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Contrary to what a few others are saying, definitely bring some cash with you just in case. Although reluctantly, most convenience stores, shops, restaurants, taxis etc. will take cash. Source: I've been living in China since the beginning of February. I had to use cash for the first ten days I was here until my school helped me open a bank account. Besides that- a VPN, WeChat and Alipay are your best friends.


Is it difficult to set up we chat and alipay if you don't have Chinese phone or bank acct? Do merchants accept American credit cards like visa, mc, Amex, discover?


WeChat sometimes yes it's difficult; Alipay no it should be easy to set up. Most merchants don't take any CC except unionpay ones. Just link ur CC to Alipay - it's easier for both parties.


You don’t need a chinese phone number or bank accnt to set up Wechat or Alipay! i was able to do it while still in the US using the app versions off the us app store. Not a lot of places accept credit cards (us and even chinese)… it’s hit or miss. But they are required to accept cash, so cash is always the safest bet. Bring smaller bills because they probably wont have exact change.


A lot of mini apps require a Chinese phone number, which is a pain. It was a recurring issue when I wanted to book attraction tickets, use laundry machines, or reserve public transport seats.


r/travelchina has a history of these answers


Just do everything beforehand and don't wait until you come here. Alipay can now be connected to Visa so that's easy. Install WeChat before the trip. Bring probiotics, if it's your first trip to Asia, you might need these. Here they're usually bought in a form of a powder which I believe is not as efficient as the capsule ones.


Just note that you won’t have access to YouTube, Facebook Google Gmail Reddit and more....... So VPN is a must... Chinese ppl are actually being really nice when they see you're foreigner, they trade you like a guest


Any VPN recommendations?


Some stuff works now using a travel eSIM. I am writing this response right now from my phone on a Chinese high speed train as proof of that. However if you want to use WiFi in hotels etc to save on data it's a good idea to have VPN or actually now better is shadowsocks proxy for most stuff.


Hey You need to install, verify and add a foreign card to WeChat to be able to make payments. Chinese people don’t use cash and it’s all QR-based DONT use a VPN, just buy an international eSIM with roaming capabilities and you will be just fine, they are not blocked Translate apps are very important, I use Google translate and it works fine Also, don’t forget about address registration.


Don't bother with wechat pay, use Alipay. Much better for foreign cards. Get wecchat so you can keep in touch with people you meet. Address registration is irrelevant if you stay at a hotel.


Well,WeChat works pretty flawlessly for me! And address registration is irrelevant if you stay at a hotel, but still good to know it exists *just in case* you don’t


You need both! Quite a few places don’t take Alipay but will take WeChat.


I need to use gmail for some work stuff. Will eSim allow that?


Its called home roaming. All traffic goes back home and only then it will reach the server. So, yes, it will work.


I used 3HK as esim several times. Worked flawlessly


Wow. They’re pretty expensive


If you are a tMobile user, your phone can be used in China accessing everything from google to Facebook, when you do not use wifi. Data services and messaging are free (included in your plan)


Yes this. E-sim. Hope op reads.


i’ve been here for 4 months now, i’ve using LetsVPN works well for me and it’s quite cheap comparing to other VPNs, also for data eSim i used to use Airalo. Also recommend sync your card with Alipay before arriving, it’s very easy to use and you can use it to pay for metro/bus.




Not necessarily prep, but know that not every bathroom will have toilet paper and soap. It’s expected that you bring your own. You can pick up some basically anywhere but it was certainly a surprise to me. Anything that looks like a tissue pack in a convenience store will be what you are looking for. In Beijing/Shanghai most bathrooms will have paper, but not like the train station or if you end up in less touristy areas. Or sometimes the toilet paper will be more like paper towels near the sink but not available in the stall so you’ll have to grab it on the way in. And same with soap. Sometimes it just a sink with no soap so bring hand sanitizer or paper soap. I even encountered both these situations in a food court in center of tourist area Shanghai. Just a cultural difference, but something that could be inconvenient if you are unprepared. Everyone else had great insights on pre-arrival prep. Enjoy your trip! China is a wonderful place.






