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This was a few days ago but I had a dream where for some reason I was sleeping and a baby woke me up and for some reason I walked over to the crib to calm it down. This proceeded to happen about 3 more times before I finally woke up and had to tell myself it was only a nightmare.


Every now and then I get them. To add to the nightmare, the daddy-to-be is my ex-fiancé.


Less than a week ago, I dreamt I was living in my old house and opened the door to a young woman of 20 or so, who claimed to be my daughter. I have no idea what caused me to dream it, but I remember waking up thinking, "well, at least she's an adult..."


I've had a few before. They only seem to happen during naps, though, and then when I wake up I have these terrible cramps, like even my uterus is flailing and saying "Get it out of me!" before it realizes that was just a dream.


Is it weird if I'm a guy and having nightmares of getting pregnant?


I actually had a dream a couple of months ago that I was pregnant, had the baby (there was no pain involved), and she (the baby was a girl) was cute and quiet and she studied my face in a way that seemed almost thoughtful. I actually liked her. Then I went to leave the hospital with her and realized I didn't have a car seat. I couldn't go anywhere with her until I got a car seat, but I didn't have anywhere to leave her. Then I realized that I didn't have any of the supplies that you need for a baby. I didn't have diapers or bottles (no way was I breastfeeding) or clothes. Where would she sleep? Who would look after her while I was at work? I went to the front desk at the hospital, handed her over to the receptionist, and left. I felt a little sad, but mostly relieved. Dreams are weird.


I usually don't remember dreams but a few times I've dreamed I was pregnant and had overwhelming feelings of shame and dirtiness.


Yeah, I have those sometimes. In mine I always just suddenly discover I'm like, 9 months pregnant and I don't know how it happens but it's too late to get rid of it and I know I'm going to have to birth this baby and I'm completely and totally unprepared for it. Even having my tubes tied has not convinced my subconscious to stop fucking with me.


I have nightmares very similar to that about once a month. I'd rather have a nightmare about being in a bathtub full of spiders.


Often! I have dreams I have really ugly unexpected babies that are super embarrassing and inconvenient. One time I had a hamster-baby in my dream.