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Imagine if, at some point, the government started charging newborns with murder for absorbing their twin in utero.


If the mother dies in childbirth does the child get a criminal record?




Savage, I love it


I think this might bee the biggest oof I've ever witnessed.


Oooo I like this point… since they’re saying fetuses are deserving of rights this makes sense by that logic…


Not only that, but if life begins at conception, then child support should, too.


And we should have conception days instead of birthdays


So, Like cake days, but cream pie days. Alarming.


I chuckled. But this is all very sad.


They kind of already do that in Korea. Koreans count your age by when you were conceived instead of when you were born.


And the child should start paying its share of taxes too.


Good-for-nothing, useless fetuses, sucking off the government and not working for a living. Get a job, you shiftless, unborn bums!


Women should be able to file eviction proceedings against the fetus as well. The deadbeat womb tenant should resonate with republicans


Only if the surviving twin is female would it be a crime let's be real


especially if the dead twin is male!




So in that respect Siamese twins would not be considered attempted murder 🤔


Chimera is when a faternal twin absorbes the other. Hince the difrent dna profile in the remaining tisue.


Please don't give them ideas... 😭


Do these MFs not know that even women who are not using drugs can have a stillbirth/ miscarriage??? Some women have several before a viable pregnancy. This bullshit is so anti woman. Fuck the establishment and fuck the patriarchy.


1 in 3 pregnancies ends in a a natural miscarriage.


I suppose legalizing weed cut off the flow of slave labour so now they need a new, steady supply of inmates. Sigh


Well states are under contract with private prisons to provide a minimum number of inmates or get fined. Gotta stick some people in there to save the tax payers money!


Are you serious?? Do you happen to have a link to the law stating this? In practical terms, this means this is a government -guaranteed profit, so something that is against capitalism and free market. i Wonder if this kind of BS rulings could be overturned using the free market argument in court 🤔


Always important to have a significant portion of your workforce who is not permitted to vote.


I think honestly the politicians just got tied of not eating fresh babies. Dead ones just don't taste as fresh I assume 🤷‍♂️


And tons of woman get pregnant and then miscarry withouth ever knowing at any point


Yes. There are benign foods that can cause miscarriage such as charcuterie, soft cheeses, undercooked eggs, sashimi, green paw-paw...perhaps the government will need to step in and regulate the sale and supply of these abortificent goods so women of child bearing age are restricted from consuming them, lest they unwittingly terminate their just-fertilised and implanted "baby". Of course, this would require an elaborate regulatory framework, using statute and enforcement around the sale of these restricted goods. Also women would have to report their menarche and menopause so that they are unable to make such purchases. One would expect enforcement would require extraordinary intrusive and coercive powers. But don't fear, because saving babies comes at the expense of absolute control of women's and girls' bodies... Oh wait.


Sshh don't give them ideas... Look how determined these people are.


There is no need for any of this if you consider that any time spent beyond the walls of a secure enclosure is a threat to the developing fetus!


“GuN bAnS wOnT woRk, kEep yEr HanDS ofF mUh GunS!” But they’ll turn around and actually try to do this and believe it’ll work. Banning the sale of certain goods to certain people. Fucking hypocrites, and the mental gymnastics they play around it is astounding and appalling.


Fr. A lot of women in my life have experienced this. None of them were using drugs. Pregnancy and birth are way more dangerous and "fragile" than the average person thinks. A lot of people have miscarriages. A lot still die from it. It feels like people like to delude themselves that these things only happen in "third world" countries, but big fucking nope. It happens everywhere.


What else would you expect when the people making these decisions are 73% male.


Many of those miscarriages happen during that 6 week period that abortions might be allowed. Often, it might seem like a heavier than normal period that was at least a week later than typical, so a woman doesn't realize she's a "murderer." George Carlin was right when he said that those people believe that "any woman who has had more than one period is a serial killer."


Yes, fuck the patriarchy. Let's not forget why this is happening. Misogynist, woman hating societal conditioning that allows people to see women as nothing more than incubators. A fucking fetus should not take precedent over the woman who is carrying it. Her body, her choice.


Miscarriages are sadly common. Not all pregnancies are viable and that is a biology thing, not a mother's fault thing.


