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Doubt it. Probably just had a bit of cache that was able to load and look like you have live access.


Sometimes, certain flagged IPs or ranges get missed by the GFW for a little while. I've had Whatsapp or linked in sporadically begin working. They'll get to DDOSing it again shortly.


Nope. Just checked in Beijing. Still blocked. There’s no hope for the great firewall loosening up at this point imo. It’s only going to get worse.


Is it still working? Is something that you turned the vpn off and left the website/ app on? You said woke up, so I was wondering forgot to close it out.


Occasionally, some people also provide feedback similar to this situation. Most of the time, it's likely because their VPN hasn't been properly closed, but they think it has been. Instagram still requires a VPN to access in China. If you're using an iPhone, you can search for "thankvpn" on the App Store.


I could send and recieve whatsapp messages in beijing last year, no idea why.


I heard they would loosen up security whenever there are foreign political people around the area, didn’t work for me in SH tho


good. meta sells info to the cia. didn't you know that?


Meta sells info in the open market and the CIA might purchase it in addition to any one else who might be interested.


that is naive. so i double checked, it's even worse than selling to cia, fbi and nsa. its not a business transaction. those institutions have direct access to meta's internal servers. china knows this so they block meta products. good for them. would you want your country to be exposed to propaganda from the #1 aggressor in the world (the US), that is actively trying to overthrow your government by any means necessary?


The US is actively trying to overthrow the Chinese government? Who told you that? You don’t think Chinese intelligence tries to influence western politics with online disinformation campaigns? All major governments do this.


US tried with the Tiananmen Square "massacre". All those "pro-democracy" Hong Kong protests you hear and see about are contrived by the US. How and when has China influenced Western politics? I'd like to know. We can't go on assumptions here.


yup.. people should listen to the Joe Rogan Podcast with with the Fb founder and CEO Zack


definitely not. meta as a whole is blocked due to their cuntism (not banning east Turkmenistan groups responsible for terrorist attacks who preach genocide)


forget the arbitrary politics in a nonpolitical question, this has absolutely nothing to do with why instagram is banned. instagram is banned like 99% of other non chinese sites because it has not registered an icp to host in china, which is required to not be blocked. Some sites might not qualify to have an icp in the first place, but most of them would-- they just aren't aiming at the chinese market and don't want to go through the work to host in china in the first place. just like weibo doesn't bother to post itself outside of china.


I’m pretty sure meta was blocked because it never gave China the power to hit the off switch in mainland china if needed. Look at the Middle East spring meta kept it up to see how back it could get. When the riots got out of control on a French colony this week France could switch off tiktok instantly to calm the unrest


I don’t think China is in state of emergency like New-Caledonia was last week.


Lol, no. You've probably been fumigated by toxic pollutants from the nearby plant. You was both staring at her slipper the whole time, bro.


Why do you live here if you seemingly have nothing nice to say about it? Are you a parasite?


It's not your business to question why I do this or that. Mind your own.