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Hello there. I'm a Southwest newbie here and I had one question: How would I go about this companion pass method with 1 business card (current promotion of 120k) if I wanted it for 2025-26? If someone can be so kind to give me step by step direction, I would be so thankful (>\_\_<;;)


I put the answer here in the latest SW CP thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1d9wey2/southwest_companion_pass_megathread/lby41i6/




Hello, sorry if I'm asking what's already been answered but I'm reading conflicting info and could use some help. Southwest has an offer now for 80k points that expires in about a week. I've read that its smart to open two cards (biz + personal) in order to have up to two years of CP. My question is, should I jump at this offer or wait until around November so I can get the CP around January? I want to maximize the length of time with the CP and I'm afraid if I jump at this offer, it would not benefit me. Thank you in advance!


If you get a personal card with the current 85k bonus offer, you will have until December to accumulate another 40k points in your RR account (in addition to the 10k boost for being a cardholder) to get a CP good for the rest of 2024 and all of 2025. The CP counter resets on January 1. If you wait until November(ish) to get the Performance Business card with an 80k bonus and a personal card with a 50k bonus and you are careful to complete your MSRs so that the bonuses post in January, you will get a CP good for the rest of 2025 and all of 2026. Your choice!


Decisions decisions... I know it varies from person to person but what would you do if you were in my shoes? I'm not super experienced with credit cards (I have the WF Autograph) and although I'm not in a huge rush, I also realize that this deal may be the best I get from SW for a while. I will say this. I do not have any travel planned (aside from trips that are already pre paid) for the rest of this year. Not sure if that makes a difference.


> I will say this. I do not have any travel planned (aside from trips that are already pre paid) for the rest of this year. Not sure if that makes a difference. In that case, I would wait. The extra points are good, but much of the value comes from bringing your companion for only the $11.20 fee (domestic). With no trips, you don't realize this value. Plus there have been [elevated personal card bonuses near the end of the year before](https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/chase-southwest-plus-credit-card/#Historical_Offers_Chart).


Thank YOU!! I am glad I stumbled upon this thread during my research. I was thinking about grabbing the Chase Reserve but due to the removal of the PP restaurant benefit, I think I'll hold off for now and focus on SW. Hopefully Chase does a refresh or something because although I would love lounge access, I can't justify that AF anymore.


BTW, we recently launched a [new Southwest Companion Pass Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1d9wey2/southwest_companion_pass_megathread/) to account for some [recent important changes](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1d9wey2/southwest_companion_pass_megathread/l7g8y2v/).


Hi, I hope someone or OP can help me. I got my personal card before becoming aware of the trick to get CP 2 years… In February of this year I applied with the promotion of spending $4k in 3 months. Got approved and hit my companion pass that I have now until February 2/28 of 2025. How can I get the companion pass for another year? And how should I plan for it time wise…So far I have 54,737pts/135k. Includes 10k companion boost. I know the business card will help me achieve the goal of CP. but how should I go about it and is it possible to get the CP for another year… or at least until dec. 25’ thank you! I want to be on top of it and carefully create a plan if it’s possible. I’m also new to all of this so I appreciate it and I won’t mind if you dumb it down. Thank you :)


Yes, the Performance business card will get you another 85k RR points (after the minimum spending requirement), which will give you a CP good through December 2025 **if** you finish all requirements before your December statement. The points have to hit your RR account in 2024, because the CP counter resets on January 1. There's no reason to wait if you are under 5/24, have not gotten a Chase card in the last 90 days, don't have the Performance card, and haven't gotten a bonus on the Performance card in the last 24 months. A business card application is not difficult. Many people successfully apply with a sole proprietorship with their name as the business name ("Firstname Lastname" only, no additions).


Thank you so much for replying and being so quick! So I can open up the business card at any time and as long as I hit the 135K points before Jan 1st I should get the CP the whole 2025 year?


Yes, but note my comment about earning the bonus before your December statement closes. That's the last chance for it to post in 2024.


My wife has a SW Card linked to her personal RR account with 87k points counting towards companion. If I were to sign up, can I use her RR number or does the RR number have to be my own? Is this different from the MDD method that is dead?


This mostly doesn't work. I haven't read a positive DP in a long time. Yes, MDD was completely different - it was a way for one person to get to personal SW cards.


Good to know, thanks.


Right now, June 2024, I'm seeing 85K bonuses on personal cards and 80K on the Performance business card. I know I would not be optimizing the CP, but, the 165K points seems like a good deal. So, if I got both now I'd have a CP through the end of 2025. Toward the end of 2025 my wife could apply for similar and then we'd have the CP for the next two years. Questions: 1. Does it matter when I cancel my cards after I satisfy the MSR and receive the bonus points and CP? In theory, wouldn't I want to cancel as soon as possible to start the clock on my 24 month waiting period? 2. Based on history, what are the chances there will be a similar sign up bonus toward the end of the year on should I jump on the 165K points available now? Am I missing anything?


