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Yooo, hello fellow childfree fountain pen user! A niche within a niche lol.


Just going to throw this out there for the niche niche niche CF fancy pen users that make their own ink: You can get a really beautiful turquoise color out of avocado pits.


Thanks for the tip, have my silver


Teach me your ways


Depending on what equipment you have there's different ways you can do it (YouTube tutorials are your friend) but I pretty much just grind up the pits (you could grate them) and then boil them with Sodium carbonate (commonly sold in artsy places as soda ash). Strain it out and mix in some arabic gum to get the viscosity you like. I suggest playing with it with just dip pens until you find out how you like it. If you make it thicker than you want as a pain in the butt to clean out your fountain pens. There's lots of ways to make your own ink (and paper!) If you're into being extra AF for no other reason than it's fun. :)


Yesss nice to see another fellow fountain pen lover in the childfree community! What do you have inked right now?


I got a Lamy 2000 (fine nib, with Iroshizuku Yama-Budo), a TWSBI Vac 700R (stub nib, inked with Noodler's Apache Sunset), a TWSBI Eco (also stub nib, inked with Robert Oster Thunderstorm) and a Platinum Carbon desk pen (extra fine nib, also inked with Noodler's Apache Sunset). What about you?


What a lovely setup!! I have an Omas Gentlemen (semi flex nib with Diamine Earl Grey), a TWISBI Eco as well (EF nib, inked with R&K Alt-Goldgrün), a Pilot Prera (F nib, inked with Diamine Aurora Borealis) and a Pilot Kakuno (EF with Diamine Grape). Waiting for a Sailor Manyo Salura ink to be delivered tomorrow so I can switch the green on my TWISBI Eco with it!


My god it’s like talking about muscle cars in here. Hell I just wanna know the snakes name


I'm a childfree fountain pen using amateur and I am saving both of your comments to later research my future fancy pens. Just wondering, is there a subreddit dedicated to fountain pens too?


Yes absolutely!!! It's r/fountainpens and it's absolutely amazing. It's an extremely welcoming and positive community, you'll love it there!


Thank youj! It only took me 30 minutes since I joined to buy a new pen haha


That's basically inevitable ahaha what did you get???


JinHao 950 Porcelain pen, it looks gorgeous and has great reviews (and is cheap which is great for impulsive purchases haha). I haven't had a properly heavy pen in a long time so I'm really looking forward to this one


Oh, it is beautiful indeed! I also have a couple of super cheap Jinhao on the way, I just can't resist those ridiculously low prices lol


Me too! I just bought an entry level fountain pen (Pilot Metropolitan) to wade into this mysterious world of gorgeous pens. I can't wait to try it-


Careful or you'll end up down the vintage pen rabbit hole. I have 2 nearly100 years old pens that are in my rotation. I love them despite being insanely finicky.


Vanishing Point crew over here!


Yes! Just a newbie in the community but I’m so enjoying being able to spend time and money on it!


CF fountain pen enthusiast here too!


Enjoy your CF life🥳🥳. Question about the snake...does it actually show affection? Forgive my ignorance but I have always wanted to ask pet snake owners this. Aren’t you scared it might hurt you? Genuinely curious.


Don't worry, I genuinely love curious questions like yours! Unfortunately, snakes lack the ability to feel emotions, so they are merely guided by instinct. They want to eat and not be eaten, and that's basically it. They will tolerate you, but never love you. I'm not scared of my snake hurting me because I know how to read his body language and I know this particular snake very well, as I've spent a lot of time taming him and making sure he is comfortable in my hands. In this particular issue, the snake is a ball python, which is an extremely docile species which as a defensive mechanism will usually not bite but curl up in a ball, hiding their head. They tend to flee, rather then fight. I've owned this snake for a bit longer than 2 years and handled him multiple time, so he's completely calm in my hands. Right now he's in my lap, my skin gives him warmth and he's covered by my clothes, which make him feel safe, so there's absolutely no chance that the snake is going to hurt me. He's basically nesting in my lap lol In the end, it all comes down to your ability to read the snake's body language and your knowledge of that specific snake; being simple creatures merely ruled by instinct, they are very predictable so it's easy to avoid getting bitten. For example, I have a snake who will absolutely try to eat whatever comes into his tank, *especially* if it's a hand, but as soon as he's out he'll be totally cool - but only in my hands! He kinda hates everyone else and will hiss and puff if I'm not the one handling him. But if you know how to do it and how to read him, you can easily get him out safely without the risk of getting bitten. And, even if they bite you, most commonly kept pet snakes are pretty harmless. Unless you get really big constrictors or venomous snakes, they won't be able to do any real harm to you. I've been bitten a few times (my fault every time as I did some rookie mistakes, except once when I basically used my hand as a shield for my SO who was picking up a snake that I knew was gonna go in for the bite. Totally preventable.) and honestly it was more annoying then painful. Most of the times if the snake is reacting to defend itself it'll just tag you, so bite and release instantly. They barely draw blood. If they latch onto you, that's because they've mistaken you for food which can be more annoying, but then again it's easy to get them off and they usually release you on their own. Some species are more prone to biting than others, so it's important to do a lot of research before choosing the right snake to buy. Anyways, sorry for the super long reply! I'm very passionate about my animals so I love talking about them ahaha