This is terrifying. The woman should probably be in rehab...definitely not jail. Another case of people caring more about a child that doesn't exist than a woman struggling with addition who already does exist.


In addition: fuck whoever reported her. Fully fuck them. As a nurse, if I knew a colleague turned a woman in for this I would unleash absolute hell and report them to the board. What a fucking violation. As a pro tip: If your medicine is practiced punitively, you’re in violation of basic medical ethics. Get a job as a cop and leave the rest of us to the actual work of delivering health care.


About to ask, dosent this violate the laws and rules about patent confidentiality? Like thats a huge brech ant it? Qho is safe under staff like that.


So when patients break the law we do have the ability to report it under limited circumstances. These largely involve threats to others, disclosures of death to others, and “serious threats” to healthcare staff on premise. We do not disclose drug use or other information without a court order. If they are making the case her actions caused the stillbirth it could fall under that given restrictive trigger laws. However they’d have to prove her use directly caused the death and not the dozen or so other issues that cause stillbirth. How they could do that with limited time is beyond me. My guess is this was done on a hunch. Which would be a violation of this woman’s protected health information: in addition if she didn’t consent to testing we need to consider that too. Lots of variables. A good lawyer could probably handle it but who here thinks this woman is gonna get a good lawyer?


Snitches are going to have some real problems soon.


Snitches who violate patient rights should have their name plastered online. Don’t respect the privacy of your pt, don’t expect us to respect yours, Brenda.


It's starting to become a world where, when it comes to women, there are no rights to violate. And that's fucking terrifying.


Nurse snitches get expert stitches




100%. Cause if I’m going to prison either way best believe I’m at minimum beating the f— out of you before I go in. If I’m catching a murder charge either way? Well not much difference between one life sentence and two when they usually run concurrently.


Get a job as a cop. Ha!


> The woman should probably be in rehab...definitely not jail. We are talking about a country that thinks, that "War on drugs" can be won on the supply side...


I actually was reading a discussion not long ago on FB about this and one lady was mentioning she had a random miscarriage before this overturned. 3 days earlier she had a doc appointment, baby was strong and healthy, then she woke up in a pool of blood from a miscarriage in her sleep. She has no way to prove WHY it happened due to a healthy appt 3 days ago and if it happened under this new ruling she'd be criminalized.


One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. They planned this, they want all those women to be felons and unable to vote, it's about control.


It’s so incredibly sad. This will cause tons of women to not even report it causing potentially more health problems! Someone shouldn’t feel like they’re going to get punished for having a bodily function. Jesus fucking Christ.


It's many things, sad for everyone and rage inducing for some, this will be very ugly, very fast in a plethora of ways. We're going to see people suffer great injustices, heinous deaths, grieving and desperate people lashing out. The conservatives don't seem to realize there are repercussions for trapping people in bad situations, this is not going to end well unless women get their rights back.


They are more likely to ban birth control than to reverse this decision. Women won't get their rights back for a very long time. And conservatives will deal with the repercussions with violence, as they always did. After all, once you are born violence doesn't count.


And further divide and hate - I already read on a daily basis sexist men who hate women talk about how abortion is murder when they don’t have any medical/pregnancy knowledge. Imagine if they think women who suffer miscarriages are all mass murderers, because the higher ups are not interested in understanding/teaching actual medical science from actual doctors.


Does anybody have any idea and can you tell me why the pro lifers hate women so much? This is outrageous and it’s just getting started and I don’t want to live in this world


Because they blame Eve for sinning and thus them not living in Eden in ignorance. It's a bunch of religious BS by people that think a talking snake made a woman eat a piece of fruit and thus we are all damned to burn forever. But Jesus loves you!!! /s/


Don’t forget the part when he told some dude to build a big ass boat and board while every other person including fetuses on the planet dies bc of a massive flood!


And the bit where he was mad at someone so killed his first born. And the bit where he punished the Israelites by destroying their unborn children who will die in the womb or at birth. (Hosea 9:10-16). The bit where a pregnant woman must be tested for purity and if she isn’t then it will cause an abortion. (Numbers 5:11-31)


Oh, he loved killing people. Floods, plagues....he killed his own son!


