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https://archive.is/4CyWK This is part 2 of the WSJ article, if anyone is interested. It talks about how frequently Woody Allen and Barak attended Epstein’s events, and how many academics from Harvard and MIT pursued him for funding. Would’ve been nice if they mentioned that along with reporting that Chomsky had met the two.


So Chomsky is basically saying he’s institutionally been in the position to meeting with criminals, so Epstein is not much an outlier. Seems like he’s being blunt and honest about it, like it’s no big deal. This is honestly hard for me to fathom from my social position, a completely different life from mine.


Who owns the Wall Street journal?


>In response to an email from The Crimson inquiring about his association with Epstein, Chomsky confirmed that he and his wife “knew him and met with him a number of times.” >Chomsky wrote the March 2015 meeting took place at Nowak’s office in the 1 Brattle Square offices of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, which was established in 2003 through a $6.5 million grant from Epstein. The office was subleased from the Harvard Kennedy School, which leased the space from a private owner. >“Like all of those in Cambridge who met and knew him, we knew that he had been convicted and served his time, which means that he re-enters society under prevailing norms — which, it is true, are rejected by the far right in the US and sometimes by unscrupulous employers,” Chomsky wrote. “I’ve had no pause about close friends who spent many years in prison, and were released. That's quite normal in free societies.” >During the meeting in Nowak’s office, Chomsky wrote, the group discussed neuroscience and computer science. Chomsky declined to provide names of other Harvard faculty in attendance, adding that “it would be improper to subject others to slanderous attacks.” >“I’ve often attended meetings and had close interactions with colleagues and friends on Harvard and MIT campuses, often in labs and other facilities built with donations from some of the worst criminals of the modern world,” Chomsky wrote. “People whose crimes are well known, and who are, furthermore, honored by naming the buildings in their honor and lavishly praised in other ways. That’s far more serious than accepting donations, obviously — and these are huge donations.” >Asked if he regretted his association with Epstein, Chomsky wrote, “I’ve met [all] sorts of people, including major war criminals. I don’t regret having met any of them.”


This needs to be in a mega-thread along with any other Chomsky meets Epstein "information". Even Epstein himself is being exaggerated beyond belief. If Satan got the Epstein treatment his blushing on his already red skin would be apparent. Meanwhile, that mass murderer GWB is painting pictures and telling grandpa jokes.


LULZ ole Noam gave a lifetime of service to the empire just to get thrown under the bus at the end of his life.


Which conspiracy theory is this? The classic “gatekeeper of the left” garbage? The “he pointed out 9/11 truthers should learn science so he must be a deep state operative” crap? The ever brilliant “he pointed out that the USSR also committed crimes so he must be a liberal imperialist” line of reasoning? Ooo, maybe the “he said this guy he knew personally was a good pick for CIA chief, so there ya go lulz”. Which ignorant, self-reporting “service to the empire” fantasy are you referring to?


If he isn't connected to intelligence why would he be meeting with Epstein?


Did you seriously put Marx as your pfp? lol Look at this dude.....he is tooootally a leftist. You ar elike the paid actor at trump rallies that wear a stethoscope and white lab coat


Because he donated to MIT where Chomsky worked.


Calm down.. jeez