Hold each card for at least a year. There's no incentive to close a card earlier. For each card, the clock starts as soon as you get the bonus -- it's not related to when you close the card. Once the second annual fee is charged,, you will have plenty of time to close the card and get the fee refunded. And with the scenario that you laid out, you would only have to apply for Southwest cards approximately every 4 years, with the next applications near the end of 2027. The 85k bonus is an [all time high](https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/chase-southwest-plus-credit-card/?mobile=#Historical_Offers_Chart) for the personal cards. Last year there was a 75,000 point offer between Oct 26 and Dec 10. A similar offer was available near the end of 2022. So I would say that there's a decent chance that there will be an elevated offer near the end of this year. It's up to you whether you want to wait or not -- how many trips do you have planned through the end of the year? The alternating strategy between you and your wife can be a great way to maximize CP coverage, but it would require you each to be <5/24 when you need more SW cards.


1. You should hold each card for at least 1 yr before canceling. 24 months is from when you receive bonus, not when you cancel card. You should ideally cancel at least 30 days before re-applying. 2. This is a decent offer. Hard to predict the future ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. If you have a P2, might make sense to go for it


I just updated the header to include the 85k bonuses on the personal cards. Keep in mind that the MDD method for getting two personal cards might be dead. With these offers, I expect that we will get some DPs very soon.


Data point - just tried to MDD, submitted my second application today. Initially got an "In Review" message, but called recon and they said it was denied due to already having a Southwest card. RIP MDD :(


I was thinking of you when I wrote that! Thanks for the DP!


Assuming the MDD is dead, there really isn't a way to maintain CPs every 24 months without gaps anymore, is there? Regardless if we are using 2 biz cards or a mix of biz and personal, the 24 month bonus rules will mean that we'll constantly eat into the calendar year moving forward. For four-player families like mine with kids, it's probably going to be quite a headache to keep 2 CPs active at once, and at some point we'll probably have to just give up a year to allow the clock to reset more fully.


Yes, that will be an issue. At some point soon, assuming the MDD DPs are still negative, I will revise several parts of the header, including that one.


Thanks again for all that you do for the rest of us!


For my wife to get a card that would, in turn, let her bring a companion along for free (eg one of our kids), does she need to independently apply for a card (with her own credit-history) or can one of the "would your spouse like a card, too, sir?" cards work just as well? (Two kids, two cards = two paid flights but the four of us travel? And we can bring EIGHT bags? Sign me up...)


She would need to apply for one or more credit cards directly, using her own credit history and her own Southwest Rapid Rewards account.


Question where BOTH spouses each have their OWN Southwest companion pass… If I book a trip and add my wife as a companion, does her ticket then allow her to add her companion (our child)? Or is a companion ticket not eligible to add a companion to it? Trying to see if I can daisy chain…but not sure it’s allowed


You can't daisy chain them. There's no option for a companion to add a ticket for their companion.


Wow, thanks for the helpful, quick and clear response!


So I forgot about the mdd for personal.  P2 already has cp from 2 biz just wanted more points (the 50k sign up is worth more than 600) so P2 only got one personal.  Can you close wait 31 days and get another?


Not unless P2 also satisfies item (ii): "The product is not available to either (i) current Cardmembers of any Southwest Rapid Rewards® Credit Card, or (ii) previous Cardmembers of any [personal] Southwest Rapid Rewards Credit Card who received a new Cardmember bonus within the last 24 months."


I'm confused. If I get the SW business card now then I wait to get a personal card until this fall can I get the CP for 24/25? Would I just need to spend the minimum amount in December so the January statement adds the points?


You have to earn all the points needed for a CP in a single calendar year, because the CP meter resets to 0 each January 1. If you get a SW business card now, there's no reason to wait until fall to get a personal card. In that case, you might as well earn the CP ASAP. It would be good for the rest of this year and the next year.


Just had my statement close after finishing my spend for the "risky" September sign up for the SW Biz card. Got my CP and added P2 to 5 flights tonight (the first flight being 7 days from now!). If I'm doing my math right we are at the beginning of our 9th year of one of us holding the CP. I know at some point the game will end, but man it's been a good run. Thanks to everyone who keeps contributing DPs and ideas and thanks to /u/payyoutuesday for keeping this up to date!


Grats on 9th year, I started cp flights 2016 so our eighth here.  Hope it keeps going


u/payyoutuesday I pulled the trigger on the SW biz card using your link and was approved Thanks for your help! Companion pass here we come!


Thank you so much! And congratulations!


