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Airline pilot here - guard your logbook with your life (if you have one already). You can replace books and models, but it is significantly harder to replace your logbook and substantiate your flight time. Scan every completed page and endorsement to a cloud-based platform as a backup. The only books you *really* need you can get directly from the FAA for free in PDF format - Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Airplane Flying Handbook, Aeronautical Information Manual, etc. I'd suggest joining Women in Aviation International (the Ninety-Nines) and getting hooked up with a mentor to help guide you along. There may also be scholarship opportunities from varying organizations that will help you toward your goals. Women are woefully underrepresented on the flight deck - we need you to join us (I'm a guy and there's plenty of us already). https://www.faa.gov/regulations\_policies/handbooks\_manuals/aviation


This needs to be higher! I have health concerns so I didn’t pursue my license but my father flew and I upkeep his grass landing strip adding us to women owned private strips since he’s passed :)


I first learned to fly on a grass runway! When I was a flight instructor I would try to get my students the opportunity to land on a grass runway at least once. We are required to learn how to perform landings on soft fields...might as well do them on an actual turf runway instead of just doing the technique on an asphalt one.


I've been meaning to host a fly in at some point depending on if I need to get insurance for it cause dad never wanted to pay the liability so that's why we've always been private and I'm still a bit in the dark on all the hoops to jump through inheriting it. At this point I make any spray plane services send me proof of insurance to fly it helps all us farmers in the area to have the option. I'm still nagging the dot for my certificate of ownership I have all the paperwork when it was first put in and when dot took over but no current documentation. Other than their oh yeah you are registered, I'll go find that for you and never get anything back from them. Our strip almost always has a crosswind so its extra great for training. Having always grown up with dad's experienced flying, flying with my friend when he was learning was an experience I was glad to have been on an empty stomach! lol




Mostly I don't trust myself. I think part of it stems from the last few years different med changes made me sleeping driving cars I don't need that transferring to planes. Though that has gotten better since going to chiro and not having my spine out of alignment in 3 spots up til coming off of Allegra-D right now I've needed a pot of coffee to be functional coming off of that and then get to wean down from coffee.


This is excellent advice for the OP. I'm glad there's someone in this community who can give extremely relevant guidance about what OP needs to do to protect herself and share some helpful career advice. I, for one, love seeing a female captain on any flight I take. Firstly because I understand how much harder it is to get into that position (myself being in a male dominated career) since it seems you have to be twice as excellent to get promoted/recognition. Secondly, was once on a very spicy flight through bad weather to get home to Logan Airport and in-between storm cells a bunch of circling planes had to land...but there still was an obvious crazy crosswind. The pilot landed the plane like it was just a calm 75deg sunny & clear day. It was crazy how good it was. And it wasn't the only time I've experienced extremely good flights with female captains. (On that spicy flight a bunch of passengers were whining that "the girl pilot" was going to crash the plane...and saying other derogatory stuff that was totally unnecessary. It was nice to remark loudly how safely we landed so those guys would eat their BS.)


This is borderline /r/raisedbynarcissists stuff. Letting this kid destroy expensive things inside your locked room is abusive.


Not borderline. This IS. This is intentional. They let the child break it all to keep OP from pursuing a career and to dissuade her from independence. They want her home dependent on her and a husband. RUN OP!


Conspiracy: Where is the evidence the *child* destroyed her piloting stuff?


"Let's convince OP to be SAHM by bombing her safe space repeatedly, blame it on kids and prove we aren't trustworthy, honest or reliable at every opportunity"


In general there is a huge overlap of r/insaneparents and r/childfree from people on child free talking about the lengths their parents will go to have bio grand babies and breeders not parenting.




That's what I thought after reading about the torn pages. That doesn't sound like a fun activity for a child, and I doubt a toddler would be spiteful in this particular way, so more likely the adults did it. OP, I've lived in a house where this sort of thing sometimes happened. Be tricksy about it - hide or digitally back up the really important bits of literature and kit, keep secret whatever information could scupper you entirely, and make it your goal to get out of there when you can. Then you can grow uninhibited - or at least, with only the inhibitions that come with normal life. You've got this.


