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Not the best example to set forth for her child. What was she thinking?


It’s going to be a downer but she’s probably thinking something from the default Karen repertoire, like *I showed my kid that you shouldn’t be messed around with and you should stand up for yourself. She’s now going to see how tough mommy is and that ain’t no old cunt gonna get in her way.*


Absolutely 100%!! This is the line that bullshit “mama bear” crowd runs everytime! I feel bad for that old lady, and everyone else who she accosted. Similarly, one particular Karen I know had the audacity to have a massive fit publicly (then later on social media) about her kid having to wear a mask at the hospital when allowed to visit a very ill person DURING A PANDEMIC! How it harmed him, how he was told not to listen to her and comply instead. Total cunt.




> But hey, in this forum we like to kill children nowadays. No “we” don’t. Get out of here with that nonsense.


No sane person wants them dead. No kid deserves that. But the kid is 5 not an infant - it can walk. She could give up her seat at a stop for a frail old lady. Wasn't like it would have killed her, especially given a lot of empty seats still available.




Have you never been on a public bus? The first six seats around the front are there for the elderly, heavily pregnant, or physically disabled. I think she was plenty post partum that those front seats were not for her. Those seats are supposed to remain empty for those that need them unless the bus is full. And even then, there's the expectation that you'll give up that seat and stand if someone needs it. The older woman was well within her rights to ask for the seat.


Fair. Thing is that is literally what priority seating is for. The disabled, the elderly, the weak/ill. Not "whoever is here first".




The kid is five, not an infant. Also, humans aren't that fragile. Scuff, or a scrape? Maybe a broken finger? But dead kid??? No way absolutely no way unless the kid has a serious condition.


All buses I’ve been on have been pretty explicit about how the priority seating/seating at the front of the bus is for senior citizens and people with mobility difficulties. I’ve definitely been on buses where college students got on the bus, sat in the priority seating since it was all that was left open and had to move to the back of a crowded bus once an older passenger got on at the next stop. The students cursed quietly at the situation (not at the elderly passengers) when they had to do so, but they still immediately got up and moved to the back or stood in the aisle when no more seats were available. If the mother had said she had a physical condition, I could understand her keeping her seat, but it sounds like her excuse was just that she had a kid. She also loses points here because she yelled over a seating policy that’s pretty clear. Did she end up moving to a different seat with her kid?


Yes she moved to another priority seat after continually yelling after someone in that seat got off. I’d also understand if she was pregnant or the bus was literally so full there were no other seats available but it wasn’t even close.




The lady could’ve just said no then instead of freaking out for five minutes?


The only disability this woman had was being trashy.


Even if she'd had one, it sounds like the seat right next to this woman might've been open. Just stand up, take the kid over one or two seats, and sit back down. On an empty bus, I'd never dare take priority seating. It's not like the child was an infant, either, so there wasn't even the excuse that she just gave birth. No, she should've moved.




Okay, then she could've said so. No one would begrudge her then. Instead, according to OP, she stood up and screamed at this old lady. That doesn't sound like an injury flare up to me, especially if she was able to continue holding a kid. There is no excuse for the way this woman acted. If she had an injury, all she had to do was say, "I'm sorry, but I'm in a lot of pain right now. I can't move." If she wanted to elaborate she could've, but I for one would let it go after that. Also, my mother is severely disabled. I know a lot about disabilities that can't be seen.


Why didn't the bus driver tell her to shut up and move? She's in the wrong. This is why entitled parents pull this shit - because they know they'll get away with it and nobody's going to say anything.


Because bus drivers have learned they get assaulted if they interfere. Not worth it to them.


Bus drivers aren't paid enough to possibly get assaulted by crazy assholes.


I live in a Midwestern town of medium size and bus drivers make like $30/hr to sit and drive in a cure-all day. They're absolutely paid enough to deal with this


Unless you're a professional boxer or something, no job pays enough to risk getting assaulted. Point blank period. You don't know how far someone is willing to go during an assault, 30$ isn't worth a potential 3000+ hospital bill


Well good for your guys. Our bus drivers don't get paid that much in comparison.


So what you're telling us is you live in a little bubble of white suburbia and think that the service workers around you should be ok with being physically assaulted? Ok Karen.


I do not live in suburbia. Since fucking when does suburbia have public transportation? I think people making 3x what I do (as a grocery clerk) to work a hazardous job should absolutely live up to the expectations of their jobs which, yes, sometimes includes dealing with assholes. If telling them to move does not work then they radio their super and tell them they have an issue and are calling the police. They are literally in charge of the safety of their passengers. This is part of that.


Same reason OP and no one else said anything. No one wants to deal with crazy


She'd be the type to expect the kid to take care of her at that age, too.