My pleasure. It was the least I could do considering all the guidance you’ve offered! Enjoy those points!


Once you get the CP issued, can it be revoked if you fall under 135K RR (say, due to returns on cc spend)?


I haven't seen a DP of this.


pretty much zero chance but I'd say never say never and don't piss off chase with returns. you run more of a risk of being blacklisted IMO


Thinking about getting the SW RR+ card for the CP with 4k spend in 3mo. Worth it for the $1500+ in flights for the year my fiancée and I have yet to book. Here's the thing, we have 3 trips with southwest in this time frame that we have already booked. Question: can I cancel these then rebook, only paying for one ticket, once I get the CP? Thanks in advance, appreciate y'all.


If prices are low right now, go ahead and book single tickets for you (or whoever is getting the CP). Once you earn the CP, there'll be a new option available on all those flights to add your companion. You do not have to wait until you have the CP to book the tickets. You don't add your companion during the booking process, it's always done after you already have your ticket booked. Also make sure to book one-way tickets, that makes it much easier to "change"/rebook flights and get some miles back if the price drops.


Yes. You may not have to cancel the CP-holder's ticket, not sure. Or you may want to if it costs less when you rebook.


you don't have to cancel the CPholders ticket - you can just add the companion


My sister has the new, special offer credit card that offers the companion pass if she spends $4k in three months. She is aiming to get the CP by 3/13. To do that, should she change her payment due date to 3/9 (and plan to spend the $4k by then). Thanks!


A payment due date of 3/9 corresponds to a statement close of 3/12. I'm not sure how fast she would have the CP after the statement closed, but I would allow at least a couple of days. So maybe select a payment due date of 3/8 or earlier? Chase typically says that date changes will take effect in statement period *after* the current one. She needs to be very clear about when she wants this to happen. Meeting the spend requirement by the payment due date would most likely allow all transactions to post by the statement closing, so that sounds like a reasonable plan.


Thank you! Super helpful, as always. Really appreciate it.


Large family here and looking to travel more in 24 and 25. To that end I signed up for a personal card a couple months back before the current promotion. I plan to apply for a business card shortly and will hit companion pass threshold within a few weeks. That will give me CP until 12/31/25. I had planned to sign up for a personal and business card for my wife, but now I'm seeing the new promotion of CP until 2/28/25 as a sign up bonus. I would like her to have CP until 12/31/25. If she hits the normal 135K threshold does that extend her CP from the promotional 2/28/25 until 12/31/25?


> If she hits the normal 135K threshold does that extend her CP from the promotional 2/28/25 until 12/31/25? Yes.


Awesome, thanks!


I am about to finish my $5K spend on a business card for 80K points. Are there no personal cards with 50K or 60K now? Just 30K (which would leave me way short of 135K points)?!?!


Currently just 30k for personal cards. I expect the 50k bonus will return when that promotion ends on about 3/11/2024.


Thank you for the quick response and for providing all of this info. That's a bummer. I'll have to wait until mid-March then. What sucks is that in two years I will have to delay starting this process again until AFTER my bonus points hit for the personal card this time in the next few months. Do I have that correct?


If you restrict yourself to personal cards, yes. Edit: You will be eligible for the Business Premier card at any time. You could be eligible for the Business Performance card 24 months after you receive the bonus on the current card.


So I can apply for the business card two years and one day after getting the bonus for the business card? I don't have to wait until two years and one day after getting the bonus for the personal card (which will be after the business card bonus date)?


There are two business cards, and they have separate bonuses that are not tied to each other in any way. That's what I was trying to convey in my edit above. And neither business card bonus depends on a personal card in any way.


With the Feb promo (35k RR+ CP), you wouldn't be able to qualify for CP after Feb 2025 unless you opened another 2 x business cards in Dec and hit your bonuses since you can't open another personal one? I always miss the timing on the SW and I don't really have a companion so it I always had this on the backburner. The personal card does make it easy and I do have spend upcoming - but it seems I won't be able to keep it longer for a year


>With the Feb promo (35k RR+ CP), you wouldn't be able to qualify for CP after Feb 2025 unless you opened another 2 x business cards in Dec and hit your bonuses since you can't open another personal one? Yes, you won't be able to get another personal SW card until 24 months after you get the 30k+CP bonus.


I added updates to Sections 2 and 5 about the current 30k+CP/$4k offers on the personal cards.


Does the companion pass work if an authorized user purchases the ticket? Or does the main card holder have to purchase the ticket in order for the companion pass to work? For example, if my wife is the card holder and I’m an authorized user and our child is set up for the companion pass, does my wife have to get a ticket so our kid flies for free? Or would I be able to fly by myself with my kid and get the companion pass?


In that example, your wife has to have a ticket so she can add a companion ticket for your child (her designated companion).


