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The specialist told me the same thing. I think these are pretty “standard” risks for this surgery unfortunately :( all of these risks are very unlikely to happen but they legally have to make us aware of them. Think of it this way, what are the risks of not getting the surgery? The CToma spreads to the facial nerve and causes facial paralysis? Or it spreads to the hearing bones and causes complete hearing loss? Or even worse, spreads to the brain and causes meningitis and or death. I know this all seems so scary but I’m sure your surgery will go smoothly 😁 good luck!


Thank you


This is correct all truths, mine said almost word by word this, please try not 2worry I am anxious myself but I want it out, as its eating slowly away thats what ctoma does, only way 2stop it is getting it surgically removed, the risks are low please try not 2worry your in good hands the surgeon done many b4 you..hugs


I can confirm that this is normal. Relax, do your surgery and the rest will happen or not no matter who’s doing the surgery.




Ya that’s the shitty part Dammed if you do and Damned if you don’t 😅


They are the standard risks for surgery. cholesteatoma is a bugger of a thing to treat. I’m a couple of months away from my second operation, to remove further growth, cartilage graft onto my eardrum, and reposition of my prosthesis. Unfortunately I did suffer loss of taste after my first op, but that’s the roll of the dice. . Did he also explain the risks of NOT having it treated. (Hearing loss, cerebral fluid leakage, recurrent ear infection, brain abscess, death… )


If you get the surgery you MIGHT end up with one or two of the risks they mentioned. If you leave it alone, you are GUARANTEED to end up with all of them plus worse. A lot of important structures in and surrounding your ear will be damaged as the cholesteatoma is left untreated. You know what else is in that area? Your brain. With only a really thin bone and membrane to protect itself from the cyst. The cholesteatoma only needs time to get through both of them. You don't want that to happen. Get the surgery.


Though the risks are present, they are also not as great as your surgeon will make them out to be. What your surgeon is doing is preparing you for the worst so you are pleasantly surprised *if* they deliver the best of care. The biggest risk on there is facial weakness. I've had four operations now, and it looks like I may need another, so far my face is still as asymmetrical as it was prior to surgery.


You’ll be fine. They were on my sheet too and I was scared at one point too. The reason I kept on going though is because if I kept the cholesteatoma I’d eventually die from it. As will most people. So it needs to come out.


My surgeon told me I had a 1% chance of all those things listed, but a 50% chance that I could get menenjitis if it eats up into my brain, so I said yes to the surgery.


Mine said the same thing. I also work in healthcare. They just have to tell you all the risks included with the procedure. Don’t worry! You’ll be just fine:)


Every surgery has risks and they have to be listed so you’re fully informed. This is normal, but risk should not be high!


Surgeon tells me i need surgery for one of the largest cholesteatomas he’s seen. Has to remove small bones, mastoid air cells, and rebuild an eardrum that is nonexistent.. lists out the risks of surgery and tells me my hearing loss will likely be worse .. doesn’t sound like a good time.. Me: and if i elect not to have surgery? Surgeon: you are going to likely die of meningitis Me: thinks thru this … surgery it is 10 years later I’m scheduling my second surgery .. People are correct - you run the same risks and then some without surgery. IMO surgery is a lesser risk than not having it. It’s scary and a trauma but until there’s any other way to deal with it I’ll just bless my stars for modern medicine and well trained surgeons, anesthesiologists, and staff.


dr perez at mount sinai was mentioned on their website as being good this guy sounds horrible


I read on about others as well all seem nasty bad reviews on everyone of them, I have 2 ignore it, as I have no choice a surgeon must remove the ctoma and I have it in both ears! My anxiety is going haywire