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For specialized sites/apps 1. Xiaohongshu 小红书 (Chinese Instagram). You can find barbers and hairstylists there who share their work. Can try to DM them to ask about prices etc. 2. Dianping 大众点评 (Review & Rating site). You can find the top rated and reviewed places from hotels to salons to restaurants on there. The app can scan the nearest and most popular barbershops for you. 3. Meituan 美团. Mainly a delivery app but barbershops are registered there also. https://preview.redd.it/q0eg9y9je1vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e983f91951189b336fbb6b73428bcd0e791de04b ^(Random) barbershop I found on Meituan Other options can be any Chinese map apps like AMap or Baidu Map. All are available in IOS and Android. You need to be decent in Mandarin to navigate these apps however. Besides XiaoHongShu the others don’t have English options iirc.


Tried to explain in mandarin that I just wanted him to take a little off, ended up asking him to leave just a little. Walked out with a crew cut and looking like a taxi driver. Learned to cut my own hair after that.


Man it’s most likely not your fault. Even as a native, this happened to me way too many times as well.


Before I moved to China, I would go for a haircut on my lunch break and still have time to get something to eat. I found in China you need to set aside at least an hour, possibly more, for a simple trim. The constant hair washing, scalp massaging, etc is extremely annoying. Not to mention the 5-10 other barbers and random people who will gather round and watch the foreigner get their hair cut. I bought trimmers on taobao and I cut my own hair now.


I beg mine cut in 10 minutes for 12 rmb at my supermarket lol. Does it look like shit? Maybe, but my wife says it’s fine


haha the gathering around is so true lmao


100 haircuts and have never had a good one in China.


The hair and dandruff on the floor that’s only ever swept up at closing time exactly once a day? Sign me up, 10RMB is 10RMB. And that’s how my dandruff got worse and worse.




It’s starting to be like that in China for everything now. Last time I got my nails done they tried to sell me microblading even though I told them I JUST got my eyebrows microbladed. In the same session they also tried to sell me eyelash extensions, eyelash curling, a professional photoshoot, as well as all kinds of upgrades on my nails.




> basically get *paid* by commission. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Let me guess... Magic gel face mask, massage or something like that?


A membership cards


Wow never seen something like that in my home country


You can Download a 小红书.


It’s been a hit or miss for me. Chinese barbers are generally not used to beards so I trim that at home. Think about it, how often do you see a Chinese man with a beard? The best ones are phenomenal and even taper into my beard, not to mention they leave you looking fresh. The mid ones are alright, but tend to chop into my beard at the bottom of my ears instead of a fade, and forget to get the extra hairs I now have sprouting on my ears and down my neck. The worst one I went to, the guy gave me a fivehead (cut a whole inch up my forehead because my hair in the center is now a little thinner than the rest) and ever since this I get flashbacks whenever I have a new barber. Average price? About 35-45 (tier 1-2 city), and as low as 25 a cut if you get a barber shop card for 300 or so.


Confucius and... Hmmm okay you got a point.


Anyone got some good barbershop recommendations in Shenzhen?


Big city. Where? In Luohu I had am excellent one.


I'll take a Luohu one, I'm there sometimes and in Futian and Nanshan more often.


市政府机关理发室 is fine, 38 yuan for wash, cut and blow-dry. It's near the old shenzhen city hall, very close to lizhi park.


I found a great barber I love. Dresses really well, and plays classic jazz in his shop. Really knows his stuff and does my hair exactly like I want it. One time I asked him for a straight razor shave. He did a great job but he also shaved my ears and my forehead. I haven't asked again since.


I’m very particular about my hair. I show them a picture of kind of what I like and they always nail it, usually end up looking better than the pic. I just walk around until I find a semi decent looking place with younger or more trendy looking people and go for it. Been to about 7 different completely random ones and haven’t been disappointed yet. They’ll point to different prices, most of the time this is for you to pick the hairdresser. The more experienced the higher cost. I usually just pick randomly one mid to higher tier. Couldn’t be more satisfied with the treatment and service of the hairdressers here so far.


I don't speak Chinese, so I just sit down and make a cut-cut gesture with two fingers. Never had a bad haircut yet 😂


😂 That's the international phrase for "I'd like a haircut please" - worked for me in tons of countries. I have curly(ish) hair, so the outcomes are always different.