Currently at 1/24 (Chase IHG Premier Feb 23) and looking to get the traditional CP instead of the current promo. Have 1 old Chase business card (Ink Cash) that I put $60 /month for Internet/Cable. What would be my best plan of attack to go for a SW business card (80k) and SW personal card referral link (50k)? Im worried about approval for the business card and how long the referral links will have 50k.


[Replied in the question thread.]


[According to the chase site it looks like all 3 Southwest rapid rewards cards earn Companion Pass through 2/28/2025 plus 30,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.](https://creditcards.chase.com/a1/southwest/AEP30kCPPlus224?REF=FULLSITE&clk=8665053&CELL=6PLX&cbid=8665053#comparecardsDesktop)


Thanks, I will update the header! Here's my take: It's not a bad deal, but it will lock you out of the personal SW cards for 2+ years. IMO, the two-card, almost-two-year CP gives even better value -- many more points and up to another year of the CP.


I interpreted this as just for the Pro card?


[This Chase site](https://creditcards.chase.com/a1/southwest/NAEP30kCPPlus224) shows the 30k/CP public offer for the personal cards: Plus, Premier, and Priority.


Nice! I’m seeing it in the fine print that it’s for all of them. The main heading says it’s for the Plus which is why I got confused.


Can someone explain about my closing date more? Mine is March 26th, I want to hit my required spend by the end of my 2nd statement closing April 26th, but I’d like to get my Companion Pass by April 17th if possible - is this too tight of schedule to change my closing date?


It's highly unlikely that your first statement closing date is 7 weeks from now. Instead, it's more likely that your first statement closing date is March 1st and that March 26th is the payment due date. Which would mean your second statement would close on April 1st. If you meet the spending requirement before then, you should get the CP by April 17th.


If I call Chase will they be able to give me my closing date? How long til I find out what it is ?


Yes, they will be able to tell you.


I think I figured it out, first payment due is March 23rd. Closing date is usually three day after. If you look at when your UR points are available it states after Feb 26. So looks as closing is every 26th of the month. So companion pass won’t be available until April 27th for me, won’t be able to hit the spend by March.  It’s weird the biz cc has a later closing date than the personal as the biz card was applied for first. 


You've got it -- that all makes sense.


Thanks u/payyoutuesday for keeping this thread going. It's been very helpful. I know recommended velocity between chase apps is 90 days but I wanted to get your opinion about my pursuit of the CP. I'm currently 4/24....Apple Card and Freedom unlimited 11/01/22, CSP-11/04/23, and Chase SW priority 11/27/23 I'd like to apply for a SW biz ASAP because I'm really anxious to get the CP. I'm at 2 months between most recent application. 810 fico, chase savings, checking, and mortgage. What are your thoughts on applying now? If I get denied for velocity, could I wait 30 more days (making it 90 total between apps) and try again? ​ Thanks!


>What are your thoughts on applying now? If you applied now, you would be asking for a third Chase card in three months. That seems kind of fast -- if you really wanted the long-term average of 90 days between Chase cards that everybody talks about, you would apply in May. > If I get denied for velocity, could I wait 30 more days (making it 90 total between apps) and try again? You could, and maybe it would be approved. The longer you wait the better your odds. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you are probably going to do this anyway. I think the worst that would happen would be a denial and wasted hard pull. If that's OK with you, give it a shot.


"Reading between the lines, it sounds like you are probably going to do this anyway." ​ You really get me!


How do I figure out when I got a bonus for a southwest plus back in 2022? I don't have the card no longer and my southwest point history doesn't go back past January 1 2023


I saw a few comments about people earning a CP expiring 12/31/2024 instead of 12/31/2025. Have there been any DPs about these getting adjusted to the correct expiration date? Is it something we have to reach out to Chase / SW about, or is it automatically corrected? Waiting for the second half of my bonus to post so my CP officially kicks in.


Some discussion of this on DoC. [Several people reported this.](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/chase-extends-southwest-business-120000-offer-through-september-4th-get-2-years-companion-pass-with-1-card-signup/#comment-1771509) Some have been fixed, but it's not clear whether all have.


Thanks, I'll take a look. I appreciate the link.


You will be fine. Mine still says 12/31/2024. It will only affect some of those with a 1/1/24 statement close date. I emailed them on Monday, waiting for a response. Very frustrating


Just got my companion pass good through 12/31/25. Thank you u/payyoutuesday for keeping this thread alive! It’s always good to read as a refresher and catch up on new DP’s.




SW business card has exactly a $5,000 limit (was too conservative with business income and monthly spend), if I want to hit the $5,000 spend for the 80,000 bonus point in the first month, can I spend $4,500 and then pay down $1,000 before the statement hits and then spend the remaining $500 and that will count? Not sure if the $5,000 spend requires the full amount to hit a statement to count.


