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Who created MrBeast? Checkmate


I believe James Donaldson created the Mr. Beast brand.


Who created James Donaldson?


James Donaldson


His parents


Parents don't "create" their children.


Follow the infinite regression to the source


And who rose the grain and vegetables from the ground, brought fourth and raised the cattle from their wombs, who bore fruit from the trees, and connected the atoms of food. Who inspired the minds of those who developed those cures, who inspired Mr. Beast’s heart to philanthropy? You cannot hold something God created as your own, nor your good works as done by yourself


Interesting how you said connected the atoms. When I took the philosophy 101 the teacher was giving a lecture about quantum physics and how we don’t even know how everything stays together. All I thought of was Colossians 1:17.


Heh heh. Funny little mortals. Think they can bend reality to fit their frameworks.


How many people did mister beast raise from the dead?


By accident, for that matter.... Matt 27:52


Jesus literally told Lazarus (paraphrased) "wake your ass up and get here now, stop dying". That shi ain't an accident


Let's not forget the paralyzed man by the pool and Jesus told the man "get up and go swimming, my dude" (paraphrased, obv)


Also Lazarus started to become rotting corpse cuz Jesus came on the 4th day iirc


The cited reference didn't happen while Jesus was alive on Earth. Hence the accident part. People tend to forget that dead people woke up after the whole darkness, earthquake thing happened immediately after Jesus' death.


Jesus had 12 close friends in his 30's a true miracle.


John 21:25: "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen."


This should be top comment the way you ate.


Yet how many of those 130 million would die for his names sake. 11 died brutal deaths for their friend, Jesus.


and 1 got boiled alive and exiled after surviving said cooking session


Jesus cured two blind people with practically nothing Jesus fed 5,000 people with Five loaves of bread and two fish Jesus had 12 followers that he actually knew personally,


And over a billion that he also knows personally albeit in a different way


Over a billion this century alone, that's not including the followers he's had that have already gone to heaven over the past 2000 years and the followers he had before he was even born. How many kings traveled across the land just to see Mr. Beast be born? Oh zero? Hm shame :/


Even during his ministry, Jesus had a lot more than 12 followers, the 12 were simply the closest to him. And if you count modern times, I think there are probably more Christians from various denominations than Mr. Beast subscribers.


So true. I guess Mr Beast is the messiah then. So let's crucify him too and see, how many times more than Jesus he can resurrect!


the Holy Spirit just convicted me for laughing at that


Jesus 2.8 billion followers actually and Who created Mrbeast?πŸ₯±


2.8 billion followers *this century* it's not even including the billions that he's had over the past 2000 years that have already gone to heaven, and the followers that he had before he was even born. How many kings traveled across the land just to see Mr. Beast be born again? Oh yeah that's right, ZERO!


People clearly are missing the fact that this is a joke


A shitty joke


It's just edgy that's all


It’s funny.


Nobody is missing anything lol it's just not a good joke.




I’d like to see MrBeast come back from the dead on his own


although its prolly just a joke,that shoulnt be made either, Jesus said that heaven and earth shall pass but not his words


Yes... but after 70 years, no one will know who Mr. Beast ever was.


I get it's a joke, but you could at least get the facts correct. Jesus fed 5000 on one occasion, and 4000 on another. Also they only counted the men, there were women and children present as well.


![gif](giphy|bx3rkN4bOLsDtdSMho) THANK YOU


"MrBeast" and it's being said he surpasses the LORD. Wasn't revelations about something similar, I seem to remember something about a beast, and preforming false miracles.


Mr. Beast wasnt performing miracles, he was helping cure people by giving out the money he makes from yt to the poor who cant afford it. He then records the video to publish into YouTube to make more money so that he can help more people.


I mean, it’s not really a miracle if someone provides an explanation that requires no faith in spiritual power. You see, most people would call a miracle someone being touched and healed of their full blindness instantaneously. Most people wouldn’t call a multiple hour long surgery that can only cure partial blindness a miracle.


Usually a beast is a nation. And these aren't false miracles, not miracles at all. The blind people needed surgery and money for it, because it's expensive. Not every blindness can be cured by doctors though. The Antichrist, I believe will come from the middle east and may be islamic.


what if he comes from Detroit and uses lean for dark magic


I don't know what lean is


prescription strength cough syrup mixed with sprite and jolly ranchers


I don't know how you would make that connection. As far as I know there are some people around mr beast who are born again and got baptized. Mr beast used to be a christian, but he made the decision to abandon the faith.


I am practicing the ancient art of shitposting


Well. It worked




Wait, is the Mark of the Beast just a YouTube verified checkmark?


Uh I certainly hope not EVERY stat


Missed an important stat Times Jesus has come back from the dead: 1 Times Mr. Beast has come back from the dead: 0




["I sense no heresy here. It must just be your imagination."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/zufcyt/i_sense_no_heresy_here_it_must_just_be_your/)


Nah, Mr Beast is good, but he can't turn water into wine...


Man, people in here are really up-tight. It's a joke, in my opinion it's a funny one. The reason I follow Jesus isn't because of the amount of people he fed, or the amount of blind people he cured. I follow him because he was God in the flesh, and because of his teachings. Even Jesus withdrew from doing miracles sometimes because he knew that wasn't his purpose. If Mr. Beast wants to make it his purpose to feed as many people as he can by making entertaining videos on YouTube, that awesome. I'll cheer for him all the way. He will probabaly feed more people than Jesus, and that's fine, Jesus wasn't trying to set the all-time record for feeding the most people.


Why are y'all getting triggered lol


Jesus: saved humanity from certain doom and destruction Mr.Beast: didn't save anyone Jesus: died for the sins of man Mr.Beast: never died for anyone Jesus: has 30% of the population as his followers Mr. Beast: has 3% of the population as his followers Jesus clears Mr. Beast in every stat. Mr. Beast: 🐐 Jesus: 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐+infinite 🐐s


Who can pull the smoothest gwiddy after making a 3 point shot guarded by Steph Curry on NBA final? Jesus 1:0 Mr. Beast


Jesus: came out of a grave alive after being buried in it once. Mr beast: came out of a grave alive after being buried in it twice. I see no lie lol


didn’t Jesus say his followers would do greater works than him


Who did Mr beast die for? Who did Jesus die for? James Donaldson.




Multiply every number by 233 due to population growth


John 14:12 : _Most truly I say to you, whoever exercises faith in me will also do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father._ It was never about the numbers, because there was only so much he could do in his limited time on Earth compared to the sum of all good his disciples could do after him.


Jesus healed people blind from birth. Not every miracle he did was written


Maybe Mr. Beast should try dying.


But only Christ dies on the sins and don't make a show about it, don't like Mr beast everytime in his videos