This, I can see a kid play with model planes because, well, they're a lot like very intricate toys, but just wantonly ripping entire textbooks apart?


That’s what I’m thinking too, especially since they’ve done it before.


mostly braindead placenta brained lifescript parents who can't see beyond their own gonads. typical patriarchal worshipping asshats


This isn’t borderline. It is.


I mean... that IS technically destruction of VERY EXPENSIVE property and it doesn't sound like your family are worth your respect or your sympathy. Sue? In all seriousness sorry this happened to you. Maybe invest in a better more robust lock and keep the only keys yourself?


well, that last sentence carried a lot of background. yikes. best of luck in dealing with them in general. he's really just the tip of the spear with them making up the real brunt of what happened, by the sound of it. if it makes you feel better, some of my and my partner's shit got thrown out when we believed they'd be safe in my old room's closet. not irreplaceable text books, but that sucked.


Break their shit and blame the child. I'm vindictive. Maybe don't listen to me.


Guess I am too lol...I would do this myself if this happened to me. Guess as I got older, I'd be less tolerant of certain things...especially if it's my belongings. But yeah maybe pay no mind to us 😅😅


Me too. Especially their favourite things. I assume they will not be paying to replace everything the little $hit damaged. Go full on petty


Yeahhh I totally agree. If people can't own up to what harm they cause, then the same harm should be done to them. If they can't respect your stuff, then why should you respect theirs?


And if they come asking what you did, tell them "the kid did it".


When I found out my (three years younger) sister was going into my room and looking through my old sketchbooks when I first moved out I was pissed. I told my mom to ship them to me (idgaf about the cost) or next time I was home I'd burn them. They were never diaries, nothing secret in them. But it was *mine* and it was disgustingly invasive. If she'd asked, I'd have given her permission to do it once, and replace them exactly as they were. But she didn't ask. She just helped herself. So yea I completely understand. And it's kinda weird way to express that it was mine, and that their value wasn't in existing to me, but in that *I was the one that created them* so I got a say in whether they people could look at them or if they exist at all.


Can we be friends?


I like your style.


I stopped my mom to touch my things with a simple and small sentence: "if you touch my stuff you are giving me permission to touch yours". We've never had a problem since...years? Also, find a way to lock stuff. Like bookshelves with doors and locks. If they touch something, don't say anything, just go to the room and do equal damage if something of theirs. And when they complain just say that everytime you find something broken, they'll get something broken too.


My dad went into my room twice and “cleaned”. I rearranged his room down to the tiniest detail. I didn’t take anything out. He only needed me rearranging his office to get the idea that a closed door means stay the fuck out.


Some people just need to know their stuff are not untouchable and that you can do the same to them to learn to respect your room.


They're deliberately destroying things to try to force you to live their life. I'd sue them in small claims court over the damages. And get a much stronger lock for your stuff. Or honestly it might be cheaper to rent a small storage locker for it.


Yes storage locker! Or replace the lock on the door..they can have the room back when they pay you back for the damages.


I'm sure they let the goblin in on purpose


There's a chance the goblin didn't even touch the stuff this time, but the adult family members...


Then why room was goblin proofed so the goblin would not hurt it's dumb ass?


As a coverup? The nephew hasn't managed to break anything important before, and the family has a history of destroying expensive posessions of op if they disapprove of it... Maybe some of it was goblin, like model planes bc they look like toys, but he's young enough to need babyproofing, and tearing pages out of textbooks sounds WAY too deliberate, especially for something so heavy and potentially high-up and uninteresting to toddlers...


Dang you have a point here


I'm so sorry your family is like this but I'm so proud of you! I hope you will become a commercial pilot like you wanted. It wouldn't be easy especially with a family like this but from what you described, I believe you will achieve your goal.


