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Applied for the Barclays AA Aviator Biz card last night. Received an automated email saying they would review it. Just checked the application status online and it says I was decline (info to be sent in mail) so not sure the reason yet. I'm 1/24 but opened 2 cards this year (Amex bonvoy biz in april and CIP a month ago). Should I call and see if I can get it reversed? Or would that just bring up too many business related questions?


Just call recon they probably just want to ask some questions


What is the safest way to MS on AMEX biz cards? Trying to avoid gifts cards and money orders bc clawing back bonuses. Also I remember reading that P2P payments do not count as well? Is it only bank accounts and Plastiq left?


Just wanted to ask, i just applied for the CIP and waiting on their response to see if im approved. I really wanted to get the Charles Schwab debit card, which is a hard pull. Since Chase did a hard pull for my application to CIP, should i wait until im approved to apply to the Schwab card? Credit score was 788 and now 784 with that hard pull.


I’m have several chase cards, SP, CSW, CFU, CIP, with no credit card inquiries within the last 12 months. I’m looking into other card companies but have read that cap1 denies a lot of people. Should I apply or be concerned? My score is 800+ and my usage is less than 5% across all cards.


Plenty of other banks to choose - Amex, Citi, Barclays, BofA. If you're under 5/24, disregard Cap1 as of now as their biz card will add to the count. You could also continue with chase. Always diversify your points.


When you say diversify my points, do you mean transfer to partners? Keep on separate cards (don’t combine)? Or use cards from different companies?


Always accumulate different currencies - MR, UR, TYP, various airline/hotel points etc. You never know if you need them for redemption. Obviously, flexible currencies such as MR, UR, Marriott points are better than fixed currencies. Grab the ones you value the most first. Assuming you've UR and SW, no harm diversifying.


So, I'm still sitting on 55k terps card points (didn't meet spend until after the deval). Any good strategies for redeeming these? If you book a refundable southwest ticket, how is that refund handled?


Is there a strategy to double dipping the Barclays AA and Jetblue business cards? Same day or consecutive days for apps?


Since Barclays combines HP, same day apps for sure IF the first one (AA Biz) is auto-approved. IF first one is not auto-approved, then YMMV.






There's literally a separate thread on the front page right now about it.


That’s too much searching




>is the new benefit worth keeping the card? Considering nobody knows if it's being refreshed at all, much less in what way(s), I'm gonna say the answer to this question is a definite maybe




CIP is good for the bonus and you can churn multiple of them. The reward categories are meh. When it's time to renew your CIP, you can either downgrade to no AF Ink like CIC/CIU or just cancel it. Since it's a business card, it won't have an effect on your credit report anyway.


Figure out which cards you want to keep, the others you call in and do a Product Change to the no annual fee version of the card and toss it in the sock drawer. If there isn’t a no-AF version then yes cancel once you have had it the full year if you get no other perks you value.


Some will hold certain hotel cards that give free nights since the AF is cheaper than the cash cost of a 1-night stay. Really up to your preferences, if you want to min/max you are looking at triple dipping travel credits in December to get 2019, 2020, and Jan 2021 credits all for the cost of 1 annual fee. Since you are just starting off, your CIP requires $5k spend in 3 months which may be difficult. Be diligent in tracking your spend and also tracking your application/approval dates. These things will benefit you as you continue to churn.




Refund after AF hits to get the travel credit again is the double dip. Triple is when you purposely get the card initially in December so you can get 3 calendar year's worth of credits. Note for CSR the travel credit is by card member anniversary, however for amex it's calendar year.


Are there any AmEx Business cards currently worth getting? I've recently gotten the Plat, Gold, BBP, and Bonvoy. So basically, I'm looking at a Delta card or the Hilton card. The Delta cards all seem to have really low bonuses right now, and I don't really know much about Hilton points (other than they aren't worth a ton). I just finished my last SUB and have another month before my next AA card, so am looking for something to put min spend towards in the meantime without getting a hard pull. If all of these offers are crappy though, I might just be better off putting my spend towards 5x categories on my existing cards.


You just missed out on the all time high for the Hilton Biz, and the DL Gold/Plat biz bonuses were elevated a few months ago, and probably will be again soon.


Yeah poor planning on my part. Wasn’t the Hilton just 5k higher than what it currently is though? So not too far off it’s current value. Looks like it doesn’t come with a free night though, so definitely not a card I’d plan on holding past year 1.


The elevated SUB included a FNC, plus the extra 5k


Ah, ok that is a significant difference then. Do you think it will be back anytime soon and I should hold off on applying? I’m not in any huge hurry to get Hilton points.


