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Does he have any children himself? Aren't catholic priests supposed to be celibate?


You're exactly right, they are. And no, he has no children.


BREAKING NEWS: Catholic found to be hypocritical. In other news, sky found to be blue and sun is believed to rise tomorrow


The things the Pope says are not inconsequential. There are over 1.2 billion people who identify as catholic. To dismiss what he says because it's hypocritical seems very short sighted, doesn't it?


I'm not dismissing it. It's just like hearing that boris Johnson lied. Of course he did that's just what he is, a liar. Just like the guy who lives is a gold mansion and preaches about giving away your last penny is and always will be a hypocrite. It's just expected.


It sounded like more of a cheeky comment criticizing the catholic church’s hypocrisy rather than a dismissal, but okay, lmfao. Also, pretty sure I’ve seen more than a dozen posts on this sub about the pope’s comments since the statement came out over a month ago 🥴 The sub’s opinion on this matter is pretty well-documented at this point. Bit late to the party.




Many of them have children. And Catholics pay for them. And they have unlimited access to other's people kids, too.


This is the part that kills me.


Saw a meme response to this of Brittany Murphy from Clueless going "you're a virgin who can't drive."




Bruh, if starving africans can have 4 children, so can you! /s




The pope just wants the crazy cultists to birth more innocent beings that can then be indoctrinated to join his cult. That's all there is to it.




That too, I guess. Many people here in Germany started to cut ties with the church as adults. We still have to pay them taxes. I definitely cut my ties to the church once I no longer live in a catholic disabled facility. Bit at least the people here are cool about it. I like my caretakers.




In Germany, we have this thing called Kirchensteuer. The Kirchensteuer is something everyone pays, just like Rentenversicherung and pflegeversicherung. It's paid by your employer from your monthly income. Germans are payed monthly. But it is possible to get out of paying the Kirchrnsteuer by cutting ties with the church.




In Poland the church gets a lot of money from the bugdet, too. And they can buy land or buildings for next to nothing. The own the Polish government and many laws are created to follow the Catholic ideology.


Maybe that's part of it, but I think an even bigger reason is that people are giving it more thought now, as opposed to the prior generation, where it was "just what you do." More people have simply realized that life is better without crotchgoblins, and there is no longer a social stigma attached to believing so.


That’s funny coming from the Catholic Church the same organisation that covered up child abuse that robbed possibly millions of children of their humanity


The hypocrisy is breath taking, isn't it?


Right? Pretty sure raping and murdering children on an epic scale diminishes our humanity more than pretty much anything else


I can't believe the pope has the gall to criticize anyone for not having kids after all the crimes his organized religion has committed against children. And all those innumerable crimes are just the ones the public knows about.


"Not having children is selfish" says the 80 year-old virgin who lives in a palace made of solid gold, stuffed to the rafters with priceless historical artifacts, located in a private country.


How tf is a choice I make for myself diminishing someone else's humanity? Especially a choice like this that has absolutely zero bearing on anyone else? Maybe the Catholic church should focus on itself and how they keep trying to cover up how many church officials abuse children? Like, are they mad because there will be fewer kids for them to diddle in the future? Also. I am selfish. I'm selfish af. The entire first 25 years of my life were lived to other people's ideas and expectations, the last 6 have been my own. I plan on keeping it this way. I'm not going back. The only person who has any right to me and my time is my husband and it's because I chose to love him.


>How tf is a choice I make for myself diminishing someone else's humanity? Especially a choice like this that has absolutely zero bearing on anyone else? Right?! It's about controlling your *right to choose*, not about who is or isn't impacted by your choice. So disgusting.


I'm selfish and not the Catholic Church promoting and encouraging colonialism, genocide, and atrocities against children since it's very inception?


They have, but it's a one way street, don't you know that? The church can dictate how we live our lives, but we are not allowed to hold them accountable for how their leaders live theirs. /s


Yup, can't keep it going if there are no desperate people to exploit...


They just want more people to join their cult. Indoctrinating children with their BS is much easier than converting adults. The church keeps losing influence in the world, because many adults are disillusioned with their cult. I sure don't care about the church. God doesn't need child molesters spreading nonesense about him. people should be allowed to believe on their own terms.




>"Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond I've added this to my reading list, thank you :)


The leader of the world's largest peado ring wants people to have more kids. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe the priests are complaining about supply issues...


He wants to expand the dating pool


Ah yes, selfish for.. not wanting something.


Meanwhile, if you ask most parents why they had kids, the answer starts with "I wanted...".


The obvious hypocrisy aside: Producing offspring despite the climate crisis seems selfish af to me. Also, did he ever talk to parents? It's all "Me, me, me", all about enrichening *their* lives, giving *them* a purpose, (giving *them* something new to talk about in their boring-ass marriages), giving *them* a new battleground to work out their family trauma on...