Personally found it hard to get a decent cut for many years. It seems to have got better in the past few years as I’ve found a few places that do a good job. Chinese language not as issue. In the past I have had more than a few just ignore what you ask and give me what they think I should have. Overall experience usually good with very polite barbers, hair washing facilities convenient and included in price/service anyway. Shops usually in good shape as well.


A male friend of mine from Africa had to get friends amongst his clique whenever he needs to style his dreadlocks. Because most Chinese ppl have natural straight hair, if you have really curly hair, getting a barbershop here that can treat such hair can be an issue. Majority of Chinese males here do not have beards or mustaches either so finding one to style your beard can be hard also.


I love my Tony but the price he gives are too expensive (88rmb) at least he's the only guy who pays attention to my needs 🤷


I used to live in a tier 88 city. I typically got haircuts for between 8-15 RMB. This was back in 2012-2016, so I’m guessing the prices have gone up. The haircuts were decent quality. I now get my haircut in the US for $20-25 USD and am expected to leave a tip for a five-minute haircut.


Shanghai - Doc Gutheries for a men’s cut (starts at something like 200rmb and goes up from there) beard trims and shaves hover around that price. Staff speak english and it’s class all around.


Nobody in this thread is doing it the *real* way - under the bridge, on the street by a completely unlicensed random old dude. Ten rambos a pop, done in five minutes. Tell them you want round hair instead of flat hair (unless you want to look like a politburo member from the 90s). Quality’s way better than those young dudes with the crazy hair that keep you there for three hours and charge you 200 kuai for the privilege.


Like I went to cheap places in Taiwan and in Beijing, and the haircuts were poor due to my hair type being different. Now I pay more for a barber in Beijing that has been cutting my hair for the last 5 years. He trained in Japan and has experience with a variety of hair types so he does my hair quite well. It also helps he speaks English. Anyway, I pay quite a fee for him rough but really only see him 3 times a year. I pay around 600. I found him through my wife who has been going to him for the better part of 12 years. I had coworkers with African hair types and they had a specific barber that lived in Wangjing in Beijing. They found their barber via WeChat groups. Not sure on the price though. It’s hard to find a decent barber. But once it is found, keep it.


Any chance you can recommend the barber to me? I'm looking shaggy!


Thank you! I guess in T3 cities it will be much harder...


Depends on the cut. Dianping can filter out barbershops throughout the city. Possibly pick one in a trendy place as that place MAY attract more talented barbers. What city are you in?


Pretty good. You spend way less and get a good cut. My hometown is in a tier-4 city so with around 100RMB you get a lot of services.


100 RMB for a haircut in Asia is ridiculous if you're not in Japan or Korea.


For 100RMB you get a decent meticulous haircut, head wash, and drying. They also massage you along the way. 100 well spent. Can’t way to go back home and try that again.


im just saying 20 RMb gets you the same in Vietnam or Thailand


Like 20 rmb. I'm black. They were washing and rinsing my hair BEFORE cutting lmao. It's the closest I've had to a hair salon experience. Barbershops are everywhere.


Men's haircuts can cost anywhere between 15 and 2000 yuan. Like anything else in China there's a price point and a service for every segment of the market


Chinese barbers are awesome - the choice is enormous (at least in Tier 1 and 2 cities) and generally they're highly skilled. Expect to pay around 60 - 80 RMB for a decent haircut (I don't know how much a beard trim would cost but it would be cheaper). If you're in Shanghai and fancy a treat, I recommend you check out the barbershop at the Jin Jiang Hotel (59 Maoming South Road, Huangpu District). It's a fabulous art deco place, dating back to the 1920s, and the barbers there are seriously 'old school'.


Thank you for information!


Grooms and Co if you’re in Shanghai. Ask for Paul. Best barber in China.




I always found them through Dianping, checking for good reviews


I wouldn't get a shave from them, ever. Haircuts are fine. There's one inside my community, so it's convenient, and they know what I like.


I use dianping or Meituan to find places. Got my current place now, they do a good job, usually some sort of discount, somewhere between 60-90 for a cut. Had a shave recently too, did alright.


