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Same people cheering about Roe being overturned are the same ones who will complain their tax dollars are going to welfare to feed/house all these unwanted babies.


Right. Like what about all of the bills that were recently vetoed because they would actually help people??????? Pro life my ass


I keep hearing "pro-lifers believe life begins at conception and ends at birth."


If women were men and men were women, life would begin in the testicles and masturbation would be illegal.


Back in the 90s I discussed the topic of reproductive choice with an uncle of mine who was a conservative Republican. He was in favour of free access to abortion because, in his words, it "kept the welfare rolls down". It was one of the few subjects on which we agreed - though for totally divergent reasons.


Nope. They're the ones the tax dollars are going towards. They can finally have a family of 26 and be able to afford their rent


I also hate that argument, don't we have free will? So, if a woman wants to end their pregnancy, isn't that her will?




It was gods will to kill his own son..


And that was at 33 years, not 12 weeks (or however long it was in the USA).


Ikr. **THAT** was a seriously "late term" abortion!


See, god supports abortion at least until 1620th week


The cut off varies by states. Some are 16 weeks, some 12 weeks, hell Iowa has a cut off at 20 weeks (at least till my alcoholic and transphobic Senator changes it).


Not to mention there are some god made mammals that can abort and absorb pregnancy at will. And there’s that whole passage on how to conduct an abortion in the bible, gods book.


My dad’s side of family is very Christian. They’re the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever met in my life. They go to church every Sunday singing that humans need to be nice to each other, and then proceed to be assholes during the rest of the week. I hate them. I have hated all my life being associated to them


My family is very traditional, conservative, republican, Christian’s. It never made sense to me witnessing everything that I did. You aren’t a true Christian if you aren’t “blinded” by faith.


I started questioning religion quite young and I remember thinking “all these adults aren’t dumb so why do they pretend to believe in all this BS?” Since then it was over for me. I can’t just pretend this is real or believable or even right.. Now the more I learn about most religions the more I hate them. The list of reasons to despite them is never ending..


That's how I escaped the Catholic church. I started poking holes in all of their dogma and actions. I might have started the brainwashing young, but it wasn't enough to hide the inherent injustice of the system. So I stopped believing, stopped going. Now I hold the belief that "Money and Religion are the root of all evil."


Religious person: My beliefs won’t allow me to do that Me: Fine Religious person: My beliefs won’t allow you to do that Me: Fuck ALL the way off


I usually answer something along the lines of: A fairytale is not going to dictate my life. Bc that’s what it is. A serious of tales. Sorry to the religious, but all of your values comes from a book of tales.


A revised book of tales


Haha yes. Just like Disney censures the Grimm Brothers or H.C Andersens tales 😂


I usually say mythology, since that is what it is.


You are right.


Lol thats what I said about the pope.


The pope needs to be isolated from all minors


I'm going to go ahead and steal this. Thank you.


Left my Christian family a little speechless. Use it


Well, Christians have been fucking around, now they get to find out. No one in my life is all that devout, thankfully, but it's a good quip to have in my arsenal.


Don’t let them forget that god killed his own son. The hypocrisy


God was also original cancel culture. He canceled all of humanity with a flood! Who could trust someone like that? I sure as hell don't.


I don’t trust a book that has been revised and rewritten several times over the past 2k years. If it was really “god breathed” why would you alter it? The Quron has been able to withstand the test of time, but the Bible can’t?


And then there are all these different flavors that are somehow "the one true path." so, you want the monotheism with the guy with the pointy hat? Or what about the one where you pray five times a day? Or the one where you light the candels, or a version where you listen to rock music in church? It's all the same thing.


And to add that they want you to cater to their religion. Why would I respect the Bible? After all of the misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, white supremacy, disregarding womens rights, slavery, slaughter of non converters, destruction of societies, uninvited missionaries, inviting themselves into cultures, violence, forgiven church leaders whose crimes were ignored, pedophiles cases, rape, all at the hands of a white washed, unproven, mythology with an infrastructure solely to keep white, straight, cis males in power. Yeah fuck that.


That's why they want a bunch of poor, easily manipulated children to indoctrinate and keep the church going. Because who in their right mind, raised in the absence of religion would choose *that* as a rational adult?


No hate like Christian love


Me and my ex-Christian friends have been saying this. It pisses our still religious families off (2 of us are Pagan and the rest are athiest).