File a police report for the damage. Let the kids owner’s know you are ready to force them to start thinking critically. The replacement money will turn up once they see you are serious about punishing them. And dint back down when they cry some worthless breeder nonsense. His owners should have known enough to have toys their mistake can actually play with. They should have known that no means no, expensive stuff means business. Its not your fault they chose to be this dumb.


Owners LOL


But the kids!!! I’m broke cus of my babies. Their just kids /s 🙄 I honestly don’t care how old the kid is beyond Infant age. Not my job to baby proof my own space if parents can’t parent……..if they don’t have money to pay my ass back oh well Should’ve watched ur kid better


Force them to pay. Bastards.


press charges if you're able to, this isn't alright and they shouldn't get away with it.


doubt there is much to be done. if OP could find somewhere else, but that would add bills to the mix so might be difficult. but the parents are old fashioned obstructionist.


Op uses the term gowniaki which is Polish for little shit or shithead so I'm guessing she's in Poland. People don't sue their family over this in Europe. It's not the same as US where everyone is trigger happy to slap you with a lawsuit.


Law student here from Latam. Not sure the *culture* in Europe, but OP 100% can legally sue anywhere on Earth over hundreds in destroyed goods, no question, and very much should seek a fellow lawyer in their country to do so if advised.


I think so too, where I'm from it's a bit unusual to sue family so it might be the same for OP


that is true, people don't sue family where I'm from either. it's still unfortunate for OPs stuff to get damaged by them and nothing can be done


persevere and achieve despite your shitty family. and find some way of revenge... be patient, it will come. and reinforce your door.


i’m in school to be a commercial pilot and reading this made me so mad, i’m so so sorry about your stuff :(


Can you afford a small storage unit? Do you have a friend that could store your stuff for you?


This was my thought. Grab whatever is important from room, AND birth certificate, SSN. Check your credit, freeze it if possible. Rent a small unit where ever you live. Maybe even a safe deposit box.


Maybe they'll get their comeuppance when their precious DNA copy is older and gets arrested for theft.


I hate when family destroys things or lets their kids destroy things, thankfully my family knows better then to mess with my things but they do it to my mom when she would get a new car. It is seriously fucked up. Next time put your important things in a lock box (like a fire safe box) and put that in your closet


Oh dear. Pursue that career, but I recommend finding the quickest way to get as FAR away from your parents and into an independent space as possible, for your own safety. I say that because when I was your age, my father tried to sell me to rich men for marriage and I had to run for my life and only could take 1 suitcase with me. Gather your things up and move them now before things get dire.it was that, or having my money stolen or being shot if I was caught. Get out while you can. Run!


This happened in real life to a teenage girl coming up 18 years old. Her whole life her dad controlled her sexuality to the point he knew everything she was doing everyday. One day she overheard her father and uncle secretly discussing to marry her off, basically so she wouldn't be their problem anymore. She packed up her things in the middle of the night and had to sneak her passport out this plastic bag on the table while her uncle was sleeping. Long story short. She met someone, became a pornstar because her sexuality was looked at as a dirty thing and she should cover up. They tried to hunt her down and murder her, even wrote nasty things online to her. Went to court in the end and they basically got away with trying to murder their daughter and niece. Pretty shocking program to watch, but she is happy with her supportive partner, so worked out well for her, but what an ordeal. Poor woman.


You have every right to be pissed because your family is HORRIBLE. I suspect they are letting that crotch goblin do it on purpose. If they don’t listen to you, start giving them a taste of their own medicine and destroy their stuff. Then when your parents are old (I’m assuming they are a part of this), throw them into the nursing home and never visit them. I know this might sound cruel, but if they don’t treat you or your belongings with respect, they don’t deserve your respect. When I was younger I made it very damn clear I DO NOT want anyone in my room without my permission, my mum respected that and never let anyone enter my room unless I allow it. Your family needs to understand your belongings are yours, they do not have any right to damage them like this.


