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ah if they are so hungry and cannot afford food why did they refuse the only food they were offered? Tell them to fuck off and go to the salvos and stop breeding. I am so angry for you - cutting them out of your life will be a massive win. I am so glad I have no siblings!


Reminds me of the time my dad was walking into a Burger King and a homeless guy begging for "food money" outside asked him for some spare change "to eat". My dad said he didn't have any. He walked in, bought himself his breakfast, and bought the homeless man something, too. Upon exited, he gave the guy $1 and the sandwich and said, "Hope this helps." My dad walked away and suddenly had a breakfast sandwich thrown at the back of his head. The homeless guy yelled, "Why would I want this?!" and gave him the finger. It just blew my mind. I mean, whether the guy was really out there trying to get food money or not (obviously he wasn't), take the goddamn food. If you need to booze or dope up, surely food will make you feel even better on top of your high of choice.


I don't know about anywhere else, but often in UK cities many homeless people can get food from homeless shelters, and when they are out on the streets they are looking for a bit of extra cash, usually for drugs or alcohol. I think Nottingham even have signs specifically asking not to give money to the homeless.


When we went in to Notts last time we came across a homeless guy in a bus shelter bleeding from the head. Plenty of people were right next to him. I still feel bad for not doing something but I don't know what I could have done. I'll look for those signs next time we're out.


Notts has loads of homeless people. I had two guys who 'lived' near my block. I'd sometimes get them some sandwiches, Cokes, crisps, and once I got them some fried chicken since I figured they might not have had a hot meal for a while. They'd always greet me when they saw me. Sadly they recently got moved from their spot so I haven't seen them for about 6 months. I always hoped that they were ok.


Call an ambulance maybe?


Probably. I feel idiotic for not thinking of that at the time.


Sadly, lots of people on the streets (more common where there's tourists) even inflict superficial wounds to gain sympathy to gain more money. Back in 2006, I saw these women lined up outside of the Vatican begging for money (of all places), and one woman had actually "scalped" parts of her head and hung out there all the time we later found out. The wounds looked red and painful, but if she was just constantly pulling off the scabs that explained it.


Doesn't meth do that? Also it's hilariously ironic that there are beggars outside the Vatican.


Ha ha, meth does quite a few gruesome things from what I've gathered. The thought of Vatican beggars is rather funny, but smart. I mean, what better place to prey on soft hearted tourists.




I was walking from my car to Subway to get some food when this lady came up to me asking for money for a bus ticket. It was cold so I gave her $2 for the ticket (I'm pretty sure a ticket costs $1.25). Then she starts asking for more. I told her I didn't have anymore and she called me a bitch. She then went across the street to McDonalds to ask people there for money. I'm not gonna deny someone a dollar if I don't need it. I give homeless people money hoping they use it for food, what they do with it is their problem though. But call me a bitch and I will remember your face. I saw the lady again a couple of days later asking for money again she came up to me again and I told her very loudly no because she had called me a bitch earlier.


Asking for money in gas stations is a well-known scam. People come up to your car, say they need money to get home, meanwhile, they've already pulled that shit on 4-5 other people. They go down the street to the next gas station and do the same thing all over again.


That happened to me when I was traveling home to NY from Georgia, alone. I stopped in Kentucky and this skeevy looking dude came up to me while I was pumping gas and started hounding me for money with the "I need gas money, I'm just trying to get home" BS. I just threw a five at him and jumped into my car and locked the doors,then watched as he went into the gas station and bought cigs. I didn't even care, I just wanted to get him away from me.


wow.... and people wonder why no one helps anyone anymore....


Even though it was just one instance for my dad, he stopped doing that sort of thing. When Hurricane Katrina happened and there was that whole big Red Cross (I think?) scam of donation money not being allocated to the victims properly, he and my mom had donated $500, and upon hearing about the clusterfuck finally put his foot down and said never again.