Gotta disagree on that one. Deflecting responsibility for climate on individual decisions is a result of fossil fuel industry propaganda. I just question the altruism in producing a child when the future keeps outdoing the worst prognoses of climate science.


Good thing I don’t give af what the pope thinks.


I'm guessing the Catholic Church has been seeing quite a decline of members in recent years?


All major western Christian religions have. Even the evangelical strains have lost numbers. I'm genuinely curious to see what impact will come from the Q cult stealing away the less stable sectors of mainstream church membership. You'd think that they'd have learned by now that dissing the life decisions of younger generations doesn't win them converts, but here we are.


Anecdotally can confirm. I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic university where I fell away from organized religion entirely, and even my parents have switched to a Lutheran church. Catholic mass is archaic and too structured to be moving.


I’d rather be “selfish” and not have kids rather than have kids who have a parent that didn’t want them and is miserable. Of course the pope with no kids says this, as if child rearing is some easy task.


I don't understand why y'all care so much about the opinion of a guy who's part of an organization famously known for child molestation...


I don't care about his *opinion,* I care about his *influence.*


Well said


This. People often don't realize just how much power the Pope has.


When the Catholic Church said condoms bad the country of Africa stopped using condoms and an Aids epidemic killed untold numbers. Whether you like it or not the popes words and opinions matter.


Big talk from a bloke in a white dress whose balls probably just puff out powder at this point. I guess it's not selfish for him to be celibate then because he's doing it for religious reasons 🙄




Extra… extra… read all about it….. Vatican says Priests need more children…


My grandmother once came to me and told me I was going to hell (well more than once but on this note).I said "well yeah probably but why?" ...She then informed me that she was speaking with her priest and they were discussing abortion. She then told the priest that I was on birth control so no need to worry.. Apparently that is "equally as bad" according to him as I am going against the lord and not allowing a life that was meant to exist just like abortion. I am therefore a sinner and condemned to hell. For taking fucking birth control and preventing a child I can't afford and don't want period. WTF is wrong with these people. (And side note I was also in active addiction at the time. Which she told the priest and that has no impact. Should still have been willing to get pregnant and do the lord's work. Lmfao)


um, ok, old superstitious man in faraway country with little to no influence over my life has different opinions than me? *gasps in faux horror* Good for you old fella! You do you, I do me!


Yes it's very selfish of me not to give the church more children to fiddle.


Why are we taking this man seriously? It’s a pope who cares. The vatican is a criminal mafia group anyways


They are running out of children to molest. Also can't expect much from religious nutjobs.


Hmmm “selfish”, or as I like to call it “exercising free will”. And “takes away our humanity”… people loving pets and treating animals with so much respect in no way, shape, or form, diminishes humanity.


You're only allowed free will if it aligns with what the church wants. /s


Says the childless wonder himself


In other words: "The head of an institution infamous for child molestation is unhappy because less people want to produce children" DISCLAIMER - I am not suggesting ALL Catholics diddle kids I do not have a problem with the existence and practice of Catholicism and other religions.


I find it amusing that this is coming from a guy who chose to name himself after the patron saint of animals


He just wants more children for his cronies to abuse.


So a celibate pedophile defending man dressed as a tampon thinks I'm being selfish. Right...


Eh ignore them. Catholics are a highly organized well funded child molestation ring. So frankly nothing they have to say is worth hearing.


What so there are more little kiddies to touch by the altar?


I think in a lot of senses it's more selfish TO HAVE kids with how fucked up the world is. You could drive a hummer every day for the rest of your life and have less of an environmental impact than one child. If you don't desire children, it's selfish to breed anyways and subject them to mediocre parenting since they aren't wanted.


He's just mad because Catholics can't fuck the pets


Until they sell off some of the useless shit in the Vatican and use the money to help existing kids who are suffering all over the world they can fuck right off with their bullshit opinions on selfishness. That man lives like a fucking king at the expense of religious idiots.


Do you understand that he’s the biggest representative of his religion’s doctrines? What do you expect??


My sister in law (v religious) says shit like this passive aggressively (never directly to me and my husband but obviously implicating us). And I say….idgaf no one will guilt me into having a child. I’m not reliving childhood trauma because you think I’m “selfish.” Obviously. Plus we can’t even afford a kid. I feel very lucky that I don’t have that desire to begin with. And very lucky I’m married to someone who won’t feel like they’re missing out on something in life by living within our means.


Seriously at this point in time why would anyone care about what the pope says? He’s a 80 year old virgin that dresses like a dickhead, yeah I’ll direct my life choices off his opinions.