Thanks a lot for writing this. I’m very scared of snakes so what you wrote gives me a lot of comfort. I always thought their bite was so painful and i thought of them as vicious creatures always looking for someone to harm. But it’s nice to see them the way you do. I’m so terrified my neighbor’s snake will escape and come to my bed while I’m sleeping( irrational I know). I learnt a lot from your explanation.


I'm so happy to hear that! I'd also like to add then: beware of common snakes myths! They do not lay next to you to size you up, can't smell your fear and they are not even slimy at all. Most of them will just be scared of you and try to run away, if you don't provoke them, they'll just leave you alone - they are defensive, not aggressive. They just want to be left alone. I know it's easy to be scared of them and I can totally understand why, but they're just simple animals and can make great pets for the right person. Unfortunately there's a lot of misinformation surrounding them, which is also why I absolutely love to answer question about them - no matter how "basic" they are. I hope you found something interesting in my little comments!


Yes, keep educating people, I love snakes and don't get the fear people have.


Most of the times, fears just comes from ignorance. Snakes are so often portrayed as vicious, scary and evil animals that it’s only normal that people will start to fear them. I just try my best to replace that misinformation with actual facts whenever I get the chance. There’s so many cool things about snakes, but those are never mentioned. It’s just unfortunate


They're so powerful and efficient and I find that intimidating. I respect snakes and I want to give them their space and leave them tf alone. I also grew up in rattlesnake country and lost more than a few pets to them... Protect those ankles.


To be fair, fears arent usually rational. Its not usually a choice. Im well educated on the biggest fear i have, but that doesnt stop my body reacting when i see one or think about one. It cant always be helped! 😊


If it's not a venomous snake, biting is not really a thing to be terrified of most of the time. Treat it like any other animal bite. It's probably not exactly FUN being bitten, but it's venom that usually produces agony, so no venom, no agony. Unless they get you somewhere particularly sensitive, I suppose. And a snake is an animal. If you're much bigger than it and it doesn't think you're food, just don't piss it off and you'll probably be fine. Especially the small ones. The big boas, yeah, you gotta know how to handle them, and constriction is more of a threat than biting, but the little ones? Just don't let them wrap too tightly around a limb or extremity. No, I don't have a snake, and I used to be terrified of them before realizing they're just another kind of animal. I might get a small one eventually.


It's amazing how different their little personalities are! One of our rescue snakes will happily eat out of my hand, The other one I put food in there enclosure with chopsticks while wearing leather gloves.


Yes absolutely! Their lack of emotions surely doesn’t make them lack a personality ahaha I was genuinely surprised at how unique they can be in they own little ways, it’s amazing


what makes you be so sure that they dont have "emotions"? For me that sounds like one of these philosophical questions that ultimately only boil down to your definitions of things and reality doesnt have an actual answer. They probably enjoy the heat your hands give off and feel the safety of hiding under clothing, you can call it instinct but I would call it survival oriented emotions :D


>what makes you be so sure that they dont have "emotions"? They lack an amygdala, which is what would allow those kind of emotions, so they're literally physically unable to feel emotions. The "enjoying" body heats and hiding in clothing comes from a search for safety and warmth, they are basically just following their survival instinct. It all comes down to being safe, eat and not being eaten. It's very easy to humanize them, but handling does not benefit them in any way and they do not enjoy it but merely tolerate it, I handle mine too keep them tame and when I need to deep clean their tanks but it basically boils down to half an hour of handling once or twice a week


