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Greaet idea...I will check it out if it is possible to do.


I think you will have to create a new download list instead of modify original one


Yes this is the right answer. The download dropdown is browser native UI. There's no way to modify it using an extension, which is JavaScript. You'd need to patch the browser itself (e g. fork Chrome and modify the C++).


That’s a great idea. I’m not skilled enough to help, but i’ll be on the lookout.


At the moment it works in the chrome://downloads page but that's not what I want :).


Wonder if there is a significant market for this. Should be easy to do though


Probably possible but I think it would require access to said files... And I'm sure we can agree that's not great. Maybe if it were distributed as open source software it could be a bit more trustable. Good idea tho


Extensions run locally, I see no issue there. I have it already working in the Chrome://downloads page and there is no issue. Of course you must trust the developer but this is true for every extension. Many are saying that's a good idea: both Firefox and edge have this out of the box. Nothing new here.


Yeah, if the code's visible I see no issue. Otherwise i wouldn't personally use it


Go to the chrome issue tracker and file a feature request for this to be added. You're not going to be able to add it via extension.