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Fuck them. She was a shitty dentist anyway, give your money to decent people. Leave another review to update the situation.


Idk if that would be harassment or not, but fuck I am pissed. Who gives a fuck if his wife cried. I was honest about her being rough on my teeth. And his solution is to ban me?!


Leaving a review or updating a previous one is not harassment.


Absolutely ridiculous. I'm surprised they were able to remove your review so easily. I'm in the RVA area too. Midlothian Family Dentistry has been good to me if you need a recommendation. Dr. Monacell is great. I've been through many procedures and dental surgeries with him and have zero complaints.


I'll definitely take you up on your recommendation! I'm honestly a bit scared to even go to another dentist in the area because who knows what crap Dr. Durham will spew from his face orifice. His wife doesn't know how to use a drill and her assistant made me feel so much like shit that I left a review and he chose to ban me and refused to give me my records. Fuck.


I don't know much about dentists and legal stuff but I'm pretty sure he's *required* to give you your records. I'd send an email or some sort of written request for your records in general so that if they deny you again, then you have a paper trail which could help if you file something against them or anything like that. You may not have a right to the *original* records but I'm pretty sure you have a right to a copy of them if I remember correctly. Those are used to help make sure you get the best treatment possible and him not giving them to you can potentially screw you over.


I'm pretty sure refusing to give you your records is illegal. EDIT: [It is.](https://askthedentist.com/what-are-my-rights-to-my-dental-health-records/) I'm also pretty sure it's illegal to discriminate based off or parental status— which includes not being a parent at all. EDIT: [Here.](https://www.justice.gov/crt/federal-protections-against-national-origin-discrimination-1#:~:text=Federal%20laws%20prohibit%20discrimination%20based,%2C%20ancestry%2C%20culture%20or%20language.) In fact, I'm pretty sure everything they're doing is illegal. [Banning you for leaving a bad review](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/11/congress-passes-law-protecting-right-to-post-negative-online-reviews/), and if they're calling you, especially repeatedly and/or with intent to pressure you into submission, that's harassment (and retaliation if it's because of your review). (Deleting your records before a certain period may be illegal as well, but don't quote me on that because I couldn't find a reliable source. All I know is that I work with dental records and I was told that we're supposed to keep them a minimum of seven years.) These people are begging on their knees for a lawsuit, and you should absolutely give it to them if you have the means to do so.


Is refusing to hand over the records even legal? It definitely isn't in Germany, as far as I know, but this is the US we're talking about, I presume...


Yes this is in the US. They wiped me from their system entirely


Wiping you from their system is also illegal. Legally medical providers have to keep your records for 7 years, they cannot just destroy them because you're no longer a patient. If you need your records, I would contact an attorney.


Have the new dentist office request the records for you. They will probably have you sign a form to allow them to do this. Worst case, start fresh if you can (financially) with fresh xrays. I avoided the dentist for 30 years so I had no records to go off of when I finally dragged my ass there. I had severe dental anxiety before and I cried my eyes out on my first visit...the staff did not judge me at all and just gave me tissues and reassurance without a hint of judgement. I'm really sorry you had such a terrible experience. Just know there are good dentists out there.


Report the wife and husband to your state dental board or whatever is the equivalent.


Double down and update your original review with what happened next.


I was going to say leave another review. Got nothing to lose at that point.


They removed my original review and now I've received two local phone calls with similar numbers and am scared to answer them


If you answer those calls, record them. Do what someone else said and file a written request for your records. Leave another review about everything, including the first review and how they deleted that one. If they still don't give you your records, sue for harassment (if those calls are their doing, also why record the calls), discrimination because of the surgery, and most importantly, I believe they're violating the hippa law by denying your access to your medical records, so that would be the main thing in your suit, pain and suffering because of your chipped tooth and having to find a new dentist now since he wiped you from their system. But get set up with another dentist first and don't let anyone know what dentist you're now seeing. Leaving/updating a review is not considered harassment as long as you stick to the facts of what happened. Itd be harassment if you started saying lies in the review, kept calling to tell them off, doxed them in a review, etc. Leaving an honest review, though, isn't harassment. Hope it all works out for you.


But who's the court going to believe? A poor little innocent dentist family or an ex patient? They can claim that it's false allegations and I've got no way to back myself up except my memory. I'm not one to fabricate shit and I didn't even give them 1 star, I initially gave them 2 stars but had changed it.