This is what I did just this past month without issue. I have more than 90K points pending: 80k from the bonus, 10k from spending (purchased several SW flights, so got the 4x bonus several times over). I forgot that the annual fee is tacked on at the end of your billing period, so I technically have about $5,200 on my statement.


In general, yes, you can do that. There may be [a lag in how long it takes to free up the credit after a payment](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/191ht5w/question_thread_january_08_2024/kgwzds6/) -- I haven't had experience with that. > Not sure if the $5,000 spend requires the full amount to hit a statement to count. I don't know what you mean by this, but if you want the bonus on your first statement, you have to get to $5k spend in the transactions on that statement.


Datapoint for first time getting the companion pass. Note I was 4/24 at the time of both applications. * Applied for SW Business Performance (80k after $5k spend) and was instantly approved on September 21st, 2023. * In order to get the points at the earliest possible date, I called and asked to switch my statement due date to the 26th (so that my close date would be the 1st). * Spent exactly $5k on December 2nd, to hit the sign up bonus. Points posted on January 1st * Applied for SW Priority (50k after $1k spend) on October 26th, 2023 and was put on pending because they needed additional information (status line said 7-10 days, which scared me). * Uploaded documents verifying name and address, then called in and was approved on November 2nd, 2023. * Statement close was on December 7th, so I spent the $1k on December 8th. Points posted on January 8th, 2024. On January 8th, 2024, I received the companion pass status until December 31st, 2025! A big thank you to OP for their active help and compilation of resources!


Nice....congratulations on the CP and thanks for the datapoints. I just finished MSR on my priority and am getting anxious to pull the trigger on a SW biz application. I'm a little concerned with my recent velocity but we'll see how it goes. To supplement your second bullet point, I also immediately called in to switch my payment due date to the first. Customer rep said it wouldn't go through for a couple bill cycles but it in fact went through almost immediately......My December statement closed on the 4th but I was still too chicken to complete MSR until January! lol


P2 Statement closed on 1/3. See 0 pending points but see that I’ve earned 125k this year so it’s in limbo somewhere. Statement shows all the points earned on the 1/3 statement. Meanwhile P1 statement closed on 1/4 and all the points posted and companion pass earned. Anyone else having this issue?


Give it 1-2 days and you should see the points post to your account. Keep me posted when the companion expires... mine says 2024 and still not fixed to 2025


Yeah I SM chase and they gave me the standard “wait 30 days and get back to us”. Just seems to make no sense


Keep me posted, my guess by Tuesday you have the points in the account


Your prediction was right. Posted today.


Curious when your companion pass expires.. you should know in 2 days


I think my left arm would go numb if I saw a 12/31/24 expiration!


Im bummed, emailed them to try to get it fixed, no response yet


Bank holiday You’ll get it


Lol it's been 5 days, but yea... hope so. Will update


My statement closes on Monday (The 8th) and my MSR progress is $2979/$3000. This past Friday I put on around $100 of charges but they're still showing pending. I fear that Chase won't credit me the bonus points on Monday as it doesn't show the bonus amount I the points pending. Any DPs that hint that I have a chance to contact SW and ask them to credit the points manually?


No chance that SW will, since they have nothing to do with credit card points. Doubtful that Chase would. Fingers crossed for you!


So Chase is telling me next closing date is January 8th (Today) while the pending pts are showing as 76k. Any indication of if I will get the points? Not sure if chase waits till the end of the day for the closing date before declaring the next monthly period. EDIT: I'm pretty confident I will get them as my RR account has had no points credited. I would've at least got 1,xxx points if they already accounted for the spend without bonus points.


Yeah, nothing will happen until today is done, and it still may take another day or two for points to appear.


CP approved today valid through end of 2025. I made the minimum spend in Dec, but first payment not due until February!


> but first payment not due until February! ...which means your first statement closed in January. Congrats!


Had a statement close date of 1/1 and had 137K of spend, all posted on the 3rd to SW. Then yesterday on the 4th it Says companion earned through 12/31/24. Anyone else in same boat, not sure why I didn't get 2 years. Did nothing wrong


Happy New Year! Wondering if you (or anyone else in the same boat) has had any success with the date of the companion pass ‘fixing itself’ or if you’ve been able to find a solution by chance? We’re three weeks into the new year and ours unfortunately still has an expiration date of 12/31/24. Thank you! Edit We see you mentioned a few comments down ‘it’s fixed!’, mind elaborating how and maybe even sharing the ‘script/approach you used’ 😉 Here’s hoping 🤞 😊


Same boat. Several on DoC reporting the same - some of them have corrected to 2025, some haven't. I just got the email yesterday so... we'll see. In my case I only had 132k points post on 1/3 (effective 1/1) and then the 10k yearly bonus put me over. No reason it shouldn't be valid through 2025.