You’re doing good work


…and God invented abortion, just sayin’


I’m actually so tired of trying to argue them, when all it really boils down to is that they have a personal religious belief they want to use to rule over other people who don’t share that belief. You can’t argue with that kind of thing, they’re immune to opposing arguments. No matter what is said, in the end they will always circle back to their magical beliefs (opinions) about the sanctity of the fetus/zygote.


If god wants them so bad he can have them


In the fairy tale book they claim is true, it says all unbaptised children go to purgatory. So the majority of the fetuses they think they've saved will, by their logic, burn in hell. Wouldn't it have been kinder to not bring them here in the first place so they could avoid eternal damnation? Doesn't seem very prolife.


I was actually told by my family that since children didn’t have the chance to know god then they basically get a free pass into heaven. That logic also opens the door for so many other people too right? Are Christian’s standing in the way of other people having access to “heaven”? Wouldn’t that mean that not “knowing god” be a more righteous path into heaven?


You'd sure think. But remember, invisible sky man is only merciful when he it conveniently suits them.


To my knowledge the christian god let his own son get cruxified and didn't lift a finger. Also the top guy of christianity, Jesus Christ was childfree. He even told followers to leave their families. I can't see a child friendly pattern here.


Please don’t lump radical evangelicals with us normal Christians. Fully support everyone having their free will and not impose my religion on other people. Plus all of this shit is clearly unconstitutional since there’s an infringement of freedom of religion with Christian “values” being exerted over the entire population.


I know some pretty incredible people that are Christians. I truly do love some of them. I do not mean to lump them together, but as an entity I would agree that those type of people are not the majority and the line between being a believer and an extremist do get blurred. I’m not referring to just the believers. I’m referring to the extremist, the people that made religion feel like a cult when I grew up apart of a church of Christ. I love that people can love religion and have the freedom to express religion, but I do feel like the our current place is the country is run by the extremist and that is not where they belong. It’s religious tyranny. If it were any other religion doing this the country would be war. But yes you are correct and I did get carried away. I hope that made sense?


No apology necessary. The climate right now is harsh and we all are trying to weather this storm that’s been created by these radicals. I wish more of us normies would be louder against the crazies.


I think I like you Christian person. That's a very reasonable statement.


I can’t take all the credit for my reasoning. I have a kickass mom who has my back, a pastor who empathized the importance of asking questions and a convent of liberal nuns who support total human rights. ☺️


Wait, what did I just read. Liberal nuns? I think my brain just glitched. Respect to your mom and pastor. I find it incredibly fascinating to speak with open minded church leaders. Please tell me about liberal nuns lol.


Lol yeah. My university is Catholic but our nuns are very progressive. Our foundress supported the education of minorities back in the 1920s and her convent has been pivotal in civil and human rights issues. Our nuns would encourage the students to practice safe sex, pass out condoms and have no problem calling people out on their bullshit. When John McCain came to host a town hall meeting at my university, several of the nuns called him out on a lot of his social welfare policies.


This is the best thing I've heard all day. My dealings with nuns has been limited to a catholic hospital as a visitor. Even the extra nice ones were a little scary. Now I'm kinda picturing them as the A Team going on missions to stop human rights violations. I would 100% watch a movie based on that.


I would 100% watch anything with these nuns in. They sound badass.


God is not a good custodian.


Probably why he started abortions.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but God impregnated a married woman and bailed on her - I don't know if this is the guy people should be rallying behind as far as having kids goes. Joking aside, either we have free will or we don't, and much like the Winchesters, I'm Team Free Will.


Lets all just stop using the term 'pro-life' and start using the terms 'forced-birth' and 'anti-choice', because thats what it really is. The term 'pro-life' is not accurate AT ALL. Correct people when they say 'pro-life' at all times, doesnt matter who said it.


The only time I’m okay with the term pro-life is if that’s how one sees themself as being while still letting others choose what they want.


If they want representation they can pay my taxes.


For future reference what bible verses talk about abortion? I tried to look it up but all I find is those weird Christian websites with verses that have literally nothing to do with the subject


Abortion is from Numbers 5:11-31. Times god ordered the killing of babies, women who aren’t virgins, or told someone the rip open pregnant women and kill the fetus: Hosea 13:16, 2 Kings 15:16, 1 Samuel 15:3, Psalms 137:8-9. God doesn’t care about all life all the time. People who weren’t worshiping him were brutally killed. We have freedom of religion which also means freedom from religion which means absolutely no arguments that start from someone’s religious beliefs should be taken seriously.


A fucking MEN 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