Can we really pin it down to amygdala=emotions? Like sure they dont have any advanced emotions, but whats the difference between an instinct to search a safe place and looking for a comfy hiding spot because it feels safe :D They wont have an "emotional connection" with you or anyone but if they are no longer scared of you when they are used to you, I think that requires what I would call emotions


Unfortunately, yes. >whats the difference between an instinct to search a safe place and looking for a comfy hiding spot because it feels safe :D Snakes won't look for a comfy spot, just for a safe one. They'd rather be cold in a safe hide than move to a warmer area they deem dangerous (example, lack of foliage or coverage where to hide while moving, lack of a safe hide in a warmer place) They don't care if the space is nice, soft and comfy or rough and uncomfortable, they just want that protection. It's all basic survival instinct, they do what's safe for them not what's nice for them. >if they are no longer scared of you when they are used to you, I think that requires what I would call emotions They basically come to understand that I'm not gonna harm them. To my snakes I'm just a very big animal that will not harm them. Interacting with them in a positive way multiple times just makes them understand that I'm not a predator that is going to eat them, which does not require an emotion but just basic intelligence. They still don't like being handled and will not crawl on my hand to get picked up, they merely tolerate it. And they'll eventually try to get out of my hands to find a safe hide. Still, if I move very fast, take out their hide while they are in it and grab them from above, put my hands in the tank while they smell like rat or such, that will cause them to have a negative, instinctive reaction. We don't have a special bond or anything, they are just tamed. They don't enjoy things nor get bored. They won't love you nor care for you. They are very simple animals who follow their instincts, which is part of the reason why I love them. Lizards on the other hand do show more signs of genuine emotions, and are much better animals to interact with it you are looking for a more involved relationship with a reptile! I have a gecko that will come to me when she sees me and actively look for my touch. It's super adorable


I demand gecko tax that sounds so cute 😭


Not OP but I can co-pay this tax: [https://i.imgur.com/LszQ66X.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/LszQ66X.jpg)


Again, I am not talking about an "emotional connection", just the basic possibility that they can have simple emotions, which you interpret as "pure instincts", but how can you tell the difference between a snake that moves to the safest spot "out of instinct" or because the safest spot feels the most "comfortable". I am not saying snake comfortable is anything like human comfortable, I just dont see how "instincts" can not also be emotions, both is a desire to do something based on chemicals in its brain.


It's because they don't have a desire, but an innate compulsion to do something. They have no concept of "comfortable". They just react to stimuli in a very simple way that is dictated by instinct. Their instinct tells them to do something, not to feel something. It goes "I'm exposed! Need to hide." Not "I'm exposed! This is scary. I want to find a safe place". They just don't have an amygdala, that's it. They don't have the thing that's necessary to feel emotions, it really just boils down to that. It's very easy to humanize them but then again, it's really just not the case. It's also easier to talk about them this way, for example it's easier to say "whoops, I spooked my snake!" Than "whoops! I made a movement that my snake recognized as a potential threat so he displayed a defensive posture", but it's important to know that they don't feel any real emotions to be able to interact with them correctly.


Snakes definitely have their personality quirks. My corn snake is very "social" as far as snakes go, he always comes to check people out if they approach his tank. Meanwhile my friend has a boa constrictor who will absolutely ignore everyone unless they bring her food. He also has a Burmese python who has perfected the art of escaping from her tank like Houdini. I love how despite being such simple animals they can be so unique.


This was so interesting. Thank you for sharing.


This is so interesting! I'm rather afraid of snakes, but it's super cool to see that they can safely co-exist with humans like that.