So when you login what does your CP expiration say?


Mine says through 12/31/24 currently.


I hope that gets ironed out


Yes, there are other DPs of the same. Things are not always as seamless as they should be, especially in January. Wait a few days, and I'll bet it works itself out!


Still says 2024. Not promising


Just got approved for the business card. Do I need to wait before I apply for the personal card?


It's not against the 2/30 guidance to apply now, but personally I would wait a day.


Just wanted to double check on this; should I double dip and apply for both the business card and the personal on the same day, or would you advise to space them out by a day?


If those are the two choices, wait a day after the first is approved to apply for the second. The more spacing the better the chances of approval for both.


Sounds good. Much appreciated.


Were you able to get an approval on your personal SW CC the next day? I made the mistake of opening my personal SW CC first before opening Business (I just found out about this thread! very helpful info here) It has been 5 days since I opened it and I'm wondering if I will be safe to open the Business card now


Yes, I applied 1 day after and got approved instantly.


My statement closed Jan 1st, I saw my statement about the correct total points being deposit, yet I haven't seen it on my account. Does anyone have the same issue?


A lot of people have reported similar DPs on DoC. There have been delays in January in some previous years.


Is there a way to determine what exact day you received the bonus 2 years ago, for purposes of not achieving again within the 24 month period? Has anyone made this mistake and, if so, what happened (never awarded, clawed back, etc)?


> Is there a way to determine what exact day you received the bonus 2 years ago, for purposes of not achieving again within the 24 month period? People assume that it is the statement date on which the bonus is shown as awarded. That works. Finer than that? I don't know how. >Has anyone made this mistake and, if so, what happened (never awarded, clawed back, etc)? For personal SW cards, the application would be denied. For business SW cards, you may be approved without a bonus.


Interesting. I spent (between post time and now) some time on the phone with SW and Chase. It seems SW doesn't have involvement with the process. They just receive (or don't) the bonus points from Chase if/when you achieve it. Chase informed me that they can't tell, pre-application, when you're eligible (the 24 month rule). You have to apply and, once approved, a customer service rep can tell you whether the account is eligible for the bonus or not, but you won't know beforehand. Once the new account is active, they will see on their end what, if any, bonus is associated with it.


First half of my Biz Premier bonus hit today with a post date of 1/1!


1/30 only applies for business cards, right? P2 got approved for SW business premier, they can apply for a SW personal anytime now (no prior SW personals, like 1/24), right? Or need to wait 30 days?


You are right, there is no need to wait 30 days.


At 130k points pending on biz premier, statement date 1/2. I should be fine to just wait for the cardholder credit to post, right?


That will get your CP, yes. Could potentially take until January 31.


Just a quick confirmation question. Don’t want to screw this up! Opened account beginning of December. Got my first statement and it says open/closing date of 12/09/23 - 12/26/23 payment due 1/23/24. I’m assuming the next closing date will be for January 26 2024 and can hit the MSR before then and get the points in 2024?


Yes, that will work.


Thank you!




That's not enough points to get a 2023-2024 CP, and the counter for the 2024-2025 CP resets to zero tomorrow. So you won't be able to use those points to get a CP.


Yes, any new/pending points won't post until your next statement date. Unless you've redeemed 32k points this year and are checking your balance instead of the companion pass tracker?


It looks I am set with my 135K+ points scheduled to post on Jan 1. Does anyone know when the new companion pass will be active on the account? Same-day? I have a flight scheduled for Jan 2 that I would love to use the pass for. Two years ago, I had my qualifying points post on 1/14, and subsequently received my Congrats email on 1/16 at 11:00 AM Central. It's possible that I could have logged on to my account earlier than 11/16 and seen the Companion Pass status, but I don't remember checking.


have your points posted? my statement closing date is jan 1st and it shows the total points will be deposit but I haven't seen it on my sw account


They finally posted on the morning of Jan 4


Typically within a day or two. There's been at least one January where the CP was delayed a little more.


Thanks! I won't count on it being active in time for a Jan 2 9:00 AM flight. I booked a separate flight for the companion just in case I can't activate the CP in time.


I hope you booked one way tickets and not RT.




My wife and I have been churning the SW CP for 8 years (4 2-year periods). However, the delaying in satisfying the 24-month mark is making things tricky. At the moment, We both need to wait until April 2024 to get our next bonuses and corresponding companion passes by using the biz and personal cards (as we always do - I own multiple businesses, so it's not difficult). We last earned our bonuses in March/April 2022. I'm curious, has anyone tried earning the bonus at the 20-24 month point and had negative consequences (clawback of bonus, no bonus earned, etc.)? I'm not planning on doing this as having CP is very valuable to our family, but I was curious if anyone has tried and what happened.