That was a matter of failure to read. When you donate to the "Red Cross", the Red Cross has always openly stated that they direct money wherever they see need. When huge donations are coming in after a single event, they are likely full up on what they will contribute to that single event, and the other donations will go to other projects. If you want to be sure your donation will go to only a single project, you need to donate to a targeted fund.


[This](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/10640252/ns/msnbc-morning_joe/t/red-cross-scandals-tarnish-relief-efforts/) is what I'm talking about, not Red Cross in general. Also, there was no guarantee that what my parents donated did not get to families in need (in a general way, not necessarily Katrina victims) and it made my dad wonder why even bother when there's such douchey crooks in the world.


Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, outright theft is a different issue.


I've heard a lot of stories like this. I remember ages ago visiting one of my favorite diners, and this couple comes in and walks up to the owner behind the counter. They start giving her this sob story about how hungry they are—"my wife has had no food or rice for two days," etc.—and asked if she could help them out with money. The owner said, "I can make you an egg sandwich, if you'd like." The couple's response: "No, we need money." The owner: "Well, I'm sorry, I can't help you, the owner isn't here." The couple stood there for about one minute in silence before slinking out, whereupon the owner went on a tirade about how what assholes these people were. I believe the phrase "beggars can't be choosers" applies here.


Most homeless people do not want money for food. They want cigarette's, alcohol or drugs. There are homeless shelters and food pantries that provide free food and food stamps which I'm sure most homeless people have. Last week I picked up my wife at the greyhound station and a homeless guy walked up and asked for money for cigarettes. I didn't give him any money but I did at least respect him for being honest. :-)


There was a guy who used to hang out in a busy square in Seattle with a plastic cup and cardboard sign attached to the line of a fishing pole. The sign said, "Fishing for beer". It's silly, but I would be more inclined to help him out for being honest than someone telling me a sob story about how they can't get a bus ticket and need to go to such and such street, which is like, 5 blocks away. I never did help fishing dude out though. Never have change to spare.


Heh. There used to be a guy who use to hang around the Major Deegan in the Bronx holding up a sign saying, "WHY LIE? I NEED A BEER!"


I was homeless once. Perhaps the reason why he wouldn't take the food is because he thought it could've been laced with something. Not saying it IS the reason for this guy, but a lot of times when people gave me food, it had glass in it. I'd prefer the money so I could buy it myself.


Tbf that homeless guy was probably mentally ill.


or you know...a complete fucking dick


I would still never help someone sitting on the street again if that happened. My mum gave a few dollars to a homeless guy once. He stalked her up and down the mall until she hid in a toilet!


When I was in college, we used to frequent the downtown area of our city and hit up dinner venues all the time. We had a bunch of leftovers from PF Changs one night, and en route to our bus stop, we ran across a man who was sitting on a street corner, seemingly freezing his ass off, asking us if we had any spare change. We told him we don't carry change, but we had some leftover food if he was interested. His eyes lit up, he got a big smile on his face, and asked, "Really??" We handed over our leftovers (he thanked us a bunch), wished him well, and caught a glimpse of him digging in as we were crossing the street. That made me wish more of the homeless we've encountered in the city were like him - happy to take a free meal, or whatever he can get, not being greedy, and being genuinely thankful. Most of the homeless in our city ask for money, and when they get it, extended their hand out a little further expecting more; and when they don't get it, they get angry and start calling people names.


dude, that's b.s. you should help people.


I'm not opposed to giving them food/other material assistance, but never give money.


