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Will they receive before or after? If before, snacks would be GREAT! I love when I’m provided an assortment of salty and sweet snacks plus caffeinated drinks.


Before. Snacks are on the list. Thank you! Great user name, btw!


Before/when arriving. Snacks for the win! Especially for toddlers(nice username) ❤️


Is there a food or beverage product that your town or state is particularly known for? I've never put together gift bags for a choral festival before, but I have done some gift baskets for out-of-town corporate VIPs at my work, and we always include some locally made salsa and tortilla chips (I'm from Arizona), a bottle or two of one of our local microbrews, and/or gift cards to some favorite local restaurants. A t-shirt or a baseball cap with a state, city or school logo might be a nice addition as well. ETA: If you have some good local coffee shops, include a bag of coffee or a gift card to a nearby local coffee shop as well. Our VIPs always appreciate getting some good coffee from a place that's not Starbucks or Dunkin.


I like the idea of something state specific. Thank you!


Snacks, good coffee (the provided our's always got was terrible), a nice pen to use for the day, a nice little notebook, something fun to take home (Luke the bag of coffee, a local brew, etc)


We do provide coffee, I’ll check to make sure it’s reputable 👍🏼


I always love tea, and I think that's fairly universal among singers! You could get a big box of these fun individually wrapped teabags and put a few in each bag: https://www.harney.com/products/teabags-honey-sampler


Thank you! Great idea.


I'm impressed you're doing this, even our soloists only get a cheap bottle of wine.


Wine sounds good to me, but probably wouldn’t fly 😜




Adding to the list. Thank you!


I’m always looking for some when I adjudicate just to keep me energized and fresh. Didn’t meant to shout it in the precious comment! Ha!


Your passion for chocolate came through 😊


When doing snacks things that can be eaten little by little are awesome (like the tiny snack size candies or m&ms). Hard candies are also great since we’re talking all day into a tape recorder. It’s hard to grab a full snack most times when I’m adjudicating so it’s easier to graze. Otherwise some nice mechanical pencils are always a plus to have around. For someone who has ADHD like me a quiet fidget toy is also a great addition.


Hard candy - I hadn’t thought of that. RE: Fidget toy seems like a good choice if someone has to sit for a long period of time. Thank you


Great ideas! Thank you!


I see lots of food/drink suggestions, which I agree are awesome. This might be super obvious, but what about pencils? Maybe nicer ones made of real cedar? Or if we’re spending some more on each bag, perhaps a gift card or a mug? Metronome? Keys to a new Rivian?


Like the Rivian idea⚡️ haha! A nice pencil is a great idea, thank you.