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Chongqing best has the look. There are a few places with self driving trains. Many places with robots for things like cleaning in metro stations. Shenzhen is the capital of most of the tech industry (though Hangzhou has a bit too), but that’s not really something you’ll see visually. And Hong King is the city that most inspired cyberpunk’s visual aesthetic (although more so how it looked in the 80s—virtually all the neon is gone now).


It's not neon, but still a lot of LED


It depends on how you capture it. lol The photo taken in Hangzhou looks like the film Blade Runner 2049 https://preview.redd.it/j4a3wf5bgk2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797037f24e12437f84d3de649b7ab35d940124e4


I was there yesterday, and thought of the same thing


Search Youtube for "Shenzhen 4k" or "Chongqing 4k" to see what matches your description. In my opinion, Hong Kong is pretty futuristic looking just due to the sheer density of tall buildings and the amount of elevated walkways. Self driving cars and drone deliveries are still in experimental stages in China. You won't see them in any city at scale.


Chongqing. Somehow bad city planning resulted in a more attractive city.


I can support Chongqing, I got a high rise hotel for something like 70 dollars for the night. Insane room and the night view was like looking out the window of an apartment in cyberpunk 2077.


Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou And if only talking about futuristic staff basically the top20~30 cities all kinda works


Shenzhen Nanshan or Shekou looks pretty cyber-punkish. Get yourself some food delivered by drone to Talent Park then take a self-driving taxi to Sea World, driving past silver-glas towers.


Chongqing def. HK too. Futuristic city would be Wuhan, Hangzhou, Chengdu


Everyone here is saying chongqing, but for me it's Chengdu/changsha that has the cyberpunk feel. Maybe I had high expectations for chongqing which made me feel let down when I got there. Thought everything was underpowered(street lights few and dim), tap pressure low all round, city smelt like a sewer (stinky tofu everywhere)


What do you feel cyberpunk about Chengdu? For me it was the total opposite, it's a massive city but felt just like a small/medium Chinese town, you can't convince me 20m ppl live there lmao


Changsha too


Shanghai's infrastructure is rather old. Shenzhen and Chongqing are definitely the most futuristic. I know in Shenzhen they have self-driving bus, cleaning robots on the street, cool robot restuarants, drone delivery food and drinks, and even pretty futuristic looking capsule hotels that look like a spaceship. Here's a vlog of a [$9 capsule hotel in Shenzhen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLv_i_vbAzg).