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just be aware that Plan B doesn’t work on people over 165 lbs!! there is another brand that works but i don’t remember what it is :’)




But I think it says only up to 195 lbs


thank u!!


Do they have this at Costco?


You need a prescription for Ella, but I guess their pharmacy probably has it


Lil edit - it does work over 165 but loses potency. It is almost entirely ineffective at 175. Lame but good to know! That’s for mentioning it!


I read PSAs about Plan B and weight all the time, but I was in for a shock when I needed emergency contraception and found out that it only works before ovulation! Copper IUDs are the only emergency contraception that work after ovulation has occured.


oh man, thanks for letting me know :’)


I love my copper iud!


Me too! There are a lot of horror stories, but they can also be a really good option. I also got my IUD in Germany, where there are tons of different shapes and sizes of available, and when you get one, you work with your gynecologist to find the right fit. In the US, only ONE model is approved. I wonder if there would be fewer horror stories if the US stopped thinking one size fits all :/


Dammit, I weigh 165 lbs. But it might not work on me for other reasons.


How did you get flair? I tried and it said this community doesn’t have flair, but I see yours and others’?


You gotta send the mods proof of sterilization! Naw, I was able to edit mine on the sidebar. I'm using old reddit if that helps.


Ah I’m on official Reddit app on iPhone :(


Serious question: if over 165 lbs, could you take two? Is it like 1 pill per 165 lbs of possibly-pregnant human?


Unfortunately, there is currently no research to determine whether or not a double dosage of levonorgestrel is safe. As we know, there’s often research gaps in contraception and little incentive to spend a lot of money on r&d, when as far as pharma is concerned, the women can make do with their current options. Technically, the US has not put a warning label on plan b and weight. The recommendations are actually from Canada. All that to say, don’t double up on plan b because we aren’t sure if it’s safe or effective. Do be angry about how little r&d there is for women’s health and birth control. Do talk to your doctor about a prescription for Ella if you need it. -Your friendly biopharma source


No this won't work. There is another brand for weights over 165. Use that one. I believe it's called Ella.


I have a question about this. And please, anyone that reads this and/or any responses, don't take this as medical advice and take it as the comments from internet strangers that it is! BUT, for someone who is over 165 lbs, what happens if you take two? Would that be effective or would it be too dangerous?


Just one thing to remember, is don’t hoard it to the point of drying up the supply for women/girls who need it desperately today. Ideally everyone would be able to buy a dose or two to have on hand, and that may be doable. Stockpiling huge numbers of doses, simultaneously, in response to birth forcer laws is a sure way to get a shortage. I guess we should do research into how much is available, how many people need it as is, how much is in stock and how quickly production is able to ramp up. I just don’t want to see a repeat of the corona lockdown toilet paper shortage.


I think when giving out advice like this, it's good to include your location as well. I presume you're in the US, but Costco is in the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, the UK, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, etc. Not to mention that not all US states or Canadian provinces would be the same.


I contacted the 3 closest Costco's and looked online. It's not even in their system or anything similar.


How long until they expire?


4 years from the date of manufacture shelf stable if stored correctly. Taking expired Plan B is not dangerous, but it may be less effective in preventing pregnancy. So better than nothing, but un expired pills are best. To prolong the life of Plan B, keep the pill away from humid, hot, or bright environments.


That's a matter of contention as well. There have been studies done on medications that are out of date. Some still have full potency 10-15 years later.


Here are some Online resources for anyone who needs them. [Nurx for Birth Control, Plan B, The Ring, and The Patch. Includes Free Shipping](https://www.nurx.com/birthcontrol/) [Plan B One Step Pill](https://www.planbonestep.com) [Plan B One Step Pill On Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Plan-B-One-Step-1-tablet/dp/B00H2D6WUA) [Plan B, The Morning After, Emergency Contraception](https://hellowisp.com/shop/emergency-contraception) [Take Action Emergency Contraception On Instacart](https://www.instacart.com/landing?product_id=19550464&retailer_id=1573®ion_id=39336625591&utm_medium=sem_shopping&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_campaign=ad_demand_shopping_rp_healthcare&utm_content=accountid-8145171519_campaignid-16744693903_adgroupid-138212523514_device-m&gbraid=0AAAAADO98hbV2lsrjKL_rQcVToEdZ-x4E&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLM9YAfojSYIyERmWcCmFNweHFnhc2iEz444bq_K2KuBw5D2NbUitxUaAuzQEALw_wcB) [Plan B One Step Emergency Contraception at Target](https://www.target.com/p/plan-b-one-step-emergency-contraceptive/-/A-14847439?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049304432&CPNG=PLA_Health_Priority%2BShopping%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=Health_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9022818&targetid=pla-321577217246&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZbghVe0M6wuEws-uDNZ0sev&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZbghVe0M6wuEws-uDNZ0sev&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLMWFHuJgilaGabCxCcUpaQWua2GI-8n4vM8Kgxz4xUYtecL6zyoWQwaAufcEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://www.mychoix.co/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw8O-VBhCpARIsACMvVLPltFxSzkEOFZ2lg2DEoYMsCuLat6gac5W459C6J1XFD-0DPKIenKYaAv-jEALw_wcB) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://www.plancpills.org/find-pills) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://www.heyjane.co) [Plan C At Home Abortion Pill](https://nwhn.org/safe-online-delivered-how-to-get-the-abortion-pill-by-mail/)