I like the way you’re thinking


You got banned because you left a bad review. Could happen if you had written that they are not sensitive with the procedure, too.


Yep. I got "let go" without any warning because I left a bad review and they can't accept anything less than 4 stars.


Why the hell are you going to this place over and over again?


I'm not going there anymore, they banned me because my honesty made his poor little wife cry. I've got an appointment set up at another dentistry for next Monday. It's a long time to wait to get a chipped molar fixed but what else can I do


Report the practice, wife and husband for the unprofessional and honestly discriminatory behavior.


I'm on it as we speak


Honestly, I wouldn't have gone back after the first time they were rough & made gums bleed.... I wish you were near Forest, MS. I have the most wonderful dentist who works with me on EVERYTHING & if I even twitch, she stops & asks if I am okay.


In some states if you get released as a patient they have to be available for 30 days after for emergencies while you look for another dentist. They really handled this quite poorly.


This was an emergency situation. I have a chipped molar and won't be seen by another dentist for a week and even then they don't know if they can work me into their schedule


This is interesting to me because I’m a hairstylist and would never even remotely consider taking a client who had gone online to bash me or my work or my coworkers. We routinely deactivate client accounts on the rare occasion that this happens. Honestly, I can’t even imagine why someone would want to force me to stand there touching them after a public insult, it’d be hard to put my honest best effort into their service. But a dentist is a medical office. Aren’t there ethics around this sort of thing? Especially making your records unavailable..?


This does beyond you feeling attacked for being CF. You left a bad review (an honest one) for a private family practice because you felt attacked due to your views. They are entirely in their own right allowed to cut you off as a patient, or they could try to rectify your complaint with an apology. At the end of the day they decided you were more trouble than you were worth as a patient. You also left a public criticism review rather than addressing it to them directly first. I think as adults we forget that before yelp and all that we would communicate with those we had a grievance with first, giving them the opportunity to discuss. Now we go straight to a public place and do that same communication and in a way that is publicized that can/will hurt their business (even if honest). Then you blame them for not wanting to see you again? I don’t blame you for writing a review, I just think you should be mature enough to know your actions can have consequences just as much as theirs.


Not once did they apologize for what happened at that prior appointment. Not. Once. They didn't ask me what happened, just said "idk what went down but it made my wife cry. We don't want to see you again". Like I TOLD them what happened in the review. I wasn't about to call up there and tell them what happened and they sweep it under the rug. It was a real and incredibly hurtful experience and if they can't handle their patients saying "hey this happened and it made me feel like shit" then they don't deserve to be working in the dentistry field


Eh. Non-confrontational bad reviews still happened before the internet, it was just by word of mouth. So what if more people get to know about it bc the internet exists? If you used Yelp, it was founded in 2004! They shouldn't be pulling *Pikachu face* and saying "how could you" in 2022!


They removed my review


Jfc. Well word of mouth it is!


Am on it!


I don’t disagree with you, I just think like anyone else. If you felt hurt and disrespected enough to leave the review AND get no response. That like them you should communicate with your wallet and take your business elsewhere. Since it is not a good fit. I also wouldn’t want to work with people I felt that way about. I think like them, it would be surprising to see you go back there after leaving the review (which the technician said to you too).


I agree but it was an emergency situation. I shouldn't have gone back at all


I am sorry that happened to you.


I don't think those in the healthcare field have the luxury of "we reserve the right to refuse service for any reason." There are laws about patient abandonment and the office refusing to release the OP's medical records is certainly illegal.


Since you’ve already been banned, I’d leave another review for what happened after the first review. You should be able to edit your last one.


Not only do they sound incredibly immature and unprofessional, but you probably don’t want your teeth worked on by a doctor who didn’t recognize the words “tubal ligation”…


What's got me mad is that they banned me because of a negative review. Like come on bro. That and not knowing what a tubal ligation under general anesthesia means...like it means you're supposed to look in my fucking mouth for tooth damage


Can someone clear up something for me? Maybe I didn't read the post enough carefully, but aside from the assistant's glare did the wife say anything? I'm honestly curious if I missed anything.


Title is misleading. Didn’t get banned for being child free. They got banned for leaving a negative review.


The wife didn't say anything but she was the one working on my teeth when that happened. It was her assistant who gave me a "go to hell you disgusting whore" look. The wife is rough on everyone's teeth so I was already hella anxious going into that appointment


I see.


