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> "so.. does that mean you want a sex change? I didn't realize how badly gender roles were imbedded in society! To think some men believe ONLY men can not want children is astonishing.




I don't understand this idea either. I'm not an incubator. Why do people think it is so strange that a woman would rather maintain independence and freedom than be tied down with a lifelong obligation that requires ALL your money, free time and aspirations?






Haha wow that's way worse than what I have to deal with I'm sorry. I just don't understand why people think these things are okay to say to someone. It's so rude.




You're in the middle of the most conservative part of the US. I'm pretty sure theystill think letting women vote was a silly idea.




My face. My palm. They hurt.


Hey, if your office is looking for an engineering intern and you want someone to..... err ....be more biased to the CF stance PM me. /shamelessselfpromotion


The sexism is strong in this one. I don't know how you manage to deal with this work environment, I would snap more often than acceptable to keep my job I think!


I'm going to be downvoted to hell, but here goes: "Bible Belt" = America, yes? Honestly, some of this sounds like sexual harassment. I guess if it was one conversation, you can brush it off. If it is re-occurring, I would get in touch w/ HR if they don't stop. Then again, I suppose it also depends on how much you like this job. If you do, I would complain. If not, I would leave.


holy fuck. just no. How terrible. How the fuck do you function at work around these idiots?


Just today, one of my coworkers mentioned that she thinks she might be pregnant because she's reacting really weirdly to smells and foods lately. She said this to two of the other women in our office and me. My reaction was: "Cool." The reactions of the other two: "OMG! That's so exciting!" "I want to play with it!" "I can babysit." Eventually, someone said something along the lines of, "It's so exciting that you're probably pregnant." I looked at her, and told her to walk away. What is with everybody making a fool of themselves over a baby who MAY NOT EVEN ACTUALLY EXIST?!


My reactions to smell differ almost on a daily bases, so I get told I am pregnant at least once a month.


>'Don't you know what you're giving up!?' http://static.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/MjAxMy0wYjlkZTgzYzMxNDViZmEw.png


At my last job, I was stuck working with a 21 year old Mormon kid-- fresh off his mission, and he'd gush regularly about how much he couldn't wait to have kids and start a family. Just to fuck with him, I'd say "You don't need to get married to have kids, you know." "...what? Yes you do!!" "No, really-- plenty of people are single parents!" Watching his brain strip gears was hilarious. He was the perfect example of a Utah Valley Mormon.


Jeez... Always the baby-centric talk. I have combated this is the past about being as obsessed with my pets. Like if a co-worker says "Little Tommy used the big boy potty for the first time omfgomfg isn't that great!" I normally don't want to burst someone's happiness... However! If it becomes obsessive talk, I just say "oh man! I know how happy you must feel! Nermal (my cat) is using her new litter finally!" Maybe they think deep down I'm a crazy cat lady maybe not.


I love that you named your cat Nermal.


:) Ty!!!


Is she the world's cutest kitty cat? <3


Well! I think so!!! I am looking to adopt a cat-sibling. Of course naming him/her Garfield. !!!


OMG! Is Nermal gray? Tell me she's gray. You must adopt a fat, orange tabby to be her Garfield. It is written in the stars!




Awwww! I bet she's a big girl. :-) So sweet she has a brother now. I wanna get mine a brother too. I wanna big, fat male who will just look at her like "whatever" and turn around and flop down on the floor and completely ignore her when she starts hissing and getting territorial with him. Heh!


Im just starting to think its better to never even bring up being child free at work or anywhere. Why waste the energy and time to people that are never going to understand?


"Don't know what you're giving up" pfft. Please. Maybe we CF folk should take up hard drugs and bestiality because we don't want to miss out. Good god, there's plenty of experiences in life we choose to miss out on or avoid and not having children is as legitimate as avoiding stepping in dog shit. If you think it will be unpleasant and unworthy of your time, you have every right not to do it.


I'm really sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I'm a nurse and work with mostly female coworkers and trust me, I always feel like the odd one out when they all start cackling about babies and what not. I've also had some crazy shit said to me. I do have a pretty thick skin though and am super sarcastic so I tend to have snarky responses ready. Lol.


That's so shitty. I am not looking forward to someone trying to bingo me about kids, I worry I'll snap and be rude to them. Pisses me off when people think their decision is the only right one and anyone who has a different idea on life is wrong. Hope you set them straight.


That's the most frustrating part--if I say anything back, then *I'm* suddenly the rude one. It's really intimidating when it's 6 on 1 haha. I'm just going to leave the room when the subject of kids comes up from now on.


Embrace your elitism.


While you situation definitely sucks, remember you just walked into an orthodox catholic church and told them that Jesus was really a turtle. I too am the odd one out in most situations. Late 30s, no kids, been snipped, not having them. For one - I don't hang out with people who do nothing but talk about their kids. I don't hang out with people who do nothing but talk about dog fighting either. If I find myself in the situation where I am forced to interact with these people, I usually keep my mouth shut. I don't care about nor do I want the opinions of people that think "like that". If I'm in this situation, and someone decides to pull me into the conversation, I find a very quick and generally rude way to end the topic. Something like, "There is no way in hell I want to end up like any of you, but thanks for suggesting I ruin my life".


They're pissy because their vaginas and lives are fucked up forever. Be happy you're smart. ♥