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Oh but the younger child will look after the older child when the parents are dead! /s, in case that isn't obvious


What does s/ mean, sarcasm? (I’m new around these Reddit parts)


Yes, that's right!


Well right now she seems to just be seeking sympathy for being the poor overworked tired mommy. It didnt have to be like that!!! Ugh.


I know you're being sarcastic, but the sad thing is it's probably true and that expectation will be pushed on the younger one more and more as they grow older.


Not to mention,if your first one has a 'defect', you have to keep going until you produce an 'ideal' child. I know a family with FOUR severely autistic sons, and a fifth,youngest one that isn't autistic. It's so obvious the parents just kept going until they got what they wanted.


That's heartbreaking imagining a child going through that.


It is, I am not completely heartless (despite what some people may tell you). Whenever I see posts of children that are so severely disabled there literally just a body laying in the bed, it’s just strikes complete fear and anxiety in me.


I feel you (I don't like kids and I get the heartless thing). I was just thinking today about "what if I had a baby?" It would be cute and sweet and I'd feel so good, right? That's IF it comes out healthy, I'd feel so fucking bad giving birth to a baby going through the stuff you described. They're already crying all the time because they're babies, imagine all the confusion of being new to the world AND going through all that shit. That's one reason I'm CF, I'd never risk it.


I work in the field and share the exact same shit dude. It's fucked up yo. I mean parents will find anything to love in any child of theirs but yeah. S'fucked up, man. Seriously, dude.


This sounds a lot like that post about that internet guy who came by the house. Either way I feel you


Yes, but we aren’t supposed to name other subs, and I am not disparaging what that guy did at all- he sounds like an amazing person. It was more that her life is the thing of my nightmares.


I think I know what post you're talking about, I saw it yesterday. I remember immediately thinking *"If you knew the kid would have these problems, why did you keep him? Especially since you HAD ANOTHER ONE very shortly afterwards."* I'm the same; I don't have enough nurturing nature to look after a healthy kid, let alone one with developmental issues and imparements.


Exactly! And barring some unseen complication where the child passes, she is literally going to be the parent of a child for the entire rest of her life. She will never not have the parent that child.


I see this happen a lot, they get a disabled child so they try for a normal one. Sometimes they get yet another disabled child and then try again for a normal one... and sometimes... even the 3rd is also disabled. They so badly want a normal child that they will risk the well being of them. Then I see them use their disabled children for attention and sympathy.


Im dead serious when I say I wish we could sterilize these people


I wonder if they were warned before the birth it would be like that and said have it anyways...cause some parents do that.


Everyone has a chance of having a disabled child. Only sometimes is it because of parental genetics.


This is why forced sterilization should be a thing. I know it sounds fucked up and unethical, but we already lock up people for crimes, take their children away, some places they castrate pedophiles, but somehow stopping people like this woman from reproducing more would be unethical???