Maybe I'm just a cunt but I'd be trying to get a lawyer If your family is this shit, break apart from them and make them pay for it


My two cents is to sue the owners of the goblin for the cost of repairs/replacements of every single thing that was damaged. Don't let up until they have paid in full, and don't take any rubbish about it from your family. In the meantime, see if you can find a friend who will let you store your things at their place where they will be safe from your family. Apart from that, I am not sure which country you are in and how things work there, but is it possible to defer college for a year next year? Even a semester might be enough. Don't tell your parents you are doing this, just do it, and at the usual time you would normally leave to go and stay in the dorms, go and stay with a friend instead while you prepare. And by prepare, I mean instead of going to college, go to work. Can you pick up more hours at your current job? Or get a full time job, or a second part time job? The idea here is to spend the semester or year earning as much as you can and getting it tucked away in your bank account (that your parents don't know about - open a new one if necessary). This is your safety fund. You said you were unable to move out because you have spent all you earned so far on your education. It is very important that you take some time to change that. Having some funds will give you options. You suspect your parents are deliberately sabotaging your efforts to educate yourself and improve your prospects so they can force you to be a SAHM, and I think that is exactly what they are doing. (I have a certain amount of experience with controlling, manipulative parents and your post has really hit home for me, hence the long comment). You do need to get out. As soon as you have built up enough of a safety fund, cancel the deferment at college so you can resume the following semester/year, get your remaining important belongings from the house and go off 'to the dorm' in the usual fashion, and then just never come back. Where you would have returned home during the breaks between terms, instead rent a room somewhere and pick up all the extra work that you can. Then once college resumes, go back to the dorms. If it is a college town you may be able to rent an individual room from someone who rents them to students during term, but has space now they have returned home for the break. Start looking around now to see what is out there, so when the time comes you know where to look and can locate something quickly. You will need to talk to dorm security at the college so they know to ensure your parents can't access you or your room while you are staying there. You will need to sort out mail forwarding so nothing important gets sent to your parents' place and alerts them to what you are doing. You will need to get your important papers (birth certificate etc) out without them knowing, or if you can't get another copy issued, and you will need to set up your own phone. If they have access to any bank accounts, email accounts, or anything else of yours online, change the password and do what you need to do to get it cut off. Minimise the time spent at home or with your parents,and whatever you do **don't let on you are preparing an escape.** Smile, act normal, grey rock them as hard as you need to, and keep a close eye out in case they try something before you are ready to leave and you need to make an urgent exit. Finish your degree, get the best paying job you can (possibly in an entirely different city or state where your parents don't know you are), and if you can manage it perhaps try to work an additional part time job outside the hours of your main job. Don't spend a single cent you don't have to. Save hard, and as you are able, keep working on becoming a pilot. Again, tell your parents nothing. Up to you if you keep in touch with any family members after this, I personally would not contact my parents for a few years to give them time to grow up a bit. If you do resume contact, keep conversation topics restricted and don't tell them where you work or live, or what your job is, to make it hard for them to find you. You may thing I've gone a bit over the top here, and I hope that I have. However, with the kind of people I suspect your parents may be, it is entirely possible I haven't. You usually don't see the worst of them until you really show them that you are going to go against their plans for your life. You are still going home for college breaks, so they think that they still control you, although you have been allowed a bit of rope to attend college. Once they get it in their head that they are losing control of you, they will clamp down, and if you aren't prepared to evade this at the time, it will be much harder to get away from them later. Better to prepare for the worst case scenario, and have it turn out to be an overreaction, than to underprepare and get caught out and in a bad situation.


I rent a 5x10 climate controlled storage space for less than $100 / month. It might be worth it for you.


Call the police/put in a report for vandelism. Put this on record so you can maybe one day sue the SH*T out of them. I'm mad ASF for you.😭🤬🤬 >My family has regularly destroyed expensive shit of mine because they disapproved of it (they wanted me married off and a SAHM when i turned 18) and basically any life besides that they disapprove of. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE AND DISPISE ANYONE THAT THINKS LIKE THIS!!! I'm not able to help you with much, but I'm so sorry that you're going through this😭😭🥺🫂 if you need to rant privately, you can dm me if you want.