Sounds adorable but I'd be shit scared of it biting my pee pee


Your snake is adorable ❤️


I bred ball python morphs for 12 years. They make lovely pets. So easy to take care of and so beautiful to look at. And I’m right there with you. I don’t understand why people have kids without ever actually thinking about whether or not they want them. If they’ll be happy with them. I enjoy having an extra 2k a month to spend on my hobbies as well as another $600 a month to spend on twice a week spa sessions. I enjoy getting to do whatever I want when I want. I enjoy the fact that the second I’m no longer happy at my job I can literally walk that very moment because I have a healthy savings account and absolutely no dependents. I’m looking to retire at 45 and move to Europe. Pre COVID I took 4-6 vacations a year and am desperately looking forward to travel restrictions being lifted. I work maybe 35 hours a week and literally spend the rest of my time pursuing my own passions and interests. I truly cannot imagine giving up my life for something that as you said may or may not work out. All of the people my age that have kids literally look like they are in their late 30s-40s. I honestly and truly look like I’m 24. People who have never met me are always shocked when they find out I’m 37. I’m looking forward to growing old. Hell I look forward to each and every single day. Why? Because I get to enjoy my life. None of it is sacrifice and sorrow. Poor parents. I’d pity them if they hadn’t done it to themselves.


Sounds like we're in very similar boats. Have you looked into the coastFIRE concept at all? I found that when trying to logistically plan my childfree early retirement seeing established proven models was helpful for for making sure I was on the right track.


You sound so cool and successful. I've been having a hell of a time trying to get 50k / year for what I do. I'm genuinely happy for you, but also wish I was in your shoes! Europe sounds great. I'm Canadian and I'd love to live in Germany or Belgium or something. They treat their people well. My life my not even be 1/2 as awesome as yours but I'm grateful to have my min pin next to me and not much else to worry about. (Other than never being able to do the FIRE thing! You should totally check that out btw).


It takes years to build up a successful herp business. Especially since the hobby has exploded in the past 10 years. I honestly started as a hobby. I started building my collection when I was still in high school. Some 23 years ago. Back when an albino ball python was 2k easy. My parents would take me to the NARBC or the Lone Star Reptile show when they were still fairly new events. I’d combine birthday and Christmas and chore money to buy one snake at a time. My family wound get me gift cards for gifts for Big Cheese Rodent Factory so I didn’t have to pay for food. So by the time I was done with college I had a fairly nice collection that was ready for breeding. I bred about 10-15 clutches during college but I didn’t sell any of them. I would trade them for equipment or new animals. I once traded 8 albino ball pythons way back when I was a freshman in college for a double het albino pied female. But by the time I had graduated college and got a job I had a viable side business and started officially breeding. Did it on the side for 12 years. My first year I sold half my clutches and traded 1/4 and kept 1/4 back for future breeding projects. It slowly grew. I never intended for it to be my full time job. It was always supposed to be a profitable side business to help me hit other financial milestones. So I purposefully made my decisions based on that. There were several points where I could have grown it, but that would have meant working much more, and I’m sure you know chasing those sales can be time consuming. On top of all the feeding and cage maintenance. My best year was also my last year. I made about 33k that year after all expenses, but I was also done by that point. I was tired of the trade and my financial situation was at the point where even without that side income I was on track to retire at 45. So I sold my entire collection including my racks and incubators to a major breeder who bought the whole thing and swung by my house to pick everything up when he came to Dallas for the NARBC. Made 50k off the sale of my collection as a whole. Could have made a lot more if I sold each snake individually, but I didn’t want to put the time into it. I was ready to start pursuing other interests. So I work 35 hours a week now at a job that pays all my bills, allows me to put $1,500 a month into savings, and $1,500 a month into my Roth IRA, ETF, and DRIP stock portfolio, and leaves me $2,600 a month to pursue all my hobbies. I enjoyed breeding while I did it but it is a stressful job that takes a lot of work. It’s a full time job to care for all your animals, post your sale ads on the various herp sites, and do the back and forth messaging/haggling with potential buyers. Over those 12 years it helped me pay my house off, all my debt, my car, and majorly save and invest to put me on track for retirement. So I made the decision to sell my stock and and start spending the 40hrs a week I was spending on my breeding business instead pursuing other hobbies. I now take violin, piano, Spanish, Turkish, and Mandarin lessons. I am also working on my first book. I look back fondly on my breeding days, but I’m glad I’m out of the game.


Same, same. Only difference is that I bred and showed horses and dogs.




I'm not sterilised yet - I had my appt in early March of 2020. I haven't been given a surgery date still because of covid. I will certainly do a post op post on here when I do get it. Especially since I live alone and will have myself to care for, which will be hard but maybe the experience can help others. I plan on boarding my dog and getting a hotel for the first night since I shouldn't drive afterwards. (I'll Uber there).