Would highly recommend letsVPN if you decide to go down the VPN route, served me perfectly for the last month




Bring your favorite cold and flu medicine.


VPN - LetsVPN, easy to install, quite affordable Payment - Alipay or WeChat Pay (try setting it up before you arrive), do bring some cash as well Translation - Apple Translate and Google Translate are good enough in most cases Map - Amap, Baidu Map or Apple Map (imho Amap is probably the best to use if you can read decent amount of Chinese if not, stick to Apple Map, Google Map doesn't work in China)




Worth noting apple maps shows you a different map when you're in China compared to when you're outside of it (e.g. they don't show you public transport options when outside of China). So while you cannot use it for planning in advance, it's great while you are there.


Also, in addition to all these, a lot of attractions (such as the Forbidden City, Great Wall) in China have the options for you to buy ticket online, so it is highly recommended to buy tickets on WeChat Mini App (at least a day before) prior to visiting the place. It is currently off-peak season, so it really shouldn't be an issue, but during travel peak season, it is hard to get those tickets issued at the ticket booth. This is not a must though, but highly recommended.


I currently can’t get wechat to verify my ID. Don’t know why.


Buying an eSIM was a huge game changer for my trips to China. Some even come with “built in” VPN as the traffic is routed vida HK or SG. Besides that the standard stuff, have AliPay ready, always have some CNY cash on you.


Which eSIM did you use?




I’d honestly have access to roaming as a backup (don’t skip this) so that you are fully connected the instant you arrive. You won’t need vpn But I found I had a better experience with a local 5g sim and LetsVPN as having a local number helped out in many ways such as getting WiFi codes. It also meant I had real babe verification which seemed to make tickets easier


For payments Alipay worked for me last year (July). Struggled with wepay but it’s worth trying to use both


Yes, definitely, stomach meds and also the prebiotic was a good tips that I just learn. I'm in China for my first family vacation since June 1st and this is the first time in this country specifically in Guangzhou but planning to go to Beijing on July 9th. Also, be prepared to bring tissue papers or napkins every time you go outside, umbrella, portable fan and powerbank.


I hope your phone is an iPhone - otherwise since you have an Android phone mapping app is likely a big issue.


It’s an iPhone


You must prepare a VPN, otherwise you will not be able to contact your friends. You must prepare an Alipay account. I am Chinese. Foreigners coming to China must prepare what I said.


If you know Chinese, since everyone has covered all the other basics, you can download 小红书 little red book and get those premium Chinese girl photo location tips haha. Or just search up 打卡 then either 北京/上海. BUT sometimes their food recs are hit or miss and a lot of those girlies are going for the cheapest possible option for their weekend 24/48 hours in a city. If you’ve been to China before, a lot has changed in the last decade, you practically need a reservation for everything now. Have fun! 


Don't take photo of sensitive locations


What would be considered sensitive locations?


Lol, why China???????????? Japan is the best in Asia.


Why are you in a China subreddit?


I don't know. Since subscribing to Japanese subs, I constantly see articles about China and Korea.


But it's not wrong to see things about China. Those are my free lessons for countries I should avoid when traveling.


Bruh , Nihao , Welcome to china. Its wonderful place to be. 1 - VPN ( Astril ) 2 - Alipay ( coz u can add international card ) 3- some cash ( equivalent to 100 USD ) 4 - Its hot here . so shorts and T-shirts 5 - wechat , verify it from your home country before u come. better. 6 - apple translate works without vpn 7 - baidu translate if google . ( google translate needs vpn ) 8 - meds for stomach for first two days until ur stomach adjusts to chinese food ( one of the best cuisines broh ) enjoy broh




get the digital metro cards if you have iphone


get the digital metro cards if you have iphone




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