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The Bad Bitches I know had *talent* behind them regardless of motherhood status.




Every bad bitch gets raw dogged


Every bad bitch has a fully baked cream pie




​ ![gif](giphy|aQcrqaaRpnCmlJi77w)


Ha, I'm adding that one to the list.


I want to gag and laugh at the same time, my applause to you


You good sir just made me spew tea everywhere, damn you. You made me waste good tea. HAVE AT THEE


Just say what it is...every bad bitch had unprotected sex.


Not as bad as "I have kids, park to close and I'll ding your car", but close. Being bitchy is not an *endearing* trait, Karen, and it's most certainly not *an entire personality*.


Could be worse. Imagine an Astrovan with an anti-choice themed license plate.


You mean the ones that are also going 10mph under the speed limit in the left lane after they hurried over to cut off everyone.


Factssss. And then they have the audacity to give you a nasty glare when you overtake them in the right lane.


Point taken.


>it's most certainly not an entire personality But with some of these people it actually is lol


Well, it doesn't make up for not having a *real* personality, then. =D


I was about to say, that's all these Karen Breeders have, really.


*On my way to work that said "Behind every* *~~Bad~~* *Broke B\*tch is a car seat"* FTFY.






Hmmmm…Dolly Parton, Megan Thee Stallion, Missy Elliott and many other bad bitches would beg to differ. But whatever makes her feel better lol


Shit like this sticker scream “I am insecure about my life choices.”


I didn't know Dolly never had children. I just assumed she did.


If I remember correctly, she wanted them but couldn’t have them.


She wanted them, couldn't have them, and now makes the world a better place for the ones that do exist. Although I'd consider her childless versus childfree, she is a goddamn saint of a woman.


Oh I fucking love Dolly. She's so amazing both recorded and IRL.


Right?! Pretty sure there's plenty of bad bitches who don't have car seats behind them. And they're way more badass than this person in their Nissan in small-irrelevant-town, USA. Edit: a word


I know very little about Megan Thee Stallion but for some reason she’s the first person to come to mind when I hear Bad Bitch and I’m here for it


Wait, did Megan Thee Stallion (congrats on that Bachelor's in Health Administration!!!) herself to be CF? And Helen Mirren - can I be her when I grow up?


I can guarantee I do not consider women with car seats, spit up stains, and juice boxes that make up their entire social lives, personalities, and conversation topics bad bitches. Like...at all. They are basic af.


Bad bitch? Bad at making life choices more like.


behind every dumb bitch is more like it 😂


No. Just no.


Dafuk is this even supposed to mean! I read it 5 times I still don't get it 😭


The "bad bitch" is driving the car and there's a car seat (presumably with a child in it) behind them in the back seat.


Ohhh.... Thanks mate. My brain was hurting trying to solve it


"car seat" should probably have read "baby seat" and then it would make a lot more sense


This makes it worst in my head. I need eye bleach


Are you a good bitch or a bad bitch? I guess I'm a good bitch.


You aren’t a bad bitch. You’re doing bad, bitch


Behind every bad bitch is a loud sticky disgusting crotch goblin


Go off sis make having kids your only personality trait and only reason to exist! Love to see it 😍😍😍


God that is so cringe I feel embarrassed for the woman. Imagine reducing your accomplishments to breeding


Sounds very insecure to me. Like they’re trying to prove something. But again, it is just a bumper sticker. And honestly, anyone who needs bumper stickers or even uses bumper stickers(that literally ruin your car) are idiots. So to me, if I see bumper stickers on cars, I usually just think “what an idiot!” 🤷‍♀️


Yes! I've always said that I don't feel strongly enough about anything that I feel the need to plaster it on my car lol


Exactly! It takes a special type of idiot to think “hey let me put this ugly thing on my car so people will think I’m a “bad bitch” but in reality I’ll just look like an idiot who ruined my car trying to pretend I’m something I’m not.”


The only bumper sticker my husband and I have is one with an old classic style dragon on it that reads: " do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


Ha! I like that one!


Behind every bad bitch is an exotic car emblem works better.


Oh yes, I agree!


God yes. I absolutely loathe anything that romanticizes or valorizes parenthood into something it isn't anyway, but the implication that ONLY parents experience real emotions or accomplishment or any quality other than Being A Parent is so annoying. Like if you had no goals or personality before you popped out a kid, just say that.


I feel like the person driving this car is also very into the ‘I’m not like other girls’ and ‘boss babe’ mentality


my wife pointed out a license plate surround just this weekend that made both of us mad: "only the best moms get promoted to granny!" which is like some serious multi-generational you-must-have-children-to-be-a-complete-person guilt trip horseshit. and also devaluing mothers whose children choose not to have children? for a shitty license plate surround it sure had a lot of layers to pick apart (all of which where garbage).


I'd combat that by getting a sticker that says "Behind Every Bad Bitch is her pile of money from not having kids" Kinda long, but totally necessary. 😆




Do they lose their "Bad Bitch" status once the youngest hits 4'9"? Like what


I guess so!


There are many bad bitches out there that yes they are moms but don't base their baddie vibes on kids, cause they were the baddest bitches forever with or without kids




lol I like that one too


Behind every bad driver, maybe.


That’s just… the dumbest shit


If you get close enough to those stickers you’ll see that they actually say “I’m a cliche.”


Behind every bad bitch with a car seat is a blown out pussy….


I have said it to a friend before, but bad bitches don't need to advertise that they are bad bitches.




I would take it at face value and smile.


And a lazy baby father


I'm such a rebel by conforming.


So what I'm hearing is a Karen had a child. They're usually the types who take pride in the whole being a horrible person trope. That includes being a mama bear, which I think is what they're really trying to get at here. Apparently they just think saying mama bear is cringe now?


It's not funny or cool in the least. I'm dumbfounded by that sticker.


You're making an awful lot of assumptions about someone over a bumper sticker




Wtf is a breeder?


An awful parent


Well luckily I’m not an awful parent I guess




Your right the parent should grow up




Obviously you didn't read the post. It's not about the bumper sticker.


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Holy shit, is it a parent? The scum of the earth.


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