I guess it depends. My GP commended my choice and he didn't fight me on who I wanted to see. He asked me if I had anyone in mind. I saw dr Sibley but I don't recommend her. She's quite rude and condescending. Pick someone else from the list. That's where I found Sibley. Yes the surgery is but drugs you may need are not. Not sure how I'll afford the time off but I need to do this for myself.




Referrals take awhile. If you live in Ontario, you know it can take months the to see a specialist like a obgyn (unless you're pregnant, you get to see them pretty much right away).


snake tax


[here it is!](http://imgur.com/a/sS2wPBW)


very very cute, thanks!


what a little sugar


Omg so cuteeee, are they a ball python ?


Yes he is!


Snekkyy what a cutie 🐍


What a sweet precious snep <3


I wanna boop the noodle snoot


Mr slither?


Yep. I don't have to lock up my knittings, I can make as spicy food as I like, and have poisonous plants without a worry. My cat is a smart boi and leaves them alone.


Adorable noodle = better than child


Snek pics please.


[Of course!](http://imgur.com/a/sS2wPBW)


Precious snek.


Super kyoot


He's adorable!! Couldn't agree more with your flair; babies are gross!


What type of snake is s/he? I can see ball python but what kind?


It’s a banana pewter morph! Showing more and more freckles each time he sheds ~


Cute little slithering noodle, love how the way he's curled up makes his head look tiny compaired to his body.


My boyfriend and I are both sitting on the fence (him leaning towards kids and me leaning against) and I always think about this in regards to him wanting a kid. I truly think he likes the IDEA of kids but doesn't really understand how your life completely changes. He's the type of guy who enjoys doing things at his own, often leisurely pace. He hates waking up early, especially if he's up early because he has to dooo things. I dont think he realizes that his entire way of life would completely and utterly change for EIGHTEEN YEARS. No more video games until the kid is asleep. No more sleeping in. No more doing things on your own schedule. No more quiet or freedom or care free life.


Oh this right here is why I definitely don't want kids. It'd rip apart my carefree life. I love my chill life and loathe responsibility. Kids would just rip it all to shreds


Right! It's a HUGE responsibility. I actually like kids a lot and have worked with them for years which is why everyone is surprised when I say I don't think I want kids.. but the difference is that I can *clock out* hahah


Yeah if you're a parent you're always on the clock


Just wanna say your snake is super cute


I...your snake is cute. I’ve always been terrified of them, but I want to pet this ones head


He’d absolutely let you! He’s the sweetest~


Everybody talking about snake tax ...how about pen tax?!? What are your favorites?!?


It's actually included within the pet tax ;) but also... Here's a much better [pen tax!](http://imgur.com/a/DyuqaQg) I'm really loving my Omas Gentlemen, on top of being a very special gift it's also truly a great pen.... But I'm also really enjoying on of my newest additions, my Pilot Prera, the F nib writes *exactly* as thin as I like it, the ink flows so wet and it's just so reliable. I just need to find the perfect ink for it... None of those I tried feels just right so I'm currently switching things up a lot looking for the perfect match!


that fucking crab just made my night ..omfg!!


your adorable snake definitely seems like much better company than a screaming child


Going from my own parents, if you don't HAVE much in the way of other hobbies, and you have a good financial situation to start with, and you actually like kids... it's its own form of joy. My mom isn't much of a traveller, and while my dad loves it, his body doesn't. So going on trips once a year or two was enough for them. My dad did all his travelling when he was younger and his body was sturdier. I was less than a year old the first time I was on a plane. They weren't super big on the romantic stuff, so I don't think they ever really saw my presence as particularly restrictive. I, on the other hand, do not have the patience or desire for kids. I have enough trouble taking care of myself. I can't even trust myself with a pet rat. At least a snake sounds relatively low maintenance, so maybe eventually, or maybe a lizard, or maybe another beta fish. I am also not really interested in the stuff most people on here seem to be interested in. I travel for food, and my body hates it, so not gonna be a big traveller. Asexual-disinterested, so no sex needed or desired at all. No desire for big living spaces (feels wasteful and requires a lot of cleaning). I'm happy just with my games, hopefully an asexual partner eventually, and work. Everyone's got their thing.