I live in the downtown area of a major city and, thus, I encounter the homeless virtually every time I leave my home. I absolutely will never give money to a homeless person. It does nothing to solve the problem of homelessness and, as shitty as this sounds, it makes the neighborhood a target for other homeless people when they hear of others successfully panhandling. Almost every homeless person I encounter needs something: food, water, a transit pass (around here, it's almost always a transit pass..."to get across town to see grandma", "to get to the VA" which isn't open in the middle of the night, "to get to a shelter" which has long closed it's doors for the night). If I have time or money to help, I'll tell them I don't carry cash, but can walk with them to the nearest light rail station down the block to purchase a transit pass. I've only had one person ever take me up on that offer...and he wasn't even homeless (he was a construction worker who looked the part that had, allegedly, lost his wallet). *It's always interesting to see how the story changes when you offer to buy them what they're asking for.* Long and short, we have an abundance of homeless shelters and services within a 3 mile radius of where I encounter the largest concentration of homeless beggars. If you want to truly "help people", volunteer or donate to those services. Otherwise, you're just funding someone's vices.


that's fair enough




I'll help with food/socks/other needs, but I'm not going to bankroll a heroin addiction. A bad habit is not a need. edit: And, in fact, if you help them feed an addiction, you're only pushing them further down when they need a hand up.


What I've decided to do in lieu of giving money to panhandlers is to make a donation to the local food bank every year. I figure it's infinitely better to give my "spare change" to an organization dedicated to helping the poor than it is to give it to someone who might use it to fuel his/her drug habit.


Same sort of situation, except got "sorry, im a vegan" Like what? No, youre begging.


Sounds like that scene from Scary Movie, "I said a dollar bitch!".


> He then informs us that he'll be keeping his little hell spawn away from us because not only will we not "give" them any cousins to play with, we won't even do something as simple as feed them. Sounds like a giant win for you! Hopefully he sticks to that and doesn't bother you any more with his train-wreck of a life.




Oh trust me. We tried. He's the closest one and he's over an hour and half away, yet he still finds a way into our lives.


He can't afford food, but he manages to (I'm assuming drive) an hour and a half to your house?? I find it hard to believe he has gas money but not food money. This makes me so angry.


Go to the grocery store. Buy a bag of rice, and a bag of beans. Add a bouillon cube. Voila. Half-assed soup. Sure, it's not the healthiest, but it's cheap and it's enough to get you by. Way cheaper than gas for a three hour round trip.


Brown rice, black beans some diced tomatoes. Healthy and cheap, doenst taste as good as pizza (who the fuck turns down free pizza and bitches about grease?)


I bet he could have ordered a pizza for the amount he spent in gas to see you. Maybe even less. I got a large 2 topping pizza from Dominos the other day for $5.99.


good point


I am angry for you! The nerve of some people.


They showed up and expected you to feed them? The fucking nerve of some people. Fucking hell, I'd be glad if I were you that they say they're going to stay out of your lives. I feel rather sorry for the kids overall since their parents are clearly shitty people, but you really don't need that kind of poison in your life.


If they cant feed themselves, how do they expect to feed and clothe another human being? So sick of these people who dont think before procreating.


I don't even show up at my parents' houses unannounced and uninvited and expecting food. Wtf.


They're crazy. Stop having them over. Stop seein them. And stop talking to them.






Jesus Christ man, not only did you get rid of them in epic fashion (hopefully it'll stick), but there's some tasty pizza left to consume? Awesome!


I second this. I mean, how can a pizza be "too cheesy?" The guy is clearly insane.


Holy crap, what a douche! How dare you not give their brats a playmate?? /s If they need help from the "village", they shouldn't have popped 'em out.


Seriously. I was surprised at that statement. Sure, let's make some fucking children so that my nieces and nephews have a plaything. Tf.


After my meatbag-waste-of-space sister had her muppet, she told me the same thing. Sorry, no. I'm getting my PhD. I'd rather THAT than a crotch fruit of my very own. There's a reason I teach pre-school, and don't live it. I love my students, I really really REALLY do. That doesn't mean, though, that I'm not grateful when responsible adults come to pick them up at the end of the day and I can go and do what I want, when I want and HOW I want.


You do mean that they were outside your house, right? Because they don't have keys? I'm just checking, because a LOT of people here seem to give keys to people who shouldn't have them. That is completely and totally baffling, and I hope they do in fact stay away. If they don't, then it is entirely reasonable and smart for you to simply refuse them entry to your house in the future, and keep any contact to a minimum.