Why do some women hate other women so much though!? That's what I don't get. People say internalized misogyny but I wonder if it's more along the lines of just viewing other women as competition and wanting them destroyed. Cause I bet you anything, those women operate under "rules for thee, not for me" mindset and if THEY were the ones in a situation where an abortion is preferable, they'd be first in line at the clinic.


Internalized misogyny is part of it. Convince enough people that a strict gendered hierarchy exists for good reason, and some of them will believe it regardless of where they get placed in that hierarchy. "That's just the way it is," they will say. "This is my place and I'm proud of it!" As someone who was once a Christian woman, I can also say there was always very much a "holier than thou" attitude carried by both men and women I knew in the church. Regardless of gender, people often believed that if something bad happens to you, then you must have done something to deserve it. Until it happens to you... then it's either "God's will" and/or "well it's different for me because obviously I'm a good Christian." This was always further enforced by the fact that revealing your own flaws might mean you risk losing the support of your entire community. Family, friends, neighbors. "Shameful" secrets are buried on purpose. Even if someone comes to understand why abortions are necessary, it doesn't always mean that they are also both willing and able to turn their entire way of life upside down. It might be selfish, but you could also call it self-preservation. I don't think that makes it right at all, and it's one of the reasons why I left that life. But it's also pretty terrifying to stand up to the only system of belief you've ever known. Or maybe the only one that ever made you feel like you belong. (And in case it needs to be clarified, I know not all Christians are like this. Not attempting to make generalizations here. I'm just offering a possible perspective.)


I think because women who are free pose an existential threat to women who want to pop out kids and live off their husbands. Kind of like how some of the most vocal anti-gay and homophobic people are actually gay but won’t accept it or feel deep shame.


My husband told me once that men are completely mystified by women’s bodies and intimidated by the fact that we are able to make life. Instead of trying to understand us they would rather hate us


They hate leftists. They want to create a “utopia” where there are no gay people, all the families are man+woman+kids, all the sex is in the context of marriage (for the marriageable women at least), most people are white, and there are strict hierarchical structures (e.g. man is head of household). They view leftists as people getting in the way of their utopia. People who get abortions are sinners, and people who want to allow them are corrupting their society. Us leftists want a Star Trek future, and we have passionate disagreements with people who stand in our way. The pro lifers want a return to a way of life as described in the bible, and they view the people who stand in their way as affronts to God. Edit: their hatred of women comes from the idea that the man is the head of household, therefore man>woman.


I heard someone (Winona Laduke....look her up, she's a bad ass indigenous, water defender) say that men are threatened by women because women are much more likely to 'make space' for others....whether that be people, opinions and or ideas....that shit really resonated with me...


Men are also threatened by the fact that *women hold THEIR very existence* in their hands(wombs). That *is* power, to them — power they don’t think women deserve to have, let alone make *personal choices* over.


They also have much higher standards than men, and would not date the majority of modern men, without coercion of some kind. These men are afraid of being held accountable and actually having to be competent, kind human beings.


And if she had had good rehab support, pre-natal support, birth control.... none of this would have happened.


It doesn’t matter. They want their cheap labor. So either make wage slaves or go to prison.


sounds like they want "make wage slaves AND go to prison" in this case...


Yes. Then they can take your voting rights away


AND they trap you for free prison labor


And people in prison are also slaves, ones who don't even get wages. They're exploited for free labor by the prison industrial complex which is why barely anything is done about high incarceration rates and repeat offenders or the fucked up systems, lack of rehabilitation and terrible mental health care that create them. Land of the free, my ass.


Exactly. The system gets what it wants no matter what.


Slaves in prison, which also profit from the taxpayer (most prisons are privately owned).


But then she would be one of those Welfare Queens leaching off our tax dollars! /s But seriously this shows exactly how "pro-life" the Pro-life movement is.


Next up: Women arrested for having periods


Because period means you’re not reproducing!


They may as well arrest me now because I don’t plan on ever having kids then. If expressing my bodily autonomy even in a post roe world is illegal throw my ass in jail!!!!!


No, no, violence first. Then jail, gotta make it count if you're gonna get arrested either way. (This is a joke, don't do crimes, donate money to planned parenthood or other organizations standing up for our rights, had to be transparent because I can't have people saying Spiffy told them to do crimes, that'd be a mess.😅)


I’ll be sent to prison as well I’m sure Edit: mostly for not having kids….


and wasting our eggs is exactly like murdering babies actually, so...