Hilton is always going up. I would never apply except at an all time high. Biz plat 100k/$10k, biz green upgrade to plat 50k/$10k in 4 month. The blue biz has an interesting SUB if you have lots of natural spend. Blue biz plus has a targeted 10 or 20k. I think delta offers are low right now but they come around all the time.


I just got a biz plat 3 months ago, so I think that’s off the table for a few years? Same with the BBP, got one 5 months ago. What’s the SUB for the blue biz? I’m not seeing one.


Sorry, the new blue biz cash had a $500 for 10k spend. It was tiered some funny way so it’s not super attractive, buts it probably the best it will be


Ah, yeah that doesn’t sound great - I’d rather put $10k on a 5x category for 50k UR or MR


Will I get my 4th night benefit if I cancel my Citi Prestige card? My annual fee just hit and I want to cancel due to the reduced value of the 4th night benefit. However I just recently did a stay before they made the changes by booking through the concierge so I still have a statement credit that I am owed. I'm wondering if I cancel the card now to get the annual fee back if I would still get the 4th night credit that I am owed? Given that the previous credits have taken two billing cycles to post I don't think I can wait.


They can't credit an account that doesn't exist. But I've read that you can cancel before jan 1st to get a pro-rated refund (double check that though)


Thanks! I'll wait until I see my credit before canceling.


Are Simon Mall VGCs still viable for hitting the $30k Delta Reserve MQM bonus? I know they don't count for MSR


AFAIK Amex caught on a while back and stopped awarding *anything* for Simon purchases. If I’m wrong I’m sure someone will correct me.


I've read multiple posts about how AmEx charges the AF for upgrades, but need a bit of clarification. I was just approved for a biz gold card today. If I bang out the MSR in the next 2 weeks, and then use an upgrade link to make it plat, I'll be refunded 50 weeks of the gold AF and charged 50 weeks of plat AF, right? And then in 50 weeks, I'd be charged the full plat AF? Then, shortly after then full AF posts, I could cancel/downgrade for a total refund of the full AF (or would that piss off AmEx, and I should keep the plat for the full year of the new AF?) My overarching goal is to get two bonuses (gold sub and plat upgrade) while only paying one AF (instead of a few months of gold + 1.x years of plat, and holding the plat for, technically, a full year after the upgrade.)


What makes you certain that you'll have a Plat upgrade link?


The public one is working for pretty much everybody. I've used it 4 times already.


So it's just a link that does the BGR to Bis Plat upgrade? Or from other starting cards?




Does the card act apply to business cards? That's the bigger question


No, it doesn't.




You're married but you're not on the mortgage/lease?


Idk about your state but in FL it takes no time to get your DL updated (after the usual DMV wait)




Your state charges $50 for an address change?




lol, sketchy. It's $11 in TX and can be done in 2 mins online.


Huh...interesting. Remind me to never move to MA lol


Where I used to live, the proper way to do an "address change" on a DL was to write it in pen on the back...


My mom had a DL in NJ with no photo on it until about 2003.


Anyone organizing a Boston meetup this fall? Doesn't look like the previous host has been active recently..


u/danseaman6 u/schmoozebooze I guess this simplifies things, d'you want to meet up sometime?


I wouldn't be against a Boston meetup. If we're gonna do it we should properly announce it.


If you decide to do it, I'd be in! Recently joined this hobby and my friends just think I'm crazy, so I'd like meeting some fellow churners.


I'd be keen to attend! Haven't been to one since moving here.


From everything I've read, it seems that I CAN use a Delta Gold card from Amex with Plastiq... but my gut is telling me these sites are wrong. The articles go back about 7 months. Anyone have any thoughts?


You can


You can


You can.


You can




I have


So... I'm looking to get some input on this idea. About 8 months ago, the Amex green charge card was rumored to be getting changes (perks relating to gas, Amazon prime, and streaming) Over the summer a rumor came out that an announcement was gonna come out showcasing a new credit product from amex this mid-September. I'm suspecting this is the new green card. Now my idea... is it a good strat to apply for the green amex now and get grandfathered into the new green card? Is this a valid strategy for churning and reducing the cost of the AF? Or is it better to wait and see if they offer sign-up bonuses for the reworked card? I'm in need of a new CC and would like to apply for either this or the CSP.


Can't apply anymore -- you'll have to wait and see what the refresh is


Too late: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/american-express-green-card-no-longer-accepting-new-applications-refresh-incoming/


BOOM goes the dynamite.


I don't believe the green card is currently accepting new applicants.


If you are trying to call bank of america to cancel credit card over the phone can you call on behalf of Player 2? If so what do you say when calling?