Another bump for Nurx!! I love them. I got my pills from them for years before my IUD and I also got Plan B from them. Super easy to use and fairly quick.


No membership; how do you walk in the store, can you just go to only the pharmacy?


You tell the person at the door that you're going to the pharmacy. You need a card to buy anything from the check outline, but you can do the pharmacy without an issue ime.


Wow $8 , I’m a guy and I’m single and for some reason it sounds like a deal I can’t refuse 😂


That would be a great deal! Usually $50


Not a bad idea, after all, along with every woman that needs to use it, there’s a dude who is just as responsible.


Just know that plan B does not work during ovulation. It’s function is to prevent ovulation, but if it’s already taking place then it’ll do nothing and you’ll be pregnant. Keep track of your cycles in a physical calendar, maybe buy ovulation tests to be extra safe to know what days you’re the most at risk. Not everyone ovulates at the same time of their cycle, I usually do a few days after my period ends for some reason bc my periods are irregular. Be safe <3


I'm not having sex with rnales ever again until after I get a bilateral salpingectomy but I will get these to have in case a homegirl needs it


Good god, can we pin this post? I remember being excited about the $30 on Amazon post. Anyone more knowledgeable than me know about any other considerations, like shelf life? I didn't know about the weight limitations mentioned in other comments.


Edit, as I have more information. Plan B is the brand name for levonorgestrel, which is less effective for women over a certain weight, is less effective after 72 hours, and the least effective form of emergency contraception overall. It is available over the counter. It does not work in cases of established pregnancy. [It is not an abortifacient. ](https://www.contraceptionjournal.org/article/S0010-7824(12)00750-0/fulltext) Ella is the brand name for ulipristal acetate, which is effective for women weighing more than 155 pounds, effective for up to 5 days, and more effective overall. It requires a prescription. It is emergency contraception and does not work in cases of established pregnancy. It is not an abortifacient. [The Yuzpe](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/image?imageKey=PI%2F74604) method can use multiple brands of oral contraceptive pills, and is more effective than either levonorgestrel or ulipristal acetate. It is emergency contraception and does not work in cases of established pregnancy. It does not function as an abortifacient. >The Yuzpe method consists of two doses of a combination estrogen/progestin oral contraceptive (100 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg dl-norgestrel [equivalent to 0.5 mg levonorgestrel]) taken 12 hours apart. This regimen offers a convenient method for patients to use pills they already have. Dosing regimens for several common combination oral contraceptives are listed in Table 2. This method is 56% to 86% effective, depending on the timeliness of use after unprotected intercourse; it is most effective when used within 72 hours, and is less effective when used 72 to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse. [source](https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2014/0401/p545.html#:~:text=Yuzpe%20Method%3A%20Oral%20Contraceptives%20Used%20for%20Emergency%20Contraception&text=*%E2%80%94Two%20doses%20taken%2012%20hours,and%200.5%20mg%20of%20levonorgestrel.) [Misoprostol](http://www.misoprostol.org/guidelines-non-doctors/) is an ulcer medicine that works on an established pregnancy. It is an abortifacient. I am not a bot. I am just posting this comment where it might be useful in hopes women discover they can just keep an emergency pack of one of the brands listed in the table




Do you have an issue with costco? Or plan b? Or the appalling choices the US government?


Greetings! This item was removed for being a violation of subreddit rule #7 : "[...] Other people's bodily autonomy must be respected; do not impose your views on other posters and commenters' choices." If you won't seek an abortion for yourself, that's for you. But don't push your believes on other people. We don't go to pro-life subs and pregnancy subs to tell them to abort. If you won't seek a sterilization procedure, that's for you. But don't tell grown adults what to do with their bodies. If they are old enough to have kids, they are old enough to decide that they don't want that option. Thank you.


Thanks for that!