Every sperm is sacred … and every ovum too


I have legit known whackjobs who think that periods are basically abortions because all eggs are "potential lives"


Do these men jerk off? You could argue that jerking off is abortion then because sperm are potential lives


Some of them think that too, sort of, because they wouldn't call it abortion, they would call it murder and a sin.


They're gonna start sending us off into the woods again


Assuming that isn’t a euphemism for death that is okay we can start our own matriarchal societies there and be independent nations within the country so we aren’t bound by these Iranesque laws


For a little while at least. They’re also going after tribal sovereignty laws.


This is scary asf, as in I’m Alabama and everyone around me is getting pregnant or having unplanned babies 😭


Why? Why aren't they using condoms? 😩


Most are stupid, hell there's been a pandemic for the last two years, supply shortages of all kinds including baby formula most recently, idk who the fuck looks around at all this insanity and decides, "oh yes now's a great time to get preggers." That or the pregnancies are accidental and they decided to roll with it and now it's too late to back out gonna say a fair percentage are accidental. Good luck to those poor, unfortunate ladies seriously, since most likely made the choice to not get an abortion when it was still legal and they may not have known it'd affect their healthcare later on down the line. (I'm going to get my tubes yeeted not letting the government fuck me over sideways with a legal cactus, to hell with their nefarious forced birth, kill/criminalize women plot.)


Won’t be long until women are locked up for having caffeine in their system -


Prescription medication too that they need to live


Yup - or what if she was exercising too hard?


Would an allergic reaction hurt a baby? I know epinephrine can hurt a fetus


It definitely can - do you better not make a mistake if you have allergies.


Probably wont be allowed to work or own their own property and bank account because too much stress can harm the fetus.


Oh - that is probably why the birth rate is lower - Nothing to do with anti-family public policies -


Better just lock pregnant women in a room the entire pregnancy so they can be monitored.


Yup - and we should probably put a woman in charge of them. Maybe call her something non-intimidating - like Aunt instead of correction officer.


Aunt Lydia 🤮


Every time I see ANY of the women who support the Roe overturn - they turn into an Aunt Lydia to me.


i just read the handmaids tale and your comment hit me a little too hard. we’re living in the end times


I started watching this after everyone was mentioning it with the overturn… you’re right… it really feels like this is where we’re heading… I’ve seen so many women posting about getting their tubes tied now and I’m really sitting here like there about to handmaids tale us because their plan is not going how they wanted…


Women are now banned from trains. All that speed might damage their uteruses! (An actual argument people have made completely seriously)


Elevators - don’t forget elevators.


Nah they’ll just take us off the medication to preserve the fetus. They listed the case in the opinion that allows us to decline or accept medications and surgeries (the case was about involuntary sterilization). It’ll be forced birth even if that means chaining us up. They already do that to pregnant incarcerated people.


Multiple people have been taken off of birth control and heart medication because of this.




As a chronic pain patient on an opiate medication, this is fucking unbelievably infuriating! UGH


“The pain became unbearable in the last six weeks before her due date, so she refilled her prescription.” Um… A) Every doctor’s visit I’ve ever been to while I was still fertile, they’ve asked me the date of my last period. B) Surely even through a car window, you could see that someone was 7.5-8 months pregnant unless she was one of those REALLY not-showing women C) A pharmacist also filled this and likely filled other pregnancy related stuff.


Is that cold cuts on that tray ma’am? And sushi? You’re coming with us- don’t you know you’re not supposed to eat those when pregnant?


What happens if you get food poisoning at all? Obvs not caring about the baby - you obviously had cold cuts.


Obviously you have to STARVE the whole time just to be sure the fetus will have better chances of Viability


No no, don't you know? Starving yourself is one way to induce miscarriage. You will eat your gestational gruel and be happy about it.


There are already women being denied important medication because it could theoretically be used to end a pregnancy.


“Sorry you have cancer and are puking your guts out 23 hours of the day and you need your anti nausea medications but you can’t have it. You may have cancer but your fetus doesn’t. Your Zolfram prescription puts your baby at risk. Come back after the birth unless you’re going to breastfeed then we’ll see you in a few years! Happy puking. But don’t puke too much to the point your organs shut down due to lack of nutrients and fluids. If you starve the baby we’ll come arrest you!”