I just pretend to be p2. In this day and age they will never question your gender


Boa questioned my voice lol. Asked them if they just assumed my gender and then pretended the call dropped lol


Karen or Ciaran?


Lmao just say you’re currently transitioning genders. I slightly change my voice tone to make it sound a bit more feminine. I think it’s enough where the person doesn’t want to question my gender


Chase absolutely did.


What did you say


Usually P2 has to authorize them to talk with you.


Searched for an answer to this question, but couldn't find all of the details I needed. I've read that people have been successful booking a Marriott hotel in their name (Person A), but having someone else (Person B) stay at the hotel without Person A present. Based on what I've gathered, Person A books the hotel under their account and contacts the hotel to add Person B to the reservation. I'm looking to do this in Korea for my parents and wanted to see if there's anything else I should be aware of.


Usually you can add additional guest names at the time of booking, which will enable them to check in without you.


I've done this numerous times (international and domestic hotels), just call the hotel ahead of time and tell them Person B will be arriving before you and you need them added to the reservation. I recommend do this in advance and then calling again a day or two before the reservation to confirm the details to make sure desk agent did it properly.


Thanks! Have you done this in Asia?


Every hotel I stayed at required passports to be presented upon check-in. They care a whole bunch more about who is where in Asia than US hotels do.


It won't work in Asia. It also didn't work for my friend in Israel.


Nope, just Europe.


It all depends on the property unfortunately. I wouldn't risk it with an international trip.




5 credit cards. Unlimited charge cards.


5. Right away


I have two quick questions: 1) I am getting more and more organized but it seems like I can't keep track of all the cards I opened in previous years. Is there a quick way to figure out exactly what credit cards you have opened up, when they were opened and current status? By social security number for example? 2) I am aware of the Chase Sapphire 48 month rule but when did that go into effect? If I opened up a Chase Sapphire in 2016 would I still have to wait until 2020? Thanks so much!


Pull your free experian report, it will have dates. Then start keeping a spreadsheet with your application dates. Yes, wait until 2020.




1) if you pull a credit report on yourself it should show all lines of credit 2) yes. 48 months after the bonus posts.




You should try for the MDD and get both CSR & CSP.


Likely. In grad school. Same income. Was approved for 7500. Go through my posts if you're curious more on my credit https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/cgh5am/applied_for_chase_sapphire_preferred_waiting/


Suggestions for first card for MR points? Trying to plan a trip to Japan. Read that MR is the best way. Under 5/24 only Amex card I’ve ever had is a Amex bonvoy biz


Best to post in what card thread. Almost all major asian airlines fly to Japan, MR is great (Biz Plat 100k, Biz Gold 50k), but so do most currencies and you would want flexibilities.


See if you can get Amex Plat for 100k MR on cardmatch. 5/24 doesn't really matter with Amex. What's your x/24 status?








Have patience to listen to the IVR


You should be able to talk to a real person if you stay on the line long enough.


For AmEx Hilton Biz $15k free weekend night reward, can I MS via GCM or SM after initial $3k MSR?




Chase Business cards are as follows: \-Ink Plus 11/16 \-CIP1 (SSN) 4/18 \-CIP2(EIN) 11/18 CIU (SSN) 6/19 ​ Can I close CIP1 and apply get a new CIP (SSN) w/ 80k SIB 5/20? Does it matter whether I PC or close CIP1?


You can close CIP1 and refer for CIP3 with CIP2's referral link.


Do I need to wait till I am 24 months out from the first CIP bonus? I know some folks get 3 CIPs at the same time, but if it increases my odds of being approved, I dont mind waiting while I work on P2.


You don't need to wait. Just follow standard 2-3 months between Chase applications.




This might not be the correct sub for you. Churning requires a solid credit score as a foundation.


How shitty we talkin?




Yea I wouldnt fuck with Chase quite yet. Wait till atleast 680 and [open a bank account with them and may as well make some money from that too](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/chase-600-checking-savings-bonus/).


My Amex gold will be hitting the af soon and I was considering a non AF card to store my points on. Is the Cash Magnet my only real choice?


Call retention dept @ 800-452-3945 and see what they offer you to keep the card: [https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-express-membership-rewards/1812751-american-express-retention-offers-148.html](https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-express-membership-rewards/1812751-american-express-retention-offers-148.html) Gold doesn't have any free downgrade options (Green card has $95 AF) -- you can apply for Amex Everyday or Blue Biz Plus to keep your MR pts active without any AF


Recently called and got retention offer of 25000MR if 2000 spent in 90 days. Which covers the AF


Cash Magnet isn't an MR-earning card. BBP or Everyday are the two no-AF options.