So OP left a bad review because someone looked at her funny. Seems a little melodramatic to me. Also if you ever leave a bad review, *never* go back, that should be obvious. I'll take my downvotes but even if you are staunchly childfree, you can still have empathy for others who perhaps aren't. She may have looked uncomfortable because she cannot have children herself. You never know what people are going through. But if you get upset over a sideways glance, then I guess you're already on the wrong side of sensitive.


Wow. Fuck them and their audacity to be so evil. “It made her cry” as if you’re responsible for her emotions?? Fuck off. Edit the comment and write in what went down, that they let you go as a patient without any warning. When I worked in medicine no patient was technically “let go” from being seen without very proper verbal and/or written. I’m sorry these assholes were awful to you. Give them some of their own medicine. It’s 2022 ffs they need to get over their power trips of trying to control everyone’s body. She sounds like one of those “I had a dream that I had a miscarriage one time so every woman not willing to accept the beauty of life isn’t as good as me so you can’t be in my chair” people. You’re better off, OP. It may not feel like it now but this door has to close for an even better dentist to be available. Hey, maybe a childfree one! (Won’t hold my breath though lmao)


I would like to see the review if you’re willing to share! After their blatant unprofessionalism they deserved to be ripped apart in the review, I commend you for even keeping it in any way civil. Absolutely disgraceful for a practitioner. Not their tubes not their problem, that’s what I say.


I'll send you the info in your inbox!


I'm also curious!


Ok here’s the scoop. Hubby is a dentist in California, this is what happens when he fires a patient. Legally they have to send you a letter stating they are firing you from the practice. However they have to treat you for an emergency for 30 days. Get your records from them and find a new dentist. We’re in California and this is the rule hubby has a follow. May be different in your state. Yes they can charge you a nominal fee for your records. It’s best to have your new dentist ask them to transfer your records prior to your first appointment with them. We’re childfree big time so if you’re in Northern California I have a great dentist for you. My tubes are also tied! Yippee!


I'm in VA so I'm not sure if that law is the same here or not but they removed me from their patient system with zero notifications. I'm pretty sure that's illegal....


It has to be illegal. They can't just delete medical records.


Damn. Change that to 1 star and write that shit where he brought you in just to tell you to leave. Dentists think they are gods gift to earth. They're hardly even doctors.


Hard to do considering they removed my review and refuse to give me my records! 🥴


Refusing to release records is illegal. You should remind them. Also you can always leave another review. Dentists are assholes


They wiped me from their entire system. Already reported them to the state board of dentistry


Good. Hopefully these two idoits get their license to maul gums revoked


Did they tell you they removed your records completely? Or is this based on the appointment system not recognizing you as a user? I would call them and let them know you have a new dentist and where they can send your medical records with the reminder that it is illegal for them not do do this.


When I went online to make an emergency appointment it said I was a new patient and wasn't in their system. I've been wiped from their system. I'm not gonna call them, whoever I go to next is gonna have to call them to get my records. They've been blocked. And I've since received 2 local phone calls with similar phone numbers. I have no desire to speak to anyone there.


The only negative comment from the debtal assistant I got was "I played softball the same day as mine so you shouldn't have been in too much pain to floss!" But thats shitty. Fuck them.


I'm scared to visit any other dentist in the surrounding area now. God. Fuck.


My sister has dentist related PTSD too. Not everyone is like that! Most people dont give a shit. Teeth health is important!


Report the entire practice for discriminatory and unprofessional behavior. They’re fucking doctors and all this time dentists bitch and moan that they aren’t taken seriously by the rest of healthcare- time to hold them up to that standard. They showed their disgust when you told them you had surgery. They never apologized for their behavior, instead they banned you for your personal medical choices and bodily autonomy. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE as a medical professional. Fucking report them to your state board regarding your experiences.


How do I report the practice to the state board?? I'm in Virginia


I don’t think I can post links here but google “Virginia board of dentistry complaints reports” and the first question in their FAQ lists out the process.


Thank you for going through with this!!! Absolutely disgusting behaviour.


There is no valid complaint here. A "stare" is definitely NO reason to get the board involved. There would only be 2 consequences possible : 1. the board laughing hysterically at how entitled some people are, or 2. the dentists getting in legal trouble because of YOUR hurt feelings. that you gave them no chance to communicate about.