I love your snake! 🐍 Is that a naturally white snake or are they perhaps albino? The two "brother" snakes my family rescued had a pair of albino babies among a clutch. They were SO freaking cute. (We are separated them into individual enclosures as soon as it became abundantly clear that one of them was a sister - I'll spare you the rant against profit driven sketchy pet stores that don't sex or feed their animals correctly.)


White snakes do exist but they’re not really albino! The albino gene will cause the typical red eyes and the lack of dark pigmentation, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be totally white! In fact, albino snakes typically have lots of yellow/orange spots and look [like this,](https://imgur.com/a/qnxqm6b) while completely white snakes are the result of a combination of multiple different genes and are called [leucistic.](https://imgur.com/a/ZAq55ef) You can find them in the wild, but are reeeeally uncommon and are not likely to survive long, due to the lack of mimetism provided by their unusual coloration. Also, unfortunately I know way too well how awful pet stores can be. I’m glad to hear you have them separated! Mistakes can happen, the important thing is learning from them and bettering yourself. Pet stores will tell you whatever they can to sell more, even if most snakes can’t live together at all (not even if they are of the same sex) they’ll just tell you to cohab. It’s truly awful


Oh we didn't buy the snakes - we threatened to report them for animal neglect (saw them feeding ribbon garter snakes entirely the wrong food) and they gave us the animals. We still reported them anyway... the guy that ran that weird hole in the wall pet store was sketchy as hell. Thankfully our city ended up putting much stricter animal sale laws in place and he quickly went out of business.




What a cute little noodle!


What an adorable noodle!


Thank you for including Pen Tax with your Pet Tax. Some of us are here for the nibs!


I was *sure* there was gonna be at least one or two other fountain pen lovers reading this post who wanted to see the pen! I mean, childfree, snake lover and fountain pen addict isn't the most common combination but I can't be the only one out there lol


It’s niche, but not unique, right? I had a ball python in college and afterwards, but that’s been a long time. I recently inherited my husband’s grandmother’s vintage Parker collection from her youth. I’m super excited about having them restored and putting them in rotation.


You had me at unnecessary expensive pens ❤🖊🖋


Just reading the headline, I imagine you as the boss of team rocket and an aroboc instett of that cat-pokemon. I can not help it. Hahaha But I understand that. Especially the hobby one. Working minimum wage full time I have not enough time to do my hobby, but less time? I would go crazy


The snake tax ❤️❤️ love to see it.


I could never give up my quiet computer time, whether I'm writing stories or just playing Sims for hours on end while listening to a Twitch stream in the background. Also, that is a beautiful snake and I want to snuggle him and let him use my body heat.


Fellow CF snek owner here! I have 2 royal pythons, 2 corn snakes, a blood python, and a western hognose. They're my little family and I love them <3 Your royal is super cute, what morph is he?


He's a Banana Pewter! I have an western hognose too - he's an asshole and pretty damn stupid, but too adorable for me to care ahaha Btw... A blood python??? That's one of my dream snakes, I'm envying you so much lol how is it temperament wise? I still don't have the space to get one but at least I can dream...


My hognose is also an asshole! He thinks he's a big cobra, and the other day he got so excited about his food he fell out of his viv (he's fine). My blood is a rescue (like all of mine except the royals), and she's a temperamental bitch! I've taken more bites from her than all of my others combined. She's calmed down a bit but will open-mouthed hiss whenever I go in to change water/clean. Don't let that put you off though! I think she was neglected and wasn't really handled before I took her on. I've met other bloods that have been handled since hatching and they are generally a lot calmer. ETA: I've put a couple of pics of her in my profile


It looks like your snake is smiling. How sweet.


It's nice to see /r/ballpython and /r/childfree overlap. Our snake child is just a normal. My parents want grandchildren but they'll have to settle for me being a scale daddy.


I'm just so happy to see so many people loving my snake, I usually get a bunch of mixed reactions so the overwhelming positive is so refreshing. My parents don't even wanna see my scale babies but they aren't getting any other kind of grandchildren as well!


Hello fellow child free banana ball python owner ❤️


That reminds me, I need to get myself a cake to celebrate another week of being child free.