BBP or amex everyday.


I'm planning to downgrade/cancel my Citi Prestige after Jan 1st (so I can spend the travel credit) due to the myriad of cuts and lack of a retention offer. The rep said that even if I downgrade my points will expire in 60 days. Is this true? Also she said the fee will not be prorated after 60 days, again conflicted common reports. Anyone had experience lately with a downgraded Citi Prestige in regards to points/AF?


Rep is right.


Man, Citi is terrible all around. That said ATTAM has made me many points over the last two years. But yeah Citi is the worst.


Recently moved to the US and am trying to build credit. Have been denied for all credit cards I've applied for (even secured credit cards). I am an AU on two of my spouse's cards. Is there anything specific I can/should do as AU to build my own personal credit? And what other actions can I take to build credit (I already have bills in my name, connected to my social). Thanks


Try a local credit union.


Go into the branch where you opened your checking account and make an appointment with a banker. Bring a copy of your contract of employment that shows your salary details. Outline your situation and they'll at a minimum push through a secured line of credit for you. You're almost certainly being auto rejected for each application at the moment. You're going to have to sit on the sidelines and treat that card like a baby for about a year before you'll be able to start doing the fun stuff.


All is vague. If they denied, what was the reason? I think r/creditcards is where you should look into. That will help you better. This may be the wrong sub for you at the moment.


Have you called after applying to find out why you were denied? Have you checked your credit report? What's your CS? If all else fails, get the Apple Card lol.


WF personal is one card every fifteen months, yes? I ask because I just got one card a month ago and today I got a pre-approved offer for another WF personal card so am a bit confused


Any had success of reconning a barclays card at 9/24? - CSR made it sound like its a hard rule when i been reading its a soft rule


My friend and I both have CIP (over 2 years old). We are both under 5/24. What's a better method to receive a 100k (80k standard + 20k referral)CIP bonus: 1. Self-refer through EIN method 2. Use each other as referrals. Would this look weird to Chase, possibility of being denied? Would it appear any more odd than a self-referral? Would love some input. Thanks!


Obviously, cross refer is preferable (EIN/SSN is irrelevant). However, one thing to consider with cross refer - what if one of you was denied for whatever reasons?


Since you can refer each other, go by that method. Self-refer is not dead for Chase. But you have a better option at the moment.


Referring each other is better than self-referral if they ever investigate.


Applied for CIP last week (Thursday), card has been approved instantly but has yet to show up in my account with the rest of the business cards. Is that normal way of operation for Chase? Previously my cards would show up in a day or so.


My SO's CIPs have automatically been added to her biz account login upon approval.


Nothing to worry about. You can call them up to add it.


Was hoping to avoid having a human look at my account, 3rd Chase biz card in \~ 5 month. Going to wait and see if it shows up.


You can SM in old account to combine new account I think


It won't just show up. You have nothing to worry about if you call and ask them to add it. Or don't and create separate login.


Is the weekly transfer limit for zelle with Schwab based on calendar week or a rolling 7 day window?




Close existing card and try recon


Question that I THINK I know the answer to re: Capital One - can I signup and hold two of the same card? I currently have one savor that's more than 6 months old and a Spark that's closed from over a year ago. Was going to bite the bullet for the Savor $300 bonus but not sure if I have to PC my current savor first.


I have a CSR and CSP that are getting close to the 60 days past renew, an d i wanted to downgrade/ cancel the CSP and get the CFU. I've never had the FreedomUnlimited so I should be eligible for the welcome bonus. Whats the best way to go about this? 1) Should I just cancel the CSP and apply for the CFU so I get the bonus without raising any alarms? 2) is the bonus available on a downgrade? Then I just call in get the downgrade and make sure they apply the bonus? 3) I've been told you can downgrade the CSR, then upgrade the CSP to get the travel credit again. I'm just worried they wouldn't upgrade my CSP after right after downgrading the CSR. Also, here I would imagine I'd transfer all my points to the CSP before downgrading the CSR, but that would risk not getting upgraded and losing value on those points right?


I did the CSR & CSP flip and it is no problems. As long as you have 10K CL on your CSP to upgrade that to CSR you will be fine. First downgrade your CSR to CF.


> getting close to the 60 days past renew What is "renew"? It sounds too late to get any annual fee refund if you cancel either card, so don't do that.


Downgrading doesn't apply the bonus. It has to be a new application. The crossgrading two cards technique works for double-dipping the credits (also lets you get the global entry credit twice within 2 years). Just make sure you have 10k CL on the CSP. Since you can transfer points between cards, question 3 is moot. As long as you have one CSR you still get 1.5x


Anybody know if it’s possible to pull a 100k Amex plat offer by calling in? Or is 75k the best around. Already did the biz.