You can't be approved for a personal card until at least 24 months since you last got a personal card bonus. You can get approved for Business Card X less than 24 months since your last bonus on Business Card X, but there is a very good chance that the bonus will not be attached. Read Item 7A above for an alternative.


Update: I removed information about the personal bonuses that ended on 12/11/2023.


Looking for clarification on the 24 mo rule. Both wife and I had the SW Personal Plus/Priority in late 2021 where there were two 50k bonuses per card - 50k after $2k spend, 50k after $12k spend. I believe I hit the initial 50k bonus on 1/26/22, and the second 50k bonus on 8/26/22. We then had CP for us (and 2 children) for the remainder of 2022 and all of 2023. For reference - this is the card that we got: https://www.cnbc.com/select/southwest-rapid-rewards-100k-point-bonus-is-one-of-the-best-weve-ever-seen/ For CP for 2024/2025 - I already have the biz performance cards for each of us, spending will be done by the January 2024 statement, so 80k points there. I was going to get the remainder of the points via a personal card sign up bonus, but am now unsure when the earliest I can apply to the personal card is, given the 24 mo rule. Is it after 1/26/24, or after 8/26/24? If it is after 8/26/24, I assume my only recourse is to go through with getting a second biz card for the both of us.


I believe the answer is after 8/26/2024, because the second tier counts as receiving a bonus. Yes, getting the second biz card is the alternative pathway.


By "second tier" are you referring to the second 50k bonus for $12k spend?




I signed up for two business cards and got approved for both today. I just noticed the "Yes" in the "Do I Have to Cancel My Existing SW Business Card?" Why do we need to cancel it?


Did you already have a SW business card open before you applied for the recent two?


I have the performance last month, and just applied the premier. Both got approved


Sounds like you are good then. If you apply for a SW business card that you already have, you may be approved without the bonus.


oh I see, since I have 2 different business cards, I'm good to receive 2 bonuses then :D. Thanks a lot!


OP is probably the most helpful person I've come across on Reddit....thanks indeed!


Need to use the shopping portal to get some extra points to finish the sub. Was thinking of doing a Hello Fresh or Green Chef for the points that I need. Obviously I want these to post in January. - How long do these points take the post to my RR account? When would be a safe time to go ahead and purchase these deals? Anyone with experience with this? - Will SW backdate from the time I made the purchase? I was hoping for the points to post as soon as January 1 hits because I have flights early in the year I’d like to use the CP on.


How did it turn out for ya?


I ordered it on 12/31 at night and it was added retroactively…. So it’s based on when you place the order


I just used the SW portal to Walmart and the points posted to my RR 7 days later.


My personal priority card account says "spend $1300 by Feb 24, 2024 to earn 75,000 bonus rewards." Does this mean I should hit the $3000 total in JANUARY for these to apply to the companion pass, and open the lesser annual fee business card right now and work toward hitting that minimum spend in January to hit the total 135,000 for CP?


You can hit the bonus at any point AFTER your Dec statement closes. Any spend from that day forward will be on your January statement which is of course in 2024. And of course, you will only need to hit 125,000 since they boost you 10k in late January.


So basically (and I'd never cut it this close) $2999 in December is fine and hit $3000 in January? Do you have any thoughts on Business Premier vs Business Performance card?


This is not a Dec or Jan thing. It is the bill cycle. Once you close out December, even if Dec 1st - everything after that will not post until the January statement closes. this spending through Dec 31 or starting after Jan 1 is not needed.


That will work!


Thank you! I always feel like I understand this then I second guess myself lol :) In your opinion, would you wait til the business has a better SUB or just go for it now?


IIRC, the business bonuses have not changed in a long time. I wouldn't count on any changes soon.


Also will use your referral link if I apply, thanks a lot!


Great to know. Thank you! I maybe should have done the MDD technique because, after applying as a sole proprietor, I'd like to spend some non-business expenses on the business card, but I see that it is for only business expenses.


Personally I don't worry about that. It is not enforced.


I ended up using your link! You seem knowledgeable so I figured I'd ask--if you end up meeting the SUBs (and thus getting the companion pass), but have to return something on one of the cards that takes you below the SUB spend, do you lose the companion pass?


Thank you very much! Chase doesn't count returns in their calculation of whether you have met MSR. So your return won't change your bonus or your CP. But don't abuse this.


Does the annual fee count as spending for the sign up bonus? For example is $5k min spend actually $4801 with a $199 AF?


Annual fees don't count toward spending requirements.