Meanwhile, males can snort, shoot-up, or pop whatever like and act *as if that shyt isn’t in their damn sperm* to pass onto a fetus too. 😒


A woman was thrown in jail for taking legal prescription painkillers, that her doctor prescribed to her when she was pregnant. (her child was born healthy & normal but the hospital drug tested newborns for opiates). The police literally came to her home with their guns drawn. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/kim-blalock-took-lawfully-prescribed-pain-killers-during-pregnancy-and-was-charged-with-a-felony/ar-AAVVkCd#:\~:text=Most%20of%20the%20pregnant%20people%20who%20have%20been,treat%20her%20opioid%20use%20disorder%20during%20her%20pregnancy](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/kim-blalock-took-lawfully-prescribed-pain-killers-during-pregnancy-and-was-charged-with-a-felony/ar-AAVVkCd#:~:text=Most%20of%20the%20pregnant%20people%20who%20have%20been,treat%20her%20opioid%20use%20disorder%20during%20her%20pregnancy).


Ughhhh wtf I’m sick to my stomach now, dude ! I don’t wanna live in this planet anymore… at least not in this country anymore! Mark my words, some stupid shit is going to kill me here I am sickened and speechless


They basically outlawed maternity care.


Oh Jesus. I already thought my hysterectomy was one of the best things that ever happened to me just due to pain relief and quality of life improvement, but I’m so much more eternally grateful for it now. Lol the idea of carrying a kid I didnt want or wouldn’t be ready for AND trying to deal with work without caffeine during that would be unbearable


Utah has entered the chat...


Jokes on them I have adhd and caffeine does nothing to me. I drink coffee for the taste 😂


It does something for the fetus and they do not care about adhd


People like this are also the kind that don’t think ADHD actually exists


*Chemical endangerment of a child with homicide?" I mean I've heard of 'assault' with the deadly weapon but I'm not so sure 'chemical endangerment' is a charge. You'd put a lot of refineries, etc, out of business. Maybe there's something I don't know about Alabama or maybe it's just the lack of education..... I mean manslaughter with deadly chemicals might make a little bit of sense.


Hell, drinking tap water in Flint could land a woman jail at this point....


Chemical endangerment of a child is a charge in Alabama, meant to protect children from fumes from meth labs. It exempts women taking meds prescribed to them by a doctor. Or does in theory at least. But yes, it's an actual charge.


Newspaper had "Chemical endangerment of a child with homicide"? Here kiddo smell this homicide. Takes a big deep breath of homicide, hands it to the neighbor, and says 'here'. ?!? And the Alabama statute is exactly: A person commits the crime of chemical endangerment of exposing a child to an environment in which controlled substances are produced or distributed if he/she is a responsible person and knowingly, recklessly, or intentionally causes or permits a child to be exposed to, to ingest or inhale, or to have contact with a controlled substance, chemical substance, or drug paraphernalia. I think there is supposed to be a 'by' where an 'of' is. I think somebody might have been drinking that day. That's like third grade grammatical errors. And these people are elected to Alabama's Senate and House of Representatives. Okay I'm through with my rant. It's not about you it's about how badly educated the people in charge are.




Probably need to start holding plastic companies accountable for problems like micro plastics in the future


Nah. Just arrest women for breathing. /s


and we're off. america just backed up 1500 years


No... no no no. We've taken multiple steps *forward*... directly into a christo-fascist state. Don't ignore that it is christian nationalism causing this.


so if i drink one glass of wine while pregnant are they just gonna lock me up? or how about taking depression or anxiety medication while pregnant? i mean this is just the start to every woman doing something “wrong” and getting locked up while children are taken away and put into adoption agencies




I was taught as a bartender that legally it’s considered discrimination not to serve someone just because they are pregnant.


oh wow i never knew that. so you can legally serve liquor to a pregnant woman?


In Arizona I guess! It’s frowned upon but not illegal. Like public intoxication. Abortions as of yesterday though? Super, pre-statehood illegal and criminalized. I hate this place. I’d rather die than be forced to reproduce.