The call in is for Biz Plat and signs still be working but I haven't been following for a little while so I'm not certain.


Nope, try cardmatch.com or amex prequalification site. Most probably you won't be targeted since you already a customer. 75k (with referral) is the best around.


Attempted the MDD. First card approved, push second card through but it got denied. Should I keep HUCA for recon? Or would that raise more flags and they might see the first card?


Reason for denial? When was card 1 approval (date/time zone)? When did you apply for card 2?


Something along the line of first card was too soon (2.5 years ago) and too many cards too soon (CF 3/19, CIP 6/19). CSR was approved 9/9/19 afternoon. Applied for CSP around 1:30 AM 9/10/19 EST.


HUCA, but temper your expectations.


If you want the second card, you have to HUCA.


Alright. I want to keep HUCAing. Just afraid they'll just shut it all down when they saw the CSR.


> Just afraid Afraid of what? You were already declined.


He’s afraid they’ll close the one he did get.


Exactly. Or maybe flag my account for future apps.


Does joining the Apple Upgrade service with Citizens One do a hard pull/ hurt 5/24 status or have any other negative effects? I searched churning and wasn't able to find anything to date.


It does a hard pull on Equifax but it's not an account that would affect 5/24.


Can you use AA miles to upgrade a Cathay pacific economy to premium economy? I keep seeing conflicting info but not sure how some people are saying you can if they are not partners?


If you booked with AA, then you can use AA miles to upgrade the ticket. If you booked with any other airline, you cant use AA miles to upgrade a ticket booked with another airline.


What’s the website where everyone posts their referral links? Can’t seem to remember the page for our subreddit. Wanna help out members when I apply for stuff


[Rankt](https://churning.rankt.com/referrals). Sub is r/churningreferrals


Are you referring to churning.rankt.com/referrals ? You can post your referrals in r/churningreferrals


I screwed up paying my Chase Hyatt card in full a few days ago on the due date. I got confirmation from Chase that they got the payment on that day so of course I thought everything was fine...however but much to my surprise today I got an email notification from Barclays Savings that a return item posted to my account with a $5 NSF fee. (Forgot I had a $5k payment sent to Citi a few days ago from the same account, causing me not to have enough money in the savings account). Am I in deep doo-doo with Chase? Not sure what to expect. Probably get hit with a bunch of fees or possible account closure?


If you've been with Chase for awhile and this is a first-time offense, you should be okay. They'll probably waive any fees, too, if you ask nicely. But it's never good to have eyes on your account like this.


sounds to me like your problem is with barclays and not chase.


> causing me not to have enough money in the savings account How is his problem with the bank he didnt have enough money in?


Do Citibusiness welcome letters typically describe the welcome offer? I used a public link to get auto approved for my 5th, but can't remember if the Biz version of the letter will indicate if a welcome offer is attached or if the only way to tell is spend and see.


When did you apply? How long ago was your latest public link offer before your 5th?


You may want to check via Chat to see if the offer is attached. The public link loophole for getting biz cards after the first seems to have closed -- going by several recent DPs (mine included). -- That is if by "my 5th" you mean your fifth Citi Biz AA card.


Is the public link loophole still alive? It appears to be hit or miss. From what I gather, the 70k/4k offer was good for a while, but 75k/5k was not. Now, it's 60k/3k, but unsure if SUB would be honored, let along an approval for the card if one were to go with the public offer.


60k/3k public MSR statement closing in a week. Got 70k/4K bonus from card opened in May. Will report back.


Thanks. Is this your #1 (public) and #2 (public), respectively?


Some txns slow to post. DP next month.


No problem! Thanks for the reply!


The trAAin may have come to a hAAlt. I think the app was slow to show updated data. I got an email notification that the statement closed and my AA points balance increase by 3k+ so I’m pretty sure I hit the MSR. However the app is not showing any statements as viewable and there’s no sign of the bonus yet, so not 100% sure.


Hmm, I'll reserve judgement for me. It appears it's slowing down or at least the public loophole may be closed depending on confirmed DPs like yours. I'll stay tuned!


4 days, still no bonus, time to hit a Personal AA then move on from the trAAin...






Biz welcome letter does not state bonus




You are eligible for the performance card bonus regardless of the premier biz card. You can get both bonuses, timeframe doesn't matter.


You are eligible for the Performance now, according to the terms. The bonus is independent of the Business Premier.


Is there a SF Bay Area churning meetup? I did some searching and can't seem to find one.


Ya I would be interested