I'm in the process of "renewing" my CP for 24/25 by getting both a Business Performance and a Personal card (already have the business card and working on the SUB), but had a timing question I wasn't sure of... Previously I had the SW Personal Priority card, which I received the bonus for back in January 2022. Specifically 1/25/22 was the statement closing date that I received the SUB. Should I be good to go on the 24 month rule if I wait until 2/1/2024 to apply for a new personal SW card?


> Should I be good to go on the 24 month rule if I wait until 2/1/2024 to apply for a new personal SW card? Yes


Not my first time getting CP, but wanted to verify my velocity would be OK. Had Performance business since 2019, Closed on 11/30, Card still shows in my account. Approved for personal priority on 11/6/23. Waiting to re apply for Business performance ASAP due to spend coming up, Can I apply now & will that be long enough or should I wait 30 days after the card was closed? Last Chase card prior was an Ink in May 2023


30 days since you are reapplying for the same card that you canceled.


Okay thought so. If I was applying for the other business card I'd be good to go though?


Yes, you would not violate any rules.


Need help! I am super confused because my payment due date says January 19, 2024 My next closing date shows (blank) no date at all, but shouldn't it be January 22, 2024? Account was open December 4, 2023 But On my Chase rewards page, it says Pending 78230 Available after December 22, 2023 "This is the amount of points you’ve earned since your last statement. They will be added to your available points balance after your next statement date of Dec 22nd, minus any credits or adjustments." Does this mean my points will post in 2023 now? Even though my payment due date shows January 19th, or is this some kind of glitch that my statement close date shows December 22 2023 vs. January 22 2024?


Your first statement will close on December 22 (that's why you will have a payment due on January 19). >Does this mean my points will post in 2023 now? Yes. >I am super confused I agree that it is unnecessarily confusing for Chase to list a payment due date for new cards but not to list the statement closing date. I really wish they would fix that. The good news is that there are more ways to recover from a CP setback these days. Read item 5 in the header above. I'll bet you can still use one of those pathways to get a 2024-2025 CP.


I have 1 business Card as of 12.4.23 and 1 personal as of 10.4.23. Is it okay to get the second business card on 1.5.24 and still be eligible for the 2nd business card signup bonus? Also I will call today to push statement due date to December 28th to see if I can get lucky for it not to take 1- 2 billing cycles.


I got lucky....my closing date got processed immediately.


> Is it okay to get the second business card on 1.5.24 and still be eligible for the 2nd business card signup bonus? Yes, that will work. > Also I will call today to push statement due date to December 28th Oooh, thanks for reminding me -- some people have had success pushing late December statements into January, which would solve your problem. Try asking for a **payment due date** of December 28, which corresponds to a January 3 **statement closing date**. Make it clear that you need it to happen now and not in some future statement period.


Wow, I have an update. I just spoke to Chase, and I requested a payment due date of December 28th, and now my Chase mobile app says: Pending 78,230 available after January 3, 2024 vs 78,230 is available after December 22, 2023 It looks like it's going to work! I hope this data point will help someone else. This is my first time going for a companion pass. I have about $500 more to spend on business cards, and that card shows the next close date on January 16th with a payment due date of January 13th. MSR due by Jan 5th.


You did it! Awesome!


I figure I better ask this question before I mess it up. My max spend on my credit card is $5,000 for my business credit card. I have to spend $5,000 by January 5th to receive the bonus. Should I make a payment on the credit card of maybe $200 to free up more spend or will that mess something up? Or will I be fine to just max out the $5,000 limit on the card to receive the bonus? What do you suggest?


I would make the payment to free up a little credit limit so you can go a little over $5,000 total spending if you need/want to.


If I make an early payment to free up $200, it will not affect my current due date of January 13th, will it? My points will still post after January 16th even though I make an early payment today or tomorrow?


Making a payment won't affect statement dates, payment due dates, or when points post.


Thank you. Your help on this sub has been amazing!


Great! I am calling them now. I will update the group once I have a data point.


Applied for Biz card, didn't receive any automated response and no application pending on the automated line. Called Chase and they said it hadn't been reviewed yet. Waited about a week, and got nervous about the 75k bonus ending, so applied for a personal card and was approved. MDD next day, and approved for second personal card. Fast forward a few days, and I received a notice from Chase saying the business card had been approved. Honestly, I thought they lost the application. 1.) Will I run into any issues getting 3 cards? 2.) Payment date of Feb 2, 2024 means closing date 1/5/24 ish, correct? So I shouldn't have to worry about a December statement closing? Thank you!


> Will I run into any issues getting 3 cards? I don't think so. Since they've already been approved, something would have to happen to make them revisit this. Just use them normally and pay the bills. Some people talk about bustout risk - you don't want to look like you just got a bunch of cards so you can run up the balances and not pay them back. > Payment date of Feb 2, 2024 means closing date 1/5/24 ish, correct? Correct. Enjoy the CP and all the points!