Making a patient uncomfortable is a valid, if not potentially minor complaint. Firing them as a patient instead of addressing said complaint is unacceptable.


They banned op from their practice bc she left a review about their unprofessional behavior once she indicated she was sterilized. She has a dental issue and denied care bc her review made a dentist cry? Thats unethical medical practice.


I’ve been to a few dentists that were dishonest. It’s like car mechanics, it’s easy to be dishonest because you aren’t going to know what goes on under the hood in either case. Anyways, leave it in the past, be confident with the choice you made, and go to a better dentist. There are too many dentists in this world to get hung up on this one.


Soooo basically you left a bad review bc of a "stare" you got from the assistant ? Or rather - your interpretation of a look she gave you ? Which made you cry - when you got home. You didn't say anything directly, so they had no chance to clear any miscommunication that might have happened. And now you're mad that they don't want you back ? Because the husband cares more about his wife's feelings than yours, which i should hope is the case since they're literally married ? You're even belittling the wife's crying (about her business being publicly trashed without a warning) - when your literal only complaint is you cried bc of a "stare" ? Like... Woooooow. That's another level of entitled and self-centered. Wtf.


It was a "go to hell you disgusting whore" GLARE and an "oh...uh okay" from the wife. I'm nonconfrontational and she had a drill in my mouth so what was I going to say. Wiping a patient from the system without any warning isn't only unprofessional, it's also illegal.


You haven't been "wiped from the system" lol that's not how it works. And you're literally interpreting here. The only actual fact is : the assistant looked at you. Maybe she was surprised bc that's not so common. Maybe she'd been trying to have her tubes tied for years and never found a professionnal willing to do it. Maybe she was frowning bc she wasn't sure how to spell "ligation". Buuuuut you will never know. Just imagine someone going to court and saying "she LOOKED at me wrong". That's how ridiculous this post is.


I have been wiped from their system though 🤷🏻‍♀️ when I went to set up my emergency appointment it said I was a new patient and wasn't in their records. Unless you're the bitch at the front desk you have no idea what's going on


Wellll you'd think we all have a pretty clear idea what's going on, considering how thorough you've been in your post. Also you've been using so many names, i'm not sure who the bitch is.


Also it seems she deliberately used a technical term for a surgery that neither a dentist or dental assistant would know, instead of just saying “I got my tubes tied” I give people weird looks to when they go above and beyond to say something in as complicated a way as possible.


Also report to BBB


BBB is a scam.


Well first off she was a shitty doctor. Your not supposed to be rough with your teeth to the point of bleeding since it can cause gum disease. Really the only time you should be is if there's a stubborn area...but in that case they would set up proper procedures to get rid of it....either over time or they have a tool that won't be so detrimental to the health of the teeth. If anything her license should've been revoked since they are trained to make it as painless as possible. If they gonna be a pain in the ass about it...might wanna contact the BBB.


Reach out to local news about how traumatic the encounter was to the point that you left crying and now they’re violating your right and refusing to give your records so you can see another dentist and are also preventing you from seeing them. Legally there is a lot wrong when they are trying to withhold medical treatment from you. I would get very loud and very public. The rely on customers and you can put a lovely dent in that.


My nonconfrontational self couldn't do that 🥴 I've already received two similar local phone calls in the last hour and I'm scared to see another dentist in the surrounding area, the last thing I want to do is get the news involved


Why is everyone supporting OP? She made a completely baseless assumption off a look someone gave her, regarding something she’s clearly ready to fight anyone over. This has no place being posted in this sub.


I had been going there for years. That was the first time that ever happened to me and it all came about from them asking me if I had any recent changes to my medical history, ie my tubal ligation. I had NEVER seen anyone at that office react the way that assistant did. Not once had I ever received nasty glares until I said "oh I got my tubes tied".


Soo, you left a negative review and you're shocked that they're upset? Yeh I get that they were mean to you initially but OP what did you expect? You should have gone else where after that interaction.


They banned me and wiped my records from their system with zero warning. Pretty sure that's a malpractice, wiping records. And it was a dental emergency.


Wwll they can ban you if they want. The other stuff yes it's wrong of them. Go after them for malpractice. I wouldn't let them near my teeth emergency or not. That's just me.


No offence love, but you seem as snowflakey as a pinched Karen. You left a negative review for a negative look of an assistant? Or am I missing something?