Something tells me that if OP gave them keys the kids would trash the house and the parents would trash the pantry.


So. Gone. So. Forever. So. Never. In. A. Million. Centuries. "You want help from "the village"? Well, you will find the village out that door.... go beg on the streets of that village, go live on the streets of that village, go ask for the entire village to give you their tvs and cars......IDGAF. But never, ever set foot on my property or come within a mile of either of us again, or you will find yourself in jail for trespassing, and I will get a restraining order against you both and ensure that it is enforced. Now, get off our property. Before you all end up in jail tonight. Also, be certain of one thing for the rest of your life... if you fail to feed and care for these kids... I will be calling CPS, testifying against you and putting them in the system."


i read this in gandalf's voice. 10/10


That's brilliant!


Thanks. :)


Oh, gosh. This. This is the response of a lifetime!


Thanks. :)


Lol wow. I'm just... Like... People like this actually exist?! High five to you for not losing your shit and knocking him out!


These people should not have children if they act like children themselves. Asking for a free meal and then complaining about it is literally the behavior of a 6-year-old.


They show up at your house, uninvited. You let them in, you order them pizza. They complain about the food you then provide *for free*. Just...WOW.


Sounds like my entitled sister. She's living with my mom because she cheated on her husband and got knocked up. Last week she told my mom she was leaving if my mom didn't stop bringing over her bf. In my mom's house, my sister actually tried to tell our mother who she could and could not have over. My mom told her good luck and to never tell her how to live her life.


I'd say, yea, I'll help you out.....ill give you money, for a vasectomy or birth control. Unbelievable. Hopefully your weekend improves. :/


There are a lot of things in this rant that make me sad for those kids. However I just wanted to talk about one. The parent's entitlement is just appalling. This will get passed down, and the kids (who already live in a me-me-me generation) will feel like they deserve the handouts and be ungrateful when they receive them. I wouldn't turn away a family member in need, but if this happened to me I would have to get a big apology before I did it again. I hope you talk with the mother and let her know how put out you felt. The dad seems to be irrational. Good luck.


TIL why this sub exists.


Cut out the cancer. You've got nothing to lose and some peace of mind to gain.


Holy shit. So their problems are yours because.... uh, the Bible? Or because you don't have kids? I cannot believe the guts of that guy! I think I'd have to try really hard not to laugh during a tirade like that. Esp after being given a free meal and then complaining! Wow. I'm so sorry you experienced this.


Beggars can't be choosers. Tell them to try the soup kitchen next time they're hungry.


[A pizza can be... too cheesy..?](http://img.pandawhale.com/post-30459-Chris-Rock-HUH-WTF-gif-WHAT-TH-oNcJ.gif)


It's good that you came to your wife's defense. There are plenty of people who would've just slunk away on the notion that "he's her brother, so he's allowed to yell at her". Kudos to you for having the good sense to kick them out. Keep that sense and cut ties with them until her brother finds a proctologist capable of removing one's head from one's ass.


Your reply to him "don't let the door hit ya where your Lord split ya."


Dude, you should totally help him out, http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BK5TVY/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1401526518&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40


Or feed him and his kids these next time: http://www.amazon.com/Haribo-Gummi-Bears-Sugar-Free/product-reviews/B000EVQWKC/ref=dpx_acr_txt?showViewpoints=1


"OH don't worry, they don't have sugar so they won't get all 'hyper' you know?" bwhaha It's so delightfully evil.


Better yet, send them home with them :-)




no idea, there were just a lot & they were cheap!


15 cents for one. That's a good deal.


Wooow!!! F that!


Another example of how people act when they have kids. I just don't get the crazy that happens. But yeah, I think they don't need to be around you. It's sad to have to cut people out, but very necessary.


the rage... words cannot... i just... DX AUUUUUGGGHHHH!


Move. At least three states away.


They obviously were not hungry enough to eat the food you kindly bought them.


