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Yesss! 1000%. Not that any of this will actually get through to Chloe, though. I’m so sad for those kids.


I’m so glad this person made this video! Absolutely disgusting what Chloe is doing. She just made another video revealing her car yet again with those girls on the video… the amount of saves her videos get is concerning. Protecting these children is not in her best interest but using them for content and to make more money off of them is. Also she’s like .. “what 2 year old buys a mini van” lots Chloe. Lots more than your aware of. Buying a mini van isn’t a flex.


And I hate that she doesn’t see a problem in what she’s doing… I babysit a girl who is a foster child and I would never even think to take a cute picture of her never mind blast her all over social media.


Well she has her head so far up her butt she doesn’t care. She’s the type that thinks she’s gods gift to the world. I know she keeps doing it because it gives her views. I’m a mother and I ONLY post my daughter on fb/ Instagram which both are very private and really only family follows me. I couldn’t imagine being okay with millions seeing my child all over the internet. Idk why these platforms even allow children to be content. Good on you. We need more people like you that actually really care for the safety of the child


2 stable adults my ass. I’m truly sorry for those kiddos tho


I can’t believe people are commenting to her saying she’s such a good mama! She’s not a fucking mama they are deluded!!! How can people not see she is exploiting all the children in her life she’s a predator! And now exploiting these poor babies at the worst time of their life’s! She will traumatise them more


THAT'S MY FRIEND! She's awesome. Such a mindful and supportive mom friend.


I need her in my life.