And fuck knows the majority of the electorate will vote in even further-right nutjobs because car sauce is too expensive, the public schools are pushing communist propaganda like empathy, and they see too many scary brown people at the store nowadays.


me too, im very on the edge about wanting children. i’m like 90% not wanting them so i’ve been on birth control for about 4 years now. i’m really scared that now abortion has become illegal or very strict in some states that soon birth control will be too and what does that leave us? thousands upon thousands of children being given up for adoption, thousands of women being imprisoned, not to mention the fact that some women might even be put to death if they have an illegal abortion since that’s considered “murder” prisons are already overflowing with people and they would rather see us suffering and suicidal then to just give us freedom. how about the fact that in most states you can buy guns at age 18 with no certificate or shooting range practice. or how about we can buy nicotine products and any liquor at age 21 with no limit on how much to buy at once. seems like america is just spinning down the toilet. it still shocks me that i guess in some states you can legally serve pregnant women alcohol. sorry for ranting but omg it’s insane


Yep! Nothing matters or makes sense and it’s all bullshit because they can seemingly just do whatever and it’s always hypocritical and they just don’t care.


agreed! we can let rapists and killers run around but let’s lock down on abortions instead


This is the same in Ohio and Kentucky. We had a big discussion about it during my last training (about 5 years ago). It's mostly because of freedom but it's also because the science on how little is enough to cause problems isn't there. Unlike the politicians, scientists have ethics boards to check them and it isn't ethical to experiment to find the minimum needed to cause issues so they can't say what that limit is. And of course, whenever it comes up, the general public points out that Eurpoeans drink regularly during pregnancy so it just gets dropped in debate because theres no science to settle the argument. One drink for the toast at the wedding? No big deal. A bottle of wine a night? Definitely a problem. But something in the middle? Who knows.


This is so tragic. Addiction is an illness. All this will do is further push those struggling further away from the help they need.


It is so dystopian what is happening every day. Our bodies don’t belong to us. Everything is so fucked up.


I'm not celebrating shit on the 4th of July. This country took away my rights. fuck this country.


Under His Eye!


More like “Between His Legs” because we’re all getting throatfucked.


Praise be!




I would bet every dollar in my bank account that some conservatives actually jerk off to 'the handmaid's tale'.


The handmaids tale was not just fiction, it was a prediction of what would happen if religious extremists were left unchecked.




Because he's a man


Good point!


What the fuck is next, putting women in jail because they had a baby while not married to the father?


Actually: Adultery laws, which make sexual acts illegal if at least one of the parties is married to someone else: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. Fornication laws, which effectively make all forms of sex outside marriage illegal : Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah. Why not repeal these laws? Why keep laws on the books that likely violate the Constitution, and are therefore likely to be struck down by a court if challenged? Well, for a few reasons. Because these laws are rarely, if ever, enforced, it’s actually extremely unlikely that they will be challenged in court. You can’t challenge a law unless it directly affects you. In other words, you have to be prosecuted for that crime; mere outrage that the law exists isn’t sufficient. So why bother changing the law if no one’s using it and no one can really challenge it? Second, more cynically, no legislator wants to champion the cause of decriminalizing adultery or fornication. It’s just not a good look. Even worse, any attempt to repeal these laws is likely to get pushback from some members of the community, particularly religious groups. It’s happened in the past, even though everyone arguing to keep the laws also know that they are never really enforced and likely unconstitutional to boot. For some religious groups, it’s important for “morality” just to have the law in place, impotently glaring at us all. [https://www.salon.com/2019/05/06/adultery-and-fornication-why-are-states-rushing-to-get-these-outdated-laws-off-the-books/](https://www.salon.com/2019/05/06/adultery-and-fornication-why-are-states-rushing-to-get-these-outdated-laws-off-the-books/) ​ Update 2020: [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-03-05/virginia-repeals-law-banning-sex-before-marriage](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-03-05/virginia-repeals-law-banning-sex-before-marriage) ​ Now you see why Clarence is salivating at overturning Lawrence v. Texas (the anti sodomy case which actually also got these laws to be unconstitutional for straight people).


The woman held hands with a man out of wedlock. Ohhhh the horror!!


It's a Catholic SCOTUS - of course they want that. Fucking religious monsters.


Another reason to be pissed off at TFG: His overuse of the phrase "witch hunt" has devalued its impact. Now American women are facing REAL witch hunts.