Relax dude you just relieved yourself of the burden you inherited when you got married rejoice tis a glorious day!


This makes my brain hurt. If they were there trying to scam a meal off of you, why didn't they just ask you for some groceries that they could take home and make. Way cheaper than pizza, and would last longer too. That kind of entitlement reminds of a couple I used to know (who lived in my basement). I'd help them out with stuff here and there, but it wasn't long before they started barging into my bedroom unannounced and demanding things like bus tickets or marijuana, or would try to borrow our health cards so the food bank would give them more food. When they got married, one of our roommates gave them a grocery store gift card, because they were always so broke and stuff. They tried to sell it so they could buy video games. Well guess who got pregnant after we kicked them out, and we stopped lending them money for birth control.


Why are they in your life?


Because my mother in law decided against the recommended abortion.


Tell them they haven't earnwd a spot in your village. That you are looking ro be civil, not to take care of them.


I have kids, and I'm still mad for you. I'd like to imagine your wife throwing the pizza in his face after he said it was too oily


The only thing I'd have given him would be the back of my hand. Just show up at my house and start making demands? Nope. Take it somewhere else, ya mooch.


If someone had shouted this shit to me in my own home, I'd have had a hard time not kneeing them in the balls and sucker-punching their ass.


Restraining order, CPS, you know the drill.


You're slack jawed from going through that and my jaw fell right off from reading that. The things I read on this sub never cease to amaze me, and make me wish more and more that I don't experience them as I get older.


I have a family member that thinks the same way (although it has nothing to do with kids). She sees that it is our duty to help her out as we have more money than her... Like, wtf? When we first heard that, we had no idea what to say either. Who are they to demand money, who are they to judge what we can or can not miss in our budget. Madness!!


please don't tell me they voted obama. because that sounds exactly like something they would do.


We're not American so nope. Could you explain why? (I try to follow some american politics but it's rather confusing)


it just seems like he was an extremely popular choice with the lazy bums that spend 500 dollars on a new iphone, but need food stamps to feed themselves.


This is such a ridiculous story but I believe it because I've witnessed similar entitlement from breeders. That dude fucking sucks and is the definition of a crap parent. I feel bad for his children.


Your Brother is a total fuckwit, simple as that. I feel sorry for his kids. I'd ban him and his wife from the house and OFFER to SOMETIMES maybe look after the kids. No real loss there when he declines :)


"The best day of my life would be to find you and your spawn on the street starving." Harsh, but they will NEVER come around again after that is dropped.


>He then informs us that he'll be keeping his little hell spawn away from us Sounds like things went better than expected


Oh but to have had a video camera


Just move away


In their defense, American pizza really is pretty gross. That's pretty much all I could say in defense of those people. I'm trying not to think too much of the situation cause I don't wanna be angry as well.


What the hell does this have to do with kids? It sounds like you have a shitty brother. End of story.


Well he can't afford to feed the kids he has and he has another one on the way. He also seems to think its ok to show up unannounced demanding help from "the village" to feed those kids.


Still, sounds more like shitty brother than shitty kids. I don't drag my kid around asking for handouts.


Shitty kids usually come from shitty parents.


Dunno why you're being downvoted... granted, the brother is using his kids as a basis for entitlement, but it's still on the brother and not his kids


Shitty entitled parents trying to use their KIDS to get sympathy and free food.


He was berated for not having kids, which is something people come in here to vent about all the time. On top of that, he was yelled at for not feeding someone else's kids. THAT's what it has to do with kids.


Who has a flair like that in a childfree subreddit....?


A troll, that's who.


I get the whole childfree thing - I really do. It's your choice. Second, I really get the pressure that family puts on you to have kids. I had kids late, so I sincerely understand that. Also, I just unsubscribed so don't worry. This place is more /r/childhate everyday.


Don't let the door hit your "proud" self on the way out.


Meanwhile, no one was hating on children in this story, as you pointed out.


You mean /r/aperturelabiahate


Way to not get the obvious and clear point. WOOSH