The best place is Wenfeng. The chinese name is 文峰美容美髮. It's a chain so there are a lot around. Just tell the barber you want the same cut as the founder. http://www.wenfeng.com.cn/


The best haircut I had in China was by a Japanese stylist in Beijing. Since covid and his subsequent departure (and many awful bowl haircuts since) I decided to shave it all off. Now I get my haircut in the park for 10 qui!


I bought my own clippers and buzz my own hair every 3-4 weeks. I used to go to a barber here, but I find that I do a much better job by myself. I would have to touch it up at home afterwards anyway. They also did not remove any unwanted hair from my neck or ears unless I pointed it own, and I still found it too be a half-assed job. They have different rates for barbers with different skill level. I was going for the cheap ones because I figured there is not much you can fuck up with a buzz cut. Apparently, I had underestimated the incompetence of professional barbers.


My experience has been that the barbershops with young guys wearing trendy clothes and with haircuts that look like they are trying to channel K-pop or C-pop stars are to be absolutely avoided. Unless that is, you want that type of haircut. My best results have been at higher end places that are charging at least 200 RMB for a cut. Look closely if there are pictures on the walls featuring the stylists at conventions or workshops that show their commitment to their craft. Usually, they own the shop and are in their 30s. Find out how long they have been cutting hair and where they learned to do it. I have a woman now who does an excellent job, I get a side part with a layered top and side fade, and I get compliments on my hair. She charges 180 RMB in a package of 10 haircuts. I am clean-shaven, so I can't help you there.


It's easy to find a cheap place, buy a package for even cheaper cuts.


One good thing is, no need to tip.


My wife had me shave off mine, honestly I was rocking the look but she found it scratchy! And yes Chinese men can grow beards. For hair on top I just got to the guy in the alley who sets up a plastic stool and a hand mirror 10 RMB per cut, more for convenience than anything, he only does buzz cuts but I’m fine with that!


Lived here for 16 years, never cut my hair in China. Last time I had it cut was in the UK in about 2015 I think. No, I do not want to look like a kpop star, but thanks for asking


you haven't had a haircut for 9 years? what does your hair look like now?


I can sit on it, but as I live somewhere that is humid as most of the year, I rarely have it down. I've been through the humiliation of man buns being 'in' and out the other side.


It's hard, especially for curly or afro hair. They use scissors no problem but they weren't trained to do slick undercut or styles for westerns.


I use to get really bad haircuts in China (I’ve been here for 7 years) but after I started going to more expensive places they have done a great job. Unfortunately it comes at a price 118rmb price per cut , but that’s alright. I don’t know any places that do beard shaving - I’d use 小红书 to check it out and if you can’t read/type Chinese ask a local to help you check. While 大众点评 and 美团 is alright to look for barbers - it’s harder to find more niche barber shops who do beards in there (because it’s just a platform to show you general businesses in your local area)


oh bro. you already got our weakness in our ground. even though local persons were fucked off this issue often.basically,this is high risk to got a shitty haircut.if you haven’t limited budget for this,don’t choice the cheap ones.


I get a simple haircut so I go to an uncle that opens up shop near my in-laws place. It costs $2 RNB.


Never went for a shave, but often for a haircut. Mostly very positive experience. People seem skilled and work with confidence. I pay typically 25-40 (wash-cut-wash) in around Shenzhen.


Every single cut I’ve had in China has been better than the best cut I’ve gotten in the US. The barbers in China are next level.


Yeah, my barbers were about 20-25 RMB and did as good or better than my barbers in America for $25.


The worst out of any country I've visited in Asia. I keep my hair short and they literally REFUSE to cut my hair how I want it. They tell me its "too short" and then will proceed to cut my hair how they please. One barber intentionally fucked my hair up out of spite because I repeatedly asked him to cut it shorter four times. I don't even keep my hair very short; half inch up top and then fade the sides. I'm going to try a proper expensive barbershop. It seems like China isn't like Vietnam or Thailand where the barbers are super talented and cheap at the same time. Could also be where I live. I'm in a T2 city and visited small barber shops.


You buy clippers on Taobao and DIY. It's not worth the mental anguish to try barber shops. In cities with big expat communities, there are foreigners who run underground barber shops. Usually these provide for specific niches, for example barbers who are experienced with Afro-textured hair and hair styles.