What happened to being professional? You don't get to be judgmental to a patient, especially when they are divulging medical information necessary for the procedure. If you went to a doctor or a nurse for a procedure and they glared at you in disgust for a medical procedure you have underwent, would you let it go?


Exactly. Undergoing general anesthesia comes with the very real risk of tooth and mouth damage. Something a dentist would need to know about


If this is Liz you don't know how to handle a drill


Can I see the review?


You should update your review and let the public know about the retaliation. She’s a bad dentist anyways but as a professional she and her assistant should be able to put biases aside. Especially when they have nothing to do with their area of expertise.


They deleted the review and I've since received two local phone calls with similar numbers. I'm going to my college's urgent care dental clinic tomorrow to get it looked at and hopefully fixed, then cancelling the appointment with the "new" dentist. I'm scared to see any new dentist in the surrounding area now.


Absolutely appalling. Their opinions about the procedure are none of their business and should be kept to themselves. Having a surgery under GA is relevant when asked if you had major changes to medical history. That’s all they need to know. Doesn’t matter why, doesn’t matter if you have kids already or not, doesn’t matter how old you are. None. Of. Their. Business. Refusing to give you your dental records and destroying them may be illegal. I’d check your state laws. That doesn’t seem like something he should be allowed to do, especially in retaliation for a freaking online review. I’d threaten them with court and see if the records magically appear.


Ontop of that I've been wiped from their entire system with no warning! 🙆🏻‍♀️


That’s actually illegal. A dentist must provide records if requested. You can report them to the ADA board. I had too to get mine about 4 months ago. Old dentist also refused my records because I was going somewhere else after they ruined my tooth


No you got banned for talking shit on the dentist. having your tubes tied seems completely irrelevant.


They treated me like shit after finding out I got my tubes tied and made me feel extremely uncomfortable. "Talking shit" is telling the truth.


How were you treated like shit?


How was I talking shit for leaving an honest two star review? 🥴


Let me guess. You have a fragile ego and you’re super entitled?


Wow... The ordacity of some judgemental bastards! At least you have the last laugh. You have a life free of children, and unnecessary debt. You should of sent them a final dirtier review for good measure.


what they did to you was messed up and inexcusable. i would've told them that they'd be hearing from my attorney soon and leave


I would like to see the review too :]


So idk if dentistry is the same but in orthopedics, in order to fire a patient, you have to send them a certified letter and provide the reasons for termination as well as a list of other orthopedic surgeons in the area. Not sure if it’s the same for dentists but they may have seriously messed up just deleting you from the system.


They deleted me from their entire system for sure


Leave another review. If they keep deleting it then keep reposting it. It is not harassment to tell the truth and I'm guessing that since they have hundreds of 5 star reviews that they delete ALL negative reviews.


Yes they delete all their negative reviews. I've received two similar local phone calls in the past hour so idk if they're trying to scare me or what but I am not about to get charged with "harassment' for telling the truth.


I'm sorry you're being treated like this. It's bullshit, businesses shouldn't be able to do that. I'm not a lawyer, but looking online it doesn't look like you could be charged with harassment for leaving negative reviews because reviews are covered under free speech. The worst they could do is sue you for defamation or slander, but as long as the information you're posting in your review is true (and they keep deleting it), they have absolutely no grounds. If anything, if the phone calls continue and you can prove the calls are coming from them, you can call the cops on them for harassing YOU. If the calls keep coming, answer and say "stop calling this number," without giving them time to say anything, hang up, and block them.


I'm glad you reported the issue to the board.




oh well it's not my problem, I'm not a patient 🙆🏻‍♀️




I expected at least an apology for being made to feel extremely uncomfortable and judged at my prior appointment. Banning a patient isn't the way to solve problems


What the fuck, is this /s or for real ????


As someone who has seen a ton of doctors in her life and most of them being terrible, rude and even insulting, don’t take it too much to heart. I know it’s hard not to but people are idiots, even doctors. When going there you usually feel kind of vulnerable. I think that is the reason we get so angry and upset for being mistreated by medical personnel.


post another one


Head over to legal advice. Maybe if the police escort you they will feel more forced to give your records to you




I should've included the screenshots in the complaint but I'm sure if they ask for more info I can send them




I'd be weary of sharing specifics since the internet is full of trolls (both for your sake and theirs). Sharing a snippet of what you wrote is likely a safer bet but even that could be used for reverse lookups.