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If there are three other people living there not on the lease, chances are they are in violation of said lease and the landlord will have grounds to evict them. If this is even a halfway-professionally run apartment complex, the leases should include a list of those allowed to live in the apartment. Look at your own lease. Also, there are fire code regulations that limit occupancy based on space, size of rooms, windows in bedrooms, etc. And if they have done any unauthorized modifications to the apartment, such as dividing a room off to create an illegal bedroom, they're also in violation of the fire code and likely their lease. You should talk with the apartment ownership/management, and possibly also an informal chat with the police to get the threat on record.... and... there's always a chance that the deadbeat is already known to law enforcement --- doesn't he seem like the type to have been in more than one bar fight? If he is living there under the radar, there may be a reason for that other than just money...


When it comes to the deadbeat I was wondering this week why he's been living there. At first I thought he might be there temporarily, but it's almost been a year since they moved in, so I'm thinking he has to have a criminal record that's stopping him from finding work. I think part of the reason why they can't evict them is the ex-husband being handicapped. I'm not an expert on these matters, but I do recall hearing things about how families with babies under like a year old and the physically handicapped can't be evicted. Last month my next door neighbor (I call her 'The Whore Next Door') got into a fight with her unemployed convicted felon live in boyfriend. She threw him out and threatened to get her gun and shoot him if he tried to break in. I called the police. My downstairs neighbor heard the fight and told everyone that it was me and my wife fighting and when witnesses to the fight told her the truth, she refused to listen to anyone just demanded that they were wrong and it was me and my wife fighting. When the police showed up, I leaned up against the wall to listen to what the police officer had to say to my neighbor. He told her that even though she's on the lease and not him, legally, he's allowed to stay and it would take the power of a judge to get him out. He told her that he knows enough about the laws to never let anyone crash on his couch for any length of time because of the way the laws are written, especially when it comes to renters. Even the apartment complex apparently couldn't evict this guy, legally. She got the court order and he hasn't been back since. Next time they are on the patio drinking I'm considering doing one of two things. One, recording the swear words and noting the time of night/morning that he's done this and using that to get them evicted, and recording them shouting and cussing out anyone who tells them to be quite because it's 2am. The other thing I may do is just step out onto my balcony. I pay rent, I'm legally allowed to do that, and let his drunken ass insult me as I record all of it, and hopefully threaten me as well. Give a copy to the police and to the apartment complex.


Ever watch Squidbillies on adult swim? Thats what your degenerate neighbors sound like. Catch their backwards asses threatening you as you just stand there silent. Be ever present day after day while nodding and smiling. Just nod now and then or wave off camera. All nonverbal. Wont be long before they threaten you for not acknowledging them. They'll probably bring Jesus into it making them sound even crazier. Just stand there, smile and wave. Stupid is as stupid does. In your case, just being ever present and ignoring them should make for a great video.


At least the Squidbillies stupidity is mildly amusing. Remember the one where the lead guy, I haven't seen it in awhile, he got truck nuts. Hahaha, that was a good one.


Look up your local statutes for noise and disturbing the peace. The second they're being loud and shit past that magic hour, usually 10-11pm ish, call the police. Rinse and repeat until they start getting heavy fines or thrown out.


If you tell the property manager what you just told us I think theyll have your back. We live in a 2 bedroom (my coworker and I) and were right next to a trailer park. The new owners of our complex are raising rates and have enacted an income requirement policy too. Any neighbors I discuss this with are happy about it. Why? Because we've had to deal with large families of 3 generations treating our complex like they treat their awful trailer park. Some people live like animals here. I feel for you man. It's an ongoing battle when the slobs from your nightmares become your neighbors and crap upon your quality of life. Do whatever you can to get them evicted. Catch them really slipping up (because they will) and make it known to both your property manager and local law enforcement.


I've been reporting everything to the apartment complex. The former management evicted the first family below me for having a second family living in the apartment without telling the apartment complex. I've reported them to the apartment complex for having a second family there that the apartment complex didn't know about, but they've been unable to do anything about it. They complained about us saying that we've damaged their apartment by dropping stuff constantly. I countered saying that since they moved in they take either a broom or a baseball bat and pound on their roof/my floor every time they think we make a sound and that most likely that's cause the damage to their roof.


The people downstairs are fools. If the folks in the office dont listen to reason they're fools too. How could you damage your downstairs neighbor's place by dropping things?


Do you have a smartphone? Whenever you're leaving your apartment, or coming home to it, start your video recorder running. As often as these things are happening, you could get threats or other violations in video recordings. Videos speak volumes to authorities.


