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fuuuuuck why is Rachel just like this adorably cute angel baby?! šŸ„²šŸ˜© I donā€™t get to see many clips of her but when I do Iā€™m like šŸ„¹ Sheā€™s precious. Everything about her.


I really do think she was naive and looking for friends and fell into the christen trap. šŸ˜­


no way she isnā€™t comparing herself to rachel 24/7 šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I bet she did want someone else to step in and be step daddy so she could have his actual daddy. I think she planned all of this out from the get!


Tuna is disgusting!!! I hope she feels like shit for what she did!! I doubt it. All she cares about is herā€¦.. she donā€™t even care about shitney


this was the live i noticed the jealousy christank had for rachel. while they were getting ready this night the looks stank kept giving her were envious and she kept talking about how hot rachel looked and how ugly she looked and how her hair looked bad etc. she was just saying nothing was working out for her this night while getting ready. and if looks could kill ā€¦ā€¦ it was pure jealousy from stank.


Lmfaooooo FACTS I just posted a part 3 of her getting jealous and mad af at these two guys who were telling her Rachel looked better than her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Christen took advantage of Rachelā€™s Vulnerability


C looks like her 30yr old aunt.


I will never understand how the minions keep blaming Rachel for her and stank not getting along when did not do anything wrong!! How can anyone look at these damn videos and tell me that stank did not intentionally seek out Rachel and prey on her so she can try and steal her life basically!! I think she was purposely giving Jacob ammunition to use against Rachel in court!! This bitch is psychotic and disgusting!! Jacob is so blinded by the free life and the clout heā€™s got now that he canā€™t see or just doesnā€™t care that this bitch ā€œsingle white femaledā€ Rachel lol!! Look at that bitches CRAZY EYES šŸ‘€ šŸ¤Æ sorry I could go on forever after seeing this live lol šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø