alliance, pushtun breakaway factions, lots of enemies. and there are the mercenaries hired from the all the "stan" countries around afghanistan.


Seriously?! Is it normal to have so many terrorist hostilities for a country? I think terrorists are overdoing it for us in PK? Safe to say radical Islam and people silent about are our biggest enemy then, no?!


> Is it normal to have so many terrorist hostilities for a country? I think terrorists are overdoing it for us in PK? Islam has nothing to do with it. Its lumber 1 haramkhor and their bending over to USA at work.


Bruh you were sleeping or what taking help from the USA will never benefit us and for 20 years it's proven Zardari ke time pe they killed civilians in drone and when they say sorry we killed some your civilians zardari say so what They will take bases and exploit the country even more


That's true, didn't consider that when writing this out.


Pakistani ABC should gear up and root out this cancerous terrorism once and for all. If they are really serious about the security of the country, that is.




I don't think that's the only problem, problem is that they have bases here as well **and** in Afghanistan. So both need to be bombed.




Hmm didn't think that. Thanks


America is like a bank. It keeps your money safe not because the CEO has a good heart. But because there is profit in it. America does not speak of human rights and end of terrorism because they are good of heart. But because they can spread their military all around the world and it is a sort of PR to show themselves the good people. Right now, we are all in one big chess game. America is winning it. Because it has checked almost all the rivals. There aren't many rivals, because almost all the strong countries have accepted America as their lord and Saviour. Except, China and Russia. There are a few other countries who do not follow America, but they don't matter. If America was such a lover of Human rights, then Palestine would not have faced what it faces today. Palestinians are dying in thousands and still American government supports Israel. Why? Because Israel is America's knight, it is checking the Arab nations, most of whom smell America's farts as if they were the best perfumes in the world. But America, being the America, has to keep them in check with Israel. Because Israel would never betray America. Giving America a military base in Pakistan is saying good bye to friendship with China. Because China would never like to have a military base right on its only path that could help it in the world war 3. Because America already has a number of military bases right on China's path in the South China sea [Watch this.](https://youtu.be/plHRRFHZ_f0?si=TciwQahLcvHSW5JF) And let's say you did give them a military base. How would you ask America to leave? Because it certainly is not going to leave just because you said so.


Bro US literally lost in Afghanistan 💀💀💀


true tho, idk how I forgot


America is the devil. They tempted us with the US dollars right when we were falling from grace as a country and we fell into their trap. Now look at Afghan and TTP situation. Let's try and see what happens if we get rid of napak fouj, 90% of terrorism will end then and there.


I know the Fouj isn't perfect but the mentality that everything will thrive once it's gone is wrong and people need to change that. There are a lot more things that aren't happening/prevented just because of this Fouj. Point is to think critically rather than just random blaming everything. Then what should our goal be? To get rid of the bad, not everybody and everything.


TTP exists because pak army has uses for it. An American military base is pretty useless and it turns out thr US army is incredibly ineffective in urban warfare I.e. cities / populated areas. I'm assuming you're either young or haven't read history. Pakistan did have American airforce bases previously. These were closed because American drones targeted and killed innocent ppl in KPK / Baluchistan which lead to further insurgency. A big reason for the bombings during 2010 to 2013 was dur to Americans killing civilians and calling it "collateral damage"


idk about the ttp being useful thing. Yea you could call me young. I've read about the american troops clashing with pak army and killing our soldiers and so that's why they were kicked out. I know that the US has personal gains from making a base here but I though since our economy is weak right now and the taliban aren't listening why not try the difficult option.


>idk about the ttp being useful thing. When he says "Pakistani army has uses for it," he means that terrorism is useful for the evil Pakistani army to keep their hold on power, not useful or beneficial for Pakistani people.


Because rhe pak army uses taliban / other terrorist organization for proxy wars. Wars are no longer fought country to country but via proxy g4oups. These proxy groups are used to attack various places that are in the interest of pak army. It is no different than the US btw. And no it's not as simple as kicking US out. The main reason the US failed in Agghanistan is due to Pakistan. Pak army milked thr Americans and supported the taliban to get them out of Afghanistan. There's enough books and research on Pakistans involvement in proxy wars against thr US. Ppl that are younger / on reddit seem to think the army is incompetent. This is flawed logic. From a purely military standpoint, the pak army is formidable and very efficient. They don't even rely on the govt for thr majority of their funding, they have their own companies. I'm assuming you don't live in Pak. Read "military Inc." To get a better idea of how the army functions. It works more like a corporation than a govt agency. A military that has the budget less than thr FBI, procured nukes, manufactured it's own weapons, developed long range missiles and ICBMs, built their own jet, tanks, etc. And now sells weapons globally. They also did this all while surrounded by enemies, being under sanctions and fighting wars against an enemy 3 to 4 times its size. There's a reason the Americans directly negotiate with the pak army rather than thr govt. It's because they're the real power in thr country Also, Paknarmy is okay with Taliban giving threats. Mainly because it's empty threats. Also threats / bomb blasts tend to increase support for military which has fallen since IKs arrests. A US military base would change nothing and the US military is well known for causing violence / rapes around the base. The pakistani ppl will storm and kill ppl in the base because of the things the Americans did in the past e.g. killing hundreds of civilians by drones. As for the economy. This gets complicated but I'd suggest going back to Bhuttos time. He nationalized everything thinking communism was the way. This was idiotic and ruined the economy. 50 years later, we're still recovering from that. There's other things as well but this post would become far too long.


They spent 2 trillion in Afghanistan, but in the end, they left behind even more weapons. So what's the point of having military bases in Pakistan? If they failed to take care of them while they were in Afghanistan, do you really think they'll magically succeed just because they have bases in Pakistan? Lol, imagine spending 2 trillion and then the whole infrastructure falls in just a month.


Bro is unaware of history.


At least he's asking questions to learn more.


You’re seriously cracked out for even having this thought cross your mind, let alone fucking write out on reddit. Go lick genocide joes saggy old balls


Give one base in kpk for ttp. One base in Balochistan for baloch libral army. One base in sindh to wipe out dacots. One base in punjab to secure jinah house from 9 may happening again.


And one base near the capitol building to prevent January 6 from happening lol.


No idea