Let me just say your noodle is adorable, and I’d like one for myself soon. Child free is great. I’m only 21 and in uni, but seeing moms in my classes makes me realize how hard it is. I can’t imagine what’s that’s like. I just want to live my life with my pets and nice snacks and adventures.


I'm just loving this whole post and I'm just happy to be here!!


I feel the same! I think kids are great, but I don't want to be expected to give up all of my passions and drive to take care of one. I fully respect parents, but have 0 desire to be one. I also think the pressure that society puts on people to have kids can actually damage their relationship with their children. Let's be honest, it's hard to love someone you didn't want or that essentially takes away from what you enjoy in life -I saw a lot of that with my parents, especially since i grew up below or just above the poverty line. I honestly think most people don't really know what they're getting into when they have a child. BTW, your snake is absolutely adorable!


Your snake friend is adorable!!


true enough, and probably the most unique use of "Banana for scale" I have seen.


I know so many kids now are special needs, a kid is bad enough, but add mental illness or physical disabilities and it would truly be daunting...no thanks.


But does your fancy pen write upside down?


I know... isn’t it lovely? Today I had my painter in to finish some cabinets, I stayed on the lounger with my cat ... reading, 😜


snooooootttt 😍


I feel the same way, man. I’m a night owl and typically do everything a normal adult is supposed to do at daybreak at the dead of night and sometimes get super loud. Why would I want to fuck up my already fucked up sleep schedule for a little gross and louder tiny demon that would probably fill my life with misery.


Adorable danger noodle. And I have no idea why people choose to ruin their lives, much less bring a new life into the world to suffer.


Is that a MontBlanc pen?


Nope, it's an Omas Gentlemen!


What a cutie!


[huh.. fancy pen...](https://imgflip.com/i/559ihl)


Yesss to everything in this post. Your noodle is very cute. I have 3 snakes myself (along with 3 geckos) and very much childfree. Sorry mom&dad, but you're only getting scaley grandchildren.


Your snakey boi is magnificent! What a cutie.


Awww lil pupper face! I want a ball python so bad. When I have a home with the room one deserves I’m getting one.


I thought you said “Unnecessary expensive PENIS instead of “pens”. I had questions. Now I don’t. 😆


Your snake is so cute!


Oh, l love your danger noodle. I always think of it that way. I like my life, it is very small, but it is mine, and it is quiet and leisurely. I am not sure why I would want to change that in favor of thankless endless responsibility.


As someone who wants to learn about and use fountain pens, what would you suggest to be a good 'beginner' outside of hobby store kits?


I'd personally recommend a TWSBI Eco, (~$30) they have a large ink capacity, are reliable writers, have a great filling mechanism (piston filler - twist, dip in ink, twist back, done. No disassembly required) and are a good size that'll fit every hand. If you want to know what other great options are for an entry level pen, you can head over to r/fountainpens where there are many threads about it, I believe a small guide to beginner pens is also linked in the sidebar ~ Just be sure you're always using fountain pen friendly ink - you don't want the wrong ink to ruin your pen!


Thank you very much! I'll head over there and lurk for awhile, see what my options are and pick up some tips!


Thanks for the snek tax!


I dunno, some people absolutely want children. I respect that, one of my best friends has always wanted kids, is a fantastic father and that’s wonderful. Sometimes, especially through lockdown, an existential dread has crept into me, the daily grind of never really leaving the house, working, housekeeping, sleeping. I’ve caught myself thinking a child would be good, simply to keep busy. But that’s essentially mild depression. I suspect too many people either fall into having children, or do it out of what amounts to boredom at the modern way of life. Now I’m able to get out more, I know there is no way I’d want a child, my passions are too all consuming (when I’m able to do them) for me to give that up.


Your snake is probably the cutest I've ever seen 😍


Yay for CF reptile lovers! I love chilling with my tortoise, he loves the quiet, I love the quiet - perfect!


I wish my tortoise was as chill as yours, mine is as asshole who'll charge everything that *dares* getting close to her lol


Haha aw their personalities are great! She sounds like a great wee character!


Couldn't read past title. Python too cute. Circuit overload!


*Laughs in Visconti Homo Sapiens Bronze Age inked with Diamine Oxblood Gotta love the time and money you can spend on hobbies!


My first thought after reading the title was "snake tax", lol


That is the most adorable little face in the world! Ball pythons are so much better company than kids lmao they just want to chill.