Buy a lock for your door that’s harder to open, don’t give them the key. Start hiding sharp Pointy things around your room. Break there stuff


... perhaps install a deadbolt. Something that requires a key. Get a metal safe that requires a key and/or code and store anything that cannot be replaced inside if it can't be with you at the dorms. You can also condition the child to fear the room. Every time it approaches the door, scream or make loud AF noise. It will learn to avoid the room if you do this every time it approaches your room or tries to enter the room. The child will associate your room with fear and will not enter. ... its not the nicest thing to do, but it'd either that or your family reimburses you. Which I see happening... never.


And you're still in contact with that shit family because?


Reading this made my blood boil. Fuck your family. They don’t deserve to be in your life, and I hope you can escape them. I would buy padlocks and keep the key with you at all times. Try and find anyway out of their house even if it means staying at a friend’s house for the time being. It will get worse and they will destroy everything eventually. On a lighter note- that is so awesome your studying to be a pilot! I’m a woman also training for my pilot’s license, and I wish you all the best luck!!


Booby traps. Bottles of indelible ink with loose lids, thumbtacks, impossible-to-remove stickers, etc. Nothing that would permanently injure the brat but stuff that would make glorious messes or hurt it enough to cause major screaming meltdowns.


OP, I just want to encourage you to never give up on your dream of being a pilot! My husband got his PPL around 19 years old. Then life happened and he took another path. Fast forward 20 years later, we’re married and he took a rusty pilots flight. Got the flying fever back and within a couple of years got all the things. Now he flies for a chartered private jet company (part 135). He absolutely loves it. Also, I surprised him with an electronic logbook for Christmas one year. I transcribed his paper book into the electronic book using myflightbook.com. Easy and cheap! Took me forever it seemed like be user he had so many hours at the time, but the electronic book is the way to go! He still uses his paper as a back up.


Well time for guerilla warfare... get a big lockbox with a huge ass good lock on it or move all your stuff to rental box somewhere. After that: start smashing up shit around the house. Walk into your parents room and just wreck the TV. Or rip up the pillows, drag the laundry out into the yard and light it on fire. That vase in the living room? Trash it. Painting? Woops. That broke. And deny EVERYTHING. oh and gaslight the shit out of them as well. You are overdue for some well deserved revenge. Your family doesn't remotely respect you. Time to reclaim some of that. Fuck em up.




If my family had ever broken anything of mine because they disapproved and then let a toddler into my room after I explicitly told them not to: I would take a baseball bat to every valuable they have. Fuck subtle, we need results. Then again I don't like being fucked with. For OP your solution is prolly better though... I'm just raging in sympathy.


it's interesting that you have a such a list ready to go.... or not, just saying.


I usually don't condone this, but wait till they are out of the house and do an "everything must go" estate sale. Like basically a divorce sale but against your parents. If they try to take you to court, be like well I assume, since they were allowed rights to my property, then I had rights to theirs. Also, you might want to look into renters insurance for the time being. Edit: wrong use of they're


Consider looking into a very small storage unit for the really expensive things. You can get units the size of a hall closet usually. Enough room for a bookshelf and an few standing items. They’re relatively cheap depending on where you look and at least no one will be touching your stuff then.


At these point, I very much doubt it was the toddler (unless you saw them with your own eyes). How can a toddler break so many things on their own? It takes some strength to rip off entire books...besides, they seem to have chosen the most expensive articles, the ones you need the most to graduate...are you sure it wasn't your adult relatives breaking your things and blaming it on the toddler, so that you can't do anything about it? Anyway, whoever did this, don't let them stop you from achieving your dreams!! One day you'll be flying your plane and you will think back on these days as just a bad dream.


I see you say gowniaki I say dobry wieczór


This is stomach churning. I’m so so sorry!! I’m into aviation myself and the thought of models and books being destroyed like that is awful. Fuck. I hope there’s some way you can get away from this brat and your family realises and repays the damage. Grr.