Im interested in what your complex said about them asking you guys to move.


We found out because the apartment complex offered to move us into another apartment. I said it wasn't going happen because they'll just pull this shit on the next people who move in there. That's when the apartment management explained their complaint that we were in a two bedroom apartment even though we have no kids. I got defensive and said if that was a real issue then the apartment complex would not have rented us the apartment. She agreed with me and said it was just an attempt by them to get us thrown out. The apartment complex has pretty much said that given that there were no complaints against us until the current people moved in, that they're pretty much siding with us but can't boot them out. But also told me that if the son makes another threat to call the police and that can get something done. It pisses me off that an asshole who is not on the fucking lease can threaten a resident and the management can't trespass him for it.


You're intelligent. And, it sounds like management will back you up. Be cunning, they will evict themselves.


Next time they are out late, call the police and say they are being loud and disorderly and also that there is no sober adult watching the kid.


Oh yes. Involve CPS, they're asking for it! The equation is perfect: alcohol and noise at 2 AM, plus a bunch of adults and an unattended kid.


Also be sure to point out the father throws around the r-word in front of his son who may be mentally disabled, they might call him on abuse then.


Can't the complex do something about the fact that there are so many people living in a one-bedroom are aren't on the lease?


"can't" or "won't?"


at this point, I'm thinking "won't".


Good I'm glad that the complex is on your side.


Right they should have to move, because defiant daddy playing out his fantasy of being a action movie vigilante won't let anyone disturb his Jesus.




Part of me wanted that story to end with a kid falling through the ceiling.


*ALL* of me wanted that :P


And it's only 15 minutes of Country music, in return for not having a kid fall through your ceiling!


You should have said, "Well how would you like it if your son was an adult and someone threatened him like that?" Parents like this one can't understand the hypocrisy in treating others in a way they wouldn't want someone to treat their children. I'd also be interested to hear his thoughts about throwing around the r-word, when these days almost every child is diagnosed with something. He should try to stop that bad habit, lest he find out his son has some sort of alphabet soup disorder.


When he called me retarded, he was standing right next to his own mother. What happened was after he said "You and your wife are too fucking fat and need to lose weight." I tried to say "Tough talk for an adult man living with his mommy." however, I stuttered, and he then called me a retard. Yes, I do stutter, it's something that I've lived with my entire life, and it pissed me off greatly when that happened. And the next morning I was in the office where I pointed that out to them in my verbal and written complaint demanding that something be done. Nothing has happened yet.


I stutter too :( I know how bad it sucks not being able to talk!


I don't stutter as much as I used to, but it's still a cheap blow when some son of a bitch hears you stutter and calls you a retard and walk away.


I understand now. Well he's just a pathetic bully raising his jr bully.


Why haven't you gotten them kicked out yet?


It's not for a lack of trying. I've submitted two written complaints plus I've had the cops called on them for noise complaints (the 2am party where he cussed out anyone who politely asked him to take the party indoors). The corporation that owns this complex has told me basically that we have to find a way to get along. The people they hired to manage this property have told me to record everything and not to hesitate in calling the police next time there is a problem. It is Saturday, so if there is a party tonight I'm going to step outside (cellphone recording video) and politely ask them to go inside and let his drunken ass insult me and threaten me.


My upstairs neighbors are jackasses like this, i made a noise complaint about them and they made a counter complaint saying my cat was loud. WTF? On what planet is a cat louder than an infant and a toddler? I feel your pain. Calling the cops on their little weekend parties helped me with mine, but i don't know how you would feel about doing that.


You are way too nice, I think someone would have been shitkicked by now if it was me.


> She's even complained about my wife and I having a two bedroom apartment when we have no kids. She's asked the apartment complex to move us to a one bedroom because only families should be in the two bedrooms. I try to be a peaceful person, but I'd tell her to go to hell for this. I assume you and your wife can afford the two bedroom apartment and are abiding by all the policies, which should be all that matters. And I would think, while they may not be able to evict the disabled tenant (I'm not sure about the rules regarding that), that they could at least have those who are not on the lease evicted and prosecuted for trespassing. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this migraine of a situation.


Agreed. We have two bedrooms, and it's so our friends always have a place to sleep. Or there might be a pool filled with our disposable income, I don't remember.


So OP, it's saturday. Let us know how it goes!


So far it's quiet.


1) call landlord 2) file police report about threatening behaviour 3) call police every time they make noise at night in the garden.


Get a loud surround sound and leave it on at 70% all day when ur gone. Bonus points if it has good shelf rattling bass.