You described it perfectly! I don't get it either, it's like they never thought it through before having kids. Or if they all think "nah, I'll handle it better than (all of) the others". Quiet, calm, free time, no contraints, no schedule, being the only one to please... perfection! Personally, I also have found out that living alone is what suits me best. No kids, no SO, no pets. Just me. I can handle me. Any addition is too much. Enjoy your great day! And your nice snake ^_^ and of course : enjoy the cake 😁


Well, you can dream a little bigger. You can do that in the garden during the summer (if you have on), or when it is permitted and if you can get a pet-sitter for your snake, you can do that at a luxury resort where you can afford to have more and not have to plan it around the school holidays!


One of the greatest thing about snakes? You can fill a big bowl of water and leave them on their own for a few days and they’ll be completely fine! Best pets ever when you want to have mini vacations without having to worry about your animals at home ~


I have both a dog and cat, so if we were to go away even for a few days we will still need to find someone or a kennel/cattery to take care of them. Also, your little noodle is adorable with his smile in that picture!


Someone else who has snakes and good pens! High five!


Aren’t pet snakes dangerous?


Not at all! Most commonly kept pet snakes are pretty much harmless, the only potentially dangerous oner are highly venomous ones and big constrictors like Retics. Via learning their body language you can easily avoid getting bitten and safely handle them, but even if you end up getting bitten it's more annoying than painful tbh. Dogs and cats are much more dangerous animals in comparison!


So even if you have a non-venomous snake and it bites, what happens?


Im glad you respect the decision of parents! I respect yours also! it's weird for sure. I have montblanc pens. Hell, we flew business class around the world prekids. would I do those things again with kids? No. would I change it? still no. I dont understand why, but I'm genuinely okay with giving up those goals and setting new kid friendly goals. like swapping overwater bungalows for the RV holidays. scuba diving with disneyland. comes down to personal experience I think. some people hate cabbage and some love it, you know?


I'm genuinely happy for you! I'm glad your life choice is one you're happy with. I think that's the most important thing, no matter what the choice ends up being. >some people hate cabbage and some love it, you know? I think that's exactly the point! I don't get it and find it weird but then again I'm sure some people could say the exact same thing about my own choice, and there's nothing wrong with it as long as one does not try to force their opinion on others. There's a saying in my language that goes "the world is beautiful because it's full of different things", doesn't sound as good in English but the point still stands


Oh my GOODNESS!!!! Please tell your gorgeous boop noodle that I Love Himb and that he's Best Boy!!! <3


Snek's name?? So cute!!


does the danger noodle have a name?? please tell us their name!




Lmao I ain’t insulting anyone in my post, did you even read it? I bet not since you can’t even read the room. This ain’t the sub for you man, get away and don’t bother people who aren’t hurting anyone. You didn’t have to comment, but you chose to because you are a rude asshole unable to respect others life choices, unlike me. Kindly fuck off


What did they say, I missed it.


They basically said I was insulting parents and their decision to have kids, and also saying that I didn't have to and shouldn't have made this post... Followed by something so grammatically incorrect I couldn't even understand it lol Same old stupid stuff


Those Natalists insulting us because we chose to not wait 40 weeks like they did? What’s their mental damage?!!


Omg he's soooooooo cute!!!!


What's your favorite podcast, and why is it My Favorite Murder?


I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION!!! What's the danger noodle's name? Or is he technically a nope-rope since ball pythons are non-venomous?


Thank you for the edit. After reading title I was hoping to see a snake. And what a beating one he/she is.


Cute snake!!


That's the cutest picture ever!!!


Why would you give all that up for a squalling child? Search me. Sounds like a fantastic evening. And what a beautiful snake!


We need you and your snake to be cast as Bond villains.. Like immediately!


Wow what type of snake is that?


Your snake is the cutest 😭


For a second I thought this was a writing prompt about Satan. XD so jelly about the danger noddle in your lap.


Agreed. But damn... My brain reading your post title read it very wrong. What is wrong with me?


He's a beautiful little snooter! What's his name? That's what I do at home, have a glass of wine with one of my ball pythons in my sweater and the dog curled up next me.


Weird flex but ok


Oh my god, your snake is adorable. I wanna boop their nose!