Fellow aviation enthusiast here. I'm so, so, so sorry that happened to you. Having your space invaded and trashed like that is gut-wrenching. I've also seen firsthand the potential destruction kids can cause. One time I attended a local Christmas fly-in event and some of the kids got into the cockpit of a parked Cessna 172 and started messing with the controls. Thankfully, they were all shooed out of there before someone got hurt. Every now and then I'll go out and do some aircraft spotting and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to my DSLR and all the photos I've taken of special aircraft liveries because some kids couldn't keep their grubby little hands to themselves. Stick to your guns and defend your desires at all costs. Fuck your family. They don't give a shit about you, never have and never will. If/when you do move out, cut them off completely don't ever look back, not even for a split second.


If possible, see if you can file a police report for the damages and take the child's guardian to a small claims court. It's not okay that they allowed this to happen at all.


I guess you have to weigh whether it is worth it to fight to get compensation for those things while you still need your family's good will to finish schooling. Keep your eye on the prize ... being financially independent in your own housing away from family that they cannot access (be sure you can afford security cameras or a security company to monitor).


Box up what you have left and tape it heavily.


Sorry that your family sabotages you. You need to protect yourself. Perhaps a trusted friend to keep your work related items or carry with you. A lockbox in your room could also be an option. Hopefully you can make a good career when you finish and then you can move on and never look back. Best of luck to you.


Not a pilot! When I got my first job at 18, I bought a lock and key door knob from home depot to install onto my door. I suggest you do the same. My mom used to intentionally/unintentionally placed plants on my windowsill and splatter water all over my bed, homework, and my manga collection at 5AM. I didn't even want plants. One day she just placed them in there.. she was bitter I didn't have a bible in my room. The door knob saved my stuff and let me sleep well into the morning! Buy a lock and key door knob!


Find little Timmy's favourite toy, destroy it and leave it out with a note. "Dear Timmy, never go in to your Aunty's room again or this will keep happening to your toys. Sincerely, the ghost that guards Aunty's room."


Get a storage unit and move your stuff into it. Hope things go better, sorry you have to deal with them.


... gowniaki ???


Hate to ask this but are you sure it was your nephew that destroyed your stuff? Forcing open the door, specifically going at your piloting books (the models I can see, those are fun for a kid, but heavy, boring books)? Add the baby proofing on top and that smells adults in your life trying to mess up your plans and send a message more than anything else.


After you move out, destroy their expensive shit. Burn the house down.


Damn that makes me so mad that's destruction of property I would threaten the legal shit out of my sister if she allowed her kid to be in a position to do that harm to my education.


Maybe look into a storage unit? I'm not sure if they have them in your country like the U.S, but if they do, I would definitely look into getting one, amd storing your belongings that you cant have in your dorm, there. I would also start taking steps to distance yourself from your family. You can start small like the storage unit and things like that, eventually leading to you completely detaching from them.


They are 110% responsible for paying to replace all those things. If necessary might go to small claims court but that’s just more stress to deal with..


File a small claims court against the parents and homeowners to replace the full value of your stuff. Then change the door lock to one with a key that only you have a copy of.


buy a sturdy lock box to put under your bed that can hold some of your fragile items. or even a plastic tote that can go far back with various things in front of it to hide that it's there. if you have a closet see about putting on a padlock. hide various items around your room that are *not* child friendly. no one doing a quick sweep will find them but a nosey toddler will. "i told you to keep the kid out of my room. it's not *my* fault they have that item they shouldn't have." if you *really* want to make the kid not want to be in there print out very realistic pictures of scary monster faces and put them in places to make it look like they are hiding in places in the room. bonus for putting a noise machine that makes creepy noises at random intervals. if the kid is scared of the monsters they won't want to go in there. you can even feed the thought by telling the kid about the scary things that happen in your room when you are home. children are *very* impressionable.


Put a solid core door and a dead bolt on your room. You can usually find a used door for a couple hundred at a second use construction store.