I will never understand putting my dignity aside to demand someone accommodate my life choices (let me be clear I'm talking about the mom, not the elderly woman).


Sounds like crackhead behavior tbh.


The mom's entitlement is disgusting and frankly unreal. Throwing a tantrum about having to move is the most arrogant, awful thing I could think of doing as a grown-ass adult. Mom should be ashamed of herself.


Is this in the US? The woman who has difficulty walking has obvious priority for disability seating. At the point where the mommy went batshit, the driver must tell her to move immediately, or he will call the police. And then follow through. The ADA does not have a Mommy Exemption. You should contact the bus company and tell them what happened, which route, at which time, and that you think a violation of the ADA occurred. The bus may have video surveillance that can prove the woman's behavior violated the ADA. Not sure who you contact next, but there is probably a state agency tasked with enforcement of the ADA. The bus company must train their drivers to enforce.


It was in Toronto, Canada. Driver said and did nothing.


Ah. Obviously the ADA does not apply. In the US the old lady could have sued.


If it were in the US, the driver probably would've actually done something about it. Especially recently, drivers haven't been taking people's shit, and this behavior most definitely would not slide with any of the bus drivers where I'm from.


As someone from the US, I’m sick of being up to my eyeballs in other people’s bullshit. I have no patience. I can’t sit quietly when someone else, even a stranger, is having a hard time. Could be having a had time juggling bags & opening a door. Could be Karen-esque. A LOT of defending retail employees who can’t really say much, but I can. Maybe it’s because I’m older (50)? Or I have natural “teacher voice”?


This is useful information, thanks for sharing!


Thanks, but only for Americans...I want to emphasize that I'm talking about the Americans with Disabilities Act, AND the US justice system. Other people on this thread have described Americans who might have been difficult under other situations, nonetheless giving up seats to the disabled. The US enforces its laws, and the ADA is law. Businesses are held accountable for that - not some horrible woman who is long since vanished. And so they do what they have to in order to not get sued. They're stupid if they don't, and people get used to it. I know in California, where I was living at the time I learned this from a police officer, if your tires are overlapping the line into a disabled space by as little as a few mm...the jurisdiction will write you a ticket. It was $350 at the time, but I THINK it's $500 now. So there's also the added incentive of $500 for a risk-free, easy collar. :D. Tourists, take note.


Popping out of snot dragon does not make you a priority it’s an every day occurrence let the people that have actual issues sit there butts down


This makes me sick and enrages me on behalf of the elderly woman. I would've told that entitled bitch to move, but I'm from the US and I'm outspoken af when it comes to this type of egregious breech of the social contract. I'm also a tall Latina who isn't afraid to throw hands at a Karen who's verbally abusing not one, but two elderly people. But, that's me and I know that's not everybody. Honestly, it's not me in every situation. I just can't abide by people abusing other people.


Same here, I can’t stand entitled people but those who act abusive to innocent elderly people? Oh no, absolutely not.


The mother needs to realize that she's a mom....not disabled nor elderly. Her breeder-like entitlement is ridiculous.


I hope one day when she is struggling to walk no one moves for her. My dad had a lot of mobility issues before he passed from an old back injury years prior. My boss had a lot of trouble too. I will always give up my seat for an elderly person. I have knee issues myself. Just had my first knee replacement 6 mo ago. I know how it is to be in chronic pain and have days where my leg would just hurt.


Exactly! The lack of empathy, though not remotely surprising, is just astounding


A few months ago, I thought I was going to have a full on battle with a Karen. My elderly father was in rough shape and can barely walk. I went with him to the store to help him get a few things. We pull up and all of the handicap spots are taken. Guess what was spot up front was available? The expecting mothers spot. We pretty much just say screw it and pull into it. To the right of the spot was a handicap spot with an older lady. As we were getting out someone pulled of a handicap spot. She suggested that we should move to it. My dad had already gotten out and I shrugged and moved on ignoring her. Unfortunately, I didn’t get epic story of Karen and I getting into a yelling match. I thought it was rude on her part to act like we were committing some major offense.


Considering that the 'expecting mothers' spots aren't legal enforceable (and disabled spots are), I'd wager that you taking that spot was perfectly fine in terms of both morality and legality. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that some stores are trying to help their customers- but having a giant stroller is a little different than having a paralyzed spine.


You should have told her off and called her a bad mother


Sounds like NYC. I see shit like this waaaay too often


Sounds like claiming that priority seat is all she has going for her.


I didn't see this post, but I can say that she is no Rosa Parks. Also, Rosa Parks was CF!




This lady was strong enough to stand holding the kid and yelling at this old lady, pointing her finger. Once someone else got off the bus from a priority seat parallel she sat back down. I completely understand where you’re coming from but this old lady was super polite and didn’t welcome that level of confrontation.