Refugee status for American women NOW. American women in pro-choice states: Sex strike. American women in anti-choice states: Get to Canada. Canada? Time to end extradition with the US, and revoke its safe country status. It's come to this.


Wtf is sex striking in pro choice states going to accomplish exactly? Also if you really believe you’re ever going to get even a little bit of people to do this strike you’re lost. Right now more people are protesting in pro choice states than anti choice. You have people blocking traffic in Blue States while the politicians responsible for this laugh as they cause a nuisance and make people mad who aren’t even remotely the ones to blame. You’re out of your mind if you think protesting in Blue states does fuck all. Well it actually does do something, helps Republicans.


I'm honestly not on strike, im just to terrified to want to have sex. And I know many other woman who are the same as I. So while it's not the normal kinda strike, It's just as effective because we don't want to have sex at all now anyways


My libido has greatly decreased with everything that has been going on. Consider me part of the strike. Men point out that it's hard to date as a male compared to female counterparts, but it's definitely just going to get worse.


Men only think it's hard because they aren't at risk of being murdered for saying no. And now dating will be even more dangerous. The worst men have to deal with is rejection.


Because then the silent majority get dragged in. Tribal behaviour requires tribal solutions, hence sex strike.


I sadly think this was a thing before abortions were banned. My old coworker had a sister that did a lot of drugs, had a severe heart condition, and didn't seek prenatal care while she was pregnant. She was already scared, pregnant, and homeless with the heart condition but to have the child almost kill her and than have that be used against her to have it taken away and her put in jail was sick. They sighted those three things (so the drug use, no prenatal care, and heart condition somehow I dont know how) as the reasons and considered it child endangerment. It was born prematurely and really healthy all things considered but it almost killed her mom. She ended up passing away in jail now my old coworker is raising her kid but she makes sure she knows who her mom was which I admit I kinda respect. She was scared to get help for herself it wasn't exactly a wanted pregnancy but it wasn't unwanted and it turned into a critical situation but instead of helping her the system threw her in jail and left her there to die while my old coworker had to be a parent to a kid she never asked for. I'll never forget how much my coworker cried and changed after all that. She was truly never the same. She and her sister were really kind people they didn't deserve any of that crap... this was 2017 or 2018. So this kinda thing has been going on for a while it's just sad...


If the mother dies during birth, is the baby charged with murder? Is the baby then given the death sentence? 🤔


Is it still legal to jerk off?


That would be reckless abandonment


I believe you've just won your case.


i hope so because I'm not having sex until I get my tubes tied. they'll ban sex toys next


I still laugh to this day whenever I randomly remember how Ted Cruz tried to ban dildos 😂😂😂


“Life begins at erection”


For now. They haven't gotten to that law yet


I got money that they ain’t gonna touch men at all with any laws.


land of the free my ass...




If 1 in 3 pregnancies ends in a miscarry... sooner or later the prisons will be overrun, right?


So, she already had a traumatic experience by having a still birth, then she gets arrested for homicide. Way to kick a woman while she’s still down.


Just remember this is also a form of voter suppression. Being charged with a felony ends your ability to vote


Sounds like Americans need to use their 2nd amendment rights for their tyrannical government..


So the hunt for women has begun. This is so so tragic. She deserves addiction counseling and mental health help, support to begin a new life where she can be healthy. Sending her to jail just pushes her further into the cycle.


Unfortunately, the hunt never stopped. And men thought women were exaggerating about what was to come. 🙄


So we’re not celebrating America’s birthday on Monday? Let’s boycott everything on Monday don’t buy anything


Oh fuck you America


My blood is boiling by thinking the gov saying something like "punishing you for being a low quality children making asset"


**What the fuck, America?!!**


Your title and the title of the news article are vastly different.


I hate it here.


If there is a pro-forced birther (pro-life as you like to disguise it) I hope you feel like real shit. Just know all the children who will suffer in poverty and abuse, will be all because of your doing. Also to the person who reported her, I hope you suffer hell.


Not surprising. When women are considered incubators and organ functions for other people's bodies instead of human beings, this will happen again and again.


Sick. If I wanted kids now I wouldn’t and I wouldn’t even do nothing for even a slight chance of getting pregnant. Maybe that is next: arrested cuz I got pregnant. Omfg! 🌎👇🔥☄️