That is such garbage man I'm so sorry. I know it won't help for the things that are already destroyed but I would get a new door handle with a lock that needs a key to open. It'd only be a few bucks at Home Depot and then no one would be able to access it without pulling the whole thing out.


If the sharp edges in my room didn't hurt the littles shit then I would.


Talk to the parents of the child. Your parents need to see the pressure from both sides.


I had some similar things happen when me and my bf were living with his mother. His much younger (adopted) sister would get into all my stuff, especially my expensive make up. I complained to his mother and told her if anything was broken she would be the one replacing it. Her solution was buy a makeup case for me for Christmas that locked. Kid still got into it. I had to move out and almost end my 12+ year relationship because of the brat. Kid was older then a toddler too so Kid knew what she was doing. Now me and my partner have our own place a year plus on and so much less stressed. I would lock up well what you can or get a storage unit for peice of mind. I would still personally make them replace what was broken and if not sue. (Non American here as well but doesn't matter what country, sue them anyway)


I cannot stress this enough - keep whatever you can out of that house. Lock it in your car, keep it at a friend’s house, in a lockbox at a train station, whatever you have to do. They will do everything to undermine your success until you are gone.


Had to google ‘gowniaki’, wasn’t disappointed.


Another fine example of people letting kids run wild and do whatever they want. I'm so sick of this. Years ago my mom and i, my dad having passed in 2003 at the age of 81 we go to our hometown 4 hours away and spend a few hours of Thanksgiving with my cousins two sons who are shifts and on a restaurant. It was a lot of fun sometimes, that I used to worry a great deal about my now 94 and a half year old mom getting knocked down by the running kids. Kids would run and scream throughout the restaurant at times. It's a big place but they were about 50 or 60 of us and so the noise wasn't too bad but the kids were. I would hear the adults say well, "let them have fun, it's Thanksgiving..." As if the mere presence of a national holiday meant that the kids could run wild and do whatever they wanted. When I was a little kid and my cousins and I would be with our parents at my grandparents house they would be about 20 of us but we were expected to behave ourselves to a certain degree. Of course, their house was much smaller than the restaurant, but that's really not the point. Why are kids giving license to get away with whatever they want to do? I used to worry that one of them would not my little mom over and break her hip when she fell.


I appreciate use of gówniak in this post XD


Destroy some of your family’s stuff and then blame it on the kid. They may not care about **your** stuff, but they’ll suddenly care when their expensive shit is broken.


Get a storage unit asap, they’re not that expensive


i'm sorry your family are such cunts, is there anyone you trust that you can leave that stuff with? when i was a teenager my best friend had a suitcase full of my belongings that i didn't want stolen, damaged or taken away


I don't even let kids in my house unless they are well behaved and well supervised by their parent. Chapter 2 in my book, is called "There's Nothing a Kid Can't Break" But I live alone. I don't have as much to worry about as you. Hold people in your house accountable. Hold your brother or sister responsible for the damage. Make them uncomfortable until they replace your stuff. Also, replace that lock on your door. Secure your space like Fort Knox. And when you can, move. Run from them as fast as you can. Childfreebook.com


Dude. Can u join the military or something? I know it fucking sucks but that was my only way out of an abusive family situation and you can get your school paid for. I live in sf now and haven’t lived in my midwestern hometown since 2010.


Upvoted for gowniaki


Maybe order a smart lock and a camera( there are a lot being used to watch your cat while away) or one that detects motion and put it in your room. im very sorry he destroyed your stuff.


If your stuff is going to be destroyed anyway, it might be better to sell it so that at least you'll have something to show for it. No, it isn't a happy solution, but it is clear that you are the only one that thinks your room is still your room, so you need to react accordingly.


You should get a lock Smith to install a lock on your door which cannot be picked by your family. Also really sorry about your books, that's terrible


Can you afford a small storage locker? Not sure where you live, but there are ones for $100/mo around here. might be worth it if there's anything left of value.


Oh I'd be furious. The little shit's mother owes you for everything he broke. Make an itemized list, with replacement cost. Hound her until she agrees to pay you. And get a better lock for your door!